War of the Walls (part 3)

Zeus' face twisted with malice. "Your family? HAH! I'll turn you and any other woman in your worthless family into broodmares for even daring to suggest you can defeat me!"

"Oh really~? How interesting, I wonder how you'll accomplish that, given how weak you are."

Chloe uncloaked herself, as did Tenshi, Nox, and Team Neko.

"Mom, Momma, that man is disgusting. Can we get on with killing them? I feel sick with him just floating there" Tenshi growled out through clenched teeth.

Nox scowled and clenched her fist. "I can truthfully say I wasn't quite prepared for how depraved a god can become. Scum like you deserve worse than death."

Azuki spit off to the side and said "How many women have fallen victim to you? 100? 1,000? 10,000?"

A sinister smile that radiated malice plastered his face as he said with a chuckle "300,000. About to be 300,010 with you delectable treats included."

Everyone scowled at that remark as Chloe let off a peal of laughter that although quiet, more akin to a sultry whisper, contained endless killing intent so oppressive and jarring, that the surroundings began to freeze

"Nyahahaha~! Oh, how simply rich! The piece trash thinks he has rights over our daughters. Why... I've never been this mad in my life. Hehe, I'm going to enjoy this so very much~!"

Covering her eyes, Chloe lets loose a smile that made everyone briefly shiver in fear, except of course, for Myr. Though she couldn't quite tell, she felt a yearning for something that continually evaded her attempts to capture and turn it into an understandable thought.

Tenshi laughed and said "You fucked up now little man, you crossed mama's bottom line. You should be thankful, at least you won't suffer nearly as much as if mom were the one to kill you!"

Myr clapped her hands twice and spread them outwards while summoning a giant drum next to her.

"Let's the show... BEGIN!" *BAM*

As soon as Myr struck the drum hard enough to shatter it into pieces, It was surprisingly Chocola and Vanilla that fired off the first attack.

""Sundae Surprise!""

A dual colored beam made up of white and black energy shot out towards a group of goddesses, and upon detonation, wrapped around and contricted 16 goddesses before glowing an obscenely bright shade of white and light absorbing darkness and detonating, killing the goddesses and throwing everyone nearby several meters away.

Enraged at the death of his wives, Zeus hurls a lightning bolt at Chocola and Vanilla containing more than enough power to kill them, only to have it caught and held by Chloe.

With a sinister smile plastered on her face, Chloe clenches her fist and crushes the bolt into particles before chuckling and throwing a lightning bolt of her own, except this bolt was black, purple, and red in color.

Streaking across the way at speeds exceeding that of light, Chloe's attack caused Zeus' pupils to immediately shrink when he felt the energy contained within the bolt.

Giving everything he had into defending, Zeus' body disappears in a blinding flash of purple, red, and black light, and a giant plume of smoke.

As the smoke cleared, everyone could see Zeus in an absolutely wretched state, with his cloak being ripped in several places, wounds that bled golden blood, and burn marks.

Exhaling a lungful of smoke, Zeus grunted in pain as he coughed out almost a liter of blood, thinking, 'I would've died if I had been even just a moment too late! Just how powerful are these wretches?!'

"Hahaha~! I'm a little surprised you survived that half-assed attack. That's perfect, we can play all day now~!"

Meanwhile, Tenshi was brawling against 20 goddesses by herself.


Tenshi's fist connected with a goddess' jaw and the force from said punch was so great, that the goddess' head spun in circles at speeds exceeding that of sound, turning her brain to mush and destroying her soul.

Turning around to face a goddess who lunged at her with a sword, Tenshi gave off a feral smile as she sharply inhaled...


Myr was overjoyed when she saw Tenshi use [Thunderclap Kill], as she had been working on teaching Tenshi that move for quite a while.

Upon receiving Tenshi's [Thunderclap Kill], the goddess only had time to sport a pained expression before busting into blood mist with no remains.


Tenshi's shout echoed across the battlefield as her body began to glow a shining gold and white mixture before shattering like glass and revealing Tenshi.

Her outfit had changed from her usual attire, into a form fitting armored sports bra and armored jogging shorts, with the rest of her exposed skin sporting shimmering patterns of runes, cogs, and patterned lines that twisted and turned in just the right way to make her seem like an angel that became a brawler.

Laughing once she saw her lover's transformation, Nox made a few complicated hand gestures and slowly drew her hands apart, each millimeter that passed increased her power by folds.

A giant sphere of pure destruction surrounded her body, forming around it and taking shape.

