Another Slice of Life

(A/N: Sorry about the lack of chapters for two days, I was busy with moving into my very first house, so I couldn't really make time to write.)

Myr woke up on the couch after a long nap. Chloe once again banned Myr from going into the dungeon on the premise that she needed her rest after remodeling an entire realm.

As such, Myr got up, got dressed in her usual attire, and headed over to Freya's place.

Knocking on the front doors, Freya herself came and greeted Myr with a warm smile.

"Well hello there Myr, how can I help you today?"

Myr grinned and said "I'm just wondering what level Ottar is right now. After all, once he reaches level 9, he can come visit my personal realm. There's a few bonuses as well, like being able to buy items that can't be found here."

Freya raised her left eyebrow. "Well, right now Ottar is at peak level 7. I heard you added several hundred floors to the dungeon, so it should be fairly easy for him to reach level 9. I'm curious though, what kind of items can you get over in your realm?"

Myr smirked in response. "Take this storage ring, it had a bunch of clothes that I myself designed. There's a set of clothes for everyone of your heavy hitters in your Familia, and they're also labled. I also have a dress for you in there, along with some snacks I think you'll enjoy. Consider this a teaser for what's in store for anyone who hits level 9 and 10."

Freya widened her eyes, and with a smile, asked "Well then, I have to wonder, how do you get all of these spatial rings? Before you came along, items of this caliber could go for well over a billion Valis. How do you do it?"

Myr gave her a shit eating grin and replied "It's simple. I make them" before teleporting out, leaving Freya with a small smile on her face, and shaking her head, she heads inside to distribute the items and feast on the snacks.


Myr then teleported into Hestia's mansion, and found both Bell and Hestia taking a nap on the couch.

Smirking, Myr makes a gong and flicks it with her finger, causing a low pitched ringing sound which woke both of them up.

Hestia sees Myr and smiles, and runs up to her and hugs her.

"Welcome Myr! What brings you here?" Hestia asked cheerfully.

Myr chuckles and holds up 5 rings.

"These are spatial storage rings. 4 of them contain food, spices, cookware, and utensils. The last one has a couple billion Valis in it to help you until you get on your feet. Besides, I have no doubt you're going to need the money someday.

There's a bunch of snacks in the first storage ring, so feel free to dig-"

Myr didn't even get to finish before Hestia snatched the rings out of Myr's hand, grabs the one with snacks in it, and brings out a bag of crisps.

Opening the bag, Hestia was immediately in love with the crisps, which tasted like backyard barbecue.

Chuckling, Myr rubs the top of Hestia's head and walks over to Bell, who was now wide awake.

Seeing her walking towards him, Bell shoots up and bows. "I-It's a pleasure to see you here, Myr-sama!"

Sighing, Myr gently flicks Bell on the forehead.

"Bell, enough with the honorifics. I don't care about them whatsoever. and quite frankly, they annoy me. So just call me Myr, or aunt Myr if you want, just drop the honorifics."

With wide eyes, Bell bows again, causing Myr to sigh again.

"I promise to drop the honorifics, Aunt Myr!"

Smiling, Myr ruffles Bell's hair, even though he was a good bit taller than she was.

Walking to the door, Myr turns around and gazes at Bell straight in his eyes. "I'm expecting amazing things from you, Little Rabbit." With a wave of her hand, Myr was gone, leaving Bell questioning if Myr was as cruel as his grandfather made her out to be. Shaking his head, Bell decided to trust Myr, as she's only ever helped out him and his goddess, never once did she even threaten them.


Teleporting to Hephaestus' workshop, Myr knocks on the door and waits for someone to answer, which didn't take long.

Tsubaki opened the door, and when she saw Myr, she quickly smiled and waved.

"Yo! Been a while hasn't it? You here to drop off some more stuff for us to work with?"

