New Earth and Team Bright Red Gemstone

"I have to say dear, after you cleaned up the world's governmental systems and united the planet, it's actually become a really nice planet to live on, even if it is a little small."

Chloe's remark caused Myr to chuckle, smirking, "Don't be too amazed yet, the real fun has yet to begin. Time to get this show on the road!"

Snapping her fingers, Everyone on Earth felt the ground quake, yet no damage occurred. As such, most people, although startled, quickly went back to how they were.

Chloe grinned as she began to rub Myr behind her ears.

"Expanding the earth to the size of the former sun, while making a new sun 5,000,000 times larger than our New Earth. The air is pure, the waters are purified and cleaned, natural resources replenished, everything. You certainely do like Earth."

Leaning into Chloe, Myr closed her eyes. "I do indeed care about the Earth. If it was managed by people who truely cared about preserving and improving the planet, then it would've been even more wonderful.

I don't understand why humans are so hell bent on destroying their only home. Don't they realise that unless they advance to the space faring age, then humanity will become extinct? In my old world, there isn't much time left. I'd wager 400-500 years and there will be no more humans on the planet. Maybe I should transmigrate the majority of the population to worlds of their choosing, as long as they're worthy of course."

Chloe sighed and hugged Myr while sitting her on her lap.

"It always amazes me that despite being tortured by those awful people back on your home world, you still have love to give it. Any other person would either harbor hatred, disgust, or be completely apathetic about what happens to it."

Myr nodded and lightly sighed as well.

"Part of me hopes that humanity will right itself, but we'll most likely have to step in. The SCP Foundation will become a thorn in our sides if left undealt with. Best to either subdue, suppress, or, wipe them out if the need arises. The GOC, native gods and goddesses, and other anomalous groups and entities are wild cards.

The moment we enter my origin world, we're going to attract a lot of attention. Don't underestimate the SCP multiverse, as the Foundation on my origin world is by far one of the weakest. I believe about a mere 30,000 are weaker. Considering this is multiverse is comprised of a total cumulation of roughly Googleplex other universes, they're not even an atom with how weak they are."

Before Myr could continue, she suddenly twitched her ears and frowned.

"A portal? No, a dimensional gate? What the heck is that doing here?"

Using her senses to instantly comb the planet, Myr could be seen grinning like a little girl who's been given her long dreamed of toy as a present.

"Chloe, we have our next adventure. Get the girls ready, we're about to have some good natured fun~!"


"So this is what Vale looks like in person. Its quite a bit different from the Vale in the show."

Myr and her family could be seen walking through the streets in the City of Vale. After "buying" a few drinks from a local store with mind magic, Myr could be seen walking into a store called "From Dust Till Dawn".

Walking over to the weapon magazines, Myr picks one up and begins to flip through it, while also paying attention to a girl wearing red dress, black corset, boots, and an innocent expression tinged with curiosity.

"Uhm, excuse me, miss?"

Myr looked up from her magazine and met Ruby's gaze.

"Yes? How might little ol' me be of help?"

Ruby was startled when she felt Myr's gaze land on her body, as it felt as if she could be seen through and read like a book in front of what she presumed to be a Faunus in front of her.

"Oh well look what we have here! Long time no see Red!"

Myr turned her head and smirked.

"Roman Torchwick. Where's the short stack? Don't tell me she's the get-away driver again?"

Roman turned towards Myr and instantly frowned and raised his cane at her.

"What the hell are you? You're not a Faunus, nor human, and neither are the other girls in here besides Red right next to you."

Myr ignored Ruby's questioning look as she calmly put the magazine pack onto the rack and pulling a bottle of juice out of her coat pocket, and slowly drinking it.

After polishing off the juice, she simply flicked her finger, and sent the bottle flying into a garbage can on the other side of the room.

"That, my good man, is a wonderful question. To be honest, I have no idea. From what I can tell, I'm just a very powerful cat girl.

I'm strong. So strong in fact, that I'm going to now make the head disappear from that goon of yours that dared to covet my daughters' bodies."

Before anyone could say anything, Myr had already blinked past Roman, Ruby, and the other goons, and could be seen holding a severed head, still dripping fresh blood.

The goon's headless body crumpled to the ground in a pool of blood, his life taken before he could even fire off a single neuron within his brain.

Roman took a couple steps back and gulped.

"Listen, we're not here for your daughters, or anyone in fact. I'm merely here to rob some dust crystals. I don't suppose you have room to spare some lowly people like ourselves?"

Myr raised an eyebrow, then sighed and made a shooing motion, causing Roman and his goons to practically sprint out.

Ruby on the other hand, looked at the ground, and didn't see the body, but rather, a straw man. Looking at Myr's hand, she noticed that instead of a severed head, she was holding a pumpkin that had a hole at the bottom, with the seeds and flesh emptied out onto the floor.

Myr smirked when she saw Ruby's shocked expression.