When the sphere shrunk down, Nox's outfit was revealed to be a pair of black, lightly armored leggings that hugged her body like a glove, highlighting her ample yet tight thighs, the gap, her calves, and her butt.

Her feet were covered by a pair of knee-high combat boots with nanomachine plating hidden within.

A tight black shirt with light nanomachine plating around the breasts and running down the sides of her torso, covering any vitals that could be hit from a flank attack.

A trench coat that looked strikingly similar to the ones you'd see in the Matrix movies was donned as well.

Tapping the side of her head twice, a ballistic mask with no eye holes appeared over her face, as she disappeared immediately after it had formed.

Reappearing behind a group of goddesses, Nox sent out 5 spear hand strikes faster than even Zeus himself could see and hit 5 goddesses on the back of their heads, vaporizing them and destroying their souls before they even had a chance to register that Nox had disappeared.

Not to be outdone, Azuki cloaked herself and nimbly approached a trio of goddesses and sprung up, slicing their heads clean off as she was jumping.

Coconut unintentionally steamrolled 4 goddesses as she was chasing after and trying to kill a different goddess who had been taunting her from the beginning.

Maple sang a verse from a celestial mantra Myr had given her as a reward, in a long-lost tongue, causing her voice to sound even more majestic and regal than normal, with sharps and flats blending together, the rhythm being filled in with no source in sight, and while she sang, her irises and pupils merged to form an ethereal looking expanse of stars.

A rumble sounded out as a tear in the sky above the battlefield opened, and not a moment later, streaks of light shot out that resembled shooting stars, that laid waste to the 20 or so goddesses that gave everything they had trying to defend against Maple's attack.

Cinnamon blew a group of goddesses a kiss, which formed a gray heart that rushed towards the goddesses with a torrential might.

The 5 goddesses tried their best to defend against the heart, though it was all in vain. The moment the heart was released was the moment they were already dead.

Shattering the hastily constructed shield, the inside of the heart flared an ominous gray color as it rushed over the goddesses, leaving only skeletons and clothes tumbling to the ground.

Furrowing her brows, Myr silently contemplates what she just saw.

'For Cinnamon to cultivate [Heartbreak] to that level must mean she has some pent-up emotions. I'll have to talk to her after this, can't have any of my babies feeling bad.'

Zeus was watching his wives get cut down like weeds, making him enraged beyond compare. Raising his head, Zeus lets out a mighty howl as lightning began to course around his body.


Summoning a giant bolt of lightning, Zeus threw it at several dozen times the speed of sound, and caused it to split into 8 different bolts, 1 aimed at each of Myr and Chloe's children.

Chloe snorted before simply waving her hand and erased the bolts from space and time.

This in turn caused a backlash to Zeus, as those 8 bolts were tied to his soul. Sustaining a soul injury as small as this, however, was only merely annoying to a god of Zeus' caliber.

Spitting out some blood, Zeus grit his teeth as he stared daggers at Chloe, wanting nothing more than to force himself upon her.

Because of Chloe's sex divinity, she could easily tell what Zeus' thoughts were, which although she smiled, inside, she was enraged.

'This lowlife really thinks he's worthy of my body?! What an utterly foolish and disgusting pig!'

Blinking over to Zeus, Chloe sent a palm strike out that contained boundless divine energy.

"Scream for me, pig~!"


Chloe's palm strike hit Zeus center mass and sent him crashing into the ground, leaving a 20km wide crater.

Coughing out copious amounts of blood, Zeus stared up at Chloe, now with fright apparent on his face.

Upon seeing the fear-stricken face of the once arrogant god, Chloe gave Zeus a smile that could chill over hell, causing him to regret ever meeting Myr and her family.

Darting down towards the crater, Chloe slams her feet into the ground as she stuck her landing, her cloak somehow only mildly fluttering from the impact.

"You really are a small man. You were talking all that good shit just a little while ago. What happened to that bravado? Where's the spice on your tongue? Don't tell me you're scared already. I image my wife must be quite disappointed in you right about now. Then again, we all are. What a disappointing fight."

Zeus met Chloe's gaze and took 3 steps back as he coughed out more golden blood. "You're a monster, A MONSTER!"

Chloe's smile disappeared and a scowl took its place. "A monster, you say?" she said quietly. Looking at Zeus in the eyes, Chloe somberly said "You're not wrong. I am a monster. I was literally born to kill, and as such I'm used to this sort of life. Do you know why my wife, who is powerful enough to slap me around, sat out of this fight? It's simply because I want to preserve what innocence she has left. You see your wives as mere toys, whereas I see my wife as my other half, an anchor to keep myself ashore."

