Bizzare Events/War of the Walls

Myr could be seen lying sprawled out on her and Chloe's bed, snoozing away while hugging Chloe's pillow. Why is she doing this? Her only reply would be "I'm a cat, I deserve to be lazy whenever I want."

However, her peaceful snooze would soon come to an end.


A body crashed through her wall and landed right next to where our napping cat was sleeping.

Slowly opening her eyes, Myr glared at the body that was laying on the floor next to her, and upon seeing that it was Hex, became incredibly annoyed.

Without bother to change out of her running shorts and crop top, Myr picked Hex up by the strap on his vest and practically dragged him down to where the rest of the hunters were located, which happened to be the cafeteria, with several other workers staring at the group in horror.

Myr growled out "Whoever hit or threw Hex hard enough to make him crash through my wall had better come forward right fucking now, or I'm scrapping everyone in this room."

Myr's words made everyone freeze as Smiles stood up and said "That would be me boss, sorry about that."

Tilting her head slightly, Myr snorted and said "What are you sorry for? You either threw or hit him hard enough to crash through my reinforced wall without completely destroying him, he's just unconscious right now. Good work, and don't do that again."

Dumping Hex's body on the ground, Myr walked back to her and Chloe's room, ignoring the many stares her attire attracted.

Ace sighed and shook his head as he went back to sipping his coffee and listening to music, while Divide continued to type away on her laptop that Myr had given her.

Smiles took Hex's mask off and began to draw suspiciously detailed phallic images on his forehead and face while snickering to herself, while Ghost, Midas, and Crimson shook their heads and went back to eating their breakfast. Meanwhile, Hush and Skull were busy pranking some of the mechanics in the hanger bay, mainly by hiding tools and switching peoples' lunches around.

Myr walked, still half asleep, still in her sleepwear, through many halls without a care in the world, not minding all of the looks her current get-up was earning her.

Myr also failed to notice all of the talk about how her abs were like a sheet of smooth and flexable metal, perfectly formed, yet still added to her beauty and cuteness factors, how her waist and upper torso accent her lithe figure, her thighs and legs looking very soft and slim, yet slightly defined with muscles.


Just as Myr was about to fall asleep while burying her face into Chloe's pillow, she hears a knock on her door that caused her irritation reach to new heights.

Grabbing her lamp after she reached for her bed stand, Myr whips it hard and fast enough to cause it to pierce the door and quake the entire castle.

When the doors fell off, Myr saw a very freaked out Crimson holding a burnt folder.

Feeling a bit bad, Myr got up and walked over to Crimson and patted her on the shoulder, asking "Sorry about that Crimson. What do you have to report?"

Crimson nodded, tossed the folder aside, and started giving her report.

"Boss, we have some news from the ground. Armin has just discovered Reiner and Bertolt are hiding out in the wall and are being engaged in combat."

Myr sighed, donned her cloak and uniform, and waved her hand, which fixed her wall before teleporting to the portion of the wall above the battle, soon after joined by the Hunters.

Looking at her Hunters, Myr sighed, and with a wry smile said "I'm blessed to have created you batch of bumblefucks" before leaping off the wall to join the fight, which now involved a whole host of very non-canon Titans, such as one that looked like a vile Titan-centipede, with it's head resembling a normal Titan's head, with the exception of it's 50 eyes plastered at random spots on it and a wide, gaping mouth that had rows of razor sharp teeth, with 4 sets of mandibles that looked like multi-bladed scythes to boot. Meanwhile, it's "legs" were actually 15 meters tall Titan's arms and hands.

Another very non-canon Titan that Myr spotted was a ball shaped mass of wriggling and squirming Titan limbs and organs, with said organs leaking an endless amount bodily fluid, quickly corroding whatever it touched, while 30, multi-joined arms grabbed around whenever a Survey Corps soldier zipped by.

Figuring this was a result of her meddling, Myr decided to throw her cares to the wind and asked Systi with a smirk, 'Yo partner, care to hook me up with that good Operation Shitpost Crusaders stuff?'

{*Sigh* We're really doing this? Fine, I'll roll for the entire set, minus 「Cheap Trick」and 「Notorious B.I.G」. You can always create your own you know?}

Myr wanted to kick herself but settled for just pouting. 'I'll use my draws as templates and ideas, I might as well have some fun.'

