Titanic Problems

"Boss, there's a small problem." Ace said while Myr was working on building her new nation.

Looking at him, Myr raised her eyebrows and said "Alright, shoot."

Sighing, Ace took out his phone and tapped a few keys and brought up a map of Paradise Island, outside of Wall Maria. Seeing all of the red dots that signify a Titan, Myr raised her eyebrow and grunted.

"Well that seems like a problem. Only Zeke could've amassed that many Titans in such a short period of time. I'm counting 3,010 Titans, and 400 of them are irregulars. Deploy you and the rest if the Hunters and thin them out a bit, but make sure you leave at least 1,000 Titans. I have a feeling Zeke is trying to draw me out."

Nodding, Ace shut off the map and turned around to walk away when he heard Myr call out "Oh and Ace, make sure you don't cause too much trouble, just enough to stir the pot."

Cracking a grin from under his mask, Ace gave Myr a thumbs up and walked away to gather the Hunters.

Going back to her planning, Myr decided to make some walls of her own, except these would be able to easily fend off Titans of even the Colossal Titan's caliber with ease. Using a holo-table, she began to copy and paste turrets, traps, shields, and buildings, while also designing her family's house, and the house that the Hunters would be living in as well in the lower floors.

Feeling her phone vibrate, Myr sighed and checked to see who was calling her, and unsurprisingly, it was Ace. Pressing the call button, Myr grumbled "What is it Ace? Don't tell me that there's another problem."

Ace's nervous voice could be heard on the other end slightly strained. "Ehehe, eh, well, that's just the thing boss, there's not A problem, there's MANY problems. The Titans suddenly shifted colors to black, red, and green, and they're giving off an aura that reeks of the Fallen. Do you still want us to try and thin them out?"

Myr sucked in a cold breath of air. "Ace, if you and the rest of the Hunters aren't out there yet, then stay back and wait for Chloe and I to arrive. Even a weak Fallen could tear all 9 of you to pieces. I'm not sure how the hell Titans managed to turn into Fallen, as the Fallen themselves and their respective energy should be locked in a separate axis of time, space, and reality. Give me 2 minutes to get ready."

Shutting off the call, Myr sprints over to where Chloe was taking a nap and gently shook her awake. "Chloe, hate to bother you, but there's a problem. A group of a little over 3,000 Titans turned into Fallen. We need to clear them out."

Chloe's eyes snapped open as she nimbly hopped up and instantly changed into her combat attire. Nodding at eachother, both Myr and Chloe teleport themselves over to where the Hunters were and enhanced their vision so they could see the Titans.

Cursing, Myr muttered "Yeah, those are Fallen alright. How the hell did mindless Titans turn into Fallen, beings that require a consciousness? There's too many questions, damn it."

Myr turned towards the Hunters and grimaced. "You 9 need to hang back and contact the Divine Realm. Take these tokens, they're my personal ones that allow my to permit 1 person per token to enter the Divine Realm when they're not a divine being yet. Go alert someone named "Red" and someone named "Estarte", let them know that there are Fallen in my location, and to inform all of the powerhouses to be prepared to mobilize."

Nodding, each of the Hunters took a token and teleported to the Divine Realm, and left Myr and Chloe to observe the Fallen Titans for a little bit while they planned their next move.

"Chloe, I know you're aware of what the Fallen are and what they can do, but I'm here to tell you right now that if you're struggling even a tiny bit to kill them, I'm teleporting you back to Nekopara and sealing the realm. This many is going to be a gamble. I can't just wipe them out all at once either, as it seems they're immune to magic, at least these ones are."

Myr took a deep breath and suddenly slapped herself really hard, which concerned Chloe, until she heard and saw Myr cursing under her breath. "Damn it all, I forgot for a moment I had [Complete Arsenal], I can just bypass their magic resistance or completely void it instead. So many ways, yet I have no idea how to permanently kill off Fallen."

"I believe we can help with that" a soft, baritone voice sounded out behind her.

Turning around, Myr and Chloe saw a bunch of gods and goddesses that were at least peak soul tier 8 beings appear behind them, until the entire group amounted to 50 on the dot. Seeing all of the gods and goddesses present, Myr nodded.

"Indeed. If we need to purify them, then I can handle that part, but these are powerful Fallen, I'm not sure if just purifying them would prevent them from rising again."

Shaking his head, a god of war and strife, "Solomon", said in a rumbling voice "You're correct. The only way to permanently put them down is by erasing their heart and soul. Once those two things are gone, then they die instantly. Soul attacks are rarely used up here amongst us gods and goddesses, as usually they're fairly easy to defend against due to our massive soul power, plus they're insanely risky to anyone except soul tier 10 entities like yourself."

Pursing her lips, Myr turns towards Chloe and said in a somber tone "Chloe, I might have you sit this one out. You're still a very early stage tier 8 entity, and while normally that would make you nigh invincible, against even a normal Fallen, you wouldn't stand a chance, much less the high tier fallen those titans have become."

