Questions, Clockwork Technocracy

Having been lead into a separate room with her Hunters positioned behind her with their weapons, Myr sat in a chair in front of Erwin and Levi, who were lightly sweating at the pressure Myr's Hunters were giving off, as Erwin asked "So, Miss Myr, what exactly are you? You clearly aren't human, so what would you be?"

Myr yawned and casually bullshitted. "Myr race used to be on this planet long ago. We eventually became a space faring people, and as such, we abandoned this planet to go up into the vast cosmos above. I recently came back to see if there was any civilizations that may have evolved here and sure enough, there was. There are many places out there, beyond this little island here. Many countries, many groups of people, and in large enough groups where they would be able to wipe out any and all humans and life here on your little island."

Paling, Erwin then asked "So you're saying there are humans out there, beyond our land, and that the land we live on is actually just an island? How do you know this?"

Snorting, Myr replied "Because I've been far beyond this island you call home. I own my own country, and it's name is the Clockwork Technocracy. It's an extremely advanced civilization that has enough power to completely wipe this island off the map, and more than enough to take over the entire world. I won't do that however, but keep in mind that any slights against me is a slight against my entire country. There are many things you're painfully ignorant of right now, Commander Erwin, Captain Levi. Things that could either save you from this crisis, or paint this island with your blood. The boy you have in custody is the lynchpin. Take that how you will, I don't care, just know that I'll do everything in my power to protect him and to make sure he lives out his life, as I don't believe in a weak thing like fate."

Nodding, Levi then asked "If you know so much, then what are the Titans?"

Yawning again, Myr answered back "The Titans are a race of creatures called Kyojin. Despite having a liquid that acts like blood and crude organs like a stomach, they're not actually true biological creatures. They're more like homunculi, being half organic, half artificial. They're not native to this land, and they were put here way back before the first king of Paradise Island was around. Back before you were ever born."

With widened eyes, Erwin then asked "So when you say Eren is a lynchpin, then are you insinuating that he's going to be a focal point for many of the events to come? Can you see into the future?"

Nodding, Myr simply said "Yep" while popping the "P"

Furrowing his eyebrows, Erwin asked "I suppose you won't tell us anything major that's going to happen even though you can see the future though, right?"

Snorting, Myr leaned forward and said "Seeing the future is one of the more useless powers I have. The future itself is constantly being molded, shaped, and formed. Just having this conversation with you is altering the future. If anyone claims to know the exact future, they're lying. There's no one set future, there's no single path that time will take. Chance, luck, outside and internal influences, they all dictate what shape the future takes. Even if I told you what would happen, there would be an astronomically small chance of what I told you to actually happen."

Sighing, Levi asked "You said you own and control a nation right? Is there any way you could spare some of those maneuver gears you and your soldiers use?"

Myr shook her head and said in a firm tone "Absolutely not. I might be lenient and willing to help, but I will not give away any of my technology. Not only would that put me at a disadvantageous position, but it would also open the gateway to even more problems, like an arms race. Just the other week I had to kill off a bunch of soldiers from Marley, another nation out there beyond this island. They're militaristic, and a major pain in my ass. They have flying war balloons called blimps, and boats that have cannons and other weapons on them. Their ground troops include Titans among normal soldiers, and they didn't stand a chance against my technology. I didn't suffer a single casualty, while their entire force they sent to claim my nation as their own was annihilated."

Nodding his head, Erwin asked another question. "Even if you can't give us any of your technology, is there any way you can lend us some support? Every expedition we lose more and more soldiers to Titan attacks. It would be a great boon if you could lend us some help."

Crossing her arms over her chest, Myr hummed out "I could definitely lend you some help, but what would I gain out of it? There's nothing on this island that I could ever want or need, plus, I've already been helping time and time again. I know you haven't forgotten about the first time we met, after Wall Maria was first breached. Kenny the Ripper is real, and he's amongst your ranks in the Military Police. I won't deal with him myself, though I have weakened his forces considerably."

Levi furrowed his brows while Erwin's eyes widened as he exclaimed "You're the one who mysteriously fixed everything and saved thousands of lives after the wall was breached!"

Giggling, Myr gave Erwin and Levi a shit eating grin. "Bingo! You solved the case! It was indeed me who repaired the wall and buildings, saved thousands of lives, AND gave you all of the food that appeared near Wall Rose."

Sitting up straight, Myr snapped her fingers and a teapot along with 3 cups appeared. Pouring herself some tea. Myr smiled at Erwin and Levi and offered them some, which they not surprisingly declined. Shrugging her shoulders, Myr began to sip on the tea that she conjured up in a content silence.