Smiling warmly, Myr nodded. "You know me so well Tsubaki. Yeah, I have some metal that I think Hephaestus is going to have a field day with. It's from the deep abyssal floors. I call it "Shadow Carapace". It basically absorbs the shadows of non-sentient things and directly heals it's user and repairs the weapon or armor it's shaped as. It's a much needed metal for the abyssal floors, as there's shadow monsters all over the place."

Widening her eyes, Tsubaki eagerly asked "So do you have some I can work with?"

Myr chuckled a bit before pulling out an ingot of Shadow Carapace and tossing it to Tsubaki, who looked like she got a Christmas gift early, not that anyone besides Myr knew what Christmas was.

Myr then went and knocked on Hephaestus' workshop door and soon enough, a very sweaty and barely covered Hephaestus opened the door. Seeing it was Myr, Hephaestus smiled and said "Well hello again Myr, you got some more metals for me?"

Nodding her head, Myr explained and talked about the Shadow Carapace ingots that she got from the monster rex of the deep abyssal floors, including that what she had currently was the only ingots on the planet.

That prospect got Hephaestus excited, and as soon as the business transaction was complete, Myr and Hephaestus happily went their own way, one to go work with the metal she got, and one to go and pop in at the Hostess of Fertility.


Down in the dungeon...

"Alright girls, this is the 199th floor! Get ready for a fight! Remember, no transformations!"

A moment later, Chloe, Nox, Tenshi, and Team Neko all heard a cacophony of screeches and grumbles, and then the first wave started. What could only br described as a horde of Shadow Puppets (think of flying and running, child sized Billy Dolls and you get what they look like) charged while screeching.

Tenshi was going the pugilist route and had custom made knuckle duster gloves that were constructed out of nanomachines. She also had custom made boots that helped her kick things into paste.

Nox went the route of a mage/assassin combo. She could wield magic as easily as slipping a knife in your ribs.

Myr fashioned a matching set of hidden blades that she could call out when she flicked her wrists once, and as soon as she wanted to retract them, she could just flick her wrists again to recall them. She was also given a magic storage device/grimoire that allowed her to store and access any type of spell she came up with and store an abundance of mana.

Tenshi kicked off the ground to create a crater in the bedrock and proceeded to build momentum by kicking off the walls, ceiling, and floor, causing her to appear as a blur, when suddenly, she kicked off the ceiling and, after curling into a ball and rotating a few times, stomped the ground, causing the area in front of her to buckle at first, then explode outwards as either giant spikes of bedrock, or as shrapnel that reached Mach 6 in speeds. Needless to say, Tenshi's enemies didn't stand a chance.

After her custom skill [Tenshi Breaker], Tenshi sprinted into the oncoming wave and proceeded to punch, kick, and pound her enemies to dust.

Nox on the other hand, used her magic first to conjure up a ghastly feeling black flame, and proceeded to hurl the ball of flame into the middle of the oncoming wave. Once it detonated, a miniature black hole was created and began to suck the monster in towards it.

After 10 seconds had passed, Nox's attack, simply named [Flame Crusher], exploded outwards in a ring that turned anything it touched into ash.

She then converted her grimoire back into a necklace as she flicked her wrists and her hidden blades snapped out.

Due to her monstrously high agility stat, it was slightly tricky for even Chloe to keep up with her movements, though to anyone else besides Chloe, Myr, Tenshi, and Team Neko, it would appear as if Nox had vanished into thin air with how quick she darting around the floor killing monsters.

Her blades were also imbued with the laws of severing, rot, poison, and death, making them extremely lethal to even gods and goddesses like Ourania, who were considered to be the strongest gods besides Myr.

Even a tiny wound the size of a pin head was enough to kill almost anything, so with the size cuts Nox was giving the monsters, they turned to dust almost immediately.

It's to be noted that Team Neko was also gaining stats at a rapid pace, and even leveled up with their attacks they got in. Since they're not recognized as entities by the dungeon, Team Neko could attack with impunity without worrying about being attacked themselves.

So far, Coconut had the most kills, with a respectable 130, with Azuki being not far behind with 117. Chocola and Vanilla both had 45, but that was mainly due to them working jointly together, and their stats not being as high as their sisters' were.

