They have a stupidly tall Titan? We have three! Roman and Neo amp it up!



A massive beam of light crashed onto the battlefield, which encased and disintegrated the Gods and Goddesses caught in a wide area, though the real target was a singular, Tier 6 God from the Assassin's Guild.

Despite the beam wiping out thousands of Tier 4-5 Gods and Goddesses, it only managed to damage the Assassin God'a soul by a large margin as well as cripple half of the God's Divine Mana Circuits.

The Grey Knights Venerate was swarmed by the regular Grey Knights, each of them surrounding their stationary Venerate until he was up and running again.

This was due to him basically gathering his faith in Myr, and using it to call upon a negligable amount of her strength, which was a more than enough to cripple the Assassin God's combat prowess for good, with his soul as the medium.

The Grey Knight Venerate was the second strongest user of the God Slaying Army's faith, second only to Myr, and yet he couldn't even use a drop of her true strength.

The reason: Every single one of the God Slaying Army's troops only had a Tier 3 soul, meaning that they were but mere mortals.

This entire battle was being won by sheer, brute force strength, and it could hardly be called a war.

After about 30 seconds, the Grey Knights' Venerate powered up again and without a word, swung around and shot his shoulder mounted Heavy Bolter and blew the arm off of the Assassin God, who barely managed to avoid a more serious injury.

Before he could catch his breath, the God's instincts were screaming to him about a hidden danger nearby, though it would prove to be useless.

The last thing the God saw was the flash of a barrel as he tried to twist around and slashed at one of Myr's assassins who had cloaked himself.

Myr's assassin was cleaved in half, but much to the God's horror, Myr's assassin's top half almost instantly reached his bottom half and re-attatched itself.

Myr's assassin was wearing a skintight nanotech armored bodysuit a skull faceplate with a weird looking piece of tech slung over the assassin's shoulder. The right eye of the assassin glowed an eery red color as well, the assassin's hand cannon still smoking from the barrel.

Myr's official Assassin Sect was headed by Hush, who specialized in lightning fast, unpredictable, and highly controlled movement, stealth, assassinations, acrobatics, and unarmed combat.

The assassins themselves were split into several different types. Some looked like they belonged to a very specific creed, some looked like Warhammer Unverse's Imperium of Man's assassins, others looked like ones you would find in movies and tv shows, while even more yet took up a disguise.

The general rule of thumb in Myr's Assassin Sect was that there was absolutely no kill stealing, and they were paid by operation and how "clean" their kills were.

Expirements were allowed, such as augumentation, battle stimulants, weapons developement, and even the developement of better interrogation tactics, so long as no innocent life was lost.

It was then that a stupidly tall Titan that stood 1,500 meters in height came lumbering through a giant portal behind the Gods and Goddesses.

Covered in menacing looking black armor, the Titan had a total of 6 arms and 3 heads, each arm holding a different weapon, which were a war club, a chained morning star, a giant one-handed war axe, a trident, a calligraphy brush, and a repeating crossbow.

The Titan quickly waved the brush in the air at a blistering fast speed, writing Nälkän runes that translated to, "Descend Into Madness".

The runes erupted into a black mist that surged towards the God Slaying Army.

Sensing the danger, the Grey Knights all rushed to the front and chanted, "Armed with purity of purpose!", generating a bright glow that nullified the black mist.

Myr's Star Dreadnought opened it's underside hatch and dropped 3 objects that grew larger and larger the closer they came to the ground.


3 huge clouds of dust soared into the sky, and when the dust settled, all of the Gods and Goddess' expressions were that of fear and disbelief.

3, 1,500 meter tall metal behemoths stood behind the God Slaying Army, their sheer size matching the Titan, though there were a few key diffrences.

While the 6 armed Titan only had the 6 weapons in each of it's arms, all 3 of Myr's Titans were basically just bipedal weapons platform, which were the result of a mistake on Myr's part for letting Leeroy design them.

Having been told to design a Titan that will show the power of the Clockwork Technocracy, Leeroy did just that... to the best of his abilities.

Having only seen the Titans after they had been constructed, Myr wanted to praise and strangle Leeroy at the same time.

The sheer amount of weapons that were mounted, built in, and even floating around the bodies was absurdity of the highest order.

Thousands of 600mm auto-cannons, hundreds of thousands worth of 20mm and 30mm rotary cannons, 20mm flak cannons, SAM turrets, mortars, and the literal crown piece, a 1,500mm Rotary Doomsday Bolter.

The Titans themselves had a technical name, that being, "Clockwork Doomsday Weapons Platform MK.I" though they would usually be called "Titans", or the trending name for them, "That lunatic's brain child."