Zeus sneered and sharply said "You're completely insane if you think you can "protect" her from reality. You'll never accomplish it, it's an impossible task HAHAHAHAHA!"

Snorting, Chloe slices Zeus' head off and destroyed his soul, all while pondering if she really could always protect Myr.



Tenshi threw out 3 lightspeed punches that hit a goddess twice in the torso and once in the head, destroying the goddess' body and soul. Ducking to avoid a giant scythe, Tenshi performed a powerful wheel kick that blew apart yet another goddess' head and destroying her soul.

Coconut finally caught up to the goddess who had been taunting her and was currently duking it out, fist to fist.

Nox was currently toying with a group of magic wielding goddesses by destroying their spells with her various hidden weapons right as they were about to hit her.


After cutting a giant mana bomb in half and having it detonate, Nox performed some more complicated hand gestures as she called out "[Reaper's Fog]!"

An area of 1km turned into a cube of never-ending fog that was so thick, nobody besides Myr's family could see any further than 2 feet in front of them.

Upon hearing a scream to her left, one goddess flew over and screamed when she saw the liquified body of a goddess that was suspended in the air, along with a severed head that had an expression of terror on its face.

The goddess who discovered the body felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and a sense of death struck her senses, though it was too late.

"[Rakshasa Poison Mist]"

The goddess only had time to scream once before succumbing to the pain of having her body liquified.

Feeling her instincts scream danger, Nox attempted to dodge, only to find herself completely restricted and unable to move.

The feeling of death enveloped her as she thought, 'Mom, help!'

Right as she was prepared to eject her soul from her body, Myr teleported in front of Nox and yelled "How dare you target my daughter you bitch!" and blinked over to where a hunched over man that looked to be several hundred years old stood amidst the fog.

Surprised that Myr saw through his cover, the unknown god savagely grinned as he intercepted Myr's fearsome punch with one of his own, shattering Myr's arm much to her surprise.

Laughing, the god smirked and said "For a Tier 10 goddess, you're pretty weak. Don't know why the brass sent me to deal with- BLARGH!"

Extremely peeved at having to regenerate her arm and purge the minor destruction divine energy out of her wounds, Myr struck out faster than a parallel superposition and struck the god so hard that his body turned into blood mist, leaving his soul intact but very dazed.

Grabbing the god's soul, Myr pulls out a lantern that glowed a ghastly blue light and reeked of death and dismay.

'Got another soul for you Veila, enjoy. Make sure this idiot suffers, he tried to kill Nox.'

'Hai Hai~ I'm on it boss~!'

Chuckling, Myr flicked the soul into the lantern and was about to put "Veila" away when she heard 'Boss! Wait!'

Puzzled, Myr questioned 'What's the matter Veila? Do you want a physical body?'

'Yes, I do! Can I have one Boss, please?'

Veila's peppy response caused Myr to chuckle again as she quietly whispered "You can get a physical body on one condition; you have to call me Mom and Chloe Mama unless the situation calls for different names~"

Feeling Veila "shake", Myr knew that she was happy. Deciding to keep Veila out, she continued to watch her family decimate the remaining goddesses.

Nox, despite almost dying, bounced right back and fought even harder and far more ruthlessly than before, which Myr would come to find out was caused by Nox seeing her mom get hurt, and she blamed herself for that.

Spotting Cinnamon fighting hand to hand with 3 different goddesses and somehow pushing them back was one of the more amusing things she'd seen today.

Tenshi was still causing havoc and disruptions galore as she punched, kicked, and smashed her way through the rapidly shrinking crowd of Zeus' wives.

Chocola and Vanilla on their own were most likely the weakest of Myr's children, but together, they're a force that even Tenshi and Nox would have to fight fairly seriously, and that was due to their unique passive, [Gemini]. That passive allowed a direct combat boost of 4,000% to their stats. Due to this passive, Chocola and Vanilla were able to communicate with eachother no matter how far away they were to eachother.

The biggest downside to the skill, however, was the fact that if either of them died, the other would die not even a minute later.

""[2 Tail Killing Field]!""

The twins' shout caught Myr's attention as she saw a cube appear around the twins and 11 goddesses. She then got to witness the twins hold hands, then suddenly break apart and sprinting towards the goddesses.

Just as they were about to run into the goddesses, Chocola and Vanilla rebounded off of eachother and began to bunce from side to side, up and down, all in an unpredictable pattern, occasionally meeting up to double team a goddess and kill her.

