Winter break!!!

Chapter 46

Saturday, December 21, 2013

3:15 pm

(Ivan's POV)

The girl stared blankly at the crates in front of her as she opened her mouth to say something. Her messy hair was tied back, her eyes had dark circles under her eyes. She bent down, trying to her best not to spill her coffee.

"How did- did you get these?" She opened the crate and picked up a bottle. I notice Qaid open his mouth to respond. Before he could respond, I interrupted.

"I bought these." She had an uneasy look on her face.

"They do that now?"

"Yeah," I said as I nod.

"Why do you want my cabin's help anyway?" Before I could think about what to say, my mouth moved by itself.

"Inari Ōkami is a god of prosperity and success. I just think it would be good if you guys would help."

"What about the other cabins whose parent is the god of medicine. Why didn't you ask them for help?"

"They didn't want to help." Qaid stood there silently. It looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't. The girl was silent as sipped her coffee. She grinded her teeth as she stood up.

"We'll help. But, I want something from it."

"What do you want?"

"Can you make... flowing water?" What? Before I could ask what she meant Qaid stepped in.

"What do you mean by that?," Qaid asked.

"You know, like faucets. Toilets that work."

"Only if you help us first."

"I already agreed, now I'm just waiting for you." Can we even do that? I looked at Qaid, hoping he had an answer.

"We'll try our best." She gave a slight smile as she nodded happily and drank from her coffee mug. Qaid looked towards me and nudged me. "Give her the crates." I nod as I quickly take out all the crates from out of my Inventory. The girl's eyes widen as the crates started to fill the room. When I took out the last crate I walk over back I looked over at her.

"Is that it?" She asked.



Qaid walked towards the door and looked over his shoulder to stare at the girl.

"We have to go now."

I wave at her as I and Qaid walked out the door. We walked in silence for a bit before I looked at him

"So when are we going to start on the water thing."

"You wanna start on Monday?" I really don't want to start on Monday. I don't want to do anything on Monday. Or Tuesday.

"I'm busy on Monday."

"Wednesday then?"

"That's fine with me."

"See you later?"

"Yeah, see you on Wednesday."

Monday, December 23, 2013

7:30 am

I jolt up with a sense of dread. Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something? I get up while trying not to wake up Goldie. As I grab my backpack to get ready for school, I suddenly remember what I forgot.

"Right, no school. It's Christmas break. I toss my backpack to the side of the room and get back into bed. I lay there silently as I had no idea what to do.

I take out my phone and mess around for a bit. I notice a tiny Tv icon as I scroll through the pages. It had the title "YouTube" underneath. I click on it, and a bunch of mini thumbnails with titles right next to them. Most of it looked like trailers or random things I wouldn't be interested in.

"How Thor The Dark World should've ended, Dawn of the Apes Official Trailer." None of these don't look interesting. There was only one video that stood out to me. "My bobblehead is evil?" There was a man with his hair to the side along with a bobblehead that looked exactly like him right next to him. The background was a bright green along with yellow in the middle. I'll keep that in mind for later. I go back to the home screen and put my phone back in my Inventory. I get up and get out of my pajamas and put on some clothes.

I walk out of my room and walk to the stairs leading to the outside world. I put on a thick jacket and boots. I yawn as I get out of the hole and start heading to the nearest convince store. I sadly try to get a bag of chips from out of my Inventory. How did I even run out of chips?

I started lightly jogging to the convince store. I felt snow hit my skin as I got closer to the convince store. I slow down as I approach the door. I gently open the door and hug my body in an attempt to warm up. I walk around and look around for my favorite chips.

"Oh yay, Pringles." I reach for the can in the back and put it in my Inventory. I hear slow footsteps walk by me. By instinct, I looked towards the sound. I saw Weiss with dark circles under her eyes wobbling from side to side. It looked like she didn't notice me. As she walked past me I felt a cold aura come from her. My body shook from the cold as I moved away from here. She yawned as she turned the corner. I go back to grabbing my snacks and stuffing them in my Inventory. As I begin to walk out of the store I hear Weiss stumble towards me with a coffee cup in her hands. Before she could crash into me I step out into the snow. Weiss stumbled out onto the snow while barely being able to put one foot in front of another.

