Damian's Fight (Part 1)

"Damian, it's time for you to attend the U.A. Entrance Exam!"

"Coming Sis."

A young woman's excited and peppy voice called out to her younger brother, who calmly responded.

The young woman's younger brother was Damian. (A/N: He's the small, dirty, and malnourished child that Myr reincarnated as a part of her Goddess Duties.)

Damian, who was a mere 19 years old, had the exact appearence of Henry Cavill's Superman, though a bit more muscled as he chose to train whenever he could.

His powers resembled that of Superman's along with a few twists, and all of this came from the "Pretty cat lady" who he realised was a Goddess later on in life.

By the age of 5, he had completely mastered his powers and abilities, without the need to practice even once.

This was due to the boost she gave him, said boost was a Gacha System that Myr had given him when he was reincarnated.

His powers at the current moment consisted of Flight (His current top speed is 86,400 km/h), Laser Vision (He can precisely change the temperature of his lasers from 50⁰C to 10,000,000⁰C), All Sight (The apex version of x-ray vision), Invincible Body (Name says it all, rules and conditions apply), Absolute Strength (Many rules and conditions apply), Freezing Breath (The name), and Star's Dying Roar (A voice ability that requires great control) to name a few.

Despite being 19, Damian had earned the right to stand by the likes of All Might, Hawks, and the rest of the Pro Heroes when he completely annihilated an invasion of 1,000,000 "Killer Robots" which targeted not only Japan, but North and South Korea, Russia, and China as well.

It should be noted that each robot had the ability to evenly match All Might for about a minute.

Unbeknownst to anyone, the entire event was orchestrated by one of Myr's Soul Avatars, who used some expendable Mk. 8 Hero Slayer Battle Droids that the main body had given her.

This event happened on his 16th birthday, after which he was personally invited to join the ranks of the Pro Heroes.

Damian, despite the fact that he loved Superman as his idol, decided to not copy Superman's outfit, and instead went with a skin-tight, silver-colored suit made out of Tenshi's nanomachines, as Myr had Tenshi help out with Damian's second life.

On top of the silver suit was a complex series of interlocked blue Butalium Alloy armor plates, which were not only indestructable, but the weight itself was staggering.

There was also a red and yellow symbol in the middle of Damian's armor plates, almost exactly like Superman's "S" except the letter was a X, as his Hero Name was "Xtreme". (A/N: Bite me, I'm horrible with names...)

Butalium Alloy was an alloy that a Technocratic Science Lead accidentally created while researching a number of foreign metals in Nekopara.

It was then used as armor for heavy artillery pieces, siege weapons, Doomsday Titan armor, and spacecraft hulls.

Damian's hero outfit weighed a total of 20 metric tons, which made it impossible for anyone other than him to wear and use it.

After he dressed himself up in his "work clothes", his sister came out to greet him.

His sister, Mia, looked almost exactly like Myr, cat ears and tail included as part of her Quirks, save for her eyes which were heterochromic. Her left eye was emerald-green, while her right eye was shining gold. (Mia has Bastet, Copy Cat, High Spec, Anti-Matter Manipulation, 72 Transformations, Perfect Stealth, Super Enhanced Reflexes, Godspeed, and Continental Strength as her quirks.

She's also a registered Hero, though doesn't do much work as she'd rather stay at home and take care of her brother. She instead gains her money through investments, business deals, and the many companies she either has partial, or full ownership of.

35% of the entire world's GDP ($44 trillion) is owned solely by Mia, though nobody except Damian knows this.)

Mia, handed Damian an insulated cooler filled with his favorite snacks and drinks. He smiled back at Mia as he darted up into the air and sped towards U.A.

On his way there, Damian happened to spot a little girl that was being chased by a group of men in suits.

The girl was small, wore a simple pale-yellow dress, had grey colored hair, and a single horn abover her right eye.

He was already prepared to act, as they slowly shortened the distance between the two parties, and immediately did so once he saw a suited man pull out a tranquilizer syringe.

In less than a second, Damian appeared in front of the little girl, nudged her behind him, and silently hovered in front of the suited men with his arms relaxed and a razor-sharp gleam in his eyes.

