Attack On Wall Maria 2.0

Waking up next to Chloe, Myr yawned and curled back into Chloe's embrace, waking her up in the process, though Chloe didn't mind. Feeling Myr's warmth and her soft body always made her feel complete.

Deciding to tease Myr a little, she lightly grabbed Myr's butt, which elicited a surprised yelp from the overpowered cat girl.

Giggling, Chloe planted a soft kiss on Myr's lips which Myr gladly returned. Soon, their tongues were colliding, saliva was being swapped, and bodies intermingling.

Unfortunately, their passionate kissing session came to an abrupt halt when they heard knocking on their door.

Scrambling to fix their clothes as they could both tell who was knocking, Myr, once properly clothed, said "Come on in Nox."

Opening the door, Nox's face turned slightly red as she quietly said "It's alright mothers. I know you two were kissing and were about to do other things. That's kind of what I came to talk to you about."

Raising her eyebrows, Myr asked "So who is the "lucky" boy? Bring him in so I can have a chat with him, and blow his head off if need-"

Choking on air, Nox waved her hands and shook her head in a panicked sort of way. "It's not like that mother! It's just... I'm confused about my feelings about someone that we all know and love."

Sighing in relief, Myr asked "Alright, then who would this person be? It couldn't be Tenshi could it?"

Widening her eyes, Nox quickly looked away and blushed, which caused both Myr and Chloe to look at eachother with grins on their faces. Turning to face Nox, both Myr and Chloe got up and hugged Nox.

"Nox, if it's Tenshi you love, then we're perfectly okay with it. If you have any doubts at all, just let us know and we'll help you along the entire way. Knowing Tenshi, she's probably caught onto your feelings, though hasn't brought it up with you yet due to her feeling the same way" Chloe said with a warm, motherly smile.

Nodding her head, Myr added on. "That's right. No matter what, we'll accept who you love, and if it's Tenshi, then go for it! Tell her how you feel. No matter what, you're both our daughters, so if it's love between you two, then we'll happily accept it! Just make sure you use protec-ACK!"

Chloe chopped the top of Myr's head and scolded her by saying "MYR! There's a time and place for jokes, now isn't one of them! Seriously, please learn to read the room, otherwise I might have to punish you!"

Blushing, Myr looked away and mumbled "Sorry Nox, sorry Chloe..." which got Nox and Chloe to start giggling. Realizing she had been messed with, Myr puffed out her cheeks and silently pouted.

This caused another round of giggles. After they were done giggling, Nox looked at both Myr and Chloe and said "Thank you mothers. I think.. no, I am going to confess to Tenshi. Thank you for helping me with this."

Myr and Chloe both smile and Nox and hug her again. Myr, while still hugging Nox, said "Of course sweetie, we're both here for you no matter what. We take on everything together. Now go and confess to Tenshi, because chances are, she'll say yes before you even finish confessing to her."

Nodding, Nox happily walked off to find Tenshi, leaving Myr and Chloe along, smiling at eachother. Chloe then smirked and said "Looks like you win this time. I didn't think she'd actually come to us on her own volition."

Myr held up her signature "V for victory" hand sign and replied back "Of course. I could tell just by the way Nox looked at Tenshi and how Tenshi looked at Nox. This is perfect as well, one of the reasons is that in a fight, they'd have eachother's backs even better than before, not to mention there fusion technique. Plus, it's balanced. One of them is far more outgoing, and another is more reserved. I'm thinking Nox will be able to reign in Tenshi's outgoing behavior-"



Chloe smirked at Myr and simply said "I win" before walking away to get dressed. Myr could only smile and shake her head, as deep down, she knew this would happen.


Myr could be seen sorting paperwork and grumbling to herself until Ace walked in and said "Boss, we just got word that a bunch of titans, numbering in the thousands, are amassing in front of Wall Maria. There's word that the Colossal Titan and Armored Titan are going to make an appearance again to try and take down Wall Maria."

Snorting, Myr looked up and said "Mobilize the Hunters. I'll be going with you to deal with the pests. Though something strikes me as odd. Ace, has Eren turned into a Titan yet?"

