A white haired rabbit

'Ugh, what the hell was that dream for? I never dream, and it was about the life of a Honey Badger? Whatever. I'll worry about it later.'

Myr sits up and is greeted by Team Neko currently on her bed with a note next to her. She read it out loud.

"My love, I'm out in the dungeon today as I have a gut feeling that Bell will find himself in trouble. You, however, need to rest young lady. Spend a day relaxing and let me handle the hard work for once ♡.

P.S. Don't even try to work in the dungeon today, I'll know if you enter, and you can expect some punishment if you do ♡."

Myr, although slightly offput by Chloe's message, couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through her body at the thought of the "punishment" Chloe had in mind.

'Mmm, I need to clear my head. I really want to find out, but I have a feeling if I do, I won't be able to walk tomorrow. Those toys she has are no joke' Myr thinks with a noticeable blush.

Shaking her head, Myr carefully got out of bed, until realizing that she only saw 5 out of the 6 members of Team Neko on her bed. Seeing the colors present, Myr frowned.

'Where's Chocola? I highly doubt she could've-'



Myr screamed as Chocola dropped down from the ceiling, hanging from some of the trip wire Myr had installed.

Chocola's "eyes", which were actually advanced artificial sensory organs, lit up as she laughed.

"Hahahaha! Did I scare you mom?! Hehehe, I'm so clever!"

Sighing, Myr cradles Chocola in her arms as she boops in-between Chocola's eyes.

"Young lady, that was extremely an dangerous thing to do. Had I not been fully awake and cognizant, I would've instinctively destroyed whatever caught me off guard. Please don't ever do that again."

Chocola began to make sniffling sounds.

"I-I'm sorry *sniff* Mom. I *sniff* thought it would be *sniff* funny. Please don't be mad at me!"

Feeling her heart strain, Myr immediately began rocking Chocola in her arms.

"Don't worry Chocola, I'm not mad at you. Just make sure you're aware of who you're pranking before you act, okay? You and your sisters mean so much to me, and I'd never forgive myself if something were to happen to you."

"*sniff* Okay Mom, I promise."

Nodding her head, Myr set Chocola down with the rest of Team Neko, who were all stil asleep, and shortly after, Chocola fell asleep as well.

Seeing this, Myr chuckled. 'So they picked up my habits for pranking. I have to admit, I haven't been scared like that in forever.'

Making her way over to the Hostess of Fertility, Myr is greeted by Mama Mia herself when she walked through the doors.

"Yo Myr! How's it going in the new house?"

Myr smiled and happily replied "It's going great Mama Mia! The kids are loving all the room they get to play in, Tenshi is getting all the food she could ever want, and, well, Chloe and I are enjoying just being together in our own room. I set an entire section aside for you folks here at the Hostess of Fertility if any of you need to crash somewhere for whatever reason."

Mia laughed heartily and grinned. "We'll all keep that in mind, thanks Myr, you're a good kid. Troublesome, but good."

Myr slightly pouted when Mama Mia said that she was troublesome, which earned her quite a few laughs from the present staff and a few of the customers.

Anya came over with a large tray of different fish dishes and smiled.

"Enjoy the food nya! It's on the house!"

Looking at all of the food, Myr was shocked. Turning towards Mama Mia, she quickly said "Mama Mia, I can't not pay for all of this food! This is probably worth 30,000 Valis!"

Mama Mia gave another hearty laugh. "HAHA, sure you can take the food for free! Besides, those recipes and different spices you gave us are a huge hit! We're making more than ever before! By the way, you got any more of those spices?"

Myr nodded her head helplessly and quickly transferred several metric tons of spices into a spacial ring and gave it to Mama Mia, who happily took it and ruffled Myr's hair, something that only a select few people could do without being seriously hurt or outright killed by her.

Myr then happily sat down and started to eat the fish and drink her juice, munching away and purring, much to the amusement of all the present staff.

Everything was going great until Myr felt a sharp tug on her tail, which prompted her to automatically grab hold of the offending hand and hurl it outside.