His stare terrified each and every suited man. They had each taken their fair share of lives, but every single one of them had to give it their all to not kneel and beg for forgiveness due to the intesity of Damian's stare, which they knew could only be obtained through countless battles and bloodshed.

Damian commanded in a steady and unhurried voice, "Explain to me in exact details why you were chasing a terrified little girl down an alley. You have 5 seconds before I start breaking limbs."

"Ah! It's Xtreme! Run for it!"

One of the suited men recognized Damian and attempted to flee, only to trip and hit the ground hard enough to knock him unconscious.

Damian retracted his hand, which he simply waved and created a gust of wind with, and glared at the rest of the suited men.

"Anybody else? No? Then start talking."

One of the suited men stepped forward slightly and prostrated himself.

"Hero Xtreme, we work for a man named Overhaul-"

"Hold on... Overhaul? You're part of the Yakuza? What the heck does the Yakuza want with a little girl?"

Damian's questions startled all the suited men present, and when nobody answered, Damian just sighed and slightly shook his head.

He turned towards the little girl and used his All Sight ability to scan the girl's body, looking for any signs of a quirk, or lack thereof, and what he found shocked him.

'This little girl, Eri, has the ability to reverse a person or object's state of being to a potentially infinite degree?! Hmm, according to her memories, someone named Kai wants to use her cells to create a bio-weapon that erases Quirks. I better let U.A. know. Myr knows what sort of mess they might trigger if this is left unattended...'

Damian waved his hand, and every single suited man found himself hand and ankle cuffed, while they were all chained together at the same time.

A quick call later and Damian exited the alley with Eri in tow.

Despite just meeting him, Eri was instinctively drawn towards Damian, as her instincts told her that he would protect and care for her.

'Maybe Mr. Xtreme will let me stay. I hope so, I don't want to feel pain anymore...'

Damian clenched his left fist hard enough that his knuckles turned white, as although it may be considered rude, Damian was currently using his All Sight ability to read Eri's thoughts.

Once he felt the genuine terror and pain when she recalled what had happened to her, he made a vow to always protect Eri, no matter the cost.


"Ahaha! Xtreme, nice to meet you again!"

A booming voice greeted Damian, who had just landed with Eri in his arms.

Damian cracked a wide grin as he strode towards the person whose voice called out to him.


Damian and All Might hit a perfect dap up and gave eachother a bro hug, as Damian grinned and asked, "How's it going All Might? Did the medicine my sister created help your injuries?"

All Might beamed and posed while he showed off his muscles.

"Haha! Your sister is just as amazing as you are Xtreme, so of course it worked! I look handsome again!"

It was just then that All Might noticed Eri who had hidden herself behind Damian's legs.

All Might still smiled, but when he made eye contact with Damian, he was quickly transfered the information that Damian discovered, and he no longer felt as happy now that he knew what sort of mess Damian had uncovered.

Despite this, All Might knelt down on one knee and asked Eri in a cheerful tone, "So, little one, what's your name?"

Eri looked up at Damian, who warmly smiled and nodded back, and Eri replied back in a quiet voice, "My name is Eri. Your name is All Might?"

All Might gently patted Eri's head and gave her a warm smile.

"Yes, my name is All Might. I'm sure you know Xtreme. He's very strong Miss Eri, far stronger than I am. He'll be able to protect you no matter what."

All Might then stood up and patted Damian's shoulder.

"Kid, you've come a long ways. I remember when I first met you when you were just a small lad. Though you're not my real son, know that you're the closest thing I have to one. Just one more thing."

Damian was puzzled until he heard All Might's next comment.

"I hope you're ready for the speech you'll give to all of the students!"

Damian's face paled as he remembered that he indeed need to give a speech, as his Hero status was due to a special circumstance.

'Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all...'


"Ah, Xtreme! Welcome to U.A.!"

A small, white furred, humanoid animal who wore a nice suit, walked up to Damian and greeted him in a cheerful voice.

Damian looked down and gave the creature a smile.

"Pleasure to finally meet you, Principal Nezu. I'm sure you're wondering who I have with me, right? Well, I hope that you'll be able to let her attend school here."

