Systi 2.0, More Companions

'Yo, partner, how would you feel about having a physical body? I can't guarantee you'd be able to be seen by others except Chloe and I, but at least you'd be able to do normal things like eat, play, sleep, and prank people' Myr asked in a hopeful tone.

{*Yawn* That would be nice. I'd accept any form you give me, just don't make it male or ugly and we're golden}

Myr smiled and got to work. Seeing as how Systi had the voice of a certain emergency food, that's the type of body she'd give Systi. The main body was easy enough, as was adding the color.

A snow white jumper and a night blue cape with the patterns of a galaxy with a golden clock in the middle, rose-gold sleeve cuffs that were flared out, cute little white boots that went up to her upper calves, with rose gold embroidery that decorated her jumper, boots, and sleeves, a hairpin that was an intricately made golden clock, and a rose-gold crown that resembled a halo with Myr's Familia symbol, which was a cat's paw with two interlocking cogs, inside of a spade symbol as the main piece of the crown that was floating slightly above Systi's head.

Systi's eyes were going to be sky blue instead of the normal dark blue of the original emergency food's eyes, and because Myr wanted to give Systi some extra flare, she gave her some gold and silver highlights to her otherwise snow white hair that went down to her shoulders.

Myr also took the liberty to make it so Systi could eat as much as she wanted and only feel full when she wanted, as well as giving her 2 stomachs, one for drinks, and one for food. She didn't give Systi a digestive system in the normal sense, and made it so anything Systi ate was dissolved and turned into energy that she could store.

The hardest part was making sure Systi could use every type of energy Myr could use, which was any and all of them. The energy circuits inside of Systi's body had to be perfect with no flaws, and making them be so was a lot harder than it sounded, though Myr managed it just fine.

Next was the connection to her mechanized army, normal army, and the Hunters' gear. Linking Systi directly to her entire armed forces, Myr made it so that Systi could command in Myr's stead, and made it so Systi would sound like an extremely advanced AI. Making sure to give Systi the proper protocols and authority was simple enough, as she just made it so Systi's orders were second only to her own.

Another feature that Myr added was the ability for Systi to manifest and de-manifest at will, meaning she could switch from having her physical form to being inside Myr's soul whenever she wanted.

Now all that was left was the transfer. 'Alright partner, ready when you're ready.'

{Hehe, let's do it!}

Systi's body glowed a brilliant white glow with rainbow hues for a few seconds before the glow died down. Myr hesitantly asked "Partner, you there?" When Myr didn't hear anything, she began to worry. "Systi, you're okay right? Come on now, speak to me!"

When Myr suddenly saw Systi's body disappear in a variety of different lights that looked like the cosmos, Myr's face paled as she sat heavily down into a chair. 'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! FUCK! Did I do something wrong?! What the hell happened?!'

Myr felt like crying until she heard {Damn it, MYR! HOW DO I OPEN MY EYES AND SPEAK?}

This shocked Myr in the purest sense, and then she did cry a little. With a few tears escaping her eyes, Myr laughed and said 'Holy shit partner, I thought you left me there for a minute. Please don't ever scare me like that again, I wouldn't be here where I am now without you.'

Though Myr didn't know it, Systi felt extremely warm and was glad that she was created for Myr, because from what her creator, Messorem, had mentioned as he sent her off, most people who reincarnate treated their systems only slightly above the level a person would treat a slave, and some even got rid of their systems when they ascended into godhood, so to have Myr genuinely cry because she thought she had died, filled her with gratitude and happiness.

{Sorry to worry you like that Myr, I really am. I just... I don't know how to open my eyes and speak, much less move around. Mind if I look through some of your memories so I can get the hang of it? I didn't want to look through them without permission after all}

Myr wiped away her tears and thought 'Sure. If it'll help you, look through any memories you want, except for the ones where I'm snuggling with Chloe and when I... "snuggled" with her.'

