
(WARNING! This chapter contains a LOT of info about the workings of Nekopara, the renamed Outer Realm that now solely belonged to Myr. You've been warned!)

"Chloe, I need to work on my realm now, I've been neglecting it for quite some time already." Myr said while getting dressed.

Chloe yawned and kissed Myr. Smiling, Chloe just let out a "Mn" before falling back asleep, holding the pillow Myr used close to her face.

Myr chuckled and went down to where the basement would be. First, she set up 50 layers of blast doors not unlike the ones you'd find in a star destroyer, except much, MUCH more durable. She then added 5 times as many turrets, automated casters, and traps in between each set of blast doors, with hidden passages that allowed her soon to be personal clockwork army to flood in and deal with anyone who managed to get past a set of blast doors.

Each set of blast doors required Myr to be at most 3 feet away from them and give a mental password for each door.

Then came the fun part of what Myr called the "No Man's Land", which was a giant area 4km by 10km that had millions of different traps, turrets, artillery, drones, casters, and even curses, most of which were lethal.

Some of her largest turrets included an upgraded version of the GAU Avenger 30mm auto cannon, which spit out 500 rounds a second, no cooling needed, and infinite ammunition. There were a dozen 12 inch tri-cannons that fired APCR shells, 40 of her very own 40mm HE grenade auto cannons, sporting 8 barrels and boasting a monstrous 20 grenades per second. Her most prized defenses though, were her 4 automated 800mm rail guns. Firing an 800mm round which was essentially a slug in the shape of a HEAT round, at speeds clocking in at Mach 30, the sheer power of them required the guns to be linked to her own energy signature to supply the massive cannons with energy.

The traps included bouncing bettys, garret wire, HE mines, curses, explosive spell circles, carnivorous plants, clockwork slicers, which were basically rocks that lashed out with tens of razor thin wires in a 3 meter radius, slicing anything stupid enough to step on them.

Finally, at the end of No Man's Land, were the giant double doors that were plain except for a single cat's paw symbol on each door.

On the side of the door was a biometric scanner that required Myr to run her 6 main divinities at all the same time, through the scanner, thus opening the giant set of double doors.

Concentrating the power of the Outer Realm, Myr created a massive portal that would teleport whoever walked inside to the front gates that lead to where the city will be erected.

Once finished, the portal itself swirled a blend of black, purple, green, and blue colors, while looking like the serene surface of a still lake.

Walking through it, Myr was indeed teleported to the front gates that led to the current habitable part of the realm.

Using her clockwork nanomachines, Myr erected a massive wall surrounding the zone, and built billions of cannons, artillery, casters, and other defenses.

Next came the wards. Using her mana, cursed energy, ki, aura, and her main divinities, minus the cooking one, she slammed her right hand down onto the ground and millions upon millions of wards, enchantments, shield, and dampeners, among other overkill protective measures, sprung up and surrounded the entire zone, making it nearly impossible for any Outer Being to reach the soon to be city.

She then snapped her fingers and felt a little lightheaded for a moment, mainly because what could only be described as a planetary mass of nanomachines surged out and instantly became buildings, shopping centers, malls, houses, skyscrapers, railway systems, roads, everything needed to make it look like a futuristic metropolis.

In the center of it all was the main castle that dwarfed the entire city.

Snapping her fingers again, Myr's nanomachines flooded the entire castle and re-arranged it to fit her tastes, making it even more grand than the inside of her mansion.

She made barracks, a bunch of underground laboratories, multitudes of rooms for guests, and many rooms her for current and future children, and the largest and most grand room was for Myr and Chloe.

Within the castle, there was also a massive kitchen area, dining room, Myr's personal lab, armory, garage, and workshop for the various different machines that Myr was going to create.

Clapping her hands twice, a miniature army of WaiterBots, clockwork soldiers, guards, maintenance droids, and clockwork staff appeared, and they all bowed to Myr once and went to their stations.