Nodding his head, Ace replied "Yes, though it was nothing like the original story line. Mikasa was seriously injured in an ambush set up with by Kenny the Ripper, though his motives are unknown. Luckily we were able to intercept the clown and take Mikasa away to their infirmary wing. Eren confronted Kenny the Ripper and turned into a Titan after his arm was cut off. They retreated soon after, and that's when Zeke must have used his scream ability and summoned a bunch of Titans within the walls. Eren dealt with a lot of them before his Titan form succumbed to it's injuries, though he's alright, he's just in prison right now."

Grunting, Myr snapped her fingers and donned her gear as Ace did the same and they silently headed over to the top of Wall Maria in a far enough position away where Berthold wouldn't be able to spot them.

The rest of the Hunters appeared behind them as they all greeted Myr, to which she only grunted and crossed her arms. Confused as to why she was acting this way, Ace explained that Myr just hated paperwork, to which they all chuckled.

Just then, the tell-tale yellow lightning flash happened just outside of the gate and the Colossal Titan made it's appearance. Kicking down the front gate, Titans started to pour in by the dozens at a time.

Nodding to her Hunters, Myr and the rest of them sped off towards the amassing Titans to take out as many as they could.

Zipping over, Myr was in the lead and suddenly veered left, as the Hunters split apart and dodged what appeared to be a stone being thrown at them. Looking where it came from, Myr spotted an irregular picking up chunks of the wall and throwing it at Myr specifically. Realizing that Zeke must know what she looks like, she snorted and zipped towards the irregular in an unpredictable pattern, which worked, as the irregular's eyes couldn't keep track of where Myr would zip to next.

Zipping around behind it, Myr did a mid-air somersault and sliced the nape of it's neck effortlessly, putting it down for good.

Looking over to her left and right quick, Myr saw the Hunters making quick work of any and all Titans they came across, whether they be big, small, regular, or irregular, all of them fell to their blades.

Looking over behind her, she saw the Recon Corps charging towards their position in an attempt to try and stimmy to the flow of Titans. Smirking at this fact, Myr waited for a few of them to reach her, and sure enough, the ones who did were Levi and Erwin.

Seeing Myr, they both tensed up slightly before Erwin asked "I take it you're helping us deal with the Titans? If so, thank you. We'd both like to question you, but I'm sure you won't accept that."

Myr shook her head. "You're right about my Hunters and I helping deal with these pests, but you're wrong about me not willing to be questioned. There's someone in you, "care" that I need to protect, and I think you know who I'm speaking of. His name begins with an "E"."

Tensing up again, Erwin simply nodded and asked "Shall we begin then? I'd rather not lose time chatting like this if you're willing to talk to us afterwards."

Myr only smirked and zipped away much faster than either of them could manage, and they then saw Myr effortlessly zipping around, doing impossible maneuvers that would make any soldier pass out from the G force alone, and cutting the nape of the neck of any Titan she came across.

Levi turned towards Erwin and flatly said "She's better than all of us, and her Hunters are as well. Do you really think she knows what Eren is, and do you really think she's going to answer our questions?"

Erwin could only shrug his shoulder and reply "I do believe she knows about Eren, how, I'm not sure, but I'm confident she does. As for if she's going to answer some of our questions, we can only hope so. What we need right to do right now though is have everyone try and stimmy the flow of the Titans coming in from the hole that the Colossal Titan kicked into the wall."

While Erwin and Levi were busy mobilizing all of the available Recon Corps members, Myr and her Hunters were having a blast just zipping around, killing Titans, and basically showing off to anyone who saw them.

Myr said into the comms channel, "Alright folks, my kill count is at 351, what's yours?"

Ace replied "Hot damn Boss, I'm only at 162."

"109 here"

"92 here"

"134 here"

"149 here"

"78 here"

"88 here"

"101 here"

"137 here"

Myr chuckled and cheekily said "Alright, looks like drinks are on me tonight. Oh, and remember to leave some for the rest of the Recon Corps. I don't want to make them cry when they find out we're performing better than even Erwin and Levi."

This comment of hers caused a round of laughter throughout the entire comms channel as they all went back to killing Titans.