Myr hear Systi chuckle at the last part and felt her face heat up for a second. Feeling what she assumed to be Systi looking through her memories and focusing on her body's movements and how it operated, Myr felt relieved and overjoyed when she saw Systi reappear and float around while moving her body.

"Hey, this is pretty neat! Thanks a bunch Myr! Now with that out of the way, do you have any food? I want to try your cooking!" Systi exclaimed with a bright smile.

This got Myr to laugh for a good bit until she calmed down enough to nod her head and motion for Systi to follow her to the kitchen.

Seeing a worker there, Myr greeted him and went to a different stove and got out the ingredients to make hot pot. Once the food was boiling, Myr then got out some more ingredients to make King Reaper Fish sushi, and for that, she went down to the bottom layer beneath the castle and greeted the King Reaper Fish community, and when she dived down, her faced formed the perfect deadpan.

In the water, along lots and lots of different points, were all kinds of statues of her, with some being her regular attire, some in what would be a roman toga, some in tribal clothing you'd find in old Native American tribes, some in swimsuits, and there was even one of her naked, except her private areas were covered by leaves.

Some looked like white marble, some granite, some were a weird type of wood that Myr had never seen before, some were made out of bedrock, and more than a handful were made out of King Reaper Fish bones.

When they noticed her, all of the King Reaper Fish quickly zoomed over and "prostrated" themselves in front of her and said at the same time "Greetings to the Empress! Long live the Empress!"

This made Myr scratch the back of her head in slight embarrassment as she asked "You may rise. I was wondering, um... are there any of you here that are on death's door and would like to find peace? Your meat is very good, and.. um.. ah damn, this is awkward as hell..."

Luckily for her, an absolutely massive King Reaper Fish, about 150 meters long, swam up to her, and she noticed a plethora of scars and healed over wounds all across it's body. A deep male voice that came from the fish said "I would fit those requirements. I am Noolenga, the oldest King Reaper Fish. I have lived for over 30 billion years, and I would like to find peace. I have sired many children, I have seen some live and grow up, and some die. I would gladly give my body to you if you can promise to give me peace. I have lived for far too long, and I would like to rest."

Myr gave Noolenga a warm smile. "If it's peace you want, then it's peace you will get, though, I can offer you an alternative. Since you've lived this long in that body, what would you say if I made you a new body, like a dragon?"

Noolenga instantly agreed. "I accept that proposal. I am vaguely familiar with what a dragon looks like, though if the Empress herself is making it, then I have no reason to refuse such a fantastic offer."

Myr nodded her head and concentrated on a cool dragon from her [Akashic Records of Entertainment] ability. Seeing one that looked badass and would be greatly beneficial to have around her, Myr snapped her fingers and created the body in a better than perfect mimic, making it so strong that not even her best military equipment would be able to harm it, though Myr and Chloe easily could. The dragon she modeled Noolenga's body after was the "Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon" from Yu-Gi-Oh!. Myr tapped the center of Noolenga's head and gently but quickly extracted his soul, and then transferring it to the body she had made him in one of the dimensional hangars.

Putting his old body into her inventory, Myr wished the rest of the King Reaper Fish well and swam out of the water and walked backed to the kitchen.

Myr knew that Noolenga would need a few hours to grow completely used to his new body, so she left him with a few tips and tricks on how to move around freely and attack and whatnot.

Expertly filleting Noolenga's old body, Myr cut the slabs of meat into manageable sections, and starts to prepare the rice, wasabi, soy sauce, seaweed, and other seafood, like Twilight Urchin roe, 21 Eyed Salmon, 5 Tailed Crystal Sturgeon caviar, and a, normally, very hard to obtain metric ton of 8 Clawed Abyssal Crayfish.

She also made beef, chicken, shrimp, and veggie lo mein noodles, stir fry, fried and steamed dumplings, hot and spicy shrimp, tuna, fried Atlantic cod from Earth, burgers, steaks, pasta dishes like spaghetti, chicken alfredo, breads, teas, wines, alcohols, juices, and the desserts were present as well, ranging from cakes, to brownies, cupcakes, cookies, ice cream, and different kinds of candies were all included.

