One Sided Battle

Double checking to see if her reports are right, Myr cracks a grin and giggles. Seeing Myr giggle out of the blue, Chloe picks her up and sits her on her lap and asked "What's got you so happy?"

Myr purrs for a bit and relishes the feeling of having her ears rubbed and finally says "My reports are saying that Marley is moving in on a piece of land that I want to use for my home base on this world. You see, we can't have that, so I think it's time I break out some of my fleet to show them what real firepower is like."

Chloe chuckles and rubs Myr's stomach while petting her ears. "I think that sounds wonderful. Don't push yourself okay? I know you can handle it, but you get rather cranky when you get overly stressed out, and I'd rather not have that happen."

Myr nods and spends a couple of hours just snuggling with Chloe, until a knock on the door could be heard. Sighing, Myr gets up opens the door to see an Intelligence Officer standing at her door with a tablet. When the officer saw Chloe also in the room, her cheeks turned slightly rosy as she coughed and said "Ma'am, we have an updated report of the people of Marley's Armed Forces moving in on the land that you wanted to set up our base in. I take it you want to engage them in battle?"

Myr nodded as she took the tablet from the officer's hands and looked over the reports and raised her left eyebrow. "Hm, several dozen blimps, explosives, some experimental and crude rockets, and over 200,000 ground soldiers, all armed with either crude guns or bladed weapons. This'll be a walk in the park, and probably will scare them enough to not initiate a war."

Myr handed the tablet back to the officer and said "Alright officer, let he air crew know to get their asses in gear. We'll be sending 9 Yamato class battleships, 100 Rumblers, and also send in 300 B420 Space Fortress bombers, with 2 guard fighters per bomber. Have them equip as many explosives as they can for the B420's, and have the fighters capable of performing strafing runs. I want one fighter from each bomber to perform strafing runs with the two fighters rotating every other run. Have the Yamato class battleships knock out the blimps, they'll just cause a bunch of problems if we leave them be."

Thinking a little bit more, Myr also added "Since the landmass I want is near the water, they're probably going to be bringing in naval ships. Though they might be crude, I don't want to take any chances. Send in 100 Regent class naval motherships, and 200 Regent Specters. Have the motherships load up extra peg bombs, and I want the Shredder launchers full and ready in half an hour. Have the crews gather in Dimensional Hangar 1 for a briefing."

The officer nods and salutes Myr before briskly turning around and quickly walking away. Not understanding why the officer acted like that, Myr turned around and saw Chloe, who was only wearing a sweatshirt now that she noticed further, and got an idea as to why the officer acted like that, as she herself was only wearing running shorts and a tank top.

Blushing a bit, Myr quietly climbed back up onto Chloe's lap and buried her face into the nape of Chloe's neck in embarrassment, which Chloe found extremely amusing, but also comforting, knowing that Myr would rather snuggle with her than deal with her problems on her own.

Rubbing Myr's ears, Chloe could feel Myr drifting off into sleep. Sighing, she gently picked up Myr in a princess carry and set her down on their bed, and laid down next to her and just watched the rhythmic up and down motion of Myr's chest, letting Chloe know that Myr was asleep.


Waking up next to Chloe was always a win in Myr's books. Seeing her lovely wife stare into her eyes made Myr feel a extra sort of giddy and content, though she knew that she had lots of work to do. Sighing, Myr kissed Chloe on the lips, and they stayed like that for a few seconds before breaking away and smiling at eachother.

"I'd wish you luck Myr, but you don't need luck. If anything, the people of Marley do when they see all of the firepower you're going to bring over there to secure your land." Chloe said with a warm smile.

Myr had a cheeky smile of her own when she replied "Of course. I know that less than half of what I'm going to send is going to be overkill, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'd rather know I brought far too much than bring too little and risk losing troops and ships. Besides, this'll be a nice show of power to the world, except paradise island."

Nodding, both Chloe and Myr got dressed with a snap of their fingers and Myr teleported to Dimensional Hangar A, where most of the crew that would be in this fight were located. Deciding not to reveal herself yet, Myr just patiently waited until all of the crew members were in the hangar and talking about when Myr would get here when she undid her cloaking magic and cleared her throat, silencing the entire hanger filled with thousands upon thousands of crew members, pilots, and gunners.

