Due Date, Invasion

Near the center of the universe...

*Gulp* "Goddess Above All, my brother and I welcome you to the Central Divine Nexus. It's an honor to have you here."

A pair of dragons, one that resembled a deep-purple colored western dragon, and one that resembled a gold colored eastern dragon with silver eyes, bowed their heads to me.

Despite them being far taller than I was, I couldn't help but mock them silently. Such pieces of utter trash would dare hide anyone of the Heavenly Being Race despite my Eternal Decree.

A sneer broke out across my face.

"Cut the shit you two, I know about the 45 Heavenly Being Race members that you're hiding in the Void. Did you not hear my Eternal Decree? Did you not think I was serious? By hiding them in the Void, you've now implicated the entire Multiverse."

Just the sight of the deep fear that flit across their eyes brought me an indescribable joy. Maybe it's because of my Destiny Guide's death that I'm finding things like these, joyful.

The Older Brother bowed even deeper until his chin touched the ground.

"Goddess Above All, we beg you to spare them. They've been with us for over 30,000 Multiversal Cycles¹ and haven't done anything wrong!"

I could feel a mocking look appear in my eyes, all while I raised my pointer finger towards the Older Brother and gently flicked.


The two brothers cumbled to dust in front of me, their souls erased and bodies shattered.


I snapped my fingers, instantly killing every single God and Goddess that knew about the Heavenly Being Race that tried to hide in the Void, along with the Heavenly Being Race members residing within the Multiverse.

"Hmph, trying to lie to me, how asinine."

Without looking back, I quickly made my way towards Nekopara to go cuddle with my wife.

'You know, I really want to know what Chloe sounds like when she purrs. I'll ask to see if I can rub her ears, maybe that'll do it.'

Stray thoughts such as that one popped into my head, and despite my best efforts, I couldn't shake them.

In a hurried manner, I quickly passed through Nekopara's Realm Barrier, an impossibly strong barrier that I designed and reinforced using my own techniques and powers. A work of art if I do say so myself.

Within moments, I finally found Chloe, who was reading one of my journals that had my previous life's events and history written down and illustrated within.

A strange and almost uncomfortably hot feeling erupted from within my womb, which caused me to lose control as I was flying towards my wife and tumble.

A pair of beautiful emerald green eyes and an alluring face were what greeted me when I opened my eyes.

As Chloe held me, she sighed and hugged me close to her body, invariably making my heart flutter.

"Myr, this is the 3rd time this week that you've lost control of your motor functions. Come on, we're laying down in bed."

I nodded my head and leaned in closer to Chloe and took in her almost intoxicating scent.

'I can tell I'm getting weaker. My combat efficency is dropping by the hour. Pretty soon, my Soul Avatars will be stronger than I am.

I can't suppress the growth of our baby any longer, lest there be dire consequences.

I still find it difficult to believe that the accelleration of our baby's development was a complete success.

The only problem is the rapid development will mean that I basically have to withstand the near entire developmental growth of our baby overnight.'

"Love, I can tell you're worrying about our baby's growth speed. Just know that everyone else will handle the fighting and other work for the time being. You just focus on our baby. It should only be a day or two, but you'll be the most vulnerable you've been in a mighty long time."

Startled, I quickly gaze at Chloe's face, only to see her warmly smiling.

"It was written all over your face."

I couldn't help but smile back and quickly fell asleep, my last thought was about what sort of trouble my family and the Hunters will create.


"Ace, ACE!"

Divide's hurried tone quickly snapped me out of my thoughts, which kind of pissed me off.

"Wait a fucking minute Divide! I just got word that Boss' due date is 1-2 days from now due to her research paying off!"

Divide slapped me on the back of the helmet this time, and shouted, "Ace, the Divine Being Race just breached Sector 1911A1, right next to one of the Realm Barrier's SBH Nodes!"

Right then, Hush's voice crackled over our helmet's internal speakers.

"Ace, Divide, Smiles, Skull, Ghost, Boss' children are with Hex and were attacked by Divine Being Race Attack Mages, all of them Soul Tier 4 and 5!