Any of the armaments that were facing the Divine Titan on the 3 Clockwork Titans began to spew smoke and fire, the deafening roar of the cannons blanketed the Divine Titan with various munitions.

Pretty soon, a giant crack appeared on the Divine Titan's chestplate, all due to the Doomaday Bolters continously pounding the same spot with constant fire.

Casings as large as a Venerate started to rain down, hence why the Titans were dropped behind the God Slaying Army.

The Grey Knights were the first to suffer a casualty, or at least, that's what everyone had thought.

Being slammed into the ground by a magically enhanced fist, a Grey Knight was pounded several tens of meters below ground.

Just when the God Slaying Army was about to accept their first loss, a shout could be heard coming from the hole.

The entire battlefield stopped, even the Divine and Clockwork Titans. A deep rumbling could be heard, as the battlefield itself started to shake.

All of a sudden...




The Grey Knight, which was somehow Leeroy, rode on top of a creature that made even the God Slaying Army's mouths twitch, as they had been prepped on Abyssal Beasts, and the God Slaying Army was absolutely not prepared to fight an Abyssal Death Wyrm.

"Standing" at 200 meters tall and 18km long, this Abyssal Death Wyrm was actually considered a freshly hatched one, as the largest of their species has been verified to reach well over 3,000 km tall and 900,000km long, making them absolute units.

Leeroy could be seen tapping the Wyrm on its head and pointing at the Gods and Goddesses, and much to the God Slaying Army's pleasant surprise, the Abyssal Death Wyrm roared and charged into the Gods and Goddesses, blood flowing like a river.

The Abyssal creatures themselves are natural born Divine Being killers.

Like the Fallen, the Abyssal creatures are basically immune to all but the most extreme of divine power laced attacks.

Their skin, especially the Abyssal Death Wyrm's, is stupid tough, while the scales could detach and hunt a target down, exploding and dealing enough concentrated damage to seriously injure, if not outright kill, a God or Goddess of Tenshi and Nox's caliber, and this Wyrm was a hatchling!

The Wyrm began to decimate the Gods and Goddesses, and each time a kill was made, the aura of providence quickly became apparent to everyone watching.

The Grey Knight Venerate said with disbelief, "That soldier. Even though he is not one of us, he is a soldier that has great strength. This providence can only be bestowed by either the Eternal God Empress herself, or her family."



A new surge of morale erupted from the God Slaying Army, as pretty soon, the aura of Providence began to gather and seep towards the entire God Slaying Army, absorbing itself into their bodies.

Leeroy however, couldn't be bothered by any of this.

"Great job Little Black! When we get home, I'll ask the Boss if she can make some room for ya'! Oh, look! That God looks a little like a bird! Go kill it!"

Leeroy heard a little boy's voice in his mind.

"Okay mommy! I'll make you proud!"

Roaring, the Little Black opened it's gaping mouth and spat out a solid, black and yellow energy beam, which instantly turned the God into ash.

A sudden, massive explosion hit the side of Little Black, causing him to roar in pain.

"Mommy, it hurts! Make it stop hurting!"

Leeroy, upon seeing his new friend get hurt, had a never-before-seen rage filled expression and an endlessly cold glint in his eyes.

"Mommy will take care of you. [Almighty Restoration]."

A golden glow engulfed Little Black's body, which not only healed his injuries, but even caused a bunch of terrifyingly powerful golden runes to appear on its skin.

Leeroy then looked at the Goddess who blasted his new best friend and howled towards the sky.

"Ahhh! How dare you! If I don't bury you all here today, I'll slap my Boss' ass in front of her wife!"

A surging white, blue, and gold light burst from Leeroy's eyes, lightning made out of pure Annihilation Qi crackled and tore space open as if it were just a flimsy piece of toilet paper, the kind that resteraunts buy to save money.

"All of you can go to hell! [Wrath's Holy Judgement]!"

A cacophony of guttural screams could be heard at the same time that countless portals could be seen opening above the Gods and Goddess' heads.

Sensing the lethal danger, the Venerates all shouted, "BROTHERS, SISTERS, FALL BACK BEHIND OUR BROTHER IN THE FRONT!"

The God Slaying Army hurriedly withdrew from the battle, the last member barely making it back behind Leeroy before his technique hit.

From each portal, several millions of terrifying bolts of energy struck the Gods and Goddesses, turning them to nothing more than ash.

The sound was even more deafening than the roar of the Doomsday Titans' guns and cannons.

Bolt after bolt struck down, pulverizing what was left of the rabble that had gathered to claim the world.

Even the Divine Titan wasn't spared. Though it took a few tens of thousands of bolts, the Titan was eventually also turned to ash in Leeroy's rage.


