War of the Walls (pt. 2)

With World Task Force Alpha-3, "Wall Jumpers", in position to strike, as well as the dreadnought, Leeroy's Jaeger, and the rest of the air and watercraft. By now, the Survey Corps soldiers were waiting at the top of the wall, all of them staring in horror at the distant silhouettes of the 200-, 150-, and 100-meter-tall Titans, and the veritable horde of shorter Titans, ranging from 95 meters to 5 meters.

The airships were rapidly approaching them as well, while the naval fleet started to open fire using their long range artillery. Pretty soon, explosive shells started to rain down about 25 meters away from the walls, making whistling noises as they fell, and detonating with a thunderous boom.

By now, the quickest of the Titans were only a mere 300 meters from the wall, and closing in fast. Erwin, still feeling regret that, despite everyone's efforts, all of the progress they had made, that it would most likely all end with this battle.

Determined to not go down without a fight, Erwin turned towards Levi and they both nodded. Erwin was just about to order his soldiers to intercept when he spots a subtle flash of a white light within the trees.

All of a sudden, everyone heard "LEEEROOOY JEEENKIIINS!" as a massive object fell from what appeared to be thin air, kicking up a huge cloud of dust upon impact. After the dust cleared, everyone in the city and on the walls who was watching felt sheer awe at what had landed.

With a height of 200 meters, Leeroy's Jaeger was absolutely massive. With armor reminiscent of riot gear, seamless and without fault.

Breaking out into a sprint, Leeroy's Jaeger, which he named "Monica", charged straight into a 200 meter Titan while sprinting at speeds exceeding sound, turning the Titan into bloody paste and mist.

Turning on a dime, Leeroy then pivoted off of his left foot, leaned to the left, rotated, and activated the 9-fold ARC thrusters on Monica's right heel to propel his kick towards another 200 meter Titan and adjust his momentum.

The kick on it's own would have been enough to cleanly decapitate the Titan. With the thrusters however, the kick generated enough forced to cause the Titan's entire upper torso to erupt into a gory mess.

6, 200 meter Titans then swarmed Leeroy, causing him to deploy some of his point defense systems.

Within a second, 6 explosives that looked extremely similar to a miniature ICBM popped out from Monica's shoulder armor and fired off at Mach 20, first creating a sonic boom, which shook the surroundings as is, but the explosions, which generated mushroom shaped clouds of black smoke and fire, generated rings of rushing wind to surge outwards and pass over everything in it's way.

The walls started to crack in some places, with little bits and pieces falling off at random points, while the Survey Corps soldiers had to use their maneuver gear to latch onto the wall to avoid getting blown away.

When Erwin, Levi, and the rest zipped up onto the top of the wall, all of them looked on with shock expressions as they saw what must have been thousands of Titans, laying broken and destroyed.

Leeroy's voice sounded out, saying "GET SOME!" while charging towards the rapidly approaching 200-meter Titans.

Suddenly, the Survey Corps heard and saw a yellow flare pop up, followed by thousands of voices within the trees shouting in unison "Clockwork Technocracy! In Saecula Saeculorum!"*, springing up from the trees, all 90,000 of Alpha-3's "Royal Guards", which meant they were trained by Myr's Hunters personally, rushed forwards and met the oncoming horde head on, immediately pushing back the approaching hordes.

The Survey Corps were in sheer awe of the rapid series of events happening in front of them.

"You look like idiots when you stand in a daze like that."

Everybody looked towards the source of the voice, their gazes landing on Smiles, who was in her maneuver gear with her signature mask.

Erwin and Levi instantly recognized the Hunters and walked over to the 9, asking "I take it your boss has something to do with this?"

Midas chuckled and pointed towards the sky with his finger and said, "Just wait for it, the best part is yet to come."

A thunderous rumbled descended upon the land as one of Myr's dreadnoughts rapidly approached and hovered over the battlefield, while the Yamatos cruised and turned starboard side.

For one moment the Yamatos were quiet. Then, the roaring of their main guns filled the air space, as well as some of the underside turrets that belonged to the dreadnought.

