Food Fanatics

(A/N: Because you all made me hit the 10 power stone landmark in a single cycle milestone, I'll be releasing 1 more chapter today! Thank you all!)

Myr woke up to a frowning Tenshi standing beside her side of the bed. Sitting up, Myr slips out from under the covers and gets dressed by waving her hand once.

Already guessing what Tenshi wanted, Myr asked anyway "Tenshi, what's up? You hungry?"

Tenshi nods her head vigorously and whispers "Mom, I'm super hungry. Can we have meat?"

Myr smiles and nods her head. "Of course sweetie, let's make a wonderful breakfast for all of us!"

Heading down to the main kitchen, Myr fires up the impossibly large smoke, ovens, stovetops, and fryers.

Waving her hand, a bunch of different breakfast food materials such as eggs, butter, batter, bacon, sausage links, hashbrowns, ketchup, bread, and so on and so forth appeared in front of her on the tables. She also took out several dozen racks of ribs, salmon, tuna, cod, steaks, ham, and crawdads along with many types of different spices, vegetables, fruits, and sweets for lunch and supper.

Waving her hand, the ribs were soaked in marinade and covered in barbecue sauce and spices, the skewers were layered with marinated meat, onions, tomatoes, a little bit of garlic, peppers, and mushrooms and were placed in one of the refrigerators, the ribs were placed in the special smoker, as was the fish after it was seasoned. The crawdads were put in a stasis as they were going to be for supper in a crawdad boil.

After the lunch and supper meals were prepared and stored, Myr and Tenshi got started with the breakfast.

Tenshi was mixing the eggs, milk, and seasoning in a large bowl to make the base of the omelets, while Myr was frying the bacon and sausage. Myr then started whipping up the batter to make waffles and pancakes, while Tenshi in the meantime got the glazed fruit ready, as well as the powdered sugar. There were also cinnamon apples to use with the pancakes as well.

Myr got a dozen waffle presses running and soon, 12 waffles were being made. Myr made the pancakes herself, and she added chocolate chips for some of them, and made the rest either Dutch apple pancakes with cinnamon apples, liquid sugar glaze, pecans, and powdered sugar, or fresh blueberry pancakes with a sugar glaze and syrup mixture to top them off.

The meat by now was done, and the smell was amazing, at least in Tenshi and Myr's opinion. Once the waffles were done, Myr coated them with glazed strawberries, blueberries, and chocolate chips, with powdered sugar, and syrup.

Then came the omelets. Using cheese and butter with them, they turned out perfectly cooked, chewy, but soft and easy to eat.

Once breakfast was ready, Myr snapped her fingers and several, hovering WaiterBots came and took the many trays of food up to Myr and Chloe's bedroom, where Chloe was just starting to wake up.

Hearing the door open and smelling the food, Chloe slowly sat up, yawned, stretched, and smiled at the mother and daughter pair.

"Breakfast in bed? How thoughtful. Thank you Tenshi, thank you Myr."

Grinning, Myr and Tenshi gave eachother a high five, as Myr snapped her fingers and a breakfast tray appeared in both Chloe and Tenshi's laps, as the latter of the two had climbed onto their bed and sat between the two cat girls.

Chuckling, Myr motioned for the WaiterBots to start serving the food, and the drinks that Myr had brought out.

Chowing down, the sound of happy eating filled the air, as the sweet and savory flavored breakfast hit their taste buds in just the right spot.

Even though she's had Myr's cooking many times before, it always surprised her with how good her cooking was.

"This is delicious you two, well done!" Chloe said with a slight chuckle.

Tenshi also beamed a brilliant smile. "You can thank Mom for cooking, I helped too!"

Chloe smiled at Tenshi and hugged her. "Yes, thank you Tenshi, I really appreciate it." Chloe then smiled at Myr. "It will forever amaze me how good the food is that you cook Myr. I honestly wish I was at least half as good a cook as you are."

Myr felt her heart flutter when Chloe praised her, and as a result she could only smile and nod her head.


After everyone was all dressed and ready to go, Myr bid Chloe, Tenshi, and Team Neko good luck in their dungeon diving, as Chloe had once again banned Myr from working, stating that she rarely ever sees Myr relaxing.

A little while after they left, Myr stopped smiling and scowled after sensing someone watching her family.

Sending a telepathic message to Chloe that told her to keep a close eye on everyone, Myr looked up high in the sky and focused her vision.

Sure enough, someone was watching them, the infamous Zeus. Not wanting to hurt Bell by killing him, Myr sent a "warning shot", which in all reality had more than enough power and speed to outright erase Zeus.