"Alright folks, this'll be the first time you see combat, and I'm hoping for the best. I know this is kind of sudden, but we need an area where we can set down shop and secure a future for us on this world. Don't harm any innocents if you can help it, but any of the Marlyean Military is fair game. I want the crews for the Yamato class battleships, Rumblers, B420 bombers, and their escort guard fighters to start preparing for take off. Crew members of the Regent class naval motherships and Regent Specters to load up in 3 minutes. I'll be deploying you far closer to the shoreline where you'll lay in wait for any naval ships they may bring. Their blimps will be faster, and I can't risk teleporting that many large scale space fighters and battleships over the land mass, in case there are natives there, as we don't want to spook them too bad. There shouldn't be, but I'd rather be safe than sorry."

""""YES MA'AM!""""

The crews for Myr's naval and space fleets hustle to their respective ships and vessels and waited for Myr's green light. Upon flipping the green light on, Myr snapped her fingers and teleported her space fleet about 20 kilometers away from the coastline, and 2 minutes later, snapper her fingers and deployed her naval fleet 3 kilometers away from the shoreline in deep waters, where her forces laid in wait for the incoming Marley forces.


3 hours later...

Myr could be seen in the command deck of her personal and heavily customized Yamato class battleship, overlooking the landmass they were defending and the incoming Marley military forces.

"Alright folks, I can see them right now, first are the blimps, their navy isn't far behind. Prepare for battle!" Myr slammed her hand down on a holodeck that had a series of buttons. The button she slammed her hand down onto initiated her ship's armaments, as the other captains of the other 8 Yamato Battleships did the same.

Myr's naval forces were preparing to spring up as soon as Marley's naval forces got within range of the peg bombs and Shredders. The Shredders themselves were heavily based off of the inside of Tenshi's mouth, in the sense that they tore anything they came in contact with apart, aside from their launchers of course.

Myr put on her specially made headset and went live. "Alright captains, put your shields on full. One the blimps are in range, I want Yamato 2, 3, 4, and 5 to swing right, and Yamato 6, 7, 8, and 9 to swing left. Position yourself so we can broadside them. My personal Yamato will engage from the front. As you take them down, I want the point battleships to cut off their retreat, we're not taking prisoners today, we can't afford to."

She continued by saying "Rumblers, I want you to harass and make their lives difficult. Anything is free game, just don't get caught in the crossfire, because trust me, your heavy fighters won't last a single second if you get slammed by one of our main guns, so be vigilant. B420's and escorts, I want you to wait for deployment, put your aircraft in hover mode and wait until you see their land based army. Once you see them, game on."

She then switched the channels to her naval fleet and went live. "Regent Motherships, You need to spread out evenly and take care of long range bombardment. Keep your eyes peeled for any of their big guns, though your shields should be able to handle anything less than a nuke. This is going to be tricky though, because you all have to activate your shields at the same time to be able to cut off their navy's retreat path. Regent Specters, I need you all to provide close protection for the motherships. While their shields are active, they can't move. I need you to move fast and hit hard. If you can't get close enough or if they use mines, fall back and let the Shredders go to work. If neither of those are in play, then go crazy."

Switching her mic to address both her air and water based fleets, Myr said one final line before the chaos began.

"Alright folks, happy hunting!"


Salvo after salvo of high velocity shells filled with unstable energy crashed into the blimps from all of the Yamato battleships, and needless to say, the blimps that were hit went down like stones. The Rumblers took off from the hangar decks of the Yamato's and weaved in and out of the exploding shells, crashing blimps, and strafed the sides of blimps, whether they were crashing or not.

The Rumblers were equipped with 45mm rotary cannons along with several dozen missile and rocket ports. Coupling that with twin thrusters and even a hyperdrive system, along with being able to overclock their engines for short periods of time, and you get a badass heavy fighter that flew uncontested in the air.

Myr gave the green light for her naval forces to rise up from the water and activate their shields. All 100 Regent Motherships rose up from their staggered positions and activated their shields all at the same time, trapping Marley's naval forces inside of the combines shield. Some low flying blimps were caught up in the shield and were instantly destroyed, while the Regent Motherships began raining down peg bombs that first attached themselves to the hulls of the ships, then sunk in about 2 meters and exploded.

With how many peg bombs were being hurled towards Marley's naval fleet, it looked like the sky was slowly being blotted out. tens of thousands of peg bombs were being hurled out by the Motherships each second, and thanks to Myr's divinities, none of her fleet had to worry about ammunition, because with unlimited ammo, there wasn't a ship around that they couldn't sink.

A solid 10 minutes straight of peg bombs being launched, the Motherships had to stop firing them to let their weapons systems cool down. This was when the remains of the crippled Marley Naval Fleet fired back from the few tens of ships they had left, though the Motherships' secondary shields protected them from all of it.