The culprit, a man who looked to be in his early 20's, hit the doors so hard that they came flying off their hinges.

Seeing the entire thing taking place, Mama Mia was about to throw the man out herself when Myr did it instead.

Seeing Myr's unsightly expression, Mama Mia quickly defused the situation.

"Myr, you can eat and drink as much as you want today, alright? Sorry I couldn't get there fast enough to stop the creep."

Shaking her head, Myr smiled warmly at Mama Mia. "It's fine Mama Mia. I'll just need to wash my tail now, but I do appreciate your concern. It's not your fault that an idiot decided to make his own life miserable."

Mama Mia laughed and rubbed the back of her head while grinning.

"Haha, thanks for your understanding Myr. You can use our baths if you want!"

Everything was going fine and dandy once again, with Myr eating her fish and drinking her juice, the flavors simply delicious. The smoky and spicy yet savory flavor of the fish went perfectly with her fruit juice, as Myr still doesn't like alcohol. (A/N: Neither do I, it just tastes bad to me...)

Once finished with her food, Myr walks up to Mama Mia with the intention of ordering more when Mama Mia spots her, grins, and Anya once again comes out with another large tray of fish, and this time steak too.

Myr couldn't help but drool a little at the succulent scent of the food. Sitting back down, Myr eagerly digs into her food. Anya walks up slowly and sits down next to Myr, who noticed Anya coming towards her, and she could feel nervousness from her.

Myr took a break from eating, looked at Anya with a smile and asked "You okay? You look nervous."

Fidgeting in place, Anya decided to bite the bullet.

"Myr, can I, um, pet your ears? Chloe said that they were fluffy, and, well, I kind of wanted to see for myself. Sorry if this is a weird request!"

Myr just chuckled and lowered her head so it was petting height. "Sure you can feel them. Normally I wouldn't do this for anyone except Chloe but- NYA-mff!"

Myr had to cover her mouth from yelping at the sudden feeling of the inside of her ears being fluffed. Anya was in wonder at the moment.

'How are her ears so soft and fluffy?! This is amazing!'

Her thoughts came to an end when she felt Myr's hands hold her own in a gentle grasp. Realizing that she may have gotten carried away, Anya quickly stood up and bowed her head while stammering "I-I'm sorry if I t-took that too far! I-I apologize!"

Chuckling, Myr patted Anya's shoulders and gave her a warm smile. "It's quite alright Anya, I was just a little startled. All is well."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Anya smiled and went back to the kitchen to get more food for Myr, who had unknowingly finished her current tray of food.

One after another, 4 more trays of food came and were eaten by the voracious cat girl, and tens of mugs of her favorite juice were downed as well.

Feeling a sleepy, Myr was very close to nodding off, when suddenly, Chloe burst through the doors that Myr had already fixed.

"Myr! Bell got himself into a pinch!"

Groaning, Myr mumbles "I told you he would. That damn rabbit!"

Mama Mia looks at her and questions "Rabbit?" to which Myr simply responds "When you see him, you'll know what I mean." and sprints off with Chloe.


Approaching where Bell was, Myr widened her eyes at the sight in front of her.

'How the hell did he manage to trigger a level 4 monster party?! That damn rabbit!'

Bell was having a hard time at the moment, when all of a sudden, Myr detected the Loki Familia rushing towards Bell's location, and once arrived, joined in the fray.

With Loki's Familia joining in, it only took a grand total of 12 minutes to stop the monster party. With Bell sitting heavily down covered in wounds, Bete walks up to him and plants his foot down right in front of Bell's crossed legs.

"Kid! What the hell were you doing?! Why didn't you crush the talisman?!"

Bell stuttered back "I-I'm sorry Bete-san, I just didn't want to use such a-"

Bete cut him off while growling "That talisman is meant to be used! That's what it was created for dumbass! The one who made those talismans is-"

Myr finally decided to step out of the shadow in which she and Chloe were hiding in to try and help Bell save some face.

"Me. I'm the one who made them, little rabbit."

Everyone turned towards Myr either in surprise, shock, or happiness.

