Damian's Fight (pt. 2)

vmm vmm vmm

Multiple gold colored portals hummed into view around the stadium and each of them stood at 3 meters tall and 2 meters wide.

clank clank clank clank clank

Metal footsteps could be heard, when the surface of the portals suddenly rippled as the beings on the other end marched out.

Adorned in golden knight armor, with matching weapons to boot, swathes of soldiers that were tall, extremely good looking, and had blond hair and blue eyes, marched out and surrounded the auditorium stage, while they ignored everyone in the stands.

Once the final soldier marched out, the portals quickly shrunk out of existance. The lead soldier then took a few steps forward and glared at Damian.

"Are you the "hero" named Xtreme?"

Damian nodded, but before he could ask who the soldier was, the soldier waved his hand, to which every soldier behind him brandished their weapons.

"The Heavenly Being Race Gods have decided to exterminate all who are connected to a Goddess named Myr. We're dealing with that lowly cat-eared bitch as we speak."


A soldier behind the lead soldier collapsed on the spot, with his neck snapped and shattered, and his brain turned to mush.

The lead soldier turned around to threaten Damian, but froze and felt cold sweat break out across his forehead and back.

Damian had the utmost ice-cold expression on his face, and a bloodthirsty madness deep in his eyes as he asked, "What did you do to Goddess Myr? What did you do?!"

The lead soldier, once he heard Damian's question, heaved out as real of a laugh as he could manage and replied with false bravado.

"Our Heavenly Being Race has already begun to raid the realm in which she lives. Once it belongs to us-"

"...k.. yo..."

The lead soldier looked at Damian with a smiling face and asked, "Come again?"

Damian glared at the lead soldier, unlocked his full power, and shouted with pure emotion.



Damian instantly broke the sound barrier as he launched himself towards the Heavenly Being Race soldier, who was caught completely by surprise.


His fist connected with the soldier's head, which caused a loud retort to sound out, and turned the soldier's head into bloodmist.

Right after, everyone could see Damian's eyes glow a brilliant shade of red.


Damian's Laser Vision cut through wide swathes of the invaders, and not a single one had a chance to escape.

He then greeted the incoming Heavenly Being Race reinforcements with his Star's Dying Roar ability.


Pfff Pfff Pfff

The concussive wave ripped through the reinforcements like a hot knife through butter, which caused most of the reinforcements to burst into bloodmist on the spot.

The few that survived glared at Damian with extreme caution in their eyes, while they tried to gauge how he managed to kill so many of them so quickly.

Damian then turned his head towards the survivors and said with an icy expression, "You think you're worthy of waging war on Goddess Myr? You overestimate yourselves. All who sully her home, her people, are my mortal enemies. She is the reason I was given a second chance, and I'll be damned if I let you harm her!"

With that, Damian blinked over and punched out, which in turn vaporized the remaining soldiers.

Damian turned towards All-Might and Nezu with a sharp glare.

"I need you both to start with evacuation efforts. Nezu, get in contact with as many Pro Heroes you can and inform them that Earth is being invaded. Tell them that they HAVE to kill the invaders, as their only goal is to take over this planet.

All Might, I need you to protect the students. I know you're strictly against killing, but this situation is different. The invaders won't hesistate to kill an innocent bystander, so they'll definitely kill any and all heroes."

Nezu nodded and pulled out his phone and started to make many calls, while All Might walked up to Damian and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Xtreme, you don't need to worry about the students, as I'll protect them. Just make sure you come back home in 1 piece."

Damian gave All Might a bro hug and gave him a small smile.

"You don't need to worry about me, friend. I'll come back victorious!"

With that, Damian lept up and flew towards the nearest cluster of portals, which happened to be right near the local grocery store.

When he saw the portals start to ripple, Damian floated above the portal cluster, and patiently waited for the Heavenly Race Beings' soldiers to march out.

As expected, a few moments later, the portals started to ripple, and just when the soldiers started to pour in, Damian made his move.


His Laser Vision mowed down the soldiers and even shattered the portals with a few seconds of constant contact.


Portal after portal was broken with the sound of shattered glass by Damian as he shuttled back and forth across the entirety of Japan.

'Everyone, please, be safe...'


"New Hampshire Smash!"

"Carolina Smash!"

"Detroit Smash!"

All Might's shouts could be heard loud and clear by everyone, yet despite this, the Heavenly Race Beings who tried to go after the U.A. students were met with life-ending strikes by All Might.

By this point, dozens of Heavenly Race Being corpses littered the ground, while numerous other Heavenly Race Being soldiers tried in vain to kill All Might.

The students watched the fight proceed with pale faces, as they never would have imagined that the one Hero they all looked up to would ever take a life, though most of them could tell that the soldiers posed a lethal threat to themselves and others.



A gigantic fireball was hurled amidst a large group of soldiers, which instantly turned them into cinders.


A shout followed by a sonic shockwave then appeared and completely wiped out a group of soldiers.


6 shots rang out in under a second, and each shot took the life of at least 1 soldier.

A cascade of attacks then rained down onto the Heavenly Being Race soldiers, which completely obliterated nearly every current group of soldiers.