Chloe clicked her tongue and hugged Myr. "Fine, I'll sit this one out, but you had better be careful out there. I know this might be a lot easier for you, but now you have all of these fine folks to take care of as well. Now go out there and kick ass and take names."

Nodding, Myr prepared herself for what would most likely be the most harrowing battle of her existence so far besides when she ascended to godhood.


The assorted gods and goddesses crept up behind the Fallen and on Myr's signal, they all charged, some silently, some with war cries, and some with bestial roars as they took their divine form. Myr locked down the record and to prevent any unnecessary damage or loss of life.

Myr charged into a group of Fallen Titans, 15 meter class ones, and began to punch and kick their bodies, turning their hearts to mush. She then switched to using soul rending attacks, some of which were her own creations.

Chanting a soul script, Myr finished it off with "Heed me now, [Soul Reaping Lotus]!"

A rustling of wind could be felt, which quickly turned into a roar of turbulent wind as a giant blue and green lotus with white petals appeared above the battle ground, making it so any Fallen soul whose body was destroyed got collected and subsequently destroyed, making everyone's lives easier.

A goddess yelled in panic as a Fallen grabbed hold of her and slowly brought her to it's mouth. Seeing this, Myr quickly darted over and the void to separate the Fallen Titan's hand from it's wrist. Catching said goddess, Myr lifted her to the backline for any healing needed.

Rushing back to the battlefield, Myr felt an attack on her soul, though it only felt as if a weak baby were lightly tugging at the coat she was wearing. Looking around for the source, Myr spotted an irregular Fallen Titan that locked gazes with her.

Suddenly feeling slightly different, Myr realized that the irregular had just tried an attack to initiate a state similar to "mind down", which greatly pissed her off, not because it attacked her, but because it tried to imitate a feared state from her "home world". Teleporting in front of said irregular, Myr threw out successive punches, kicks, and palm strikes, turning it's entire body to mush in her fit of anger.

Every time a Fallen Titan's body was destroyed, the Soul Reaping Lotus would turn clockwise once and glow a bright blue light. Myr noticed that more than a few gods and goddesses were out of the fight as well, showing just how tough these Fallen were. Myr didn't sense any of the gods or goddesses present dying, though a few showed hints of a corrupted core. Deciding to personally treat the afflictions herself later, Myr threw herself back into the fight, taking the heads off of any Titans that she came across that weren't already being fought by another deity.

She looked over to her left and to her horror, saw an irregular zipping in an erratic pattern over to Chloe, who was providing healing to any injured god or goddess that needed it.

In a panic, Myr overclocked her divine energy output and caused a quantum superposition that destroyed the Titan, body and soul, in a speed that was faster than an instant, though it would be more appropriate to say that instead of speed being needed, the strike had always happened, in the past, present, and future, and by the time the strike had been initiated, it had already killed the Titan.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Myr turned her gaze towards the thousand or so odd Titans left, and noticed that only a handful of gods and goddesses were able to fight. Still sensing no deaths, Myr teleported all of the injured gods and goddesses over towards Chloe and tried to manipulate the surrounding energies to give the remaining deities a hand, which somewhat worked.

Feeling a sudden increase in strength, the remaining deities felt their spirits raise as they realized Myr must be supporting them some more, as they then saw a silver and gold blur shoot past them and begin to obliterate every Fallen Titan in view.

The blur was indeed Myr, and she caused this by coating her entire body in her multitude of divinities and unstable energies that she could think of off the top of her head. This proved most efficient, and in a matter of a few minutes, all of the Fallen Titans were dead, and their souls destroyed by the Lotus.

Feeling the surrounding space suddenly shudder, Myr's eyes widened as a realization hit her. 'Fuck, more of those things are coming? How the hell did they breach out of their sealed space?! Systi, give me a number crunch, how many are we looking at appearing?'

{You're not gonna like this at all partner. I'm seeing over 100,000 signatures coming from the space above you, as well as a large energy source that seems to be made out of anti-divine energy. It's shape looks like.. oh fuck.. PARTNER! SHIELDS UP!}

Cursing, Myr threw everything she had into an energy bubble that encompassed the entire world as a beam of anti-divine energy shot down from a tear in space-time and struck her shield, making the surrounding area around the impact site void of color.

Noticing that her energy consumption wasn't at all bad, Myr breathed a sigh of relief, that was, until thousands upon thousands of Fallen Titans began to rain down from the sky, like a grotesque and morbid rain.

Each Titan that hit the still present Lotus would find itself shredded to pieces and it's soul destroyed in less time than it took for Myr to snap her fingers, but it wasn't enough, not by a long shot.

For every Fallen Titan that hit he Lotus and was destroyed, 20 more took it's place surrounding the Lotus, as irregulars fired beams of foreign energy at it in a feeble attempt to destroy it.