After a few hours of cooking, Myr began setting dishes down onto the various tables in, what everyone but Myr and Chloe called, the "Royal Dining Area".

Unsurprisingly, it was Tenshi was came racing down first when she smelled the food. Looking at all of the tasty dishes, Tenshi started to lightly drool, and that's when Systi came floating in while yawning.

Next was Chloe, and Myr blushed, as Chloe had only a pair of short shorts, and a crop top on, and seeing as how she was drenched in sweat, Myr could tell that Chloe had been training.

Seeing Chloe like this made Myr quite excited, but she wasn't sure in what sort of way, but she felt for some reason she was treading on a very fine line.

Swallowing her saliva, Myr hesitantly looked away from Chloe and looked at Nox, who was still in her pajamas, come slowly walking in while rubbing her eyes.

Everyone then felt a sudden shift in the surroundings and that's when a shrunk down Noolenga, who had just gotten fully merged with his body, teleported in and smelled his Empress' cooking for the first time, and it made him feel hungry, a feeling he wasn't familiar with at all.

Looking around, Noolenga clenches his claws open and closed a few times before spotting Myr and kneeling. "Empress, I thank you for the new body. I like it a lot, and I'm looking forward to using it. If I may ask, are you the one who created this enticing smell?"

Myr sighed and wryly smiled. "Yeah, I'm the one who cooked the food you see on the tables. The ones around you right now are on par with me when it comes to importance, as they're my family. There's Chloe, my wife, Tenshi and Nox, my daughters, and Systi, a special guest that helped me get where I am today. Also, stop calling me Empress, it's embarrassing, just call me Myr, or if you're not comfortable with that, then just call me "Boss". Now enough talking, let's eat. I'm sure you'll like my cooking."

Nodding his head, Noolenga walked over to the various dishes after everyone got what they wanted for their first portions, and when he saw his old body turned into food, he gave a small smile.

Picking up a piece of sushi made from his old body, Noolenga pops it into his mouth and is amazed at how tasty it was, which would make any normal person question themselves, but not Noolenga, as it was fairly common for dying members of the King Reaper Fish race to eat their elderly when they were about to die.

Taking a large platter of sushi, noodles, and some sweets, Noolenga remained standing as he chowed down. Every bite he had tasted so wonderful that if he had working tear ducts, he would be crying from joy at being able to eat his Empress' delicious cooking.

Systi was wolfing down food at a rate that surpassed both Tenshi and Myr, which was more than impressive to say the least. Systi also thought that Myr's cooking was the best around. She made the offhand comment about how everyone else's food will taste like dirt compared to Myr's, which earned her a few chuckles.

Myr was being fed by Chloe, while Nox was watching her mother being taken care of my Chloe, and she suddenly looked at Tenshi and began to feel a warm feeling that confused her. Deciding to ask her mother's about it later, Nox filled up her second plate and sat down next to Tenshi and tapped her on the shoulder.

Looking at Nox, Tenshi smiled and offered a bite of her sushi, which normally Nox wouldn't touch, but since it was Tenshi, she smiled back and opened her mouth as Tenshi popped it in. Surprised at how sweet and savory it tasted, Nox's eyes widened as she quietly said "This is amazing", to which Tenshi responded "I know right? Mom's cooking is always the best! I tried helping her one time, but she scolded me when I kept eating the ingredients."

Nox quietly giggled at that, as she could perfectly see Myr scolding Tenshi for doing something like that. While she was eating her food, Nox silently thought about back when she first met her family in the dungeon, and how when she saw Tenshi, she couldn't help but feel the same feeling she was experiencing right now.

This slightly troubled her as she didn't like not knowing about her own emotions, and noticing Nox's frown, Tenshi worriedly asked "Nox? You doing okay? Are you not liking the food? Are you feeling bad for some reason?"

Nox shook her head, sighed, and turned her head away to hide her conflicted expression.