Seeing Zeus become startled and scared made Myr feel a little better, so she sent him a message using a high speed drone.

"Do you dare try and spy on my family more after the little gift I sent your way? Keep your eyes off of my family, or you'll lose more than just your eyes."

With the message clearly received, Zeus took off at what would normally be insane speeds, but to Myr, it seemed so slow, like someone gently rolling a ball away from her.

Shaking her head, Myr went back inside to check on the meat that was still being smoked and marinated.

Opening the smoker released a mouth watering scent, but due to Myr's skills in cooking, she knew that the meat was far from ready.

Shutting the smoker, she then checked on the marinating meat. Opening the lids, Myr took a deep whiff of the meat and skewers, and was even surprised at how good they smelled.

After closing the lids, Myr began to prepare the vegetables for lunch, and putting them in the fridge afterwards.

Making a checklist of all the supplies she needed to restock on, Myr once again used her gacha machine.

'Systi, you awake partner?'

{Mmm, 5 more minutes... zzzzz...}

'Oh well. Gacha Machine, use 5,000,000 pulls please. Set the categories to different earth meats like ribs, ham, steaks, bacon, sausage, the works. Also add spices, vegetables, and some drinks.'



Myr raised her eyebrows at the bonus item. 'I'm only this good at cooking because the monsters that used to own me made me cook for them all the time. I wonder how much better my cooking will be once I eat this pill..'

Taking the pill out of her inventory, Myr noticed that it smelled sweet, savory, spicy, bitter, and sour all at the same time. Shrugging her shoulders, Myr popped the pill into her mouth and let it dissolve on her tongue, which garnered a contented purr from her.

'I don't know how to describe this taste. It's just so delicious! Ah, I wish I had more of these. Wait a minute, this gives me an idea!'

Rushing towards the kitchen, Myr quickly made a sandwich, and then used her cooking divinity to turn the sandwich into a pill. Wanting to know if she did it right, Myr added a drop of water on top of it and sure enough, the pill turned back into a sandwich.

'Holy shit, this could make future expeditions so much easier and have better food!'

Getting to work, Myr spent the next 4 hours cooking as many dishes as she could and turning them into pills and setting them in cases for the Loki Familia to use on their next expedition.

A few minutes after she was done, Myr sensed her family heading up the dungeon from the 58th floor at a leisurely pace, giving her enough time to start fully prepare lunch.

Taking her ribs and other meats out of the smoker, Myr starts to prepare the salads, and flash bake the pies. She also got all of the drinks ready to go.

Lathering the ribs with barbecue sauce, the ham with a honey glaze, and the steaks with steak sauce, Myr set them on the table before fully preparing the fish. Setting the fish down on the table, Myr placed the various salads next to them and decided to whip up some pudding just for fun. The pudding itself was not like the pudding cups in her previous world, but was real pudding, the kind that doesn't leave a bad aftertaste in the mouth.

Setting the large bowl of pudding and the apple pies down onto the table, she then set out plates, forks, spoons, knives, and napkins out onto the table.

Remembering the finishing touches, Myr set out a special drink for Chloe, Tenshi, and herself.

The special drink in question was a normal glass of water, but enchanted and imbued with her cooking divinity, making it taste like their favorite food.

Just as she finished putting the last glass of the enchanted water, which was gold in color, her family walked, and in Team Neko's case, rolled, in through the front doors.

Smelling the mouth watering aroma, Tenshi rushed to the sink and washed her hands, which caused Myr amd Chloe to chuckle seeing how happy she was to eat food again.

Washing her hands as well, Chloe looked at all of the food on the table and raised her eyebrows.

"Myr, I know we all eat a lot of food, but isn't this too much?"

Myr giggled which caused Chloe to become confused for a little bit before Myr grinned at her and opened her arms.

"Yours truly has gained a cooking divinity! Trust me, you'll love the food. I also prepared lots of meat dishes since our dear Tenshi who's drooling over there wanted lots of meat today."

Clapping her hands, Chloe hugged Myr and congratulated her on the development, after which the 3 of them sat down and Team Neko watched them begin to eat.

Tenshi immediately went for the ribs and began to voraciously eat her portions, including the bones. Her eyes widened as she exclaimed "Mom! This is so good!" in between bites.

Chuckling, Myr and Chloe both took large portions of the fish dishes, steaks, and salads and started to eat.

Chloe also widened her eyes. "Myr, your cooking before tasted wonderful, but now it tastes heavenly! Well done!"

Grinning bashfully, Myr took a bite and was surprised herself at how good the food was.