She also set up many internal defenses, and even included anti-rape and anti-drugging wards that would automatically stun and paralyze anyone who tried to do either of these acts and mark them with a symbol that was just an X inside of an O.

Myr then set up many different items in the hundreds of thousands of shops and malls, including name brand products from her previous world.

Food was in an unlimited supply, though different places sold different types of food, some cheaper, and some very expensive.

The next order of business was money. The system Myr set up was similar to a coin system, where it would all be electronic. She set the actual cards themselves to be soul bound to the user, meaning people could call their cards back to them if they lose them.

The monetary system was as followed:

1 Copper: lowest amount.

1 Silver: worth 100 Copper.

1 Gold: worth 100 Silver.

1 White Silver: worth 100 Gold.

1 Shining Gold: worth 100 White Silver.

1 Platinum: worth 100 Shining Gold.

1 Black Diamond: worth 100 Platinum.

Newcomers would receive 10 Shining Gold upon arrival, and could take bounties to earn more. The bounty system rewarded brave adventurers for hunting various Outer Realm beasts. They would be given 1 life saving talisman each, and would be deployed from the northern most barrier.

It's to be noted that people could also exchange Valis for Myr's realm's currency, with 1 Vali being worth 1 Silver.

The card itself looked a lot like a credit card, except it was white with a symbol that was a cat's paw with 2 interlocking cogs in the center of the paw, colored as a glossy black with purple hues.

Myr and her family, however, held obsidian black cards with the same symbol, except the color of the symbols was gold. These cards had an unlimited amount of money, and to prevent inflation, all of the money circulated from and through the castle itself, and because all of the workers were made by Myr, they didn't need nor want money.

The enchantments on all of the cards served a variety of purposes, such as soul scanning which would prevent a person from using another person's card without prior consent, a soul binding enchantment, anti-counterfeit enchantments which prevented fake cards from being used, direct transfer enchantments which would allow people to transfer money by consenting to the transfer and holding their cards together for 5 seconds, anti-compulsion/duress enchantments which prevented people from stealing money in a transfer due to any outside pressure or threats, and a tracking function which would only be activated while inside the realm and while outside of the city, which will hopefully increase the chances of lost adventurers coming home alive.

The transportation involved many transit systems such as cars, busses, trains, and teleportation nodes.

The wall itself was semi-sentient as in it knew when and where to expand, and automatically killed any Outer Creature that came too close to the walls if they made it past the aforementioned protective layers.

Myr then created her personal clockwork army, complete with autonomous fighter jets, bombers, tanks, APC's, destroyers, space fleets, boats, drones, carriers, medical vehicles, and soldiers. The soldiers themselves had their own personalities, though were programmed to un-hesitantly obey Myr's commands. They ranged from medics, to marksmen, grunts, heavily armed infantry, assassins, engineers, hackers, and even generals. There were also types such as rangers, special forces, and even an elite black ops unit that Myr herself would personally command.

Every single soldier wore a full suit of futuristic armor with a full helmet and face shield, yet underneath, their bodies and faces looked exactly like a human's would. Myr even created them with working reproductive organs in case they wanted to start a family.

Overall, Myr's clockwork army had 100,000,000 humanoid soldiers of all types and classes, 1 space faring mothership, 50 heavy space destroyers, 50 heavy cruisers, 300,000 space carriers, 200 light cruisers, 30,000,000 autonomous space fighters/bombers/scouts, 200 normal aircraft carriers, 400 normal destroyers, 500 battleships, 1,000 normal scouting boats, and her non-space faring drones numbered exactly 1,000,000,000 strong, which included tanks, armored cars/trucks, fighter jets, bombers, APC's, war hounds, mini-tanks, marauder class quadcopters, living arsenal gunships (think of the giant alien ship from the movie "Battleship" and that's exactly what they look like), normal gunships like the AC-130, helicopters, and even razorbacks that Myr based off the game "The Division 2", which essentially created thousands of attack drones that completely dissolved when the razorback is deactivated.