Explosions and flak filled the air above Marley's air fleet, while tens of blimps were destroyed every minute, their carcasses crashing into the ground and crumpling inwards, having long been engulfed in flames.

Though nobody on the ground could directly see it, the Regent Spectres and Motherships were wreaking havoc against Marley's navy, sinking ship after ship with their peg bombs and shredders.

Ace looked at the Survey Corps soldiers over his shoulder and asked "We're about to make history. You coming along, or staying behind?"

Erwin and Levi shared a rare smile and turned to face Ace. "We'd be honored to make history." Turning towards the entire Survey Corps force, Erwin shouts "Today, we make history! Scream, my soldiers, for victory shall be ours!"

The Hunters, Erwin, and Levi all take off and meet the first wave of Titans head-on, followed quickly by the Survey Corps.

A few seconds later, several hundred of Alpha-3's Royal Guards had arrived and began to massacre the wave of Titans.


A scream sounded 50 meters to Smiles' 8, causing her to roll her eyes and turn on a dime to save whoever screamed, knowing "Boss" was probably watching, and she didn't want to be chewed out.

Unbeknownst to Smiles, Myr wasn't paying any attention to the war, and was busy fussing over the trouble Team Neko got themselves into.


"Girls, I'm very disappointed in you."

Myr shook her head while sighing, causing all of Team Nekos' ears and tails to droop.

Chloe sighed and crossed her arms while saying "Indeed. What you girls did was unacceptable. I'm thinking we need to take away desserts for a week."

Team Neko looked distraught when they heard that but were stunned when Myr spoke.

"Besides, none of them crippled the bastards that tried to cop a feel of Maple. I had to end up crippling 3 guys and you had to cripple 2!"

Chloe's tail went ramrod straight as she smiled and said "Mhmm, crippling them."

Myr looked at Chloe and asked with a raised brow "Why are you nervous? I killed the 3 guys I called dibs on. They died because I crippled them. Not my fault they can't eject a soul avatar."

Chloe sighed and grinned. "Yeah, I killed them. I just couldn't help myself. Our darling daughter was almost molested by those filthy creatures."

Myr looked Team Neko and firmly said "Girls, if someone EVER tries or does touch you in a gross way without your consent, then kill that scum and let your mother's deal with the fall out. I trust that you won't ever abuse this rule of ours. You won't lose dessert this time, as we weren't going to punish you in the first place; but rest assured that you'll lose dessert and video game privileges for a year if you do abuse it, understood?"

Team Neko looked quite happy and relieved that their desserts weren't taken away. "We understand! Thanks Mom, Mama!"

Chloe sends Myr a thought transmission asking, 'Do you think we spoil them too much? I personally think we don't spoil them enough.'

Myr smiles and replies 'I agree with you on that. Tenshi and Nox want to wait and get married once we head back to Orario, so when we get back, we'll have to throw them a grand wedding.'

Myr thought to herself 'I wonder how the battle is doing? Eh, I'm sure everything is fine.'



Smiles' shout was so loud that everybody on the ground automatically took 3 steps away from her location before combat ensued once more.

Smiles had paid for many personal sessions where Myr directly taught her, and only her, for an entire day. Being a lady of fine tastes, Smiles chose every class that involved close quarters and long to extreme distance combat.

With a private training session taught by Myr herself costing 2 Shining Golds, it's safe to say that Smiles had paid multiple Black Diamonds, and all of it was being put to use in an extremely tense 3 minutes.


3 gunshots rang out, as Smiles switched one of her blades for her absurdly OP, completely self-built sniper rifle, and vaporized hundreds of Titans with those 3 shots alone.


Shot after shot, cartridge after spent cartridge, thousands of Titans vaporized in mere seconds, some of them over 90 meters tall!

Smiles then went down to help the Survey Corps soldier, noting that she was right up her alley.

Kneeling down, Smiles gently gave the girl some water and said "Easy there, your knee is dislocated. Here, take this pill, it'll help ease the pain."