Breaking the silence, Ace walked up to Myr and said "Boss, we just got word that Eren's trial is about to begin in 20 minutes. Should we break him out?"

This question of Ace's caused both Erwin and Levi to unconsciously reach for their weapons, which alarmed neither Myr nor the Hunters, as if it came down to it, they could kill the two of them in less than a fraction of a second.

Raising her eyebrows, Myr pointedly asked "Just what do you think you're going to be able to do with those little toys of yours? Kill us? Don't be foolish and let go of your weapons. Keep in mind that I've been far more cordial than some of my peers would be in my situation. Some of them would wipe this entire world off of the star map just because of what you just did. I understand it was a reflex, but keep in mind, if we were to try and break Eren out and free him, just what could you do about it? The answer is nothing, so cool your jets and calm down a little."

Realizing what sort of mistake they had just made, and after giving it some thought, also realizing that there were no hostile intentions involved with Ace's question, they both bowed their head a little as Erwin said "I deeply apologize about any offense we may have caused you. It wasn't our intention, though I would hope you can understand why we were a little jumpy."

Snorting, Myr waved her hand in a dismissive gesture and said "I really don't care what you do, because I know that no matter what, nothing on this planet is a threat to me, my family, my soldiers, or my nation. Just don't go out of your way to piss me off and you're good in my books."

Checking a pocket watch she made using her Clockwork Divinity, Myr saw that it was almost noon and snapped her fingers and teleported all of them right outside of the trial room, where she looked at the befuddled duo and said "Do whatever you think is needed for this trial to get Eren to work with you. If that means you make him eat your boot, then by all means do so. As long as you don't kill him, I don't give a fuck what you do. I'll be watching the entire thing go down, and right now, nobody besides you two are able to see my Hunters and I."

Nodding, Erwin and Levi opened the doors and took their seats near the side of the room. About 5 minutes later, Eren was escorted into the room and chained to a pole in the middle with the Military Police training 20 rifles at him off to the side.

Myr and her Hunters were simply hovering in the air above the rest of the crowd gathered in the room, and true to her words, nobody besides Erwin and Levi were able to notice her. Myr also saw Mikasa and Armin sitting off to the side as well, both of them looking worried and stressed out.

A gavel was banged and the judge's voice rang out. "We are here today to decide on the fate of Eren Yeager, and whether he's a threat to humanity and should be killed, or if he is not a threat and will live!"

Myr snorted and tapped Ace on the shoulder and said bluntly "This part is the boring part. Wake me up when it actually gets somewhere." Before Ace could respond, he saw Myr take out a bed from her inventory and promptly laid down on it, almost instantly falling asleep. it should be noted that the bed was hovering in the air as well.

Looking at their boss acting so nonchalant and actually falling asleep, they all chuckled and had wry smiles on their faces. Smiles cackled and said "Well this takes the term "air mattress" to a whole new level."

Groans could be heard among the 8 other Hunters at Smiles' horrible pun, and they knew that it would be better to just use their built in noise cancelling in their helmets to block out any more puns Smiles may have stowed away in her brain before they came out.


"Boss, Boss. Wake up, Levi is about to beat the shit out of Eren."

With her eyes snapping open, Myr instantly put away her bed and watched what was going to be arguably one of the more memorable parts of what would be the first season of Attack on Titan.



Levi suddenly struck his foot against Eren's face, causing it to bleed from a small cut made by Levi's boot.

Between kicks, you could hear Eren say "Oh yes, harder"




"Oh fuck yes."

Levi suddenly says "Erwin, Eren's enjoying it!"

Erwin responds "Eren! Stop enjoying it!"


"Mmm yeah."


"Oh daddy yes."

Levi finally plants his foot on the side of Eren's head, turns towards the judge and said "I propose that we have Eren join my personal unit so we can keep a better eye on him."

You could hear Eren shout "OH GOD YES!" before Levi quietly says "God damn it..."

The judge then states his verdict. "I hereby announce Eren Yeager not guilty and he shall be put into Levi's squad since people now think they have some weird dominatrix thing going on."

Everyone files out of the room and once everyone is gone, a Military Police soldier uncuffs Eren and he's then taken to meet Zoë Hange, who begins to check him out and attend to his injuries.

Myr then leans against the wall and waits for Erwin and Levi to arrive so she can cause a little disturbance, because why not?

