Team RWBY's Boost, Girl to Girls Talk, Upgrades People, Upgrades!

Myr tapped her finger on the armrest of the chair with a fairly annoyed expression.

"So, Ms. Schnee, have you thought about my question? If you have any brains, you'd know what's more important."

Unable to take Myr's condescending attitude and tone anymore, Yang finally snapped.

"Just who the HELL do you think you are?! Spouting this crap off before we've even really begun to know eachother!"

Myr then glared at Yang while releasing a fair amount of killing intent.

"I don't want to hear another word out of you Ms. Xiao Long. You have no right to speak, given how you purposely partially flash your chest to guys, then beat them if they "dare to look". Petty games like that will get you killed.

Your Semblance itself tells me that you're hot headed, and that's another thing that will not only get you killed, but your team as well.

If it were up to me, I'd trash everyone here but Ruby, who is barely better than all of you. The only reason I say so is merely because she's incredibly naive, yet pure of heart.

You want to become Huntresses? Dream on. I'll personally make sure you fail if you all don't get your shit together.

You 4 are the keystone to solving this world's problems, but right now, I see 3 bricks and 1 uncut piece of marble.

If you don't like what I have to say, then become strong enough for me to acknowledge you."

Myr then turned towards Blake and stared directly into her eyes, causing Blake to unconsciously take a step back.

"Ms. Belladonna, tell me, how did it feel to receive my people's support after you, Adam Taurus, and the other White Fang members tried multiple times to break into my Dust Crystal warehouses? How did it feel to steal a large amount of Dust Crystals, only for you and the others to be knocked out by my own Knockout Gas?"

Blake visibly recoiled as the rest of Team RWBY gave Blake a few looks of confusion.

Myr sighed and kicked her legs up onto the table.

"Ms. Belladonna, the Faunus will no longer have to live in the small settlements and Kuo Kuana.

As we speak, my soldiers and other personnel are taking over the deserts and terraforming them, making lakes full of fish, releasing millions of wild animals that can be hunted for meat and materials, wiping out the native Grimm, and building large cities that make Atlas' tech look like the first wooden wheel.

That is only a portion of the power that's at my disposal, and I'm using it to help your people. Do you know why?"

Blake mutely shook her head, to which Myr sighed once more.

"I do it because I care about you people. As harsh as I might seem, you'll all eventually understand why I am like I am.

The Faunus have long been overdue for support, and I am the one giving said support.

Girls, tell me truthfully. Do you believe that Human and Faunus kind are ready for a war on a global scale?"

Surprisingly, it was Ruby who spoke up first.

"No, we aren't. If what you said is true, then we're too divided. We need to work together if we want to overcome the Grimm-"

"Stop right there Rubes. The Grimm are the least of your worries."

Myr's comment caught them all off-guard, so, Myr began to explain things to them.

"There is a ruler of the Grimm, and her name is Salem. She was one of the first humans to walk the earth and was cursed with immortality.

She eventually jumped into a Grimm Pool in hopes of killing herself after she saw her world crumble in front of her eyes, only to reborn as the Queen of Grimm.

Her only desire is to wipe out all life on this planet, so that when the Two Brothers, a pair of Gods, come back, they'll get angry and destroy the planet, which will finally allow her to die.

As long as Salem is alive, the Grimm will never stop being a lethal threat to everyone.

Atlas is the other big problem. Weiss' father is a racist asshole, and General Ironwood is both a pawn and a player at the same time.

Their technology has advanced leaps and bounds over the past few years, like their not-yet-revealed Atlesian Paladin-290', of which, 5 were already stolen."

Weiss sucked in a cold breath of air, alerting the others.

"How?! How do you know about that?! The Atlesian Paladin-290 wasn't supposed to be revealed for another month!"

Myr simply smirked and hummed out, "It's quite simple. I've already hacked into your systems. A snap of my fingers is all it would take to send Atlas crashing into the ground. You Atlas people think you're so big and smart, when in reality, I have you beat in every single way.

I don't mean to blow my own horn, but your Paladin mech suits are lightyears behind my army's basic power armor.

My largest mechs are a little over 4,900 feet tall. Here, I'll show you some footage of them at our, ahem, "firing range"."

Myr then brought out a holo-disc and tapped a few buttons which caused several holographic screens to appear, each watching a separate angle.

Team RWBY then watched on in shock as Myr's Titan "tested" its weapons against a nearby mountain, completely obliterating it.

