Time Skip! Freedom's Dawn Strikes!

Life went on, as did time. In the blink of an eye, 10 years had come and gone.

The Aeternum family had mostly stayed the same with the exception being Leonidas, who was now a handsome cat demon.

Contrary to their expectations, Leonidas grew to an outrageous 196 centimeters tall, weighing in at 99 kilograms of almost pure muscle.

Despite his muscle, he had a deceptively lean and athletic body.

His face was charming, with almond-shaped eyes that closely resembled Myr's, with his right eye resembling a clockface, except Leonidas' resembled a complex digital clockface that shimmered with a white-silver hue, while his left eye was completely black, with an assortment of Myr's strongest runes she had ever made floating around and swirling within, occasionally creating a breathtaking glitter in the light.

His hair was black on the left side of his head, and white on the right side, as was the case for his tail.

There was an Eye of Chaos marking on his glabella, Myr's Familial Crest wrapped over his heart, protecting it, and Chloe's Crest, a rose bush within an intricately designed heart, on each of his 9 pairs of wings, his Demon wings, Clockwork wings, Angel wings, Azure Dragon wings, Crystal Phoenix wings, Vermillion Bird wings, Existential Aura wings, Origin wings, and Willpower wings.

Luckily, Leonidas can easily deploy, or retract his wings on command, as well as fuse them into his body to where he then looked like a regular Cat Demi-Human.

He was once an epoch prodigy at academics, combat, general skills, survival, comprehension, energy manipulation, and healing while being exceptional at everything else.

Despite this, he was still only 10 years old. As such, he got himself into a little trouble now and then.

"Leonidas Rollo Aeternum! Get down here right now!"

Myr's irritated voice carried itself across the entire castle, startling most of the workers and guards, while making her family chuckle, except for Leonidas.

Leonidas himself quickly walked down the stairs and stood in front of an annoyed Myr.

"Y-Yes mom?"

Myr crossed her arms under her chest and tapped her bicep with her finger as she frowned.

"Young man, didn't you hear what I said last time? You were not to go anywhere near the Supermassive Black Hole Realm Array, and what did you do? You messed around and ended up ticking off a Devourer. If I hadn't instilled the fear of me in it, you'd have died!

I honestly don't care if you go hunting, I don't, but don't be stupid about it! Stick to the zones I marked on your watch's map, they're there for a reason.

I don't want to lose you, Leonidas. If I lose you, my composure would shatter and I'd get a corrupted core. Promise me you'll be more careful, okay?"

Leonidas nodded and felt guilty about almost breaking his mom's heart.

Myr sighed and hugged her son and patted him on the back.

"What's done is done, just don't do that again. Once you reach Soul Tier 5, I'll teach you how to hunt and kill Devourers, deal?"

Leonidas smiled and nodded his head once.

"Mn, deal!"

Myr gave her only son a snug, motherly hug and thought to herself, 'I hope Leonidas will stop giving me nigh-heart attacks. Luckily I have Tenshi, Nox, and the Hunters to be good older siblings and role models.'


"Tenshi my dear, do you know where Smiles went? For that matter, where are the rest of the Hunters?"

Nox's question caused Tenshi to hold up her pointer finger as she pulled off a 1v5 ace clutch in a competitive CS:GO match, winning it.

Tenshi then pulled off her headset, rested it on its stand, stood up while she quickly braided her hair, turned towards Nox, and shrugged her shoulders.

"I have no idea. Give me a moment, I'll try and contact Ace."

Tenshi silently contacted Ace, who sent a mental message back that explained where they were and what they were about to do.

All Nox could see was that Tenshi would nod her head occasionally.

'So that's what we're up to. Anything about it?'

Tenshi cracked a wicked smile, which sent shivers of excitement up Nox's spine, and sent a mental message back.

'I have a better idea...~'


On Geonosis...

3 people who sat on the back of a 3-horned beast were in the center of an arena with thousands of bug-like aliens in the stands, while the 3 people were surrounded by Droidekas with their blaster cannons primed.

*Sound of a purple lightsaber blade being ignited*

A tall, bald, dark-skinned man who wore a cream-colored robe and pant set and a dark brown cloak held a purple lightsaber blade up to another man's neck who wore blue and silver armor and was wearing a jetpack.

"Master Windu! How pleasant of you to join us!"

The man who just spoke was about the same height as Master Windu, except his skin was white, he had a full beard, mustache, and head of white hair, and wore considerably darker robes than the man with the purple lightsaber.

