Stupid Ape

Chapter 25

Monday November 25, 2013

8:32 am

(Ivan's POV)

I jump a bit at the voice. Before I could turn around, the door suddenly burst open. The force from the door sent me flying into the room. I crashed into a hard wooden surface, the moment I crashed, a pile of books fell on top of me. I heard the voice say, "Oh." My back felt like a brick fell onto from the top of a building. I push the books off me and get up with an annoying, sore feeling in my back. I hear the grunt of a ape before the sounds of its footsteps quickly approached me. I use the wind to throw the pile of books at the ape. The ape swiftly dodged all them easily. I quickly run to the side and enter a random hallway of bookshelves. The building was filled with bookcases. I guess this is the library of the place. I ran deeper into the building, everything looked the same. Why does everything in this camp have to look the same? I eventually stumble into a wide space with tables littering the place. This does feel like a library.

I suddenly hear a bookcase crash a few feet away behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see the ape hopping from bookcase to bookcase. My eyes widen as the ape looked eyes with me. I sent of wave of wind hoping it would knock him off. The ape flew back as the wind hit it square with his chest. In the distance I hear the ape crash onto the floor along with the sound of books falling. I run off deeper into the library. Before I could leave the area with the tables I hear loud thumps get closer and closer. I flew to the top of a bookcase. On the other side of the bookcase was the Oni wondering the aisles of books. I put both of my swords in my Inventory and take out Tribute. I take a deep breath as I aim Tribute at the Oni. I put in ten points of Mp and pull the trigger. My arms swing up as the bullet flew into the Oni. Instead of hitting the Oni the bullet hit a book on the bookcase. Before the Oni could do anything, I quickly put Tribute into my Inventory and jump onto the Oni. I landed on the Oni's face as it turned around; I swiftly wrapped my legs around the Oni's leg. I quickly take out Retribution and stab one of the swords in its neck. The Oni flailed its arms as I jammed the other sword into its eye. The Oni grabbed my my waist. I use Wind's Cannon to force the swords deeper into the Oni. The Oni didn't flinch as the swords were hilt-deep into its body.

The Oni tightened its grip around my waist. The air escaped from my lungs as Oni's grip got tighter and tighter. I use Wind Slash on its wrist, the attack barely cut through the skin. I desperately used Wind Slash again and again, hoping that at least one of attacks would hurt the Oni enough to drop me. My Ice Exoskeleton cracked from the force of the Oni's grip. My head became fuzzy as I began gasping for air. My eyes bulged out of my head from the pressure building up in my chest. I use Wind's Cannon on the Oni's head. The Oni's grip loosened as the Oni stumbled back. I quickly use the wind to pull out the sword from its neck to slash its arm. The Oni let me go as soon as the made a gash going from its wrist to its elbow. The sword clattered on the ground as the Oni inspected its arm. A stream of air rushed into my lungs as I fell to the ground. There was a strange, numbing feeling in my arms. I winced as I moved my arms. Anytime they would move a inch, a wave my of pain would run up and down my arm.

I quickly got back on my feet and ran to the sword. The weight of the sword made my arms felt like it was going to tear its self off. The sword felt heavy in my arms. It took all my energy to hold onto the hilt. The Oni suddenly let out a howl as it charged towards me. It swung its club at my head. I quickly ducked and struck at its ankle. The Oni countered with a kick to the stomach. My body hunched over its foot as the force of the kick lifted me off the ground. I let go of my sword and use the wind to slash its chest. The Oni ignored the cut and swung its club onto my head. I tried to move my body but my body refused to move. The club smashed onto the top of my head. I collapse to the ground face first. I sense the Oni about to stomp on me. I forced myself to roll to side. I concentrate on the sword in the Oni's eye. I used the rest of my Mp to take out the sword and make random scratches on its face in desperation. The Oni swatted at sword. I quickly let go of the sword and catch it again when it was around its stomach. I thrust the sword into the Oni's gut; I notice my Mp bar about to turn completely gray. I move the sword randomly around in the Oni's gut. The Oni stopped for a moment before falling on its side.