"Don't look so surprised Ruby, after all, you have your own Semblance, what's so strange seeing another's?"

Ruby's eyes lit up, excitedly asking "That's so cool! An illusion Semblance! What happened to the guy then?"

Myr couldn't help but smirk. "I drew their attention and created the straw man and pumpkin using my Semblance."

Question marks popped up in Ruby's head. "But I thought you said your Semblance was illusions?"

Patting Ruby on the head, Myr picked up the magazine she was previously reading and tossed it lightly into the air, turning it into a black and white colored Pygmy Owl with bright blue eyes.

The owl then landed lightly on Ruby's shoulder and proceeded to lovingly rub its head against her cheek.

Giggling, Ruby immediately asked, "Awesome! It's like magic!"

Myr's family all quietly sighed as they sensed an air of smug satisfaction being projected from her.

"That's because what I just did WAS magic. You see Ruby, magic is real. So is Qi, Aether, Inner Force, Chakra, Eldritch, and many other types of energies and powers they bring.

What you know as a "Semblance" is merely an aspect of your soul, so to speak. The stronger your soul is, the stronger and/or more proficient your Semblance will become.

Aura also originates from the soul, and as you know, people will normally faint after using too much Aura.

There are such things as soul attacks and soul curses. Such attacks and curses are lethal to anyone and anything that has a soul if they don't have any means to defend themselves.

Your eyes, for example, have magical properties. With a little training, you'd end up being a walking menace for any Grimm."

Myr then gently grasped Ruby's hand and placed an amulet into her palm, softly saying, "Ruby, promise me, that no matter what, you never take off this amulet."

Ruby simply nodded her head and put the amulet on, which promptly sent a surge of warm and comfortable energy into her body, nourishing her body, mainly her eyes.

Stunned at the fact that she now felt light as a feather yet stronger than before, Ruby excitedly asked "Cool! Did you just give me a magic necklace?!"

The corner of Myr's mouth twitched.

'While you're not wrong Rubes, that's not exactly how I would describe the Amulet of Divine Nourishment as a mere magic necklace, but as long as she's happy I guess.'

Lightly coughing, Myr gave Ruby a warm smile. "I guess you could say that. The necklace I gave you will automatically nourish your body with aura, constantly increasing how much you have and can use. It'll also subtly help you comprehend and understand how to use your eyes to their fullest potential. It also has another effect, though I won't share it. Trust me, you'll gain so much more from not knowing."

Ruby smiled and nodded her head. "Sure! I promise to always wear it! Besides, it looks cool!"

Looking up, Ruby was about to thank Myr, when she saw that she was alone in the store, and the strawman, pumpkin, and mess, had all disappeared. Little did Myr know that she was the cause of a night filled with chattering, and headaches, for Taiyang, Yang, and Qrow.


"Myr, what's up? Why'd you suddenly isolate this pocket space?"

Myr chuckled and flicked her finger, bringing up a screen that showed an ever so familiar Foundation attempting to breach one of her underground safehouses for stray anomalous entities.

Chloe snorted and rolled her eyes. "Those clowns still haven't learned their lesson ever since I wiped out MTF Hecate's Spear? How many more of them do we need to kill?"

Myr chuckled again and snapped her fingers, drowning the MTF members in King Reaper Fish stomach acid, which is potent enough to eat through adamantite.

Not surprisingly, the entire team was wiped out, with no remains. Snapping her fingers again, all of the stomach acid, which didn't damage the safehouse at all, evaporated into thin air.

Waving her hand, Myr closes the screen, turns towards her family and said, "Well, I'm hungry. Let's grab something to eat."


With her entire family walking while eating the burgers they had just bought, Myr decided to let everyone explore on their own, as she knew that even if Salem herself attacked, just Chocola or Vanilla alone would be sufficient to kill her completely.

Deciding to head back to the burger bar and grill, Myr took a seat and ordered 12 burgers, some fries, and juice.

Munching contently on her food, the door suddenly slammed open as none other than Glynda Goodwitch walked in and locked her gaze upon Myr, briskly walking over and glaring at Myr, who gave her a blank gaze, purposely meeting Glynda's glare, all while continuously eating her 9th burger.

Seeing this, Glynda was quickly angered and slapped a rider's crop, which was actually her weapon, "The Disciplinarian", onto the bar top in front of her and asked, "Young lady, do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?"

Myr, who was confused, quickly tapped into her [Omniversal Song] Innate Ability, and what she saw made her mouth twitch.

'What the fuck... how am I a student at Beacon? Better yet, I'm also apparently considered Ozpin's final trump card when all else fails. Interesting.'

Myr smirked and calmy said, "Besides foiling the plan of Vale's most notorious crime boss? Not much, how about you?"

Glynda's eyelids twitched a couple of times before she heavily sighed and tiredly asked, "I'm taking it that you brought your family with you? I still don't have a clue how you started a family of your own at such a young age. Can you promise to keep them out of trouble?"