'So this is the power of my cooking divinity! This is amazing!"

Before she knew it, her plate was empty, and as such, she took more food. Plate after plate, dish after dish, the food on the table dwindled until there was only the glasses of golden water, the pies, and the pudding left.

With each of them grabbing a pie each and a portion of the pudding, they began their dessert.

As expected, it was absolutely delicious. Finishing their pies and pudding, Myr then said "Okay, now for the last part. This golden liquid is water directly imbued with my cooking divinity. Drink it and tell mr how it tastes."

They each downed their glass of water and all 3 of them were surprised.

Tenshi piped up first. "It tastes like ribs, but not in a bad way! It's good!" Next was Chloe. "It tastes like honey glazed fish to me, it's quite good." Last was Myr. "For me, it tastes like all of the sugary sweets I've ever eaten."

After cleaning up the dishes and silverware, Tenshi and Team Neko go to the indoor lake to play, while Myr and Chloe take a nap with eachother.


Waking up a couple hours later, Myr suddenly feels hungry again.

'What the hell? I just ate a ton of food 5 hours ago! Ugh, maybe I'm finally growing.' she thought with a grumble.

Checking the time, Myr gently wakes up Chloe and says "Dear, I need to start the crawdad boil. Care to help me?"

Chloe smiles and nods. Walking to the kitchen, Myr snaps her fingers and a giant pot that was 2 meters wide and 2 meters tall appeared over what appeared to be a giant stovetop burner.

Filling it 3/8ths of the way full with water, Myr and Chloe begin to cut up the vegetables and prepare the spices that will help turn the water into stock and broth.

First, the potatoes, then came the onions, then garlic, paprika, Cajun spices, and a dash of ghost pepper powder. A few other veggies like celery and other flavor inducing ingredients were added such as dill, a pinch of dried mint leaves, and sweet pepper slices went in too.

Myr snapped her fingers and a bunch of live crawdads, almost enough to fill the entire pot, appeared in an air bubble of sorts before being dropped into the now boiling pot of seasoned water, releasing a spicy yet sweet scent.

With the boil going to take an hour or so, Myr and Chloe begin to prepare the skewers. Taking the meat cubes, they layer them on the already premade skewers that were made this morning, and rearranged the veggies, mushrooms, and meat to make the perfect skewers. Grinding pepper, salt, and sprinkling a dash of seasoning over them, Myr let's them soak a little more before putting them in stasis until 20 minutes before the boil is done.

Chloe and her then prepare the corn cobs. dipping them in butter, they both start to season them with light spices, and grinding salt and pepper over them, before drizzling them in garlic butter.

Myr then wraps each one in foil and again, places the good in stasis.

With the corn cobs prepared, Myr checks the homemade sausage that she still had in the smoker. Smelling the spicy and savory scent of them, Myr knows that they're close to being done.

With everything prepped and ready, Myr fires up low and high heat grills that were powered by magic.


40 minutes later...

"Chloe, let's start the grilling!"

"Coming love!"

Chloe and Myr rushed to the grills and began to use magic to operate all of them and began to grill the corn cobs and skewers.

Pretty soon, the scent of supper could be smelled by everyone in the house, and even on the street, though people could only speculate as to what Myr was up to.


'Oh for fucks sake, please tell me it's nothing bad...'


'Wow, that's awesome!'

All of a sudden, the aroma of the food became much more clear and mouth watering, even causing Chloe to drool a little bit.

Chloe looked at Myr, who grinned and said "My cooking divinity has been upgraded. I guess that means I can wow everyone in Orario. Call me master chef Myr!"

Before they knew it, the boil and grilling were done, and everyone was at the table when Myr sensed two familiar auras at the front doors.

Seeing Myr abruptly stand up, Chloe, Tenshi, and Team Neko suddenly took out their weapons when Myr motioned for them to put them away. Walking up to the front door, Myr opens it to find a haggard looking Bell and smiling Hestia.

"Hello Myr-sama! Bell just leveled up!"

Myr looked at Bell and sure enough, Bell has leveled up to level 2.

Smiling at the happy duo, Myr motioned for them to enter while saying "Well this calls for a celebration. Come on in, I'll get you some plates and stuff, we're just about to eat."

Hestia sniffs the air and with widened eyes, darts into Myr's mansion, with Bell bowing to Myr and shouting "Hestia-sama, wait for me!" and sprinted after his goddess.

Seeing the two's antics, Myr couldn't help but give a wry smile and shake her head.

'Looks like Tenshi and I aren't the only food fanatics in here after all~'