Dungeon and Dragons

(Bonus chapter)

"*Yawn* Chloe, Chloe! It's time to grind! I want to give the guild an extra big headache today!"

Myr excitedly gets up and gets dressed and heads downstairs, and Chloe isn't far behind.

Soon, Tenshi teleports next to the two cat girls and hugs them both while asking "Mom, Mommy, can I come with you today? I think I'm strong enough to make it past the 250th floor!"

Myr rubs Tenshi's head and replied "Sure, you can tag along Tenshi, the more the merrier!"

Tenshi giggles and looks up at Myr. "Mom, you seem really excited today, why's that?"

Chloe smirked and said "That's because Myr is going to give the guild an extra big headache today. She's going to bully the old hag Ourania and his staff!"

Tenshi fist pumped the air. "Yay! We get to bully the old hag!"

If Ourania were to hear this conversation, she'd cough out blood at the sheer "disrespect" that was aimed towards her, not that anyone present would care.

Snapping her fingers, Myr teleports everyone to the 58th floor for fun and as soon as they appear, they're locked onto by over 300 fire dragons. What happened next was quite comical.

Once one dragon spotted Tenshi, it roared and tripped over itself trying to run away. The rest of the dragons followed suit, only to be stuck because too many were trying to run away at the same time.

Myr looked at Tenshi with a smirk and asked "Tenshi, what the hell did you do to them that they're now programmed by the dungeon to instinctively fear you?"

Tenshi just tilted her head and placed a finger near her lips. "Um, well I remember eating a bunch of dragons one by one while I used some magic to hold the rest down in place. After that, I tried seeing what the insides of the dragons looked like by cutting them open, but they just turned into mana again. I DO remember getting mad and tearing the limbs off of one though."

Myr looked stunned for a second before quickly hugging Tenshi.

"I'm so proud of you Tenshi. Did the dragon hurt you at all?"

Tenshi shook her head. "No, it just burned my optical sensor a little bit but my auto-repair function fixed it in a split second."

Myr's face became dark and bloodlust filled the entire floor, freezing the dragons in place.

Looking towards them, the dragons, though not exactly smart, knew that they were about to die, and couldn't help but shiver and prepare to fight the best they can.

Myr pulled out what appeared to be a jar filled with hundreds of tiny centipedes made out of shadow and void elements.

Throwing the jar into the midst of the dragons, the centipedes surged out and drilled their way into the skulls of one dragon each, taking over their limited cognitive functions and making them obey Myr.

The dragons themselves turned a very sickly shade of green while mainly turning into a black color. Their eyes turned into white marbles, while their roars now sounded like low pitched screeches.

Myr pointed towards a far away group of fire dragons and said "Search and destroy!"

This caused all of the dragons to screech and charge towards the fire dragons. Once the first few were in front of the fire dragons, they released their breath attack, which now was a beam that contained the rot element, which made quick work of the normal fire dragons.


Myr blanked for a moment when she saw the name. Suspecting the reason for it's name, Myr inquires about it to Systi.

'Hey Systi, can you tell me exactly what [Quasar Cannon] does?'

{Hmm, let's see here... WHAT THE FUCK?! Myr, NEVER use this attack while in this galaxy, EVER! This attack releases a beam attack that contains pure cosmic energy that's more destructive than a gamma ray burst being emitted right next to this planet. What's even worse is that it's power scales up the more powerful it's user is. Since you're soul tier 6 and have unquantifiable amounts of power at your disposal, the beam, at it's weakest, would be wide enough to swallow up the entire galaxy, and the effects of said beam would rip several trillions of tears in the fabric of space-time. The cherry on top is that the beam is chocked full of a few different laws, with them being Erasure, Severing, Rending, and Chaos. Myr, this attack would wipe out millions of galaxies if you released 100 percent of it's power. I don't normally get scared, or even worried, but this attack scares me, it truly does. Even you would have troubling surviving this attack if you were hit with it and weren't prepared.}

Fully realizing how powerful this attack was, a cold sweat broke out across Myr's forehead and back, causing her knees to buckle. She would've collapsed if not for Chloe's quick catch.

Extremely worried because she could feel genuine fear radiating from Myr, Chloe quickly asked "Myr? MYR! Are you okay?! Answer me!"