One Marley ship had the bright idea to turn tail and run, but when it it the primary shield, it was torn to pieces, crashed, burned, and sunk. This caused the other ships in the Marley fleet to try and go out with a bang, but needless to say, they were crushed.

Though they caused a few glancing hits on the Regent Specters, the Specters made quick work of most of the remaining naval ships, and the batch of Shredders that were launched wreaked havoc among the remaining ships, sinking every single one.


Myr, seeing that the air and water based fights were taken care of, quickly called her troops back into Nekopara, besides her Yamato battleships. All 9 of them turned around and headed towards where the B420's and their escort fighters were still in standby. Myr spotted the land based army and gave the green light to engage.

The bombers and fighters immediately activated their thrusters and sped off to start making bombing runs, each pilot thinking 'This is where the fun begins.'

The first set of carpet bombings basically melted the front lines of soldiers that Marley had sent. 1 fighter from each bomber dipped down and started doing strafing runs. The sequence kept going until all of a sudden, Myr noticed that a bomber was behaving strangely.

Seeing the erratic movements the bomber was making, almost like it was trying to shake something off, Myr zoomed in to get a closer look, and much to her disbelief, there was a Titan, a 4 meter tall one, trying to bash in the cockpit window.

Not caring how it got there, Myr scanned the bomber and found that it was piloted by...


Myr suddenly saw the bomber make a sharp 90 degree turn and go straight up, and then to her horror, and amazement, she saw the pilot get out of his plane, and it was indeed Leeroy. She got to see him take a long tube out of the side of his bomber, which she knew was a rocket launcher, and saw him jump off his plane, freefalling until he righted himself and fired the rocket launcher, nailing the Titan right in the nape of the neck, killing it and sending it's body plummeting to the ground.

Leeroy then strapped the rocket launcher to his back and spread his arms and legs out, until his bomber nose dived straight towards him. Myr was about to teleport to him and get him to safety, until she saw one of the, admittedly, most badass things she's ever seen in either of her lives.

Leeroy did a mid-air summersault and grabbed his cockpit window, pulled himself into his bomber, closed the hatch, and pulled the nose of his bomber up and rose again into the air, with only a mere half a meter in between the bottom of his bomber, and the ground.

Doing a steep incline, Leeroy could be heard screaming in delight, something that Myr found quite amusing. Knowing that Leeroy should definitely get rewarded for that, she decided that, after this, she would promote Leeroy to Pilot Commander, which would give him access to any sort of vehicles he wanted to use, save for her own personal and heavily customized models.

Her amazement didn't end there though, as she scanned Leeroy's bomber again and saw that one of it's bomb bays was stuck. She then noticed Leeroy pull a nose dive and strafed with the secondary guns on his bomber, causing quite a bit of chaos among the remaining ground troops.

Once she saw that every single Marley ground soldier, blimp, and ship were destroyed, Myr called all of her forces back to Nekopara and instead sent in some autonomous robots to start building her mechanized nation.


One everyone was out of their respective vehicles, Myr snapped her fingers and had some of her machines start cleaning her military's vehicles used during the fight, and called out "Pilot Leeroy Jenkins! Come forward this instant!"

All of the crew members and pilots parted ways so Leeroy could come forward. Once he was in front of Myr, Leeroy fidgeted a little and said "Pilot Leeroy Jenkins is at the ready. How may I help ya' ma'am?"

Myr started laughing and lightly punched Leeroy's shoulder and said "Pilot Leeroy, I hope you're ready, because now everyone's going to have to call you "Pilot Commander". Congratulations on your promotion. For everyone who's wondering why I'm promoting him, take a look at what I saw this very talented idiot pull off."

Snapping her fingers, Myr played back the recorded part of the fight, and showed what Leeroy did from start to finish. Needless to say, everyone, whether they wanted to admit it or not, was thoroughly impressed. Leeroy scratched his head and said "What I did was nothin' that impressive I don' think. I jus' wanted to get that ugly thing off mah plane."

Myr looked at him, smiled, and said "Pilot Commander Leeroy Jenkins, you're a badass bitch, you know that?"

Leeroy only laughed and rubbed the back of his head, leaving Myr to wonder what she did to deserve such a great pilot, and she dared to say even calling him a friend. Putting that to the back of her mind, Myr snapped her fingers and Leeroy's new uniform appeared around him, with a decorated two piece uniform with the appropriate medals and pauldrons adorning his shoulders.

Nodding at his new look, Myr closed things off with a line that every single soldier in Myr's Clockwork Army wants to hear at least once...

"Now let's go back and party! Drinks and food are on me!"