I slowly made my way up on my feet. My body was begging me to sit down and rest. I walk over to the Oni and pull out my sword. I stab its head just to make sure it won't get up again. I backed up from the Oni and sat down. A pool of blood slowly gathered around the Oni's body. My body shivered as I pulled out a health potion. I quickly chugged the potion. The pain faded away as I drank the last drop in my bottle. I noticed how gray my Mp bar was. There was only a inch of blue left in the Mp bar. That extra Mp from Sombra really helped. Before I could open the Mp potion I sensed something about to attack the back of my head. A blunt object slammed into my head before I could react. My body fell forward from the impact.

A pair of strong, muscular hands grab the sides of my head. The pair of hands quickly pulled on my arm. A loud pop erupts from my arm, as saliva dripped out of my mouth. The ape then threw me into a nearby bookcase. The bookcase fell backwards as I crashed into the bookcase. A loud crack erupted from my other arm as I landed on the hard, wooden bookcase. My neck felt sore just from being lifted up from the head, my arms didn't feel much better. My left arm laid motionless by my side, while my right arm had waves of pain flowing down my arm. I looked only to see the ape picking up my swords. The ape inspected them for a while before staring directly into my eyes. A unsettling grin appeared on the apes face as it quickly made its way towards me. The ape raised my swords over its head before I could stand back up. It quickly brought down my sword onto the middle of my stomach. I swiftly rolled onto my side. My left arm felt a bit of pain as I rolled on my side. I grabbed a book and threw it at the apes face. The book bonked the ape's nose. I scrambled back onto my feet and ran the opposite direction. It felt painful to move my left arm as I ran, I was forced to let flail behind me. I suddenly felt something crush my wrist, my body was suddenly jerked back. My legs were sweeped out under me as my my body dropped to the ground. My head slammed into the ground.

The ape stood over me with one of my swords raised over my head. The ape brought down the sword right into my right shoulder. I scream at the top of my lungs from the pain. The ape took out the sword. The ape was about to swing my sword at my head ,but its head suddenly jolted back. A look of annoyance appeared on its face as it quickly ran off into the building with my swords. I was left there groaning. A quest suddenly appeared in front of me.

New Quest!

Obtain your weapons again!

Get the your weapons back from the ape


Your weapon

5 levels to all weapon skills

New weapon skill

250 xp


5 points

Failure consequences:

No weapon for you

A voice suddenly snapped me out from my thoughts. "Wow that looks bad. I'm so lucky that wasn't me." A voice said beneath me. A piece of the floor was moved to the side. A blond, blue-eyed girl climbed out of the hole. She looked to be about my age, maybe a year older. She had small scars on her arms and face. She took out a roll of gauze from her pocket and walked over to me. A look of disgust slowly appeared on her face as she bent down and looked at my left arm. She let out a loud gulp as she started fumbling around with her fingers. I felt like saying something, but I was concentrating on crying from the pain. A bright, blue light came from her hands, she hesitantly put her hands on my arm. At first it felt comfortable, almost soothing. That feeling only lasted a few seconds. The feeling slowly went from comfortable, to what felt like pinching, then finally it felt like metal was pressing on my skin. The second my skin felt like it was burning, I let out a yelp. Her hanks jerked back. She shrugged and said, "Well that's the best I can do." She ripped off a piece of the gauze and rolled wrapped it around my arm. "Can you hold it for a moment?"

I nodded and held the gauze in place. Sweat dripped off my face as I held it down. I don't know why I was sweating, holding down something shouldn't feel hard. It just felt painful to hold it down. She fumbled with her fingers, the second her fingers stopped moving the gauze tightened around my arm. "Does that feel fine?" She said. I tried moving my injured arm. My arm pulsed with pain if I tried to move it.

"No, it feels worse." She shrugged and stretched out her hand. She stared blankly before saying something.

"Okay, give me something." I stared at her with a blank expression on my face.

"Really? I you did nothing, I think you actually made it worse."

"I gave you some gauze. That's something." I shook my head.

"I don't want your gauze. Take it back." Without hesitation she quickly ripped off the gauze. I let out a yelp as the gauze was ripped off my arm. "Did you really have to rip it off?

"No." I glared at her.

"So how come you didn't follow everyone else?" She asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you not go with the rest of the people here when the camp is attacked.?

"This is my first day here." Her eyebrows arched as she looked at me with a suspicious look.

"Sure," she said with a suspiciously. "You just took down a Oni with no training."

"I said I was new to the camp, I do have experience fighting some monsters." Her lips formed a tiny grin. The grin quickly faded.