Midas, Crimson and I are with Mistress Chloe and are currently being engaged by another group of Heavenly Being Race Aether users!

Protect Boss at all costs! We got everything handled over on our ends- GODS DAMN IT! *static noise*"

With clenched fists, I turned towards my fellow Hunters and said, "Alright, you all heard Hush. Protect Boss at all costs. I don't want any of the filth left alive.

I'll be leading the God Slaying Army's Cultivation Temple to fight off the filth in Sector 1911A1. Let's move!"

With a single thought, I teleported myself over to the God Slaying Army's Cultivation Temple, which was a moon sized fortification on an even larger landmass.

When I teleported into the Temple, I was immediately greeted by the Temple Grandmaster, a Soul Tier 4 being, who knelt before me and held his shrunk-down Technocratic Stele over his heart.

"This one greets the Eternal God Empress' Right Hand! We have heard the news of the heretics who've invaded and sullied part of the Eternal God Empress' Holy Realm.

May this one have our orders? My Brothers and Sisters have been waiting to rid the Holy Realm of this unforgivable heresy."

With a burning gaze, I stared down at the Temple Grandmaster and said, "Rise, Temple Grandmaster Vulcanas. If your Temple is ready to fight, then the purge starts in 30 seconds."

Vulcanas' eyes shone with a fanatical light as he crushed a communication talisman.

Within 30 seconds, all 108 million cultivators had gathered below us, each of them armed with a variety of weapons you'd see a cultivator use.

"Alright, here we go! For Myr!"


I snapped my fingers, sending myself and the entire Cultivation Temple army directly in front of the rapid approaching Heavenly Being Race cultivators.

Being the leader of this merry bunch, I had to perform the opening move.

'I better use one of Boss' favorite moves.'

"Yin-Yang Annihilation!"

Despite being in space, I felt a comfortable breeze, as did the rest of the Cultivation Temple army.

The Heavenly Being Race however, was having a terrible time.

The Yin-Yang symbol that appeared generated an absurd amount of pure emptiness and Anti-Qi, tearing apart tens of thousands of enemy cultivators.

"Heavenly God Spear!"

A blindingly bright golden spear smashed into my Yin-Yang symbol, destroying both Divine Powers.

I looked up, and locked gazes with the Heavenly Race Being that casted the Divine Power.

The killing intent in my heart surged as I realized that this shitbag actually posed a risk to the Cultivation Temple, and more importantly, to Boss and her baby.


I reared my head and let out a primal howl, one which contained all of the pent-up rage I've held in over the years, and the silent pain of knowing that I might never be able to serve Boss again if I don't give it my absolute all.

A black, clawed hand gripped my Essence Soul, and a voice spoke within my mind, 'Do you repent for the lives you've taken?'

I used my Essence Soul to glare at the hand, which I soon replied to.

"No. I accept their deaths. All of them."

The hand quickly let go and instead shrunk down and floated down towards my Essence Soul and shattered.

In an instant, the fragments formed into a light that washed over my entire being, strengthening it beyond my wildest imagination.

I instinctively gauged my Essence Soul and was given a huge shock.

'Soul Tier 5! That must've been one of the tribulations Boss set up for me! Alright, let's do this!'

"Heavenly God Storm!"

I looked up and saw a massive golden lightning storm brewing, to which I only scoffed at.

"How dare you attack with such little strength! Destroy it it, Cosmic Eruption!"

My Divine Power was infused with my bottomless pool of Technocratic Qi, something Boss created, along with my newfound powers in regard to my new Soul Tier.

A massive sun appeared in the sky that glowed a mix of black, purple, white, blue, and light green.

My Divine Power rushed towards the golden storm and plunged itself within, disappearing for a moment, before erupting with the force of a thousand quasars.



The leader of this batch of Heavenly Being Race cultivators let out a tragic cry as he was killed off, body and soul.

Not only did it kill him, but tens of thousands of other Heavenly Being Race cultivators as well.

Without waiting to see the results, I threw myself in the midst of the gigantic battle while using two Hunter Hatchets.

