Mommy issues

Chapter 83

Monday, May 25, 2014

5:00 am

(Ivan's POV)

My eyes opened wide as I felt the side of my stomach tingle. Before I could gain a sense of my surroundings a sharp, burning pain ran across my side. I let out a yelp as I look up. My body tensed up as I looked up at my mom holding a whip in her hand. She smiled down at me as she pointed at me.

"I thought you would get rid of that, sleeping on the floor habit. Well, at least you have a blanket this time." I look away from her to avoid her gaze. I wish I could've opened that door. I couldn't open any other door, and I know my mom wouldn't open the door for me. I didn't want to sleep on the floor, but I had to heal my injuries from yesterday's fight. I quickly get up and take out my watch from my Inventory. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time.

I glare at my mom as I read the time as Five in the morning. I build up enough confidence as I cross my arms and lift my chin. I felt tempted to back down and cower from my mom. "What do you want?" I say with a shaky, high voice. My eyes gazed at my mom's side as I put on my watch. My mom grabbed my hair, a slight sting ran across my head. I grab her hand with a tight grip.

My mom looked at me with delight. She dropped her whip, a sharp sting filled the right side of my face. A burning feeling quickly followed the sting as she let go of my hair. She stared me dead in the eye and turned around.

"Just follow me." My mom commanded. My body mindlessly followed after her, we walk past her whip and walk down the stairs. We turned to the left and walk down the hallway. I stared at the back of my mom's head. My mom turned towards a random door and turned the knob. I follow her into the room. I was instantly blinded by a bright light. I heard the soft crunch of grass underneath, the warmth of the sun hit my skin. I instantly take out my umbrella and hold it over my head as my eyes adjust to the light. I nervously stare at my skin waiting for anything to happen. Surprisingly, my skin didn't burn up. I stretch out my arm out of the umbrella's shadow. My mom looked over her shoulder. "The sun is fake here. You don't need that here."

I put my umbrella back into my Inventory and look around. I found myself in the middle of a dense forest. I notice that the door we just walked out of was no longer around. I look towards my mom. "Why are we here," I ask in a more commanding tone. My mom rolled her shoulders and stared me down.

"Nuxiel sent you to me because he was worried you don't have the power to achieve his goals." I nervously took out my spear as my mom widened her stance. My legs shook with fear as smoke began to rise out of her body. The smoke slowly started to engulf the grass and trees around her. Eventually, the smoke formed what looked like a five-foot dome that kept expanding. I felt the pressure of her Soul crush my body.

I already guessed she can't use magic, but how is she able to make that dome? Everyone I've fought only had the smoke cover them by a few inches. I took a step back as the smoke slowly crawled towards me. Maybe this is part of her power? I bit my lip as the smoke stopped growing. I doubt it is. I aim a Wind Arrow towards her face. My mom remained unfazed as the arrow crashed into her nose. The arrow dispersed but didn't leave a scratch on her.

My mom wiped her nose and looked down at her hand with a confused face. She looked up at me.

"Did you just do something?" I said nothing as I took out a pebble and threw it at her. I snap my fingers, a huge ball of fire engulfed her, the smoke remained. I use the wind and launch my spear in my mom's direction as the flames began to die out. My mom stood still, my spear flew straight towards her eye. She quickly grabbed it and snapped it in half before suddenly making it disappear. I quickly form Winter Rose again and let it float by myself.

My mom rose her hand and suddenly formed the sharp point of the spear she just broke. Before I could react, my mom suddenly appeared in front of me. She aimed the broken spear towards the side of my face. My spear quickly blocked her spear, my mom sluggishly threw a punch at my face. I take a step back and use Wind's Cannon on the side of her arm. The wind did nothing to her as she took a step forward and tried kicking at my stomach.

My spear's shaft slammed into her stomach, my spear twirled in midair. The sharp point of my spear slashed the bottom of her chin before flying through her neck. A huge, clean hole was left in her neck. The hole quickly sealed itself shut without a single drop of blood coming out. My mom looked at me with a glare as the spear turned around and aimed for the back of her head.