Myr then shut off the holo-disc and stowed it away, once again crossing her legs as she leaned back and chuckled to herself.

"All bragging aside, I DO have an offer for you, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang.

All I need you to do is grow stronger, so strong that you can take down Roman Torchwick all by yourself. A snap of my fingers and you'll all have your Semblances greatly enhanced, your Aura reserves will multiply tenfold, your bodies and souls will be greatly enhanced, and I'll even make it, so you completely understand the ins-and-outs of your upgraded Semblances. How's that for a deal?"

Blake quickly asked in a low tone, "Why should we believe you? How could you even do such a thing?"

Myr snorted and leaned forward a bit.

"That's because I'm strong enough to swat the Two Brothers like flies. I don't have just one Semblance, I have two, which are called "Authority" and "Omnipotent".

True to their names, I have authority over everything in this universe, I just don't use it often, and my other Semblance enables me to do whatever I damn well please.

Keep in mind that I could end this entire world and be done with this chapter in my life, but I won't do that, mainly because I hate seeing innocent life lost."

Suddenly, "It Has To Be This Way" starts playing, prompting Myr to hold a single finger up as she accepts the call.

"What do you need Commander Rhys?"

"Boss, we were terraforming the last part of the desert in Menagerie when several soldiers were seriously injured by this weird box. We tried opening it, but each attempt caused a severe backlash. Another thing to note is that the box is emitting a faint Divine Aura."

Myr frowned and snapped her fingers, teleporting said box into the room next to her.

"I'll take care of it Commander Rhys. Treat the injured and continue terraforming the last 80km of Menagerie's desert."

When she ended the call, Myr released her control over the box, and sure enough, a faint Divine Aura began to seep out from the box.

Sighing, Myr simply tapped the lock, which popped open the box, revealing a crown, a lamp, a staff, and a sword, each of which were made out of gold, while the main pieces of the objects were made out of a teal-colored material.

Frowning even more, Myr's mind began to race.

'There are traces of foreign Divine Powers surrounding the box. A Divine Being stole the Relics and put them in this box. It's not the two Brothers, and it's not the other universe's Gods, leaving only one option: It had to have been me when I had too much catnip pie, which would probably explain why this Divine Power seems very familiar, though I can't remember for the life of me, which was probably due to the catnip pie.'

Dialing a number into her phone, she soon hears Ozpin's voice on the other end.

"Hello Myr, how can I help you?"

Myr light coughed into her fist and scratched the bridge of her nose.

"Hey Ozpin, I just wanted to tell you that I may or may not have stolen the Relics and lost them somewhere in main headquarters due to me eating too many catnip pies."


"*Sigh* Well I suppose that's much safer than where I had hidden Choice, but are you meaning to say that you broke into the other Academy's' Maiden Vaults and took Knowledge, Creation, and Destruction as well? Do you realize how much the other Academies are going to panic if they find out?"

Myr simply scoffed in return.

"Yeahhhh, about that. Had I not interfered, Knowledge and Creation would've fallen into Salem's hands within 3 years, and Destruction would've followed a few years later, just FYI."

Myr was rewarded by hearing Ozpin groan in exasperation.

"Fine, just do whatever you want with them, Ironwood messaged me earlier and said that he wants to meet with you and I in 2 days, so please don't kill him."

With a cheeky grin on her face, Myr responded with a simple, "No promises~" before she ended the call.

Unbeknownst to Myr, Ruby had already picked up the sword and was about to swing it, when she suddenly didn't feel the sword in her hands anymore.

Looking over, Team RWBY saw Myr carefully placing the sword back into the box, which she then closed and snapped her fingers, which sent the box to her personal storage.

She then gave Ruby an amused smile and ruffled her hair a bit.

"You have to be careful Ruby, that one swing would've tore this room to shreds. That was a powerful item that one of the Two Brothers, the God of Light, personally created."

Ruby's eyes began to sparkle as she then exclaimed in an excited tone, "That's so cool!"

Chuckling, Myr brought out an M134 Minigun, an MK 14 EBR, a Kriss Vector, and an FN Five-Seven, and set them down in front of the excited Huntress.

"Those are 4 weapons that my soldiers use. They're yours to take apart or do whatever with them. I'll also supply you with the ammunition needed for them as well."

Myr didn't even get to finish her statement before Ruby was already immersed into taking apart the M134 Minigun.