Noticing that the Lotus drew all of the surrounding Fallen Titan's attention, Myr snapped her fingers and layered the sky with a blanket of Soul Reaping Lotuses. This drew the attention of all of the Fallen Titans, and prevented many of even touching the ground. The ones that did that weren't capable of firing beams of energy simply stacked on top of eachother trying to destroy the Lotuses by hand, which resulted in their bodies and souls being destroyed.

Gore covered the Lotuses, yet every time a Fallen Titan died, a Lotus would turn clockwise and emit a bright blue light.

This pause gave the frightened deities present a lot of relief, knowing that they wouldn't have to fight all of the Fallen Titans that kept pouring in from the sky.

Flying over to the hastily made infirmary, Myr walked over to Chloe and asked "Is everyone doing alright? I'm sensing core corruption in quite a few of them, let me help cleanse that."

Snapping her fingers, all of the core corruption was cleansed and flushed out from the infected deities' cores, as many of them either groaned, sat up, or cursed.

Suddenly, a shattering noise could be heard coming from the zone directly under the beam hit the world shield.

Looking over, Myr raised her eyebrows and she saw one of her Lotuses falling apart into pieces, so snapping her fingers, she simply made another one, or attempted to at least. Noticing that another wasn't forming, a frown marred her face as she then stood up, made a lot of complicated hand gestures, and formed a seal using a combination of dharmic powers and the use of karmic inversion to isolate and destroy the malignant and malign energy that pervaded the battlefield.

A series of miniature dharmic wheels and karmic symbols began to attach themselves to every single Lotus present, and began to work in tangent to create subtle, yet insanely strong pulses of energy that cleared out the malign energy.

The gods and goddesses present that were of Buddhist, Chinese, and other Eastern descent, marveled at how well Myr could handle and control her dharmic powers and were awed by her use of karma.

Pretty soon, a new set of Soul Reaping Lotuses replaced the old ones, and the new Lotuses were a shiny silver color, which pure white petals, golden stems and seeds, and silver leaves. Myr received a notification from her system as well.


[Host Myr Aeternum has created a new skill: 9 Lives Transcendent Lotus Of The Reaper]

Sighing, Myr decided to try and amp up her killing field. Using her Clockwork Divinity, she spaced out her Lotuses to leave some gaps in-between them and set up autonomous orbital cannons that fired concentrated beams of energy that were powerful enough to wipe out small cities.

In a split second, tens of thousands of orbital cannons were erected and started firing at the cascading Fallen Titans, which now numbered in the hundreds of thousands killed. Every shot from an orbital cannon meant another Fallen Titan died.

Golden beams of light from the cannons and explosions from said beams fired lit up the sky, creating a would otherwise be a beautiful sight similar to macabre fireworks.

Sensing that the tear was rapidly being depleted of energy to supply the streams of Fallen Titans, Myr decided to finish it. Flying through the world shield, she gathered enough energy to eliminate millions of metaverses into a single ball of energy, which was a combination of every energy she had access to, all fused together to form an extremely unstable ball of destruction.

With all of her might, Myr throws the ball of energy through the tear and forcefully closes said tear, and despite being in a separate plane of existence, every single god and goddess present could feel the ripples and distortions caused by Myr's attack.

Feeling mentally exhausted, Myr received yet another notification.


[Host Myr Aeternum has created the skill: Chimeric Orb of Destruction]

Her left eye twitched a couple of times seeing that the notification system didn't have anything else to say other than notifying her of the skills she created. With a huff, she descended back down to the ground and dispelled her Lotuses and orbital cannons with a wave of her hand.

Using her Time Divinity, she rewound the planet's time table to set it back to the state it was in before the Fallen Titans attacked.

She then cleared out all of the remaining malign energy laying around and absorbed it into herself for analysis later on. It should be noted that said energy wasn't in her repertoire that came with her [Complete Arsenal] ability, which puzzled, worried, and excited her all at the same time.

Walking over to Chloe, Myr hugged and kissed her, not caring who saw. After breaking away, Myr turned towards every and gave a light bow.

"I thank you all for coming to assist me in this endeavor. I'll be sure to reward you all with ample amounts of Heavenly Divine Crystals at a later date which will be soon."

This elicited cheers from everyone present, as even Chloe was just happy that nobody died and everyone was still in one piece.

Though Myr didn't know it, her name was about to go down into the Divine Realm's book of legends, as despite being not even 30 years old, she had played a majority role in stopping a Fallen invasion on a non-native world of hers.


Once all of the other deities left, Myr unfroze the record with a snap of her fingers and teleported Chloe and her back to Nekopara, where Myr promptly curled up in Chloe's lap and took a much deserved nap.

Petting Myr's head always brought a sense of being complete to Chloe, and seeing Myr like this, worn out, tired, exhausted, but with a smile on her face while purring, made everything they went through worth in it her opinion, though if anyone else were to know about her current thoughts, they would cough out blood while thinking 'Dear heavens woman, you're insane!'