The girl took the pill and unhesitantly popped it into her mouth and chewed, noticing that she wasn't in pain anymore.

Feeling and hearing a strange pop/cracking noise coming from her knee. the girl looked down and saw that her knee was reset.

She looked at Smiles and hugged her. "Thank you for helping me."

Smiles grinned under her mask and dialed Myr's number through her watch. "Hey Boss, just me."

"Hello Smiles, what seems to be the problem?" Myr's voice sounded fairly annoyed, making Smiles unconsciously shiver

"So Boss, I'd like to request a Code 21, if the lovely lady next to me is okay with it." Smiles asked with a hopeful tone.

This wasn't missed by either Myr or the Survey Corps girl. Gently grasping Smiles' sleeve, the girl asked "Ms. Smiles? Are you asking me to come with you? If so, then I'd be happy to."

Smiles looked at the girl and felt her heart melt when she looked into the girl's pure and hopeful gaze.

Just then, a blue flash appeared near the two ladies. Stepping out of the blue lightning, Myr walked over to the girl leaving Smiles tense, knowing full well that if Myr didn't like the girl, then the girl would most likely die.

Myr frowned and let a minute fraction of her natural aura seep out, directed it at the girl, and said in a low tone, "Describe the goddess who reincarnated you. If it's any of the 8 goddesses I'm currently thinking of, you live. If it's not, then I'm cutting off your link to the cycle of reincarnation and fracturing your soul."

This terrified the girl, as she then realized what dire straits, she was in. "The goddess who reincarnated me, her name is Estarte. P-Please don't kill me, please!"

Myr sighed and retracted her aura and went over and hugged the terrified girl, saying "I'm sorry about that, I just had to make sure you weren't reincarnated by any other goddesses than the 8 I have in mind, mainly because every other high tier goddess is aiming to sleep with both my wife and I, and it wouldn't be above them to use a reincarnator to send a message, only to kill them off once their purpose has been fulfilled. I actually know Estarte, and I know her husband as well. They're both wonderful people. If you're really positive about wanting to come along with Smiles, then I personally welcome you."

The girl sniffles a few times before quietly saying "Thank you, Goddess M-" *Flick* "Ow! What was that for?"

Myr shook her head and took off her blindfold, revealing her eyes that even the Hunters rarely see.

Directly meeting the girl's gaze, she asked "Mina Schwerz, drop the goddess talk, it gets old. Just call me Myr, or Aunt Myr if you don't want to be too casual."

Nodding, Mina was about to thank Myr when she felt herself being picked up.


"Hoh~, that was quite the noise there Mina, are you perhaps..." leaning in closer, Smiles whispers into Mina's ear in a seductive tone "Enjoying this~?"

With her face flushing red, Mina quickly buried her face into Smiles' neck and hugged her tighter.

Myr chuckled, slapped Smiles' butt and said, "Get that bread Smiles", before teleporting the two women into a room specifically catering to sexual encounters of all kinds, though there was also the option to adjust the settings to have a non-sexualized room.

Looking up at the distant sky, Myr sports a feral grin and messages Chloe, 'My love, it's time for you to shine, the pervert is here!'

'Ara Ara~ I guess he really is looking to die. Very well, shall we let Tenshi and Nox handle his wives? I think that would be a good practice for them to get their first kills. Besides, you know his wives are just as bad as he is.'

'*Sigh* True enough. Alright, gather Tenshi and Nox, and Team Neko as well. They're near the peak of a Tier 4 soul and can now fuse divinities. Our 8 children versus the pervert's 130 wives. Ah, I can't wait to see our daughters shine!'

'You and me both. It appears the pervert isn't even late-stage Tier 4. This isn't going to be nearly as entertaining as I thought it would be. Well, whatever, I'm more interested to see how long his wives last against our children.'

A voice suddenly thundered across the battlefield. "WHICH WEAKLINGS DARE ACT AGAINST ME?!"

Myr raised herself into the air to match the height of the very ticked off god in front of her.

"I dare. My name is Myr Aeternum, and my family is going to slaughter you, Zeus!"