More Slices of Life

(A/N: I really like writing slice of life moments, they're fun and let's us see shinanegans!)

"Mother, can I talk to you for a moment?"

Myr looked up from the trade document she was signing.

"Of course Nox, what's on your mind?"

Nox quietly walked over and hugged Myr while burying her face in Myr's chest.

"Mother, when I was sitting at the fountain today eating your meal you made me, a creepy man came up and touched me."

Frowning, Myr asked "Do you mean like he bumped into you, or..."

Nox nodded. "He grabbed my chest and my rear. You said not to hurt anyone on the surface so I didn't, but it felt gross."

Hugging Nox, Myr looked her in the eyes.

"Nox, I promise that the one who did this to you is going to pay. Think of what he looks like for me quick.

With Nox thinking of what the man looked like, Myr closed her eyes and accessed Nox's recent memories. Seeing the man in question, Myr realizes that it's the same man who pulled her tail.

Now pissed off, Myr hugs Nox one more time before she scans Orario and finds the mana signature of the pervert and teleports to him, only to see him and a few other goons harassing a couple of cat girls.

Seeing this made Myr more than a little upset, so she quickly blinked over and knocked all but the pervert out.

Seeing Myr, the cat girls quickly ran over and hugged her, with one saying "Myr-sama! Thank goodness you're here nya! These bad men wanted us to sleep with them or they said they would hurt our families nya!"

Hugging the two cat girls, Myr fires off a pink flare into the sky that lets Chloe, Tenshi, Nox, and Team Neko that an "extraction" is to be made.

Not even a second later, Chloe appears next to the girls, nods at Myr, then teleports away.

Looking at the pervert, Myr snaps her fingers and binds him, gagging him to prevent him from biting his tongue off.

Taking out a desert eagle, Myr crouches down and says to him in a soft voice, "So, you like blackmailing girls and touching them huh. Well, let's make sure this doesn't happen again."

Taking aim, Myr shoots him once in each hand, then forearm, then takes aim and shoots him in the crotch, causing him to immediately pass out from the pain.

She ended up doing this to all of the men involved. She made sure none of them died, as she wanted them to live knowing that they'll never be able to have children or relieve their stress in such a way.

Teleporting away, Myr goes back to Nox in her mansion and hugs her once more. Looking her in the eyes, Myr nodded once.

"The men who touched you aren't going to be bothering anyone else any time soon. I'm sorry you had to go through that Nox. In the future, if anyone touches you anywhere you don't want to be touched, then you can hurt them, and if they try to force themselves on you, then kill them."

Nox nodded and hugged Myr until she fell asleep. Lifting her up in a princess carry, Myr went to Nox's bedroom and tucked her in, slowly stroking Nox's hair. Once she heard the rhythmic breathing of Nox, Myr got up and walked to the the Ganesha Familia home.

Knocking on the door, Ganesha himself opened it and when he saw Myr, he laughed, loud.


Smiling, Myr nodded her head. "Good to see you too Ganesha. Say, I have a question about the Monster Feria coming up."

This made Ganesha perk up. "Of course, what do you want to know about it?"

Myr smirked. "I have access to a creature that will probably make your lives as tamers a lot easier. I'll show you it."

Using her Outer Energy, Myr summons a creature that's as small as a Yorke that was quadrupedal, with the body of a lizard and a head that looks like an octopus.

As soon as it saw Ganesha, it made a weird noise that sounded like "objbjbj" and leapt into Ganesha's arms and began to lick his face, causing him to laugh.

"This little fellow certainly is interesting, but how would he help us?"

Myr smirked again and gestured for him to wait.

"This little guy can passively tell how easy it would be to tame a monster, and what sort of risks a monster poses. He'll also alert you of any hidden dangers, like traps, dangerously strong monsters, and even sniff out poisons and toxins. He can also track just about anything, including inanimate objects. You don't even need to feed him as he'll go forever without food if he needs to. I call this type of creature an "Outer Tracker".

Ganesha beamed at Myr, put the Trackers on his shoulder, and abruptly picked Myr up in a hug.

"Ahh, thank you Myr! You have my thanks, for I, AM, GANESH-BLUGH!"

Myr was suddenly let down as she saw Shakti with her leg still out after kicking Ganesha in the ribs. Turning towards Myr, Shakti gave her an apologetic smile.

"Sorry about that Myr-sama. Ganesha-sama can get excited when he sees a new type of tamable monster. I do hope you can forgive him."

Chuckling, Myr pats Shakti's shoulders and said "No harm done Shakti, I was just a little startled is all. If it were any other god though, I'd have killed them."

Leaning in towards Shakti's ears, Myr whispered "He's a great god, and wonderful at what he does, but I know he's not the brightest. Rest assured, I'm not offended."