The bald man spoke with a resolute tone.

"This party's over"

"Aww, it's over? But we just got here!"

A cheery voice echoed throughout the arena, the planet, and even the surrounding space, which majorly spooked the Republic Naval Fleet that rapidly closed in on Geonosis.

Both Master Windu and the other man looked around as they searched for the source of the voice.

All of a sudden, every single being on and around Geonosis felt a pulse of power unlike they'd ever experienced before.

The sudden pulse of power was a Spatial Gate opened up by Tenshi which was cloaked by Nox's divinities. As a result, the gate was completely intangible.

Everyone was at first stunned, then shocked, then they were struck with a deep fear once they set their gazes upon Myr's capital ship, "Freedom's Dawn".

(A/N: "Freedom's Dawn" is the golden-colored 20,000 km x 1,900 km x 1,100 km heavily modified and scaled up Executor Star Dreadnought. It's about 1.6 times longer than the Earth's diameter, making it the largest starship she'd ever created. More details will be listed in an auxiliary chapter solely dedicated to Freedom's Dawn.)

Freedom's Dawn then opened its central hangar and released 3,000 Gungnir Class Heavy Battle Cruisers, 3,000 TSF Blockade Busters, 2,000 TSF Guardsman Battle Cruisers, 2,000 Ultimatum Drone Carriers, and over 400,000 starfighters, bombers, gunships, and troop transports.

Pretty soon, the entire sky and surrounding space of Geonosis was occupied by a mind boggling force that that no one knew who it belonged to.

Although nobody on the ground knew it, the Republic's Clone Army had just arrived in Geonosian space.


Upon jumping out of Hyperspace, the Republic Army was greeted by the site of Freedom's Dawn and its absurdly large fleet that was either spread out above the Trade Federation Capital Ships and surrounding space, or descending to transport troops or make attack runs.

Yoda, who was aboard one of the Venator's that had come to aid the Jedi, was hit with a torrential amount the Force that eminated from Freedom's Dawn.

His normally tired eyes snapped open as for the first time since he was created by the Force, he felt absolutely powerless and insignificant in front of what he assumed to be an almighty lifeform made from the Force that was aboard Freedom's Dawn.

Yoda hurried over to Commander Ponds and tapped his cane on the Commander's leg.

"Avoid the giant ship we must. A powerful lifeform, I feel. Anger it we must not."

Commander Ponds nodded and assured Yoda that they had already planned to steer clear of the giant unrecognized ship.

Suddenly, they saw about 100 Gungnir class Heavy Battle Cruisers turn port-side and face them, before one Gungnir Cruiser moved forward a good ways towards the Republic fleet before it stopped.

A clone suddenly piped up from the bridge.

"Admiral Sir, we're being hailed! The transmission is being sent from the unknown cruiser closest to us!"

The Admiral looked at Yoda, who nodded back to him.

"Answer it you must. A part of that giant ship, it is."

The Admiral nodded and quickly responded.

"Understood General. Accept the transmission!"

Suddenly, the holo-deck shimmered with a blue light before everyone on the bridge was shocked into silence when a physical being appeared and stood on the holo-deck.

The figure was a slightly taller female that looked human, save for the pale-yellow eyes that lacked an iris and pupil, long black hair, a black overcoat, a ballistic mask with no openings, tight fitting combat pants, a black shirt, and 9 lightsabers attatched to her hips from a belt.

The figure hopped down and slowly walked towards Yoda, who was shocked that a being that felt like a manifestation of pure Force Energy could possibly exist.

The figure stopped in-front of Yoda and took off her mask, revealing a flawlessly beautiful face.

She gave Yoda a small smile and greeted him.

"Greetings Jedi Grandmaster Yoda. My name is Nox, and there's much we have to talk about on our way down."


In the Arena...

Dozens of troop transports descended towards the center of the arena, but not before they blasted the Droidekas to pieces, while dozens more waited in the air.

From each transport walked out 20 beings that wore futuristic armor just like the Crysis 3 Nanosuit with an added half-cloak and 6 lightsabers attatched to a belt around their hips.

Eventually, the final transport landed, and out walked Tenshi and the Hunters.

Tenshi wore her normal combat attire, minus her usual cloak she would normally just throw off before she fought. She also wore a belt with 9 lightsabers attatched to it, as did the Hunters, who wore their normal combat attire as well, minus the magazine pouches.