She looked in my direction with her barely being able to open her eyes. She drank her coffee for what felt like minutes. Her eyes widened for a second before yawned. She stood up straight and before yawning. The air felt colder as her gaze focused on me.

"Were you always there?" She said as she drank her coffee. I nod.

"I've been here for a while."


"Yeah." Silence filled the space between us as I didn't know what to say.

"When does school start again?"

"The third, why?"

"No reason." Her eyes widened as her face looked like she remembered something.

"You remember that Reading assignment we had to do?" I had an uneasy feeling about this.

"Yeah, why?" Her eyes fluttered around the place. She played with her hands a bit.

"Can you help me with that?"

That's it?" She nodded. "What do you need help with?"


"Uhh.." I felt the feeling in my hand disappear. I look down pull back my sleeve. My hand was shining in the light. I take a closer look and notice ice slowly forming on my hand. My body froze up from confusion. How is ice forming on my hand if I already cover myself in ice? I grind my teeth as Weiss looked to me for an answer.

"How close is your apartment?" I say as I flicked my finger on my free hand at the ice. Is someone trying to attack me? A yokai? Or is it just nature doing its thing. I thought about it for a while. It can't be nature. This has never happened before.

"It's like... two minutes away." The ice slowly crept up my arm.

"Yeah, yeah I'll help." Weiss looked worried.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah! It's just cold."

"Oh, right." Weiss quickly walked past me. I desperately follow her. I got out a lighter and try to light out. I tried to light it but, it wouldn't work. Did I run out of fuel? I put the lights up to my ear and shake it. There was no sound. I put it back in my Inventory.

"Can we go faster?" I desperately ask Weiss. She peeked over her shoulder and rolled her eyes.

"Fine," she said as she started to walk faster. She walked into the building, I desperately follow after her. I rub my arm in an attempt to warm up, I barely looked at my surroundings as I felt my arm warm up a little. We went up some stairs and eventually stop at a door. Weiss's hand went into her pocket. She took out a key and stuck it into the keyhole. She turned the lock and pushed open the door.

"Where's your bathroom?" She let out a sigh as she walked through her apartment and led me to a door. Before she could say something I burst through the door and slam the door. I bring out another lighter and pull back my sleeve. Smoke came out of the ice on my arm. I light it and it under my arm. I walked towards the sink and put my arm over it. I felt the ice slowly melt. I felt the feeling in my arm return as the fire cut through the ice. I grind my teeth as the skin on my arm begged for the fire to be put out. I turn off the lighter put it in my Inventory.

I rub my arm a bit before rolling down my sleeve. I use Exoskeleton to form ice around my arm. The ice didn't feel like anything.

What just happened to my arm? I walk out of the bathroom door and look around Weiss's apartment. The apartment walls were snowy white. As I walked into the living room I couldn't help but notice how white everything was. The couches were white, the counter was white, the cabinets were white, everything was white! Weiss was patiently waiting on the couch.

"Are you done now?" She said with an annoyed look on her face. I nod. She gave a slight smile. She stood up and calmly walked towards me.

"Just let me get my stuff."

11:00 pm

I yawn as I watch Weiss quickly finish up her last few sentences in her paragraph. I stick my hand into my bag of Funyuns as my mouth started to clatter. She finished a sentence before dropping her mechanical pencils. My body shook as the cold seeped into my body. Weiss sighed as she looked towards me.

"Where did you even get those chips?

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't see you bring them. We don't have those kinds of chips here."

"I put them in my jacket."

"Are the pockets even big enough?"

"Yeah." She rolled her eyes as she picked up her pencils and started writing again. In less than a minute, she was done. I smile as she finishes her last word.

"Are you done now?" I ask with hope in my voice. She yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"Yeah. See you at school?"

"Yeah sure."

5:34 pm

(Weiss's POV)

I yawn as I groggily sit up on the couch. Why didn't I sleep on my bed? I crack my neck as I get back up. My arm and neck felt a little sore. I tightly close my eyes and open them back up quickly. I look around and notice that my parents were nowhere to be seen. I felt my chest tightened as silence filled the apartment.

