Random Bullsh*t Go! The God Slaying Army Appears!





"Jackson, no! Ahhh, damn you!"


*click click*

A grisly scene plagued a warehouse in the southern most parts of Vale. Bodies were strewn about and lying on the ground, blood running freely.

Myr, who didn't have a drop of blood on her clothing despite killing 59 thugs, walked up to the final thug in the warehouse, multiple chained children watching the events unfold, somehow knowing that they were saved.

"I would've let you trash live had you listened to my demands. What a shame, you all had potential to accomplish great things. So, any last words?"

The man, who was ashen faced, stuttered out "Y-You're no Faunus, y-you're a monster, A MONSTER!"

Myr, who was smirking, instantly frowned and snapped the thug's legs with 2 quick kicks.

Leaning in close to the thug's face, Myr slowly untied her blindfold, exposing her eyes to the scum.

"You're gods damned right I'm a monster. I don't deny it. I stay true to my beliefs, one of them being that I'll save any enslaved children no matter the cost, no matter how many bodies pile up within my conscious, all of them will be freed. You and your merry band of sick fucks have crossed my bottom line for the last time.

Fufu, worry not, I'll make sure your "Brothers" will meet you soon. Also, when you arrive in Hell, make sure to tell them that Myr sent you, and then apologize to them on my behalf for the inconveinence."


A single bullet in-between the thug's eyes sent him into a dreamless sleep.

Snapping her fingers, every single cage opened, and the shackles, along with the gags, turned into thin air.

While most of the children were quite scared, there was 1 little boy who carefully stepped over the blood and scattersd pieces of flesh and approached Myr with hesitant steps.

"Pretty lady, thank you for saving us. Are there more bad men? Are we still in danger?"

Myr turned towards the boy and gave him a warm smile, as he reminded her of Damian.

"Don't worry child, the bad men won't be able to hurt you anymore, I promise. The Police will be here soon. When they ask, tell them that Shiro saved you."

As she was turning away, the little boy ran up, hugged her legs and asked, "Pretty lady, will I ever get to see you again?"

Myr lightly chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"If fate wills it, we'll meet again. Take care, Jonas."

With that, Myr teleported away to Nekopara, leaving the Vale Police Force very, VERY scared, yet also relieved, knowing that there was at least someone looking out for the less fortunate.


Ace and the other Hunters could be seen on the top of Nekopara's wall, shooting any Void Beast that came close to the first barrier.

"Smiles, hit that Void Jellyfish 3 million km out."

"Hmph, and here I thought you were going to give me a challenge."


Ace whistled and remarked, "Nice fucking shot Smiles, right in the dead center of it's core. I see a Leviathan 2.3 lightyears away. One shot that puppy and I'll buy you a round of drinks tomorrow when we hit that good burger joint in Vale."

Smiles could be seen grinning like the Joker.

"Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! Gimme a moment, I have to line this up. Pretty stupid that a beast that's over 80 million km long only has a single weak spot that's the size of a half-dollar."

A few moments go by, then...




"Well hot damn Smiles, that was... hella impressive. How'd you get it to reveal its weak spot?" Skull asked with a slightly wonderous tone.

Grinning, Smiles smugly explained.

"I personally believe that these Void Beasts can feel our gazes, thus, all I did was aim off-center and slightly away from the Leviathan until it's weak spot showed. A quick flick and a trigger pull later, and I got myself some free drinks~"

Looking down her scope to admire her handiwork, Smiles frowned and zoomed in with her scope, which then caused her to briefly lose her cool.

"Holy fucking shit, what the hell is that?! It just swallowed the grown-ass Leviathan whole, the wide way!"

Ace and the other Hunters immediately stopped what they were doing when they heard Smiles' uncharacteristically stern voice, and each pulled out a Pocket Scope that let them see what Smiles saw.

Ace cursed. "Fuck! That's a Devourer, and a massive one at that! Activate the barriers and raise the security to maximum."

"No need for that, folks, I sensed the wretched thing long ago."

The Hunters whipped around and saw a scowling Myr, who was gazing at the Devourer, a creature that closely resembled a Cacodemon, while adding on tentacles running along its side, with 5, spindly piercer limbs around its mouth.

The rest of its body resembled an Anglerfish, with mismatched colors that it gained from eating, well, whatever it wanted.

Myr took a deep breath and focused her voice so the Devourer could hear her.

Switching to the Void Tongue, Myr's next words sounded like a mixture of screaming, gurgling, and other gross noises that grated on the ears.

"If you don't wish to die, then scram. I'm in no mood to play right now. You're still young, only 3 billion years old. Don't throw your life away."

She heard back, "Hungry... must eat... but you... dangerous... can have food...?"

Myr nodded and snapped her fingers, bringing out several million dead Leviathans in front of the Devourer, saying, "That should be enough for you to advance a few stages. Do not ever forget that I let you live. Eat your fill and leave, unless you want to work for me."

"You... kind... will help Goddess... but... do not know how..."