Myr made eye contact with Glynda once more as she slowly sipped on her juice, slurping through the straw when the glass was empty, just to annoy Glynda, which ended up working.

"What exactly makes you believe that you're qualified to make requests of me? Need I remind you that the only reason I agreed to help the old fart is because I was bored, and I can confidently say that there's not a single thing I can't change, besides your relationship status of course~"

Before Glynda could give Myr an earful, she teleported into Ozpin's office, startling him enough to make him drop his pen.

Picking up the pen, Ozpin warmly smiles. "Greetings Once again Myr. I do hope that you're finding the stay here comfortable. So, what brings you here today?"

Myr walked over to Ozpin's desk and set down a holo-projector, showing an edited version of RWBY's fall of Vale. Ozpin watched on, horrified by the sheer amount of Grimm that flooded the skies and surged on the land.

Once the scene had ended, he looked at Myr with a stern gaze and said, "I assume you're showing me this because it will eventually happen?"

Nodding, Myr turned off the holo-projector and stowed it away, giving Ozpin a warm smile.

"It would've happened, though it won't since I'm here. I'll let you in on a little secret, Ozma~"

Ozpin's pupils quickly constricted as he sat upright immediately.

Seeing that she had Ozpin's full attention, Myr smirked.

"As you've probably guessed by now, I'm not from this world. I mainly let things progress in a steady manner, though I won't hesitate to act if I see or hear something I don't like.

I've created a vast military, once that can quite literally take over entire galaxies with ease. I'll use a small portion of my armed forces to protect Vale.

I'll also have 3 of my personal Elites protecting Pyrrha, a small team of my family's personal medics will fix Amber up and completely restore and upgrade her ability to use magic, and I'd even be willing to make you a body that'll last you until the end of time, or I could also let your soul regain the ability to truly reincarnate, not just latch onto people."

Ozpin sat back into his chair, his head buzzing, though he almost instantly recovered.

"If what you say is true, then I have no choice but to believe you. For the past 5 years, you've silently protected and aided the entirety of Vale, and you've done so without recognition. That alone isn't what's making me believe in you, however."

Raising her eyebrows, Myr calmly asked, "If that's not it, then what would the reason be, my dear Ozma?"

Taking a deep breath, Ozpin looked right into Myr's eyes through her blindfold and replied, "Because no matter what happens, whatever you say you'll do, ends up being done. Since you said that you'll protect Vale, then please do so. I DO have a few questions for you though, as long as you're willing to answer them."

Myr nodded and waved her hand, bringing out some rich smelling tea and two cups, which she filled with tea and passed one cup to Ozpin, who gratefully accepted, surprised that a simple tea could taste so complex and fine.

Taking a sip herself, Myr motioned for Ozpin to ask away.

Taking a deep breath, Ozpin asked, "Are you a goddess? You're too powerful to be a mere mortal. I'd reckon Salem would be utterly defeated should she cross your bottom line. Not only that, but I can sense multiple types of energy on you, some of which positively frighten me."

Nodding her head, Myr replied, "I am indeed a goddess, though I would appreciate you not telling anyone. I have complete control over just about every single type of energy and power, save for a few which I wouldn't ever touch."

Nodding his head once, Ozpin asked, "When you said that your medics would completely heal and enhance Amber, what did you mean exactly?"

Myr smirked in response. "Amber used to be the Fall Maiden, no? Well, I just so happen to know how to perfectly replicate and modify that sort of magic prowess. It'll be in the form of a one-time pill. Aside from that, Amber's muscle atrophy and reduced cognitive functions will be cured as well. You might not know this, but her EQ dropped by a considerable amount, mainly due to the bare minimum amount of brain activity going on while she was unconscious."

Ozpin then asked, "Is Pyrrah truly in danger? Who would be the main cause of her demise?"

Myr's smirk promptly vanished, as a stern expression appeared on her face.

"The people responsible are ones which you've been keeping an eye on, them being Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, and Mercury Black. I recommend not taking action too early. Like I said, I'll be sending 3 of my Elites to protect her.

Don't underestimate them though, as every single one of them could trash Salem with little to no effort. I specifically designed them with the intention of creating near perfect soldiers, ones that would have no problem hunting and killing gods, and they're more than capable of doing so.

Remember Ozma, whatever happens, Pyrrah CANNOT die. Once Cinder obtains the full power of the Fall Maiden, it'll become beyond what anyone besides my family and I, my military, and Salem, can handle."

Pursing his lips, Ozpin is crazily making mental notes, knowing that the information that Myr is providing is invaluable, and could most definitely save countless lives.

He then gazed at Myr and asked, "Is there any other people I should be aware of?"

Sighing, Myr drained the rest of her tea before warmly smiling.

"Keep an eye on Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long, they'll be the key to solving the world's problems."

'Alright Salem, I've set my pieces down, make sure to give me some entertainment before you die~'