Suddenly, Myr sees another lightning flash and zips over towards where it landed, and sure enough, the Armored Titan was there, though she could see that it was only looking around at the moment. Myr decided to sneak up behind it and then lifted it up into the air and threw it outside of Wall Maria. Knowing that Reiner wouldn't die from an impact like that in his Titan form, Myr threw an arrow with a message attached to it, and the message read:

"I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky"

With the Recon Corps finally arriving, Myr ordered her Hunters to head back to base while she took care of any questions that Erwin and Levi would ask, that is, until she saw an all too familiar Titan sprinting towards the hole in the wall.

'What the hell is Eren doing out here? Oh, he must be trying to plug up the gap in the wall. Figures, at least something is still happening that's canon.'

Sure enough, Eren was seen picking up a boulder and slowly walking towards the hole in the wall. Seeing all of the Recon Corps members covering for him, Myr decides to make an entrance herself.

Zipping over, Myr begins to maneuver around and kill off any stray Titan that focused it's attention on trying to stop Eren, which was odd since she thought that Zeke didn't know about Eren yet, though after thinking about it for a while, she disregarded that thought as it would be insanely stupid of him not to know about Eren.

When the Recon Corps members saw Myr zipping around and killing off Titan after Titan, they momentarily stopped what they were doing and just watched Myr expertly dispatch Titans like it was a walk in the park.

They continued to watch until they heard their Captain's voice saying "What the hell are you fools doing? Get to work" before zipping off himself to kill the seemingly endless amount of Titans that were still pouring in.

He knew that not even him or Erwin would be able to maneuver easily outside of the gate, so he shouted out "Soldier! I need you to try and stop the flow from outside the wall!" hoping that Myr would hear him.

She indeed did hear him and turned around mid maneuver and he saw her then stick her tongue out at him as she zipped around and cut the necks of any Titans that crossed her path while going outside of the gate.

By then, Eren had almost reached the wall when an irregular came sprinting towards him. Sighing, Levi simply maneuvered in a way that left everyone watching speechless as he expertly spun around and shredded the Titan before it even could realize what was happening to it.

Myr, who was outside the wall having a blast, sensed what Levi was doing and cheekily said to herself "He's a fidget spinner!" in the same tone and pace that sounded like Eren's theme from the original anime.

After hearing the soft boom coming from the hole in the wall, Myr began to triple her pace and tore through the ranks upon ranks of Titans, until none were left outside of the wall that she could see.

Zipping back up along the wall, Myr spotted Reiner shakily walk into a small opening in the wall, but not before seeing her looking at him. Seeing his face pale really made Myr's day as she zipped up and over the top of the wall and raced back towards Erwin's office, who still was outside helping the Recon Corps clean up any leftover Titans that haven't been killed yet.

Picking the lock on Erwin's window, Myr sat herself down and poured herself some tea and took out a few biscuits to munch on while she waited for the commander and his captain to head back to his office.

A few hours later, they both arrived to see Myr leaning back and resting in Erwin's chair. Seeing Myr like this really irked Levi for some reason, but he held his tongue in fear of angering Myr and having her not answer any of their questions.

They were about to ask how Myr even got in, when she suddenly said "I came in through the window. You really need to keep it locked Erwin, you never know when an assassin might come through and hide in here, only to stab you in the heart as you sit down in this not so comfy chair. Seriously, as the commander, shouldn't you have the right to have a comfy chair? I bet the paperwork must be hell sitting in this lousy piece of wood."

Snapping her fingers, Myr transformed the chair into one with cushions along the backrest and bottom, along with some on the arm rests as well. The color scheme of Erwin's new chair was green, white and blue, with the Recon Corps insignia printed on the back.

Seeing what they could only describe as magic, both of them tensed up yet again, which caused Myr to snort and say "If I wanted to hurt any of you with my magic, I would've done so already. Now stop being cowards, have a seat, and speak what's on your mind. After all, if you haven't noticed, my ears aren't exactly human."

Looking at eachother, both Erwin and Levi take a seat in front of Erwin's desk and in front of Myr and took a deep breath before starting their interrogation, which was more like an interview.