"It doesn't look like it. Have you looked at yourself?" I sighed as I knew she was just making fun of how my body looked. Not wanting to deal with her I got up and walked away. My arm laid still by my side as I walked away. I suddenly felt the girl grab me by my shirt. I turned around to look at her. She had a annoyed look in her face. "I don't think its safe outside yet. I'm not stopping you, just warning you." Maybe I can find out what is happening here. I did hear Anenoid that demigod camps were supposed to be safe.

"Why isn't it safe?" She shrugged.

"Apparently the gods think demigods are getting weaker, so every new and then they send monsters to attack the camp." She put her finger on her chin and looked at the ceiling. "It feels weird though. They force kids our age inside for days, or it could just be a few minutes." Something feels so wrong here. Anenoid said that something was going on with all demigod camps. Was it just Anenoid being wrong as usual probably? Probably, but why would the gods attack the camps? If it was just to train they would send the weaker ones at first, then why did everyone and everything looked awful or broken. The older demigods look awful, the buildings had huge holes in them. Gods sending monsters to the camp felt like a lie.

"Oh." Was the only response I could give.

"I think it's safe now though. That Sarugami did leave you alone."

"What's a Sarugami?"

"It's pretty much a bigger ape that's stronger and smarter."

"That's it? Nothing magical about it?"

"The only thing I could think of is that the name Sarugami means monkey god or monkey spirit. Depends what you like."

"So I technically fought a god?"


"Oh." I turn around and walk away. Nothing else to talk about. I didn't hear her walk after me. Good. I walk out of the building, the sky was blue instead of the unsettling, crimson-red sky. It was completely silent. A loud scream suddenly broke the silence. I quickly walked away from the scream. Who ever that person was can defend themselves, I'm not about to risk my life getting in another fight, I would get in the way anyways. I suddenly hear footsteps behind me. I quickly turn around to see the girl running towards the noise. For no reason she turned around and stared me in my eye. She waved her hand which I guessed meant, "Come over here!" I shook my head and walked away. The ground beneath me was suddenly lifted into the air. The ground quickly sent me towards her, it was surprisingly easy to balance on the piece of rock.

"Are you really not going to help someone who just screamed?" I looked behind me to see the girl with her hand stretched out. A bead of sweat fell of her check.

"Yep." A furious expression took over her face.


"Why should I help them? It's not like I can help anyway, I can barely move one of my arms." The piece of ground I was standing on suddenly fell. I stumbled a little bit before falling on my stomach. My injured arm somehow got under my stomach as I fell. I yelled through my teeth. The girl ran off towards the sound. She is so stupid, who knows what's over there. I slowly got up on my feet. I heard a female voice scream, "Why didn't you protect him!" Well now that gives me more of a reason to not go over there. A group of muttering suddenly breaks the silence. I think I even heard some laughing in the sea of muttering. Now I'm a little bit curious. At least now I know nothing will attack me if I follow the screams.

I walk over to the scream. Each step I took, the same voice who yelled would sob. I turned a corner and saw a huge crowd of people staring at something. I sight and push my way through the crowd. My eyes widened as I saw Nate sprawled on the floor with a chunk of his neck missing. A girl covered with cuts on her body was by his side. Most of the cuts looked like they were fresh, some others liked they were just beginning to heal. A few feet away from the body was a muscular looking man trying his best not to cry. His hands were covered in filth. The lady was shouting at the guy but it was hard to understand her with all her sobs interrupting her shouting.

"Wa wu uo lve hm!" It was hard to watch, I looked back down at Nate's body. There was deep gashed that went down his back along with holes in his arms and legs. I winced when looked at his lifeless eyes. Unlike the movies his eyes were completely open; it felt like they were staring at me. I took a step backwards and bumped into what felt like plastic. I turned around only see someone fiddling around with a few pieces of metal. He was holding two pieces of metal in one hand, in the other he was holding a screwdriver. I think he was trying to connect them together. He took a quick glance at me before giving me warm smile. A creeped out expression appeared on my face as I walked past him. Who smiles like that when they don't know the person? That's just weird. It took me a while to get past the crowd, mostly because I had to stop every now and then when my arm brushed up against someone since my arm would flare-up if it barely touched someone.

The second I stepped into open space I felt someone gently grab my arm injured arm. I yelped when my arm was touched. I feel the grip quickly let go, I turned around see the guy bumped into staring at me with a concern in his eyes.

"Do you need help with your arm?"