Blood was spilled, limbs were severed, and lives were reaped by the tens of thousands every minute.

Despite each of the Cultivation Temple's soldiers absolutely butchering the Heavenly Being Race cultivators, we kept losing soldiers fast.

Luckily for us, Boss has multiple failsafe's put in place in the off chance that our bodies get destroyed or our lives lost.

Despite us having souls, in the end, our souls were molded from Boss and her own soul, which means as long as she doesn't want us to die, we won't. This is the case for every one of her items or beings made from her nanomachines.

I guess you could say it's one of the perks of being a glorified tin can that kills.

"Hunter Ace! We've lost 90,000 soldiers in the past 20 minutes! Losses are still at an acceptable level, and we're slowly gaining ground! We need you up front, they have another Tier 5 unit!"

Upon hearing what the Cultivation Temple's soldier had to say, I grit my teeth and start rapidly killing my way up to the front of the battle.

'Guys, please be safe...'



"Hex! Go and help Chocola and Vanilla! They're in a pinch!"

Nox's panicked voice drew my attention, and upon glancing over, I see Chocola and Vanilla barely fending off about 50 Heavenly Being Race mages, though all of the mages were seriously injured by the two petite powerhouses.

I grit my teeth as I sped over towards the two of them, killing my way through the seemingly endless flow of Heavenly Being Race mages.

"Flesh Eating Fog!"

Upon me calling out my weapon, a very powerful fog that, as the name entails, consumes flesh, appeared and shifted itself so it looked like a scarlet-colored skull with vicious looking teeth.

I got it as a reward by boss for accidentally discovering an isolated planet in Nekopara that contained this fog, and other seemingly normal looking, yet flesh eating, things.

It can change shape at will, can't be hurt by physical means, is very obedient, and likes eating peanut butter and banana sandwiches more than flesh, though it'll still eat flesh if offered or told to fight.

Sensing my intent, the Flesh-Eating Fog, which decided its name was "Kush Kloud", yes, with a "K", rushed towards the surrounding Heavenly Being Race mages and started devouring several at once.

By the time any of the mages noticed anything, almost 40 had been consumed, with the skeletons and clothes as the only tell-tale signs that Kush Kloud had eaten them.

Kush Cloud then let out a screech as it sped off and started eating the mages that were surrounding Chocola and Vanilla.

All 50 mages were eaten in an appallingly fast 82 seconds, giving Chocola and Vanilla some valuable seconds to catch their breath.

"Hell's Havoc!"

An absurdly huge spell circle appeared over everyone's heads.

Upon scanning the circle, I could feel my face pale and heart skip a beat.

"Those lunatics are out of their fucking minds! Everyone, get behind me, NOW!"

Tenshi, Nox, and Team Neko immediately scrambled to gather around, as we all knew that if we allowed this spell to be completed, we'd all be royally screwed.

"Leave the spell breaking to me, you 8 just need to buy me some time so I can track this bastard down and kill him! Stick together! Let's move!"


I immediately started tracking the spellcaster, which was fairly easy since he was practically gushing with mana.

"I found him! You 8 need to stick together, and no matter what, as long as that spell circle disappears, you all have to focus on surviving, don't worry about me. I'm a soldier, I was born to fight and die for Boss!"

Without waiting to hear their responses, I dashed into the group of mages, killing as I went.

"Kush Kloud! Help me clear the path!"

Kush Kloud made a laughing motion with its skull face and plunged towards the mages that were blocking my path.

By now, the mages knew the horror that Kush Kloud brought, and as such, they instantly dropped what they were doing and tried to flee, which didn't really work out in their favor.

I finally saw the spellcaster, and before he could even sense my presence, I blinked the last bit of distance and lopped his head off with my favorite kukri that boss gave me after matching her in a hatchet throwing contest up to 400,000 km out.

The spell circle disappeared gradually, and the surging mana ceased.

realizing that their trump card had failed, the Heavenly Being Race mages all had pale faces.

A savage grin plastered my face.

"Alright folks, let's clean house!"