Watching the screen with blank expressions, Chloe, Tenshi, Nox, and Team Neko turned towards Myr and looked at her with a questioning gaze.

Coughing into her hand, Myr lightly blushed and said, "For the record, I didn't teach him Annihilation Qi Control, nor did I teach him how to use the power of Faith. Despite creating him, I can't predict what he's going to do next. It's almost as if I wasn't the one who created him."

Chloe cocked an eyebrow and asked in an amused tone, "Does that mean that you didn't plan this?"

Myr simply turned away and pouted, causing everyone, even the other personnel, to chuckle.


*Yawn* "Good morning, Neo. Last night was fun, wasn't it?"

"Ugh, I'm gonna be sore for a bit. You're an absolute beast, you know that?"

Roman and Neo could be seen laying together under the covers of a bed in one of their safehouses.

Both of them got up, dressed themselves, and prepared to cause the distraction that Myr had tasked them with.

Neo grabbed Hush and Roman grabbed Melodic Cudgel, as well as several hundred crates filled with Dust powered explosives within their personal storage units, ones their systems had given them after Myr sneakily modified their systems whenever she thinks of something "cool".

These changes have ranged from the storage space, which is functionally infinite, a collapsible HUD, mini-map, quest functions (for the Grimm dungeons they can enter), an Aura Condenser function, which basically generates Aura that both Roman and Neo can use to replenish what they've used, or even direct it to others that are nearby.

The only stipulation is that they must be within 5 meters of the intended target for the transfer to work to avoid the chance of anyone exploding.

Jumping up to the top of the Vale Police Station, Roman and Neo could be seen wearing hazmat suits that looked like they belonged in a typical warzone.

Taking out an explosive, Roman carefully armed it and asked, "Neo, do you think that Boss is kind of immature? These stink bombs are foul enough where we have to wear hazmat suits."

Sighing, Neo rubbed where her vocal cords would be on her neck and grinned.

"I honestly don't care if she's immature. We get to become Gods if we cause enough trouble in an attention-grabbing way. I already sent a few Beowolves to attack the red-haired girl and cow-tits."

Whistling, Roman finished setting up and arming the stink bombs onto the roof's multiple ventilation openings.

Hopping down, Roman and Neo quickly put away their hazmat suits and instead donned construction clothing and hardhats.

Entering a giant office building, they both walk past the 4 guards, who upon seeing them walk in with lots of tools and noticing that who they assumed to be the repair people were half an hour late, just rolled their eyes while one of them muttered, "At least I don't half-ass my job. Stupid kids."

Neo's smile twitched before she sighed and continued on their way.

After "repairing" the HVAC unit, the duo quickly left and changed their outfits again, and this time they started placing something that Myr called "Scorcher charges", which leave a giant hole in anything they're placed on and an obscenely large scorch mark as well, onto points on the roof of Beacon Academy where the Scorcher charges would cause an annoying amount of damage, but no deaths or injuries.

This took them over 30 minutes, with Neo being the lookout, and Roman handling the charges with a slightly sweaty forehead.

"Neo, pass me the last charge. After this one is down, we can head back and watch the show."

Nodding, Neo handed the charge over to Roman, when her instincts told her to duck.

Ducking her head, she felt a razor-sharp wind glide right above her neck, slicing some strands of hair.

Looking up, Neo saw a grotesque looking, thing. Standing at a healthy 3 meters tall, it was bipedal, with a rotting body and decaying flesh, and 9 pairs of boil covered arms, each holding a crude and vicious looking blade, save for the one that it threw at her.

Its mouth was sliced open, its lower jaw hanging on by mere strips of meat, yet it somehow still moved.

In place of its eyes were two, giant, wriggling parasitic worms, with corrosive fluid flowing out of it's nose and ears.

Instinctively gagging at the wretched sight, Neo extended the blade on Hush and dashed towards the monster.


Intercepting the repeated slashes with Hush, Neo started stabbing at a blistering speed, fast enough to leave tens of afterimages.

After a mere 13 seconds of stabbing, nothing more remained of the disgusting creature, except a large puddle of blood, and two shiny, bright, rune covered jade containers, and a note.

Grabbing the containers and the note, Neo read it with at first a look of confusion, as it was written in morse code.

It only took a moment to decipher the message once she remembered that Myr had explained she would be communicating with them using morse code and gave them the translator as well.

She also remembered the key Myr had given each of them after they had a talk with her.

Taking out her key, Neo unlocked the container with the "N" on it, and gave the other container to Roman, who also unlocked his.

Nodding to eachother, Roman just now noticed the blood on the roof, but no body.

Turning to look towards Neo, Roman then shook his head and laughed.

"I'm not even going to question that. Let's head back and watch the show, love!"