Principal Nezu raised his right eyebrow, but before he could ask why, he was sent visions of Eri's memories that Damian saw, as well as all of the information that Mia was able to dig up.

When Nezu learned about all of the tests that were conducted using her DNA, he silently started to seethe, as his own memories of him being expiremented on surfaced once more.

Nezu gave a small nod to Damian and smiled towards Eri.

"Well Ms. Eri, we would love to have you join us! You'll need to pass your elementry and middle school classes, but once you do, you'll be able to join! In the meantime, I'll arrange for you to stay in the girls' dorm, where you can make lots of new friends!

You don't need to worry about not being able to see Xtreme, as we'll be allowing him free access to come and go as he pleases from U.A.!"

Eri developed a wide and bright smile as she quickly got excited about the prospect of new friends.

She then, to both Damian and Nezu's surprise, turned towards Damian, looked up with her joy filled eyes, and asked, "Papa, let's go to the dorm!"

Nezu looked at Damian with a cocked eyebrow, to which Damian gave a small shake of his head in response, signaling that he didn't know himself.

Damian knelt down and smoothed out Eri's hair.

"Eri, I'm 19 years old. I'm barely old enough for college, much less start a family. Besides, you already have a Papa, don't you?"

Eri quickly developed a sad expression, as tears began to well up in her eyes.

"No, momma and papa are gone. Grandpa raised me but then he fell ill and couldn't care for me anymore. Then uncle Kai started hurting me to make his medicine. I have no one left."

Damian quietly sighed as he hugged Eri close to him.

"Alright Eri, I'll be your Papa. Just be a good girl and wait for me to make a call to my sister. She'll get all the paperwork done in no time."

Damian quickly walked out of the room and dialed his sister's number.

Ring ring

"What's up my adorable little brother?"

Once he heard Mia's cheerful voice, Damian swallowed his saliva and tactfully responded.

"Hey Mia. I just wanted to ask, could you create some adoption papers for me? Eri keeps calling me Papa, and I don't have the heart to say no."



The sound of impossibly fast typing could be heard on the other end, so Damian knew that Mia was probably whipping up some adoption papers.

He knew Mia's tendency to go above and beyond what was required, so he guessed that she was also threatening some government officials into passing and accepting the papers.

"Alright, they're done. You're now officially Eri's Papa! Congratulations!"

Damian had a bad feeling for some reason.

"Mia, how many officials did you threaten this time...?"

"Less than last time, just like I promised~"

Damian's face twisted in a weird way as he quipped back, "Last time you threatened 56 government officials, and 3 of them resigned immediately afterwards. That's not saying much. Anyways, thanks a bunch Sis, I'll cook you your favorite meal when I come home with Eri."

Damian hung up the call and went back into Nezu's office.

"Alright Eri, I'm now officially your Papa-"

Damian couldn't even finish before he found himself being hugged by an excited Eri, who sported a joyous smile and bright eyes.

"Thank you Papa!"

Damian knelt down hugged Eri back, and was about to head towards the auditorium, when his instincts caused him to quickly scoop up both Eri and Nezu, which startled both, until they saw their surroundings blur around them.

When their vision cleared, they both saw that they were up in the air with Damian, and a giant palm print that glowed a faint gold color where Nezu's office once was.

Damian then darted towards the ground and coincidentally saw All Might, who attempted to calm down the students.

All Might saw Damian fly down with Eri and Nezu, much to his surprise in regards to the latter, and set them down while Damian quickly approached him.

"All Might, we have a situation. We're under attack, and it's not by anything from this planet. Priestess (Mia's Hero ID Name) is currently working on analyzing what the hell attacked us."

All Might frowned and hesitantly asked, "Xtreme, are you saying that we're being attacked... by aliens?"

Damian felt his phone vibrate, and when he looked at the Caller ID, he saw that it was Mia.


"Please tell me you have some good news Priestess."

Mia's voice sounded back from the other end.

"Xtreme, I'm picking up several dozen spatial anomalies that are transmitting feedback to an unknown region. Prepare for an invasion!"