Sighing, Myr then waved her hand as Team RWBY all felt their bodies become faster and stronger, and they could all feel that their reserves of Aura were well over 100 times that of before.

A supreme sense of clarity also washed over their minds, as each one of them also felt and comprehended an influx of information flowing into their minds about their newly upgraded Semblances.

Ruby's Semblance, "Petal Burst" now had its speed increased to a cap of Mach 3.2, she could actively attack with her scythe without having to re-materialize, the petals that formed from her Semblance could fill an offensive, defensive, and utility role, with the ability to cut just about anything, they could be formed into shields and barriers, and they could be used to transfer Aura if need be.

Her Semblance also gave her the ability to travel through a real-time mirror dimension, making it impossible to track her, yet she would be able to keep tabs on everything and everyone like normal.

Her eyes also got an upgrade, mainly in the power department. At the moment, a single glance from her eyes would be more than enough to completely disintegrate a Grimm Drake.

Her eyes also didn't need intense emotions to be activated. All Ruby needs to do is simply flip a mental switch to use her eyes' power.

Yang's Semblance, "Burn", was upgraded in several ways as well.

Instead of needing to be struck by an opponent, Burn now was able to store energy from basic contact, whether it be walking, running, lying down, wearing clothes, ANY sort of contact would store quite a bit of energy for Yang to use.

Another upgrade is the permanent effects it has on her body.

Each time there's a certain amount of kinetic energy applied to Yang's body, that same amount of kinetic energy is, in essence, duplicated and multiplied, meaning her body stores the energy indefinitely and said kinetic energy will never be depleted, while also enhancing her body and the toughness it can display.

Yang's body will only grow stronger the long she fights, and the effects are permanent. Her body would react like nanomachines, toughening up to the point of invulnerability when she wills it to do so.

Another added bonus is that her body can also store and add any Dust or Aura based attack as well, essentially making offensive Aura based attacks a free meal for her body and Aura reserves.

Unlike kinetic energy though, absorbed Dust and Aura based attacks will not add onto her Aura reserves, as she needs to use quite a bit of Aura to increase her reserves.

Blake's Semblance, "Shadow" was upgraded in a few ways too.

Her Semblance, which summoned clones of herself, now summoned perfect clones of herself, complete with the ability to use Aura based attacks, become corporeal, and take devastating amounts of damage before dispersing, or if she so chose, detonated in a withering explosion.

On top of that, she could now create as many clones as she wants, as long as she has enough Aura. An additional bonus is the fact that she can instantly switch places with a clone she makes, as well as having a 500km zone in which she can instantly summon a clone and prevent it from dispersing.

Cloning aside, her Semblance also now allowed her to melt into any shadow, perfectly cloak herself in shadow, and under certain circumstances, teleport anywhere within a 1km radius.

Weiss' Semblance, "Glyphs" was upgraded in a few different ways.

Instead of it taking time to summon Glyph Grimm, it merely takes a single moment. On top of that, the area of effect for her Glyph Summons had been extended to roughly 5,000km, also enabling autonomous movement and thinking, although they were still 100% loyal to Weiss.

She now had to ability to summon just about any Grimm she had extensive knowledge of, which thanks to Myr, was just about all of them, besides the hybrid Grimm which Myr kept hidden.

The effects of her Glyphs could be amplified or decreased at will, while the utility purposes numbers exploded, resulting in many different uses, such as her new Healing Glyph, which was able to save anybody, even from the jaws of death, so long as just a single neuron within the target's brain was active, her Teleportation Glyph which had a range of 50km, and a brand new Chow Time Glyph, which in exchange for Ice Dust, could create real food and drinks that could be consumed that also had the added benefit of healing minor injuries, remove scar tissue, and restore stamina and Aura that had been used in battle.

The types of summons she could bring forth now included extreme powerful Grimm such as Wyverns, Leviathans, Sea Feilongs, Goliaths, Megoliaths, Beringels, Teruxes', Tempests, and even a more noble version of Monstra.

Several other less powerful but still lethal Grimm were also added, such as the Cenitaurs, Centinels, Creeps, and Ravengers.

Additionally, Weiss could now use multiple Glyphs at once.

After team RWBY received their boosts, they all stared at Myr with wide eyes and open mouths.

Chuckling, she leaned back with her hands behind her head, and with an amused tone, said, "Ah, that look will never get old~"