Myr's mouth twitched as she replied back, "I will feed you 10 million Leviathans a month as payment. All I need you to do is roam the outskirts of my territory and scare the other Devourers away. Can you do that?"

"Yes!... Will do that... can scare others away... my food!"

With that, the Devourer consumed the rest of the Leviathans before hurrying away to begin patrolling what it assumed to be Myr's territory, accidentally pulverizing a wayward planet into space dust.

Seeing this, Myr's mouth twitched again as she sighed.

"Sorry you had to hear me speak so much in Void Tongue. It is... not a very pleasant-sounding language. Anyways, that Devourer will be working for us from now on, so don't antagonize it. It's extremely young, only 3 billion years old, so it's currently patrolling around what it assumes to be the edge of my territory, even though it's only covered half of it."

Divide nodded and chimed in.

"I was picking up a strange signal coming from the Devourer, just like an encrypted message. No matter how I wracked my brain, I couldn't crack the code. Sorry Boss."

Myr raised her eyebrows and chuckled.

"It's rather good that you didn't crack it's message. That signal was indeed an encrypted message, and it's used to lure stray beings that can pick up signals. Had you understood the message, you all would've had you minds effectively erased due to the intense memetic kill agents that are embedded into the signal it was producing."

The Hunters sucked in a breath of cold air.

"A memetic kill agent that can affect Gods. That's nuts. How many have fallen prey to them then?"

Myr looked at Ghost and replied in a solemn tone, "A truly countless amount. Did you know that there weren't always a limited number of Outer Gods? Lovecraft received a vision from Azathoth itself, telling him to never mention the Devourer Race, as they were considered a taboo subject.

The reason being: 99% of the Outer Gods from their founding Pantheon were killed by them. Azathoth was severely wounded and happened to be the last Ancient Outer God to survive. The amount of power that was being thrown around makes even myself frown at how vast it was.

Although he was wounded, Azathoth eventually managed to seal the Devourer's Matriarch into a null space, though even I'M not confident in the null space holding out for another 100 years, probably not even 50.

As soon as that space collapses, I want all of you to let me know, as the Devourer Matriarch is strong enough where it could slap Chloe to death. Each of its attacks are filled with the Essence of Absolute Death.

Anyways, even when it breaks free, I can easily kill it, though I'd appreciate it if you could later help me dissect it. I've always wanted to know what makes a Devourer tick~"

Crimson chuckled. "We'll make sure to help you Boss. Besides, I'm beginning to appreciate studying the species in this realm. There are new sightings every day, some of which could probably be cooked. For instance, these weird floating, erm, I think they're fish, look tasty. They kinda remind me of Goblin Sharks."

Myr laughed and said "Oh you don't need to worry about them, they're harmless. Better yet, they attack and eat a lot of those pesky golden chickens that keep flying into Nekopara. I still have no idea how they make it past the barriers..."

Just then, a school of the weird fish, about 4,000 strong, could be seen darting around the shopping district towards the grounds, then rising into the "sky" to eat their prey, which just so happened to be the 3-Legged Golden Crows.

Suddenly, one of them, a rather tiny fish, quickly "swam" over to Myr, and to the surprise of everyone, dropped a dead 3-Legged Golden Crow in front of her, wiggling its tail and nudging the Golden Crow towards her.

Myr chuckled and rubbed the strange fish under its chin, which she could tell it liked.

Stowing away the corpse, she took out an Outer Core and let the weird fish eat it, which then caused the fish to glow for a moment and grow to 8 meters long compared to its previous 2-meter length.

Swimming in a figure 8 for a couple of times, the weird fish nuzzled Myr's arm before swimming back towards its school.

Turning towards the Hunters, Myr smiled and said with a grin, "See? I told you they're harmless. Like you just saw, they'll bring gifts to people they like. Speaking of which, I see 9 swimming over here right now, each with a Golden Chicken in their mouths."

Sure enough, 9 of the weird fish, ones about 6 meters in length, each swam up to a Hunter and dropped a Golden Crow at their feet.

The Hunters just looked at eachother and offered the weird fish an Outer Core each, which the fish gladly accepted.

Nuzzling their respective Hunters, each of the fish swam away to re-join their school, which eventually circled back around to the Mansion District, once again dive-bombing the Golden Crows.


"Maybe I should mess with Leticia a bit. I wonder how the kid is doing. Hopefully he claimed his mate. I should probably give Marilyn another boost, and probably some more wine..."

Myr quietly muttered to herself as she designed and built some more star fighters, which closely resembled the US' Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II, with its main cannon being adjusted to fire negatively charged 30mm Adamantite shells. In addition to its main cannon, the modified Thunderbolts also sported 4 concussion missiles, 4 Proton Torpedo's, 6 Reaper Missiles which had the blessings of obfuscation allowing them to bypass any shield and actively tracked their targets, 2 rapid-fire chain laser cannons, an extensive flare system, and even a built in Hyperdrive.

