A Splendid Show! New Members! Asking the Tough Questions...

Roman and Neo arrived at their safehouse that was tapped into Myr's Magically Enhanced Real-Time Visualization Satellite Array, or "MERVS Array", which involved placing satellites in strategic positions spanning across the entire planet's atmosphere.

The MERVS Array was a concept that Myr had brainstormed, and it's goal was to design a silent and undetectable tool used for spying and reconnaissance. She just never put it to use.

When she saw an opportunity with Remenant, she quickly put her plans into motion and carefully constructed all of the satallites in their position, making sure that there were no errors in her calculations.

Anyways, Roman and Neo lounged back, turned on the 3, 150cm widescreen TV's, smiled at eachother, and pressed a large red button.

An important thing to note is that the bombs and charges were set up on a timed detonation sequence, allowing them to not just view, but admire each miniature catastrophe to the fullest.

The first TV showed Vale Police Station.


A series of rapidly paced explosions took place on the Vale Police Department's roof, the foul smelling gas quickly seeped into the building.

Pretty soon, they both watched on as numerous people rushed out of the building and promptly threw up due to the smell.

This got both Roman and Neo to howl with laughter, as they both had a bone to pick with the Vale Police Department.

They both assumed that the people in the jail cells *might* not be having a fun time.

Switching over to the second TV, the office building could be seen bustling with activity, with people that were headed in and out of the building wearing nice looking suits and dresses.

With a semi-malicious grin, Neo pressed the button on the second detonator.


Bright flashes of light could be seen through various windows, with each window around the blast sites shattering, as broken glass rained down onto the pavement below.

The explosives used in the office building were non-lethal of course, with said explosives being a mix between a concussion grenade and a 9 Bang grenade¹, causing mass hysteria and panic.

While the explosives weren't lethal, they could easily cause ear damage due to the decibel level, thus, they set them up within the HVAC units.

Screams of terror echoed within the office building while people ran out in a disorderly fasion.

Due to the bombs that were set off on the Vale Police Department's roof, no police were able to respond, this caused even more panic to ensue once people realized that the Police weren't coming.

Pretty soon, several staff members from Beacon Academy came to restore order, which was exactly when Roman pressed the button on the third detonator.


Scorcher Charger after Scorcher Charge went off, shaking Beacon Academy a fair bit, while giant scorch marks and lots of debris, along with quite a few large holes, could be seen on the roof of the Academy.

Alarms were sounding within as most of the remaining staff went to protect the students, while Glynda and Ozpin scrambled up to the roof to see the damage.

Once they got to the roof, Roman and Neo could see Ozpin crouch down and touch a scorch mark, only to quickly retract his hand, as although it didn't look like it, the blast zone of each scorcher charge was still blazing hot.

Looking at eachother, Roman and Neo grinned and celebrated their success with a passionate kiss, only to be interrupted by their systems.

{Couple Roman Torchwick and Neopolitan Torchwick have fufilled the conditions set by Supreme Goddess Myr Aeternum. Establishing connection to Supreme Goddess Myr Aeternum's "Reincarnation Room"... Successful! Spatial Movement commencing now!}

A blinding flash of light flooded Roman and Neo's vision, and when everything cleared, they found themselves within the room that Myr had taken them to before and made an offer to them.

Sitting behind the desk with her legs crossed and a smile of amusement on her face, was Myr herself.

With a grin on her face, and with an almost gleeful voice, Myr laid everything out for the duo.

"What a splendid show! Bravo! As promised, I'll make you two a genuine God and Goddess. I should caution you against using any Divine Powers in the city of Vale, as some of the weakest Divine Powers will easily cause a whole bunch of unnecessary casualties and kill a lot of innocent people.

That would lead me to another important rule, which is to try your damned hardest to not take any innocent lives. I'm going to warn you two right now, that if I find out that either of you EVER purposely take an innocent life, I'll erase both of you from space and time. I hate innocent lives being lost when avoidable.

My third rule is to simply follow my orders, unless they seriously go against your moral compass, which for a crime lord and an assassin, shouldn't be a problem.

Worry not, I won't ever ask you two to do anything scarring, at least, not until you reach Soul Tier 5, when you'll actually be able to put up a fight against Divine Beings.

My fourth rule is a simple one. Don't kill any of my people in my personal realm. I'll be letting you two choose any mansion within my realm that you want, save for one which is already taken. Believe me, you don't want to mess with the Goddess who resides in it.

My fifth rule is yet another simple one. Don't interfere with my family's business. I can't stress this enough, as any one of my 8 daughters could mop the floor with your skulls if you piss them off.