Myr nodded her head, and against her better judgement, popped the pill into her mouth with shaky hands.

Myr looked at Chloe and silently relayed what the skill she just obtained was and what it could do, which caused Chloe's forehead to break out in cold sweat as well.

A very quick silent conversation later, Myr gets back to her feet with the help of Chloe and calms herself before giving Tenshi, who was worried and looking at Myr, a warm smile.

"Don't worry Tenshi, Mom just had a very powerful skill enter my body, it's nothing bad."

Tenshi just nodded as the trio began to make their way to the next floor. Before they could make it there however, the largest of the Rot and Ruin Dragons lumbered up to Myr and and bowed it's head. She suddenly got a new notification.


'You know what? Fuck it, let's do this. I accept, and I name her Nox'


A dark flash occurred and the Rot and Ruin Dragon, now named Nox Aeternum, transformed into a 143cm tall girl with milky white and smooth skin, a lithe figure with C cup breasts, olive green hair, yellow eyes that lacked a pupil, fair limbs, hands, and feet, and an angular face that fit her perfectly.

Myr snapped her fingers and gave Nox some clothes which consisted of a pair of tight black pants, a belt with a buckle shaped like a dragon skull, a form fitting black shirt with a black sports bra, a black overcoat that went down to the lowest part of her calves that looked like one you would find a mobster wearing, socks, a pair of black boots that went up to the top part of her calves and had buckles lining the outer sides of the boots, and a pair of combat gloves that had adamantite knuckles on them.

Looking up, Nox hesitantly walked towards Myr, and then hugged her. In a surprisingly quiet and soft voice, Nox asked "Mother, you're not going to leave me, right? I don't want to be alone again. Everyone else was making fun of me before you created us because I never de-spawned, and I only hid when people came down here to kill us. Please don't leave me, please!"

Feeling her heart tear, Myr hugged Nox back while saying in an equally soft voice "Oh Nox, you won't ever be left alone again. You're my daughter now, and family never leaves eachother behind. You're okay now, you're here to stay."

Nodding her head, Nox reluctantly let go of Myr and walked up to Chloe and gave her a hug too, which Chloe gladly returned.

Nox then gave a hug to Tenshi, who giggled and said "Hello there! My name is Tenshi, but you can call me big sis if you want!"

Nox smiled and nodded her head. "Mn, let's make our mothers proud, big sis."

Tenshi fist pumped the air again. "You bet we're going to! Isn't that right Mom, Mommy?"

Chloe and Myr both laughed and Chloe said soon afterwards "Of course. Tenshi, Nox, make us proud, girls!"


Myr, Chloe, and Tenshi were in awe at the sheer destructive power that Nox possessed, whether it be her shredding monsters to pieces with her nails/claws, her breath attacks that she could use in either form, or her new attack, which was a visual one called [Eyes of Decay], which essentialy made any matter it came in contact with decay lightning fast. She could only use this attack once every 10 minutes though, so it did have it's drawbacks, but according to Systi, that attack had enough power to hurt Tenshi, and even destroy a couple of wards that passively surrounded Chloe as well.


Nox shouted as yet another giant treant was shredded to pieces by a single swipe from her.

Clapping, the trio praised Nox with how powerful and deadly she was, which made Nox slightly blush, much to the amusement of Chloe and Myr.


On the 100th floor...

"Alright Nox, Tenshi, do the double whammy!"

" " Right!" "

Nox turned into her true form while Tenshi turned into hers. Nox then used a combination of her breath attack and her visual attack, mixed them, and fired it into Tenshi's mouth, which started to spin in reverse as a giant orb of pitch black energy formed in a split second, and then shattered to create a devastating beam that crushed the monster rex of this floor, which was a huge metal dragon golem.

Transforming back into their human forms, the two sisters gave eachother a high five while Myr and Chloe clapped, proud of their daughters to finally create and master a brand new attack, which they named "Double Whammy".

What this attack does is amplify Nox's own combo attack by firing it into Tenshi's mouth, which cause it to basically accelerate to faster than light speeds and magnify the power output and releasing it by spinning her grinder wheels in reverse.

{You must be proud of yourself for creating yet another headache for Ourania. I know I am~}

Myr snorted. 'I don't give a rats ass if this gives Ourania a headache. Nox is Chloe and I's daughter now, so if Ourania has a problem, then she can take it up with myself or Chloe, and cry about it once she hears we won't restrain Nox.'