Pulls were made, and Myr ended up getting everything she asked for, including instructions for combining aspects of multiple stands and their variants.

Landing down hard and kicking up a huge cloud of dust, Myr, still hidden, amplifies her voice and shouts her first custom stand's name, "「After The Rain」!"

A 15-meter-tall humanoid form appeared, clearing away the cloud of dust.

With skin that was silver in color, it wore a full set of tight plate armor that looked like diamonds, with it's two eyes looking like swirling rainbow orbs.

The entire set of armor was detailed with gold carvings and intricate designs that shifted every time you tried to focus on them, while it's helmet looked almost exactly like the one Samus wears.


A cry that sounded like an enraged Fatalis rang throughout the battlefield as Myr's stand blinked over to the grotesque ball of Titan organs and rained down all sorts of strikes fast enough to leave hundreds of afterimages.

Each strike pulverized a large chunk of the Titans body, and within exactly 5 seconds, all that remained of the Titan was the occasional bit of flesh here and there, along with the blood and other bodily fluids.

Blinking over to the centipede Titan, Myr's stand made a rapid series of hand and arm gestures before punching out and blasting the Titan with a beam of energy that, after it entered its body, began to wreak havoc from within until large cracks and splits that leaked white energy and eventually causing the Titan's body to completely turn into a sculpture made out of glass, shattering into millions of tiny, sparkling pieces shortly after.

Meanwhile, Myr's Hunters were rapidly killing off the "normal" looking Titans, each kill being counted towards their pay.

With the bodies piling up in the tens, then hundreds, then thousands, Myr, who went back to zipping around using her maneuver gear, sent a blast of fire that almost instantly burnt the corpses to nothingness in a green flame.

After 10 minutes of straight fighting, the last Titan was killed besides Bertolt and Reiner, both of whom were knocked out by Myr before they could transform.

Myr landed without a sound beside them and attached an unbreakable collar that completely nullified their ability to take their Titan forms, just in time for Zoe, Levi, Erwin, and the remaining Recon Corps members to form a perimeter, while Levi and Erwin walked forward until they were both 15 paces away from Myr, who was standing in front of the two unconscious shifters, a smirk plastered on her face.

Levi looked Myr dead in the eyes and asked in a crisp tone, "Mind telling us what that giant floating person was that you used?"

Myr giggled and playfully responded with "That "giant floating person", is called a Stand. They're born from the soul, and can range anywhere from powerful and majestic, to hideous and despicable. They partially derive from the user's fighting spirit. The more intense and brighter, the stronger and more useful your stand will be."

Myr sent a pulse of energy that instantly informed her of any people in the immediate vicinity had a good chance as manifesting a Stand, and not surprisingly, the only people who showed up in her scan were Erwin, Levi, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. Zoe was close but had a little way to go.

Sighing, Erwin casually strode forward and past Myr, who tauntingly made Erwin walk around her, and picked up both Bertolt and Reiner, slinging them over his shoulders like flour sacks and paused to say, "I believe it's safe to assume these two aren't going to be giving us trouble?"

Myr nods and sticks her tongue out, causing Erwin to sigh at Myr's immature behavior and simply turn away and heading off with the remainder of the Survey Corps members.

Snorting, Myr teleports to the top platform at the royal castle, and lays down, gazing at the clouds.

Hearing slight rustles of wind, Myr closed her eyes and smiled.

"Stow away your gear and relax, I made sure that nobody would bother us here. Besides, I have lots of homemade snacks, cake, sweets, soda, booze, juice, tea, everything needed for a nice break."

Divide excitedly stows away her gear, takes off her mask, and forms a casual outfit that consisted of a tight pair of jeans, sneakers, a form fitting tank top underneath an oversized white hoodie that had the Hunter's insignia inside of Myr's crest, with her waist length pink hair tucked in a neat ponytail, a pair of chic eyeglasses, and two earrings that looked like a computer that had a lightning bolt running through it.

Taking a seat in front of Myr faster than even a parallel superposition, everyone was about to poke fun at her until Divide sharply said "Let's see if you're still laughing at my readiness to eat Boss' treats after you've tasted them. I bought a slice of her "Rainbow Sweet Bomb" cake, and I have yet to taste a better slice of cake anywhere. Only her family is allowed to have her sweets whenever they want, while we have to buy them, though you'll understand once you try them when I say that they're worth every gold."