They were all armored so well that even Chloe would have a hard time destroying one drone, never mind Myr's whole army. The weapons all had unlimited ammunition due to Myr using a combination of her Clockwork Divinity, Space Divinity, and Time Divinity. She also added a rapid self repair function to each and every one of her drones and soldiers, along with her spacecraft.

They would all be housed in either Myr's realm within a sub-section of the castle, or a pocket realm that Myr had created just for the purpose of keeping a large portion of her land, water, and air based army.

Maintenance was easy in the fact that the drones and soldiers all followed a similar protocol called "self cleaning", which would basically restore any paint lost or chipped, and cleaned all of the dirt and grime that may have been gathered during a fight or mission.

Once she was done with that, Myr then decided to create a bunch of weapons for herself, whether they be from anime, manga, tv shows, movies, or books, just so she could have whatever she needed to kill whatever needed killing.

She created swords of all kinds, bows, crossbows, guns, knives, wires that were controlled by gauntlets or gloves, explosives, non-sentient seeker mines, grenades, and any other weapon imaginable.

Armor was another group of items she created, and the colors varied depending on what she wanted for which piece of armor, with the option to change the color scheme to for whatever scenario that she might come across.

Other gear and equipment like shovels, trench tools, maneuver gear, fire starting kits, canteens, camping supplies, and whatever else Myr thought she might need at some point.

After storing her new "toys" in her inventory, Myr then sat down at the front gate and just admired her handy work for a good 10 minutes before getting up and heading back through the portal, which would immediately take anyone besides Myr back to the outside of her mansion gates back in Orario.

Teleporting back into her bedroom, Myr looked at the clock and saw that she had been gone 10 hours, which considering all that she did, was impossibly impressive.

Chloe walked into the room just as Myr was changing into her nightgown, scooped Myr up in a princess carry, and snuggled up with her on their bed, all while rubbing and petting Myr's ears, stomach, and back.

Breathing in Chloe's scent, Myr snuggled closer to Chloe, who also changed her outfit into a similar nightgown.

Chloe looked at Myr in the eyes and asked "So what did my lovely little wife do over in Nekopara?"

Myr happily smiled and purred a bit before answering.

"I basically created an absolutely massive metropolis with all the functions of a normal city, except a lot more advanced. I also created my own personal army and vehicles. Our castle in the middle of the city is even larger than our mansion by a thousand fold. It was really exhausting, and I'm super tired right now."

Chloe kissed Myr and quietly said "I bet you are. Luckily, I came back in time to help you relax and de-stress."

Nodding, Myr hugged Chloe a little more firm and said "Chloe, when the time comes, and I feel ready, I want to let you know that I have a way for us to have biological children, and that I'm willing to be the one who carries them in me..."

Chloe's eyes widen while a shocked expression briefly appeared on her face, which was quickly replaced by a sharp smile while her two eyes turned into crescents with a predatory gleam in them.

"I'll definitely look forward to that day my love. If you'll allow me, I'll still make love to you just the same. After all, if I couldn't please you like that, then what sort of wife would I be?"

Myr's face reddened as she nestled her head into Chloe's chest, which caused Chloe to chuckle and stroke the back of Myr's head.

Soon, the two cat girls could be seen fast asleep in eachother's embrace.


The next morning...

"*yawn* Myr, Myr, it's time to wake up, Loki, her Familia, and the whole crew at the Hostess of Fertility are coming over for breakfast, let's go!"

Chloe's words instantly snapped Myr awake as she yawned, leisurely got dressed, and went down to cook breakfast.

Team Neko, Tenshi, and Nox were already down near the kitchen to smell the food Myr was about to make.

A couple hours later, the last batch of food was done being cooked, right as Loki and her Familia came in through the door, with the staff of the Hostess of Fertility came in close behind.

After greeting everyone, Myr got to serving the food, which sent everyone onto cloud 9 with how good it was.

Loki suddenly asked "So Myr, what'cha been up to recently?" only for Myr to show a shit eating grin on her face as she began to tell everyone about her realm.