{Damn, you're really feisty about this. No matter. Just know that I'll always be proud to have you as my host Myr, whether for good or for bad.}

'Thanks partner. I'm glad you're stuck with me until the end.'


On the 200th floor...

"Alright everyone, back up!" Myr yelled while the others were being bombarded by creatures that were based off of the wild creatures you'd find in the vastness of the Outer Realm.

With everyone out of the way, Myr brought her hands together in a namaste position and chanted "[Million Palm Rain]!"

A golden statue of a many armed Buddha appeared in front of Myr as it opened it's eyes, which glowed a gold color.



Giant palm strike after giant palm strike rained down upon the horrid creatures, crushing them with impunity.

After the palm rain ended, the giant golden Buddha statue disappeared, and Myr then collected all of the drops.

Looking forwards, Myr senses a swathe of dark purple mana pools on the walls and surface of the floor, meaning Myr just triggered another monster party.

Shrugging her shoulders, Myr nimbly dances in between the monsters as she cuts them into hundreds of pieces from a single swing of her katana she fashioned out of nanomachines.

With each strike killing at least a hundred monsters at a time, Myr made quick work of the monster party.

Once the last monster was slain, Myr heaved a heavy breath as she de-spawned the katana.

The other 3 members of the currently group clapped at Myr's swordsmanship, which Myr only chuckled and motioned for them to follow her.

Descending to the next floor, the next monster rex appeared out of a large pool of what appeared to be a puddle of liquid shadow.

At 30 meters tall, it resembled one of Shub-Niggurath's Children of Dark Fertility, with large black tentacles sprouting out of it's pitch black body, and large mouths containing rows of sharp teeth near the bases of the tentacles. It stood on 4 legs that had hooves for feet, and it made a "Baaa" sound, like you would hear out of a goat, except it was disgustingly distorted.

Everyone besides Myr shivered at the sight of it, which lead to Myr grinning and snapping her fingers and chanting "[Cosmic Collapse]!"

An absolutely massive magic circle appeared under the monster as "stars" began to form overhead. Upon snapping her fingers once more, a storm of "stars", which were actually extremely condensed and destructive orbs of cosmic energy, rained down onto the monster rex, which Myr named "Baby Goat", causing it to shriek in pain and stomp around trying to evade all of the orbs of energy cratering it's body, but to no avail.

A solid 30 seconds of bombardment later, Baby Goat collapsed and dispersed into mana. A literal mountain of loot could be seen forming where Baby Goat died, and in the loot, there were ingots of adamantite, mithril, and gold, swords, shields, and armor made out of Dark Carapace, a strange material that absorbs shadows of inanimate objects to heal itself and it's user, mana and health potions, rare herbs, and for some reason, condoms and conception pills.

Myr thought the last two items she noticed were kind of ironic, with the monster rex being a copy of a child of Shub-Niggurath, the Goddess of Dark Fertility.

Deciding to call it a day, Myr gathers her loot then gathers the rest of the group, snaps her fingers, and teleports them right inside of the main guild building, which scared many people inside. Keep in mind, all 4 of them were covered in monster gore and shadow-plasm, the "blood" of the monsters in what Myr called the "Abyssal Floors".

Walking up to none other than Eina, Myr smiles and waves while stating "Yo Eina! Long time no see! I got some great news for you!"

Eina sighs tiredly and mutters "I temper my sense of decency in expectation."

Myr giggles and with a snap of her fingers, all of the mess that covered Myr and her family was simply erased.

Waving her hand, Myr summoned all of the monster drops besides the ingots, crystals, armor, and weapons, and said "Well then Eina, here are some drops from monsters located in floors 100 through 201. I think they're worth quite a bit, but have Ourania check them out if you want."

Several guild employees could be heard groaning, knowing that they'd be the unfortunate ones to have to count, sort, and haul the materials off to be appraised.

Seeing all of this happening, Nox turned towards Chloe and asked "Is Mother always like this? Does this sort of thing happen every time she comes into this building?"

Chloe and Tenshi only giggle and say at the same time, "Yep!"

This caused Nox to smile in return and quietly say "I'm glad I have you guys as my family now. This will be a fun life."