Tiona was the first to respond. "Heyyyy Myr! It's been a while!" while she ran and hugged Myr.

Patting Tiona on the back, Myr turned towards the rest of the Loki Familia and waved. "What's up everyone, besides saving a little rabbit?"

Bell appeared flustered, and when he looked at her, something finally clicked.

"W-Wait, Myr-sama, how are you in the dungeon?! I thought if a god or goddess came into the dungeon and were detected, it would spawn a horrible monster!"

Myr looked at Bell and smiled.

"Little rabbit, I'm a special case. Since I started out as a mortal, the dungeon now thinks that I'm a mortal, even if I use my divinities. Not to mention, I'm the strongest divine being on this planet, and in heaven. I even added 300 floors to this dungeon. The deepest floors need a team of at least 20 level 10's to clear, and that doesn't mean 20 will survive either. It's tough shit down there kid, even I'M impressed with how lethal they are. I personally have been down there myself, and it's no joke. Chloe here has also cleared all the way to the 399th floor all by herself before she had to call it quits. Don't use either of us as a reference though, because quite frankly, though Chloe might be weaker than me, she's spent far more time fighting than I have, so in the skill department, she has me beat."

With the amazed look Bell was giving her, Myr chuckled. Walking up to him, Myr patted Bell on the shoulder.

"Little rabbit, though Chloe and I are strong, if we complete the dungeon, yet never gain anything from it besides Valis from drops, then there's no point in us leading a crusade to clear it. That's where people like you come in. I sense an immense potential in you. All you need to do is work hard. Push yourself, but don't be stupid about it. That talisman Loki gave you has the ability to grant you instant teleportation to the surface. It's meant to be used if your life is in imminent peril, which it was. Now tell me, why didn't you use it?"

Bell looked down, ashamed and angry at himself for almost breaking his goddess' heart and letting everyone down.

"I.. I didn't use it because I wanted to become stronger. I wanted to be able to go back and tell Hestia-sama that I've gotten much stronger. But I failed, and I almost broke Hestia-sama's heart, and I let all of you down. I'm sorry..."

Bete, the ever so subtle wolf-kin, spoke up.

"So fuckin' what if you let us down? So fuckin' what you almost broke your goddess' heart? The past is the past. Now stop crying and pissing your pants and go up to the surface, rest, then come back down here and own this shit. Myr has confidence that you'll go far beyond what we could, so you'd better prove her right, or I'm gonna kick your ass into shape myself!"

A moment of silence passed, and once Myr started chuckling, so too did the others present. Bell smiled, stood up, and bowed towards everyone.

"Thank you all for believing in me. I promise I won't let you down again!"


Back at the Hostess of Fertility...


" " " "CHEERS!" " " "

Everyone toasted to a rescue well done, on Myr's tab of course.

Mama Mia looked at Myr and grinned.

"I heard you talked some sense into a newbie. Now we got another trouble maker with us, BAHAHAHA!"

Myr pouted while mumbling "I don't get in trouble that much anymore..."

Bete overheard this and shouted "That's bullshit Myr! You just got in trouble yesterday with Chloe I heard!"

Myr's tail went ramrod straight as she looked at Bete.

"Excuse me, but I'll have you know that the only reason I got in trouble was because I didn't come to bed at all last night and caused another explosion in my workshop which woke everyone up!"

A chorus of laughs could be heard all around and Myr herself grinned and drank more of her juice.

Chloe walks up to Myr and taps her on the shoulder and whispers "Myr, I think Ais took a fancy to Bell, and vice versa" into her ears.

Smirking, Myr looks towards the door and sure enough, Ais walks in, basically dragging a helpless Bell along behind her.

This earned the two a few odd looks but nobody ever stopped the festivities.

Ais dropped Bell off near the counter and walked to Myr, who she then asked "Myr. I need help."

Tilting her head slightly, Myr gestured for her to continue.

Ais looked her dead in the eyes, and what she asked next caused her to turn her head and spit out her juice.

"Myr, how do I know if I'm in love?"


Myr thought to herself 'That damn white haired rabbit.'