My body still begged me to go to sleep. I slowly stand up and reach for the sour skittles on the table. When I picked it up I felt no weight to it. It's already gone? I sigh as I drop the bag and stretch. I dig my hand into my pocket and pull out three dollars. Thank god that's enough. I pat my pants down and feel the apartment keys through my pants. I smile as I walk to the door. I unlock the door, step outside, and lock the door again. I walk through the halls and eventually out of the apartment. I walk into the snow and felt something hit my arms. I look down and notice that I left my sweater in my apartment. I turn back to go get but suddenly stop. It's not even that cold.

I turn around and start heading towards the convince store. The snow crunched beneath my feet with each step. As I walk by an alley, I hear a loud crunch. I quickly turn my head towards the ally. By my feet was a long, black furry thing. I bend down and pick it up. The second my fingers wrap around the thing, I instantly let go and jolt my hand back.

"What the hell was that." I felt a wet slimy thing in my hand. I look down at my hand. My hand was covered in a clear, dirty slime. The slime had tiny thin of red in random parts. I quickly shake my hand, some of the slime flew off my hand while some stuck to my hand. I was suddenly distracted by a bright yellow light. The light disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. I felt my chest tighten as the sound of crunches and loud wet noises coming from the alley.

I gulp as I try to look away. Before I could do anything, a fat, gray creature with dead-looking eyes glanced in my direction. In its hands was a round fuzzy ball with red liquid pouring out of one side. Its arms and legs were long and skinny, almost like they haven't eaten in years. The creature licked its lips and threw away the ball. The creature slowly walked towards me in large strides. My legs shook beneath me as the creature inched closer. I took a step back and bumped into something hard behind me.

I quickly turn my head and see one of those creatures looming over me. Before I could react I suddenly feel its knee in my stomach. I bend over as pain filled my stomach. I step back, the creature stepped forward as footsteps approached me from behind. The creature slapped me across the face. I felt the bones in its hand scrape off the skin off my cheek. I stumble to the side and stumble right into the wall. The creatures slowly inched towards me with sloth-like steps. The creature raised its hand.

I raise up my arms to shield my head. Adrenaline rushed through my body, I took a deep breath and squeeze my eyes as I felt my skin turn icy cold. My stomach churned as I hear the wind of the creatures hand whoosh. The sound of a painful meaty smack. I open my eyes, I gasped as my eyes widen. There was a wall of ice with a thick white mist emitting from it. The creature's hand was touching the wall.

The creature tried to move its hand touching the ice, but it looked like it had difficulty moving his hand. It suddenly jolted back its arm. The skin touching the ice skin tore off and remained on the ice. Blisters formed on the creature's hands as I held its hand to its chest. The other creature formed a fist and punched the ice. The ice cracked but its fist didn't breakthrough. I looked around trying to find a way out. I breathing became ragged as I saw no way out. the creature jolted his hand back. The skin tore off as Blisters formed. I slowly step forward and touch the ice.

The ice felt comforting. I gulp as I slowly move my hand back. My hand didn't stick to the ice. Did-did I make this. The creatures let out a primal noise before giving up and walking away.

I back up and stay close to the wall as the adrenaline faded from my veins. I take a deep breath as I step forward and touched the ice.

"How am I supposed to get out?" I stared up at the ice wall.

I nervously looked down the alleyway. What were those things? Demons? I look back at the ice wall. Mist still came from the ice. I lightly tap on the ice hoping that it would open. I fiddled with my hands. I made this right? I dig my nail into my skin. That means I can control it right? I close my eyes and imagine parts of the ice gone.

My stomach churned as the ice scarped against each other. I open my eyes and surprisingly there was a hole in the perfect shape of a door. I stare dumbfoundingly at the hole. I thought it would be easier. I smile as I step through the door and walk down the alley. Before I could step onto the main street, I look up and down the street. There were no signs of the creatures. I suddenly hear someone clear their throat. I quickly turn around and see a woman with two tails and cat-like ears. She pointed towards my wall with a confused face.

"Did you make that?"