My wife is even more extreme. She'll outright kill anyone who she thinks is a threat to my unborn child and I."

Roman and Neo looked genuinely surprised, as Roman asked with an incredulous tone, "Wait, Goddess Myr, didn't you say you have a wife? How can you be with child if both of you are woman?"

Myr cocked her left eyebrow and in an amused tone, asked, "My dear Roman, how does a woman usually become pregnant?"

Roman immediately answers, "Usually by having unprotected sex, but wouldn't that require... oh, you used the mermaid method, didn't you...?"

Nodding, Myr gently patted her abdomen.

"It'll take another 23 months for my baby to grow. In 23 months, I'll try my hardest to get the two of you to reach Tier 5. Once I'm in my last few months of pregnancy, my combat effectiveness will be cut by about 85-90% at best, 97-99% at worst, so you'll be paired alongside the Hunters, my personal elite team of soldiers that are, well, nearly invincible.

My Hunters' names are Ace, Smiles, Hex, Crimson, Skull, Ghost, Midas, Hush, and Divide. You can tell them apart mainly by the designs on their masks.

They're all pseudo-Soul Tier 5, so any one of them would be able to mop the floor with your bodies if you piss them off."

Roman and Neo both nodded in response, to which Myr nodded back and snapped her fingers.

An intense golden light enveloped Roman and Neo's figures, enhancing their bodies and souls, gradually improving until their bodies and souls had breached Soul Tier 4.

When they opened their eyes, Roman and Neo felt a massive influx of information flooding into their minds, further explaining their new powers and abilities.

After a few minutes, both of them had processed the information to the fullest and thanked Myr, who merely gave them a warm smile and waved her hands, teleporting them both to their main safehouse, with some parting words.

"Remember the plan. The real fun has yet to start."

After Roman and Neo had been teleported back to their main safehouse, Myr's smile quickly dropped as she frowned upon hearing a report from one of her Avatars within her personal multiverse.

'Permission granted. Save Leticia at all costs. If the Corpse Dancer race doesn't comply, then wipe them out. I won't have my Champion sullied or killed.'

Myr brought out a glass of her favorite juice and began to slowly sip it, an almost cruel smile plastered her face.

'Salem, do you believe in Gods and Goddesses? If so, then you better get on your knees and pray, worthless dog~'


"Do you know the trouble you're in right now, young lady? You put a lot of people at risk."

Glynda's stern voice could be heard coming from a spare room at Beacon Academy.

A slightly bored Ruby Rose could be seen sitting down on the opposite side of the table, silently watching Glynda lightly slap her Rider's Crop into her open palm.

Suddenly, the door to the room opens, and Ozpin walks in, carrying a platter of cookies.

Setting the platter down in front of Ruby, Ozpin waited for about 20 seconds for Ruby to completely finish the platter of cookies before asking, "So, Ruby, where did you learn to fight like that, and with a scythe nonetheless?"

Ruby hummed out, "A very strong man taught me!"

Ozpin gave Ruby a small smile.

"A strong man, you say. Hmm, there's only a single person I know who can use a weapon like that with such precision and prowess. A dusty old Crow."

Ruby nodded and proudly stated, "Yep! That's my Uncle Qrow!"

With a light chuckle, Ozpin turns to look at Ruby straight in the eyes.

"Well, I'm quite impressed, nonetheless. Say, have you ever wanted to become a Huntress?"


"Well, I'm quite impressed, nonetheless. Say, have you ever wanted to become a Huntress?"

Hearing Ozpin ask Ruby that specific question, Myr had a grin on her face and a sparkle in her eyes.

"Hook, line, and sinker. Oh Ozma, you're so predictable, even in a non-standard timeline~"

Turning away from her monitor, Myr quickly linked her mind to Roman and Neo.

'Alright you two, have you confirmed that Cinder has the Grimm Bugg in her possession?'

A few moments pass before Neo's "voice" could be heard.

'We have, Boss. Cinder Bitch does indeed have the Grimm Bug. Salem and Cinder Bitch still don't have a clue that we work for you.

Speaking of which, Salem began to prepare her forces to march, though they won't be ready to move for another few months.

Adam Taurus has also gathered a bunch of White Fang Extremists to try and sabotage your warehouses, but so far, none of your warehouses have fallen.'

Snorting, Myr swirled her juice in her mug as she coldly replied, 'About fucking time he tried. Neo, have you and Roman help them target any of my warehouses. Let me know which one they choose to try and hit before they act. I'll lower the security and set a few traps to mark them.