Shakti nods to Myr and picks up the Tracker, which then crawls up onto Shakti's chest and falls asleep, curled up in a little ball.

Contrary to what Myr thought would happen, Shakti simply just smiled and started to pet the Tracker, which caused it to "purr" in a sense and curl into a tighter ball.

She then dragged the still awake Ganesha back indoors, all while Ganesha was waving and beaming at Myr until the door closed.

Sighing with a smile on her face, Myr made her way down to the Hostess of Fertility.


"Welcome again Myr nya~!"

Anya the ever cheerful waitress has taken up Chloe's role as the cat girl waitress of the pub, which she didn't mind one bit.

Myr smiled warmly and hugged Anya, much to her surprise, and walked on in.

Sitting down at her usual table, Myr hears a commotion, looks over, and sees Ais holding Bell's hand, much to the chagrin of Lefiya.

Bete looked ticked off at the rosy pink atmosphere around Bell and Ais, while Tiona was pestering them both and asking them to kiss. Tione was sitting down next to Finn, and Gareth and Riveria were watching the entire event happen, as was Loki.

Myr chuckled and decided to play a little prank on her mom.

Cloaking herself in her Void Divinity, Myr silently walked over to where Loki was sitting and took out a small wooden box, where when you opened it, a fake spider attached to a lever would spring out.

Dropping the box into Loki's lap, Loki was startled for a moment and looked around. Seeing nobody around, Loki just shrugged her shoulders and opened the box full force.


Loki screamed and whipped the box in a random direction, which just so happened to be Bell's forehead.


"Ouch! Loki-sama, what did I do wrong?!" Bell asked with a red mark on his forehead.

All of a sudden, everyone could hear and then see Myr laughing while clutching her stomach.

"NYAHAHAHA! Ah that was great! Sup Mom, sup fam! How you all doing~?"

Loki, visibly ticked, slowly stood up, and with speeds that shouldn't be possible, blinked over to Myr and pulled both of her cheeks.

"For fucks sake Myr, you know how much I hate spiders! I'm fine if you do almost anything else, but no spiders! Am I clear young lady?!"

"Yeth, vewy cwear mowver." (A/N: "Yes, very clear mother.")

Loki let go of Myr's cheeks and huffed, leaving a laughing Familia and a stunned Bell looking at everything.

Turning to look at Ais, Bell was surprised to see her actually giggling. Bell decided to bite the bullet and ask what was on his mind.

"Ais-san, why can Loki-sama pinch Myr's cheeks like that if Myr is stronger than her?"

Looking back at Bell while still smiling, Ais told Bell, "Bell. Myr is Loki-sama's adoptive daughter. Since Myr didn't have parents she could call her own, Loki adopted her. Myr also likes pranks."

Bell was shocked that the impossibly strong Myr he had heard about started from such a level and rose to what she is now.

Looking at Myr who was laughing with Loki and the others, Bell gulped his saliva and turned towards Ais.

"Ais-san, would you... would you like to come with me to the Monster Feria?"

It just so happened that everyone was waiting to see if Bell asked Ais out on a pseudo date or if he would chicken out.

Loki howled with laughter. "HAHAHAHA! MYR, DRINK UP, YOU LOST! HAHAHAHA!"

The others laughed while Myr pouted. Sighing, Myr looked at the mug of alcohol and took a sip, and nearly choked.

"*cough cough* How the hell do you people like this stuff? It's like drinking bitter and sour water!"

This earns quite a few laughs while Myr downs the entire mug.

Feeling something strange, Myr tries standing up, but falls over and collapses on the floor.

Sitting up, Myr looks around with a very flushed face and slurs "Well, it looookss as if sha little rabbit grew a pair an' ashked Ais out on a date. Well done little rabbit *hic* glad you went for it."

Giggling to herself, Myr stood up with the help from the closest chair, which happened to be Bete's. Seeing Bete's head, Myr suddenly reaches out and pets Bete's head, while muttering "Ish Bete, floofy head."

Sighing amidst everyone's laughs, Bete picks Myr up like a sack of potatoes and sits her on a chair.

Noticing Bete's blush, Tiona nudges him on his ribcage and cheekily asked "Ohhh, so does our mean and fierce Bete like being pet~?"

Bete looks genuinely offended and stammers "W-What!? Hell no! I just didn't expect Myr to rub my head like that!"

Tiona then narrows her eyes and laughs. "Oh, you SO do to like it!"

Bete grumbles and downs the rest of his mug in one pull.

Myr giggled when she saw the pouting Bete and then went over to Loki, who was more than a little amused.

Once in front of her, Myr hugged Loki and then went to Riveria and slurred "You're loookin' good fur 99 years old Aunt Riveria, how do you take care of yer skin so well?"

Riveria sighs and pats Myr on the head while saying "Myr, you need to rest, alcohol clearly isn't good for you."