"No, I'm loving the food, I'm just.. confused about a few things right now. If you'll excuse me, I need to sort some things out, I'm sorry."

With that, Nox quickly finished her food and walked back to her room, leaving a puzzled Tenshi wondering what had gotten into Nox. Had she known, Tenshi would've felt like the luckiest girl in the world.


With the meal all done and over with, Myr was taking a nap when Systi materialized next to her and shook her awake.

"Oi, Myr! You just received a help request! It came from Red!"

Hearing this, Myr woke up and felt quite irked. "What the fuck does that dimwit need now? This had better be important or I'm gonna-"

Systi cut her off. "Yeah yeah, we get it, now shut up and listen. He requested you and Chloe come and help him. He said Estarte is feeling sick and he's not sure what's causing it. He doesn't want to go and get a doctor, as he said he didn't trust any of them, so he requested you and Chloe's help instead."

Sighing, Myr got up, got Chloe up, got dressed, and teleported both her and Chloe into Estarte's mansion, right outside of their bedroom door. Sounds of retching could be heard from inside, and that's when the smell hit both her and Chloe's nose. Smelling the particular hormone, Myr looked at Chloe, and Chloe looked back at Myr as they both sighed.

Pushing open the door, Myr was greeted with the sight of a distraught Red wiping down Estarte. Walking up to the two of them, Myr asked "I heard you needed help with something Red. I take it Estarte there isn't feeling well?"

Red looked up and nodded, oblivious to the fact that he couldn't sense Myr and Chloe teleporting in, such was his worry for his wife.

Sighing, Myr crouched down and asked Estarte in a soft voice "Estarte, can you give me your wrist for a moment? I need to check your pulse quick."

Nodding, Estarte held out her wrist, and when Myr took her pulse, while secretly flooding Estarte's body with scanning magic, her and Chloe's suspicions were indeed true.

Letting go of Estarte's wrist, Myr stood up, walked over to Red, and picked him up by the collar of his shirt and made him stand. This confused him until Myr gave him a warm smile.

"Congratulations Red, you're going to be a father. Estarte is currently pregnant, and what she's experiencing right now is the effects of her hormones running wild inside of her body as it's adjusting itself for pregnancy and preparing for childbirth. It's commonly called "morning sickness", and is perfectly normal. Just have her drink extra water, and preferably with some assorted minerals and vital nutrients to help the babies grow, because from what I can tell, she's going to be carrying twins."

Both Red's and Estarte's eyes widened as they suddenly hugged eachother. Estarte was silently crying tears of joy, while Red's own eyes teared up a little bit. Turning to look towards Myr, they both gave her a small bow and thanked her, to which she waved her hand and said "No problem. Red, Estarte, I hope you make good parents. Dealing with children, especially ones of the caliber that Estarte is going to give birth to, is going to be a hassle. Just be patient and raise them right. If you two can do that, then that's all the thanks I need."

Nodding, they both promised her that they'd make good parents, and as such, Myr gave them both her blessing and bid them farewell.

Teleporting back to Nekopara, Myr snuggled up with Chloe and quietly said "Chloe, when we decide to have biological children someday, I'd be willing to carry them. I just ask that you help me through it. I'm hesitant on it though, as although I've made peace with my past, I'll never be able to shake this feeling that I'd make a horrible mother, and I'd rather just erase myself than put my own children through even a fraction of what I had to go through during my first life. To be honest, I'm scared, I'm extremely scared. I just-"

Myr was interrupted by Chloe's lips sealing her own in a kiss, which she melted into. After passionately kissing for a few minutes, Chloe quietly said back "You have nothing to be scared of, because if something comes up that you can't handle, then I'll be right there beside you. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'd sooner let everything burn than leave you alone like you were in your first life. Whatever you go through, I'll go through with you. When you want to have biological children, all you need to do is ask and I'll help you through it all. Remember, we are wives after all~"

Hearing this, Myr gave Chloe a warm smile and quickly fell asleep in her embrace, still wearing her smile that Chloe would never get bored of seeing.