Tenshi and the Hunters walked towards Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padme, who gazed at them warily, though didn't do anything rash.

Tenshi walked straight up to Obi-Wan and Anakin, smiled, and tossed them each a lightsaber that Ace gave to her from one of his pouches.

"Obi-Wan, I, or rather, my mother, sends her regards. She also wishes Qui-Gon well too. Where is the old man anyways?"

Anakin and Padme had no idea what Tenshi was talking about, but Obi-Wan immediately made the connection between the girl he was seeing now, and the female he had seen while he was a padawan.

"I don't believe it... You're that higher being's daughter?"

Tenshi raised her eyebrows and nodded, while the Hunters chuckled.

Obi-Wan heaved a sigh of relief, hopped off of the horned beast, and gave Tenshi and the Hunters a small bow.

"I greatly thank you for the assistance. Tell your mother that I'll be forever grateful for the opprotunity she had given my master and I. To answer your question, Qui-Gon-Jin, my master, was killed by a Sith who I killed shortly after."

Tenshi nodded before she snapped her fingers and instantly teleported every single Jedi on Geonosis into the arena, surrounded by the Technocratic Soldiers who then used their connection to the Force to draw and wield their 6 lightsabers.

Tenshi and the Hunters all drew their own personal lightsabers and walked towards where Count Dooku was standing.

"Hey, old fart! It's past your bedtime, go get some sleep. Leave the fun and games to the younger folks!"

Tenshi's insult caused everybody, even the Technocratic Soldiers, to gaze at her in either amusement, annoyance, or confusion.

As soon as he saw over 3,000 silver lightsaber blades that shimmered with an iridescent hue, Count Dooku instantly knew that he was outmatched by just a single one of the unknown soldiers. Just the pressure alone that they gave off surpassed his master.

As for the 9 black-clad soldiers, they gave off a far greater pressure than the other soldiers combined.

The girl was the one who Dooku was terrified of the most though, as the pressure she gave off surpassed his imagination to the point where he wished this was all just a bad dream.

Once he heard Tenshi's insult however, he guessed that she didn't have any immediate plans of attacking, which he thought worked in his favor.

He gave Tenshi an amiable smile and tried to weasle his way out of his predicament.

"Come now Master Jedi, let's be amiable. We've tried and sentenced those 3 criminals to death for their crimes. Would you be merciful enough as to allow us to enact justice?"

Tenshi just silently smirked as she telekinetically thrusted one of her lightsabers at supersonic speeds towards Dooku's direction, which not only sliced Dooku's lightsaber in half, but it suddenly changed direction and sliced across Jango Fett's jetpack, which caused it to malfunction and sent him crashing into the arena.

Tenshi's lightsaber had already returned to her side before Jango's jetpack started to malfunction.

Once this happened, Dooku immediately knew that any chance for negotiations went out the window. As such, he used a quick burst of lightning before sprinting out of a back channel within the arena, while B2 Super Battle Droids replaced his position.

At that moment, the gates of the arena opened, and Battle Droids began to pour out.

Unfortunately for them, the Technocratic soldiers were far beyond what any amount of Battle Droids could ever handle.

Blaster bolts were flying in every direction, all due to the Technocratic soldiers deflecting every single blaster bolt that was shot towards them and the Jedi they surrounded.

Almost as soon as it started, the Technocratic Soldiers began to push back against the flow of Battle Droids and Geonosian warriors.


Every sound of the Gungnirs' Superlaser meant the destruction of at least one destruction of at least a single Trade Federation capital ship, which also meant the loss of hundreds of thousands of battle droids.

It was at this moment that the Republic Gunships began to touch down, as the Technocratic soldiers made extremely quick work of the many battle droids stationed around the arena.

Master Yoda walked out of one of the gunships and stopped in front of Tenshi, who calmly gazed at Yoda with a smile on her face.

When Yoda sensed that Tenshi and the others meant no harm, he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thankful we are for your help. Know who to thank, we must."

Tenshi nodded and was about to answer when Nox suddenly stepped out of the gunship as well and answered for her.

"We are the Clockwork Technocracy. My name is Nox, and this is Tenshi, my fiancé. Those 9 black-clad warriors are the Hunters, an elite force that answers to the Empress herself.

There's much more we need to talk about, but first, let's win this battle. Our strike teams have already been assembled, and are awaiting our commands. Care to join us~?"