Giggling some more, Chloe was about to go up to Finn when Chloe suddenly teleported next to Myr, and with a raised eyebrow, asked "So which one of you got Myr drunk? Though she looks cute like this, I'll now have to make her rest. *sigh* Sorry my love, but it's for the best."

Chopping the back of Myr's neck, Myr instantly fell asleep, and would've fallen to the floor if Chloe didn't catch her.

Looking at everyone, Chloe nods her head and said "Thank you." before teleporting to their room in Myr's mansion.


"Urgh, my head hurts..."

Myr sat up to find Chloe right next to her, staring into her eyes.

Myr looks away and asked "I'm in trouble, aren't I?"

Chloe nods her head and flicks Myr's forehead gently.

"Why didn't you have me around? You've never been drunk before, have you?"

Myr shakes her head. "No, I haven't been drunk before. I don't remember anything at all. All I remember is drinking the horrible tasting alcohol."

Chloe sighed. Hugging Myr, Chloe whispered "Myr, it's really easy to tell when you're lying. Now tell me, have you ever gotten drunk before?"

Myr starts to tear up. "Yes, I have, plenty of times in my old life. When the people did horrible things to me, they'd either drug me or force feed me alcohol so I wouldn't be able to struggle as much. I... I don't like alcohol for that reason. Chloe, I don't want to drink again."

By now, tears were falling down Myr's face as she silently cried in Chloe's embrace.

Chloe was heartbroken to see Myr like this. Looking up at the ceiling, Chloe silently thought 'If Myr ever takes us back to where her old world is, I swear upon my name, honor, and in the names of the ones above, I'll slaughter everyone who hurt her. I'll make it rain their blood if it helps give Myr closure. Nobody will ever dare hurt her like this again. This I vow.'

Outside, storm clouds gathered and formed a vortex above their room. All of a sudden, a golden light flew into Chloe's glabella as she hears a feminine voice in her head.

"We have heard your vow. It comes from the heart, and so, we will bless you in your path to avenge your wife. So long as you love her, we bless you to live a happy life. Go child, and bring her back from her misery."

Chloe suddenly felt a warm sensation spreading throughout her body, as Myr looked up and saw Chloe emitting a gold, purple, and black aura.

Recognizing what was happening, Myr worriedly asked her trusty partner.

'Systi, Chloe is ascending to godhood. She'll be okay, right?'

{Let me do a quick analysis... a little more... got it! Her divinities are Space, Moon, and Sex. A pretty damn powerful set during the night, if you know what I mean, hehe~}

Myr felt overwhelming joy, but knew to hold herself back. Once the aura subsided, Chloe looked at Myr who was gazing at her in joy, and to Myr's surprise, began kissing her.

For some reason, Chloe's kisses tasted much sweeter, and almost intoxicating. Myr wanted to keep kissing Chloe, as their tongues collided and saliva swapped.

Suddenly, Chloe pulled away, snapping Myr out of her trance-like state, causing her to blush.

"That was.. amazing Chloe. Can we do some more tonight when the kids are in bed?"

Chloe grinned at Myr with a coy look in her eyes. "Sure, I'd be more than happy to. After all, now we're both goddesses. We have all the time in the world, and maybe even more."

Myr smiled and gave a curt nod of her head, and proceeded to rest her head on Chloe's lap and fall asleep.


"Loki-sama, is Myr going to be okay?" Bell asked with a worried face.

Loki giggled, glanced at Bell and said "If she ended up not being okay at the very least, I'd kill myself and never come back down to the mortal realm due to shame. Remember kid, she's my daughter. Plus, she has an amazing wife, who, if my judgment is correct based on the sharp increase in divine energy, is now a goddess as well."

As soon as Loki finished saying that, Tenshi came crashing through the window.

Getting up and wiping the dust and broken glass off of her clothes, Tenshi shook her fist at the sky.

"Nox! That wasn't fair, you know I can't fly well!"

Nox came floating down and scratched the back of her head in embarrassment.

"Sorry big sis, I didn't mean to.."

Tenshi sighed. "It's fine, but now you have to come get some food with me from Aunt Mia."

Looking around, Tenshi noticed the looks everyone was giving her.

Spotting Loki, Tenshi ran up and hugged her. "Grandma Loki! Sorry about the window. It's just that Mom told me I should learn how to fly from Nox, and Nox accidentally threw me too hard from the top of the tower."

Bursting out laughing, Loki patted Tenshi's head while saying "Don't worry about it Tenshi, it's just a window. Besides, it's good you're spending time with your sister. It's good for you."

Smiling, Tenshi dragged Nox away to go to the Hostess of Fertility, as Loki and Bell watched them leave.

Turning towards Loki, Bell asked with a confused expression, "Is Myr's whole Familia like this?"

Loki chuckled. "You have no idea kid, you have no idea."