Once my traps mark them, let them take the Dust Crystals without trouble. Trust me, they'll regret it.'

'Will do Boss. Any more tasks for the time being?'

Myr sighed and downed her juice in one pull.

'Nothing for the moment. Leave Atlas to me, I'll personally deal with them.

You two are still relatively weak Divine Beings. If the Two Brothers sense Divine Beings interfering with mortal affairs and get pissed off, they'll tear you to shreds.'

Cutting off her connection to the duo, Myr typed some commands into her computer and pulled up the Hunters' comm channels.

"Alright folks, listen up, though not you Smiles, you go ahead and get that bread. I need you fine folks to start harassing Salem and her little group of mongrels. Make their lives hell, but don't kill them. I want to personally see their despair as their plans crumble in front of them.

The fact that they think their success is guaranteed despite me being here is simply laughable.

Start by killing off a few key Grimm figures, namely the Nuckelavee and The Hound. Use metaphysical means to kill off ALL of the Chill Grimm as well.

After they're dead, start taking out the extremely dangerous Grimm, like Sea Feilongs, Goliaths, Taijutus, Beringels, Leviathans, Centinels, Cenitaurs, Deathstalkers, Megoliaths, and the Apathy. Leave the small fry, they aren't worth your time.

I'll create some "opportunities" for our Heroes in the meantime. Happy hunting everyone."

Myr shut off her comms and cloaked herself in her Void Divinity and teleported to Beacon, where she sees the newly formed Team RWBY walking towards their dorm rooms.

Teleporting into their dorm room, Myr uncloaked herself and sat down with her left leg crossed over her right leg, reading some reports that Roman and Neo sent her on her phone.

"C'mon girl's, our room is right here!"

Ruby's voice made Myr grin to herself before she relaxed her smile and waved her hand, opening the door before ruby could open it herself.

Ruby, Yang, Blake, and Weiss all look at Myr in confusion, until Ruby exclaimed, "Hey! It's the magic cat girl!"

Blake and Weiss were even more confused by her comment, but not Yang.

Yang quickly deployed her shotgun gauntlets and growled out, "Everyone, back away from her. She killed one of Junior's friends when she was next to Ruby at From Dust Till Dawn!"

Ruby looked confused at first until Yang began to explain how Junior told her that a friend of his suddenly went missing when he was with Roman at From Dust Till Dawn.

Myr chuckled and gave a slow, sarcastic clap.

"Nicely done Detective. You figured out his death! Did you also figure out that he raped two Huntresses from Beacon as well? Oh, how about the time he beat an elderly man until his skull caved in, just because he had too much to drink?"

All 4 of the girls looked extremely uncomfortable at Myr releasing the man's past crimes, when Blake suddenly tried to open the door, only to find out that it was locked and wouldn't budge.

Myr lost her smile at that moment and snapped her fingers, making 4 chairs out of nanomachines and commanded in a crisp voice, "Sit down and shut up."

All 4 of them sat down, as if they weren't in control of their own bodies.

Myr then gave a pointed look at Weiss, asking, "So, Ms. Schnee, why do you hate the Faunus? You should know that Ms. Belladonna is also a Faunus, specifically, a Cat Faunus."

Blake visibly recoiled while Ruby, Yang, and Weiss all gave her a look of surprise.

"Weiss, your father is a terrible person. He married into your own family for money and power. He doesn't give a rat's ass about what happens to you in the long run.

He constantly feeds you lies about the Faunus, telling you that they're beasts, they're rude, and that they're only up to no good.

But let me tell you right now, that if any creature on this planet could be considered a monster, it's the Grimm first and foremost, and then humans.

Hell, the only thing that separates Humans and Faunus is a single mutation in the Faunus' DNA chains, with both groups being 99.9% similar.

Daddy taught you to discriminate, to hate, to be arrogant, but let me tell you, Weiss Schnee.

You and your fucking family, along with the rest of Human and Faunus kind, will be utterly annihilated if you don't get your shit together.

The Grimm don't give a single, flying fuck about races. They only exist to destroy.

Don't go crying about White Fang either, because my soldiers are already cracking down on their hideouts, and you know what we do with them?

We feed and clothe them, give them job opportunities, send them to school.

We give them aid because they're people too. We treat them like fellow kin, because you bet your ass people like your father won't.

Think long and hard about what truly matters to you.

Do you value your mother, your sister, and your friends' lives more, or do you want to see them perish due to pointless power squabbles and the non-stop tide of Grimm, Weiss Schnee?"