All Might looked behind and above him, and what he saw nearly brought tears to his eyes from pride.

"HAHAHA! Glad to see you all made it!"

Every Pro Hero, International Hero, and Special Hero were gathered there to lend a hand. Well over 100 Heroes were gathered.

A very buff woman who wore a red, white, and blue, skintight uniform that showed off her insane muscles, a red mask that went over her eyes, and a cape that looked like an American flag, floated down and briskly walked up to All Might, and hugged him.

"Teacher, it's great to see you again!"

All Might gave the woman his trademark smile and ruffled her hair.

"Star and Stripe, my old desciple, it's been a while."


"All Might, Star and Stripe, I hate to be a bother, but more portals are appearing."

A man's gruff voice could be heard, as a man who wore slacks, a white shirt, and had dark spots under his eyes, tiredly pointed out.

All Might gazed ahead, and saw dozens of portals that slowly appeared, and began to ripple, which he now knew meant that they were about to dispense more soldiers.

"All right everyone, let's give them hell!"


Mia could be seen defending a sports stadium that was packed full of citizens. There were also a few Pro Heroes as well as several dozen citizens with quirks that could be weaponized.

"Priestess! 4 portals at 5 o'clock!"

"On it!"

Mia rushed towards the portals, and before any soldiers could come out, she simply punched each of the portals, which shattered them like glass.

She could do this because of the Blessing that Myr's Avatar gave her before she set off to fight the Divine level Heavenly Race Being soldiers.


Mia's body was slammed into the stadium wall and instantly brought to the brink of unconsciousness when a solid beam of light slammed into her spine, which shattered 7 vertebrae and several ribs. The impact itself broke even more bones.

Despite the maddening pain, Mia attempted to stand up, only to scream when a heavy metal boot crushed 2 of her fingers.

A metal gauntlet then picked Mia up by the back of her neck, and brought her pain wracked face to meet it's owner.

"You troublesome bitch. I can't believe I had to personally act. Tsk tsk, such a waste of a good body too. Well, scratch that, I know a few degenerates who would love a cold body.

Instead of any grandoise statement, all the Heavenly Being Race commander got was a mouthful of blood spat onto his faceplate.

This enraged the commander, but before he coulf make a move to kill Mia, two red laser beams smashed into the commander the same way the commander's light beam smashed into Mia.



The commander let out a grunt of pain before he looked over and saw Damian gently hold Mia in his arms.

"Mia, I'm here now, leave everything to me."

The commander heard Damian's words and started to laugh and wanted to mock Damian, but alas, such a thing wasn't possible.


crick crack

"Gah, let go! Let go!"

Damian held the commander by his throat and squeezed quite hard, though not hard enough to choke him out.

He didn't say a word as he lifted the commander so the commander's eyes were level with his own, which began to glow a bright red color.

The commander struggled with all of his might, as he knew that if he couldn't break free, his life was over.

Unfortunately for him, breaking free was impossible, especially after he hurt Damian's precious big sister.

"No... No! N-AGHHH!"

The remaining Heavenly Being Race soldiers were absolutely terrified, as Damian's laser vision had completely turned the commander into ash, which then crumbled to dust in the slight breeze.

The entire stadium was silent. Not a single soul wanted to stand out, in fear of being the next target.

Damian then looked towards the rest of the soldiers, and his eyes turned bright red once again.

The citizens were a little scared, as they didn't want to see one of their favorite heroes go on a killing spree, but thankfully, they didn't have to.

"Damian! That's enough!"

The sweet voice tried to get past Damian's thoughts and inner emotions, though for Damian, it was like if someone attempted to speak to him while he was underwater.

All of a sudden, he felt two slender yet strong arms hug him from behind.

This completely jolted him out of his state as he turned around, and saw the one being he knew could fix everything.

"Goddess Myr, I-"

Myr's Avatar held a finger up to his lips, which effectively silenced him, as he saw her snap her fingers, which turned every single soldier into dust, which scattered into the wind.

All of a sudden, he heard a soft groan.

"Ugh, my back. Huh? Damian, is that you? Who is with you?"

Damian looked over and rushed to Mia's side once he saw that she was alright, and gave her a hug with tears in his eyes.

"Big sis, I thought I lost you. Thank Myr you're okay!"

Damian turned towards where Myr's avatar was, as did Mia, but all they saw was an empty space, along with a note.

Time seemed to be frozen for the two of them, as they walked over, and picked up the note.

[Dear Damian and Mia,

The divine beings and I have won the war, which on Earth lasted 27 hours, but in the heavens, it lasted a brutal 27 years.

We've lost quite a few gods and goddesses, with the most powerful we've lost being the God of Strength, and Goddess of Magic.

Once you've achieved your limit on Earth, I'll make sure that you two have a spot right next to me in the heavens above.

If you accept, say so and drip a drop of blood onto the signsture line. If you don't want to accept, just tear this note.

I'll be awaiting your choice!

- Myr]

Damian and Mia both looked at eachother and smiled.

They then bit their fingers, drew a drop of blood, and dropped it onto the signature line.

"We accept!"

From that point on, Damian and Mia's life woukd change in ways that they couldn't even imagine, though that's a story for a different time.