Maple had 89 kills while Cinnamon surprisingly had 101 kills as well.

After a miniscule 6 minutes went by, the first wave was over. Taking a small break for some water and to let Chloe use a charm to clean them of monster gore, they all felt a rumbling that signified that the second wave was inbound.

"Alright girls, second wave is coming! I want this wave done in 8 minutes or less, got it?"

"""Got it!"""


Myr walked into the Hostess of Fertility and was greeted by sight of a pissed off Mama Mia.

Rarely seeing Mama Mia like this, Myr became quite worried to say the least.

"Mama Mia, what's wrong? Why does it look like you want to kill someone?"

Mama Mia looked over and when she heard and saw Myr, she relaxed a little.

"Sorry you had to see me like that Myr, it's just that I've been receiving letters that keep asking for me to ban you from my pub, which ain't gonna happen. I'm gonna wring the neck of whoever is sending these bullshit letters if I catch them."

Nodding her head, Myr walked up to the counter, and without her having to say anything, Mama Mia served up a mug of Myr's favorite juice, which Myr happily accepted.

After taking a few sips, Myr decided to break some news for Mama Mia.

Looking up at her, Myr said "You know Mama Mia, if you want, I could give you your youth back. I can reverse any negative changes in your body and make it so you have your maiden body back, all while keeping the same strength and stats."

With a look of shock on her face, Mama Mia then began to laugh, confusing Myr.

Seeing the look on Myr's face, Mama Mia shook her head and smiled.

"Myr, you'll never fail to amaze me. I appreciate the offer, but I'll have to decline. I'm fine with who I am right now, and I don't want to change that. If you had a way for me to lose some of this fat though, then I'd take you up on that offer."

Nodding her head, Myr took a pill out of her inventory and handed it to Mama Mia while saying "This right here is a one of a kind pill. I call it the "Sculptor's Pill". It basically just erases all of your unneeded fat, strengthens your muscles, and completely heals any underlying health conditions while giving you a boost of energy and mana absorption. You don't have to worry about becoming flat either, because as the name entails, it'll sculpt your body into what you consider to be a prime form for you. I only have a handful of these, and normally I'd sell them for around 300,000,000 Valis, but because I like you, your pub, and your staff, I'm giving it to you for free."

Mama Mia looked shocked beyond belief before smiling, clutching the pill, and thanking Myr as she put it in a little case and then in her pocket.

"Oi! Get some fish out here for Myr!" Mama Mia shouted while winking at Myr, causing said cat girl to giggle while sipping more of her juice.


Walking back to the Guild office, Chloe, Tenshi, Nox, and Team Neko all walked up to the desk to exchange some items for Valis.

Seeing the group walk up to the office, one guild employee burst into tears and ran out of office and into the building.

Seeing this, Chloe snorted while the girls giggled about it.

Chocola then piped up. "Good job sisters! He was so happy to see us he started to cry in joy!"

Chloe, who was drinking some tea at the time that she had pulled out of her storage space, choked and spit out the tea at Chocola's cheerful but wrong thinking.

She burst out laughing while she patted Chocola's head and saying "Oh my sweet Chocola, he wasn't happy to see us, but sad because we give them many headaches with how much stuff we bring in ti exchange."

Azuki made a snorting sound. "The crybaby should be happy to have a job at the very least. No point in getting paid if you're not gonna do the work."

Coconut then chimed in. "Azuki, I don't think he wasn't going to work, I think he was just sad that he had to serve the people who cause them headaches, like Momma Chloe said."

Chloe nodded her head right before Eina came out with the crying guild employee right behind her.

Seeing the reason why her co-worker was crying, Eina just sighed, slapped him on the back of the head, and said "Sorry for the rude response. Are you here to exchange some drops or are you here to bully Ourano- erm, Ourania again?"

Chocola made a "hmm" and then asked cheerfully "Can we do both?" which caused everyone, even Eina to laugh.