It only took them 2 minutes to kill the 11 goddesses, and once done, dispelled the field and staggered. Feeling that their divine energy was dangerously low, Myr snapped her fingers and both Chocola and Vanilla teleported to Myr's side.

Catching the two before they could hit the ground, Myr sat down on a platform made of her divine energy and gently stroked their heads as she fed them her own divine energy through the platform's runes.

After about a minute, the twins woke up, groggily opening their eyes and yawning. Looking at her two daughters, Myr was acutely aware of just how cute the two looked when half-asleep.

Seeing that they were being given lap pillows by their mom, Chocola and Vanilla looked worried. After a few seconds, Chocola asked in a nervous voice while tapping her fingers together, "Mom, did we mess up?"

Myr gave them both a loving smile that only a mother could pull off. "Nope! You two did amazing! Your final move, [2 Tail Killing Field], was probably the most impressive! To think my two youngest daughters have grown so strong in only a few years, I'm so proud of you both!"

Hugging them both close to her, Myr heard the twins giggle and then felt them fall asleep, one head on either side of her chest.

Sighing, Myr looked at her two tired daughters and felt warm knowing that she was already a better mom than her first life's.

'Wherever you are, sperm and egg donor, I hope you can see me having a loving family, and I hope you regret ever choosing the paths in life you went down.'


"[Coco Quake]!"


Coconut's spell fractured the fabric of space-time and created tears in the void, causing massive jets of berserk and unstable energy to shoot out at increasingly unpredictable points.

Though the attack itself only last 3.5 seconds, the tears kept increasing 40 seconds later, demonstrating just how much destructive power Coconut possessed, as she didn't use her divinity at all for her attack.

It took 2 minutes for the battlefield to become "useable" again, and in those two minutes, the remaining 56 wives of Zeus was cut down to a paltry 14.

Feeling her sisters stare at her with a mix of amusement, annoyance (read: Azuki), shock, and pride, Coconut turned red in the face as she quietly stuttered out "S-Sorry girls, m-my bad..."

Tenshi zipped over to Coconut, and with stars in her eyes, excitedly asked "Coconut, what the hell was that attack?! Did you use your divinity, or was that your pure strength? How did you pull off such a wide scale AOE attack with those ultra-fine level of details put into that attack? Can you-" *WHACK* "OW! Nox, what was that for?!"

Sighing, Nox replied "Dear, you're just like Mom. Take a look at poor Coconut, you were scaring the poor girl."

Looking at Coconut whose ears were laid flat against her head and her drooping tail, Tenshi suddenly felt extremely guilty. Hugging Coconut, Tenshi apologized. "Sorry about that Coconut, I should've been more tactful."

Hugging her back, Coconut nodded her head and quietly said "It's fine Tenshi, I was just a bit overwhelmed, that's all. I'll tell you more about my move when we get back to Nekopara."

Nodding her head, Tenshi looked over and saw the remaining goddesses trying to flee. This made her snort as she gestured for Cinnamon to kill them.

Smiling, Cinnamon bit her finger and dripped a single drop of blood into the air, and then releasing a unholy amount of pure destruction energy into the drop of blood, which then turned dark grey in color.

Shooting up into the sky, the tiny drop of blood formed itself into a Ten Clawed Divine Dragon that looked Chinese in nature, and sped off towards the fleeing goddesses, catching up to them in only a split second.

One by one, the dragon roared and ripped a goddess to shreds, feasting on their flesh, drinking their blood, and absorbing their divine energy.

A flat 55 seconds later, all of the remaining goddesses were dead, and Cinnamon's aura rose a minute amount as well.

Breathing out, Cinnamon stretched her back. "Mouuu~ Those gals weren't even a snack. Barely any energy at all..."

Maple sighed, and while shaking her head, asked, "Well what did you expect? Chocola and Vanilla could tag team Zeus and most likely kill him if given a little time to prepare."

Azuki looked around and frowned. "Say, where ARE Chocola and Vanilla? Don't tell me they got lost again."

Shaking her head, Nox pointed up towards the sky, and they all saw Myr heading down with Chloe, while both of them carried a child each, with Myr carrying Chocola and Chloe carrying Vanilla.

Once eye level with the rest of her daughters, Myr smiled and hugged each of her daughters, saying "I'm so proud of you all, you did great! Once we're back in Nekopara, I'll cook everyone a huge meal!"

Turning to look at the still ongoing battle, Myr grinned and said "I'll bring out some snacks, we have a show to watch~"