The rest of the Hunters were taken aback by Divide's uncharacteristic behavior, and they too changed into their casual wear and took a seat around Myr, who gave them a warm smile as she sat up and snapped her fingers to summon enough treats and drinks to fill up a café and bakery.

Pretty soon, the scent hit everyone's noses, and their eyes went slightly wide as they each paid Myr a black diamond and started grabbing sweets and drinks to try.

Ace bit into a Neapolitan hued brownie and the comforting taste of happy nostalgia flooded his mouth and mind.

Being able to taste the sweet moments he had with his Boss, her family, his fellow Hunters, the many beings Myr had created, along with all of the included positive emotions, had caused Ace's body to glow with a golden light.

Immediately afterwards, Ace exuded an aura of a true leader, as the Hunters felt a tremendous boost in every aspect of their very core.

Midas popped a chocolate truffle into his mouth, and a strong taste of dark chocolate overpowered everything else. An aura burst forth for him as well.

For each sweet that was eaten, new powers and divinities were granted, though if you asked any of the Hunters, you would be truthfully told that they ate them for the taste and how full they felt afterwards.

Concluding the break time, Myr stowed away the empty baskets, containers, and bottles into her inventory, along with the large picnic blanket and mini table.

With everyone enjoying the time spent together, they all donned their gear as they each split off in different directions.

Myr headed straight for the forest, where she then perfectly concealed herself and started going crazy with her gacha machine while laying down in a series of branches.

'Alright partner, set my roll parameters to cultivation supplies, from basic and generic, to ancient and primal, blueprints, schematics, and plans for even conceptual vehicles, tech and whatnot, and also give me some card designs in case I land back on an Earth similar to the one I grew up in. My [Omniversal Song] skill will make sure I end up in a position that's favorable. My gut instincts are telling me that those are the only two areas where we might end up after this world is complete or I get bored. I can tell you right now that the ending is going to come a lot quicker now with my meddling.'

{You're right about that. I'll set the number of rolls so you can get more than you'll ever need for both categories. Here we go~}


[Host Myr has received er/ro\r number of items. Transferring now.]

Myr smirked and instantly sorted the items in her inventory and busied herself with mixing and matching cultivation and cultivator combat techniques and creating new ones for fun and to pass the time.


3 days later...

"Boss, I don't know what the hell you did, but we're already at the end-game, and it's going to be a doozy. Eren's fate and destiny somehow warped and caused his body to have access to all of the shifters' forms."

"On top of that, Marley is sending everything that they have over to here just to wipe these saps off the map. They stayed plenty clear of our air, land, and water space, and they managed to mass produce a surprisingly decent Titan transformation serum and they're using it on prisoners, homeless, sick and elderly people, aiming to unleash a steady surge of Titans to wear down the Walls' defenses and structural integrity. From what we've seen, they have Titans reaching up to 200 meters in height."

Myr sighed and gave out new orders to her Hunters. "Alright people, listen up. I want all of our soldiers who are trained in 3D Maneuver Gear on the ground. You 9 will be leading the charge. I won't interfere with this fight. Oh, and get Leeroy Jenkins. Give him access to his personal Jaeger Mech I cooked up while I was bored and give him this watch as well. It's the same kind you 9 use, only it's specially tailored for his use alone. That'll give him access all of the money he'd need to order parts for modifications, repairs, and whatnot. Pit him against those 200-meter-tall Titans. As for the air ships and naval ships, send in 1 Clockwork Executioner dreadnought, 300 Yamatos, 300 Regent Spectres, and 100 Regent Motherships. I want the Spectres and the Motherships outfitted with as many peg bombs, shredders, shield generators, and point defense guns as possible. Divide, what's the status of World Task Force Alpha-3?"

Divide brought out her hologram projector and read off the report. "Boss, Alpha-3, otherwise known as "The Wall Jumpers", are fully prepared to move out. There's a total of 5 million personnel, with the majority of them taking up civilian roles, but all are equally trained. The governmental body is all set up. All 5 million personnel are couples, or harems, none forcefully imposed of course. Housing and developmental plans and procedures are accounted for, as are food, water, and energy production. Sustainable year-round supplies, economic, political, and societal structures are all in place. I almost forgot-"

"Divide, that's quite enough. I asked for the status of Alpha-3, not a monologue" Myr said with a tight smile.

Everybody got a chuckle out of that before moving out and prepare for yet another war.