"Mm, I'm bored again. What to do..."

A dull flash of light appeared behind Myr as an intelligence officer briskly walked up to Myr and hesitantly said "Erm, Boss? We've just received word that the Attack on Titan world you visited has been besieged by foreign Gods. Should we deploy the God Slaying Army?"

Myr sat upright as a cold glint entered her eyes, a smile filled with mirth and disdain adorning her face.

"Good good good! A perfect chance to get rid of some pests, no doubt the other rabble that sensed Zeus was dead. Officer Bridget Wallheim, deploy the God Slaying Army, make sure the Technocracy and Eden remain standing. I'm authorizing the full use of any equipment needed to get this done."

Nodding, Officer Bridget was about to teleport back to the OmniComm Command Center to relay the orders, when Myr piped up again.

"Oh, and Officer Bridget? Make sure to tell the God Slaying Army that I expect all of the rabble to die. Anyone who blatantly invades my territory will die, no exceptions. In other words..."

Myr turned to look Officer Bridget straight into the eyes.

"I. Want. Them. Dead. All of them."

Nodding with a few dots of cold sweat on her back, Officer Bridget hurriedly teleports back to the Command Center, relaying Myr's orders.

Myr sat back down and gave off an uncharacteristically cruel smile.

"Fufu, I hope you give me some entertainment. I can't have a possible vacation world that I've claimed be taken over by some worthless trash. Mongrels, all of them."


"All Hail! Salute!"


Myr felt shivers of pleasure upon hearing the entire God Slaying Army worship her. Even though it's uncommon, even Myr, who is usually too lazy to care about stuff like this, enjoyed having her ego stoked every once in a while.

The entire God Slaying Army was heavily based off of the multiple elite chapters of warriors within the Warhammer universe.

One of Myr's own "chapters" had heavily influenced power armor designs similar to the Primaris Space Marines, whose color scheme switched from the blue and gold in Warhammer canon, to a turquoise, gold, and white color scheme.

Some more were based off the Sisters of Battle, Deathwatch, the Grey Knights, the Space Wolves, and even the Custodians.

Regardless of which chapter they were based off of, each had Myr's Familial Symbol engraved on their power armor, with their Venerates, giant hulking masses of metal and withering firepower, all bore a version of Myr's Familial Symbol that floated behind their necks, each having the ability to rally their troops and provide Anti-Divine energy laced attacks to deal with the more powerful, troublesome, and otherwise immortal entities.

It should be noted that the Sisters of Battle's Venerate wasn't the normal type of hulking mass of metal and death, and instead wore an extremely ornate, and just as powerful, "normal" sized power armor, with the exception of being able to single handedly match the other Venerates in combat.

The Venerate for Myr's Sisters of Battle was also strange for a rather startling reason: Myr specifically designed her to exactly resemble herself in her previous life, a reminder to always move forward, yet acknowledge the past and understand it's meaning.

Each Venerate and their respective chapters all knelt and waited for Myr's orders.

Grinning from ear to ear, Myr chuckled and said with a mirth ridden smile, "I appreciate your loyalty, and as such, I'll give you a chance to prove yourselves. There are some rather annoying pests that crossed one of my bottom lines, and that's the invasion of my Clockwork Technocracy's territory. I ask you now, what do they deserve?"


Shivering in pleasure again, Myr cracks an even wider grin as she smirks.

"I trust you'll perform perfectly. Now go, purge the heretics, leave none of them alive. I want you all to make any rabble who dares to encroach on my territory cower in fear of your prowess. I have faith in you all, serve me well."

Though you couldn't see it, each member of the God Slaying Army had tears of joy and worship in their eyes, knowing that their Empress has faith in them.

A quick note to add should be that during the creation of her God Slaying Army, Myr may or may not have had too much catnip and cranked up the fanaticism to well over 9,000%, thus creating a force only second to the Hunters, as each of them would rather die than fail their Empress, as the act of failing Myr's orders is considered to be the greatest of shame to all of the God Slaying Army.

Their fear of death was non-existent, as their only drive in their life was to serve Myr, no matter the cost, for to them, to put it bluntly, they would much rather kill themselves after failing Myr then live knowing that they failed her orders.

This slightly troubled Myr, as she didn't want them to die, but they each refused her attempts to let them have freer will, with each member stating that serving her was the only free will they needed.

Most of them resided in the numerous newly constructed Temples surrounding the outside of Nekopara, with each Temple housing an entire chapter, and were just as well defended as Nekopara, as Myr knew that she'd invariably piss off numerous foreign Pantheons that would try to target her home.

With a cold glint in their eyes, the God Slaying Army formed up behind the Gray Knights, whom all declared, "The Empress' Will may manifest", opening several thousand gates to the Attack on Titan world that Myr had claimed, each member of the God Slaying Army yearning to prove themselves to their Empress.

Watching them leave, Myr licked her lips and coldly grinned.

'Let's see how many mongrels they can kill~"