Once the two arrive in the room where Eren was being examined by Zoë, Levi, much to the puzzlement of everyone, loudly says "Come out and show yourself Myr, I know you're in this room!"

Giggling, Myr uncloaks herself and startles everyone but Erwin and Levi. Zoë takes one look at Myr and instantly felt the need to examine Myr, though she knew that she'd be better off not even bothering to ask.

Myr waves at Erwin and Levi and then walks up to Eren and said "Looks like the young Titan Shifter is rearing to go. I'm sure by now you realize why Levi made you eat his boot."

Nodding his head, Eren looks down and quietly said "He beat me like that because he wanted to show that I wasn't a threat, right?"

Chuckling, Myr just ruffles the top of Eren's head and walks over to the nearest chair and sits down.

Waving her hand dismissively, Myr leaned back into the chair and yawned. Putting her hands behind her head, she propped her feet up onto the table and said "Zoë, I can tell you have a few questions. I'll answer a few as long as they aren't too personal."

Zoë's eyes lit up as she immediately asked "Are your ears and tail real? Do you have human ears too?"

Chuckling, Myr hopped up and turned around to show Zoë her tail, and moved it around. She then turned so her front was facing the excited scientist and wiggled her ears, and then proceeded to lift the hair on the side of her head to show that where a human's ears would be, there was just skin on her head.

Zoë then excitedly asked "So if you're a cat person, does that mean you can always land on your feet amd purr? Do you lick yourself to clean yourself like a normal cat does?"

Myr was mid sip of some tea she pulled out of her inventory and spit it out when she heard Zoë ask her how she bathes.

Wiping her mouth off, Myr pointedly said "Assuming someone is powerful enough to flip me, then yes, I can always choose to land on my feet, and yes, I'm able to purr, though only my wife can make me do that, and I bathe either like a normal person or I use an ability called Cleansing Flames to completely erases any dirt, grime, or filth that gets on my body or my clothes."

Nodding her head, Zoë was about to ask another question when Levi cut her off. "You mentioned that you had an entire nation under your control. Is there any way you can prove it?"

Snorting, Myr takes a holo-projector out of her pocket and uses a thought command to open up a few images of her nation that were taken by a drone.

Pointing towards the tallest building, Myr dryly said "That's the building where I live in. It's the most heavily fortified building besides the power station that provides energy to the entire nation of mine."

Pointing towards the walls which sported artillery, heavy gun mounts, anti-aircraft gun and missile mounts, shield generators, and small arms platforms."

"The walls around my nation are 500 meters tall and 50 meters thick. They're comprised of composite metals I found among the stars. Nothing on this planet besides myself can break those walls. Nothing gets in or out of my walls without going through multiple checkpoints, and the amount of gun emplacements is enough to shred the likes of the Colossal Titan to pieces in a matter of seconds. You can't invade me by air, as you'll be shot down before you even reach within 3km of my walls, and an invasion by sea is also impossible, as there are underwater explosive traps all along the coastline. I also have a hidden navy that could double as air support if need be. My air fleet is what I'm most proud of, though I refuse to share any information on it."

Shutting off the holo-projector, Myr looks at the shocked faces and smirks. "If you're an ally to the Clockwork Technocracy, my nation, then we'd be more than happy to lend a hand if a war ever breaks out. My military is unbeatable, and I can be arrogant like that because I have the results and the technology to back my words. The people of Marley and their military fear my armed forces and my nation as a whole. So far, we've fended off 1 large scale invasion and 5 smaller invasion forces."

Feeling her phone ring, Myr takes it out and answers once she sees it's Brian calling.

"Boss, the people of Marley just sent a massive army of Titans to try and attack us. There are some massive 50 meter Titans and other large Titans, but compared to our wall, they're nothing. Permission to engage?"

"You're green Brian. I'll be watching the show with some guests, so make sure to keep it lively." Myr said with a smirk before ending the call and turning off her phone.

Taking the holo-projector out of her pocket again, Myr clicked a few buttons and it suddenly showed the live footage of Myr's walls being sieged by invading Titans, and the Titans being absolutely obliterated.

Some were burned, some were sliced, some were crushed, some were shot full of holes, and some even were vaporized by some of her magic turrets throughout the wall.

Seeing the pure power of Myr's walls, everyone else watching went pale with the thought 'What if those weapons were turned on us?'

"I would never turn them on you unless there was a valid reason for me to do so."

Everyone looked at her in shock, and all Myr did was give them a shit eating grin and cheekily said "It was written all over your faces."