My mom turned around, she took a glance at my spear. Before my spear could touch my mom, it disappeared mid-air. My mom turned back towards me. She dropped the broken half of the spear. I suddenly felt a sharp pain run up and down my spine. My hair was suddenly yanked back. Before I could comprehend what was happening, my mom suddenly appeared in front of me. She swiftly swept my feet from out under me. I caught myself with the wind before I could fall. My mom quickly followed it up with a kick to the stomach with her left foot. I hunched over her foot with spit flying out of my mouth. She put her foot down, her right foot suddenly found itself in my sides. I grit my teeth and transformed my earring into its sword form.

I widely swing my sword at her shoulder, my mom put her foot down. I widened my eyes as Winter Rose was suddenly in her hands. My mom easily overpowered me and pushed my sword to the side. I use my other hand and take out my pistol. I press the gun to my mom's stomach and pull the trigger. My mom stared sighed loudly before she dropped my spear and took a step back. The smoke around us disappeared

The bullet hole in her stomach fixed its self in a second. I put my gun in my Inventory and use the wind to retrieve my spear. I return my sword into its earring form and put my spear into my Inventory. My mom pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"All these opportunities, all these options, and all you could do are rely on the wind and mediocre weapons." My mom said with frustration. I held my side and tried catching my breath.

"What's wrong with using the Wind?" I said through gritted teeth. My mom started walking towards me, she lifted her hand as a sharp piece of ice glided across my skin underneath my chin. I felt blood drip down my chin as she turned around.

"There's nothing wrong with it if wasn't the only god damn thing you use!" She turned back around and jammed her finger into my chest. Her nail went straight through my chest with ease. "You don't even know- what do you call it? Inventory? You can't even use that properly!" She said as she paced around. She turned to me and glared at me with murderous intent. "How is it that I can use a power I'm borrowing from someone else, better than you, who was born with it."

I bite my tongue and avoid her gaze. Did Nuxiel tell her about the boxes? But it feels like she knows something about Inventory. I thought this power this given to me when I got these boxes, but she said I was born with it. But how can she borrow a power?

"That damn system gives you all these advantages and yet you haven't taken advantage of anything? I don't know why Nuxiel even bothers with you." My mom said with a sinister tone. A huge smile appeared on her face as she leaned in closer towards me. "I know your mom would be disappointed in you." I stared at her with a confused expression as she began to walk away. She looked over her shoulder with a smile. Her eyes scanned my confused expression with delight. "I know you saw the journal in my room when you and those demigods visited Chicago. You read a bit of you didn't you?" She turned around and smiled. "It's pretty obvious that the notebook was used as a way to communicate." I glared at her as she kept on smiling. "I thought you would've noticed, especially since we look nothing alike. Our skin tones, our eyes, our facial structures. Even if you didn't notice, I thought you would've found out after meeting your dad at least." I stared straight into her eyes.

"Then who's my mom then," I commanded to know. She snickered at my question and turned around.

"When you go to school, I want you to not use your gloves to hide that prosthetic finger. You're going to have another way to hide it." A door suddenly appeared in front of her. I waited for an answer from her. She looked towards the door and grabbed the door handle. "You should read that notebook your mom left for you." She said before going through the door. The door slammed shut behind her. I go through the door and find myself back in her mansion.

I watched her walk down the hallway with hate in my eyes. I grab my shirt and pull it up to my nose. I take a quick whiff and release my shirt.

I wonder if Goldie is back at my place?

5:50 am

I walk into the kitchen and look around for Goldie. I look down at my watch and walk over to the couches. I look for any sign of a fox, to my disappointment Goldie was nowhere to be seen. A burning filled my chest as I checked my watch. I tapped my foot on the floor as I thought of a way to contact Goldie. I take out my phone and dial Zacharias' number.

I'm sure Goldie is going to come back today. She's probably just doing some other stuff, or sleeping in a hotel! I think back to yesterday. Goldie was gone when I got back. I bite my tongue as Zacharias picked up.

"Hellooo?" Zacharias said in a sleepy tone. I heard his voice echo off the walls in the background. I ignore the echo and calm myself down.

"When you get the chance come over to my place and pick up the money on the kitchen counter. Buy the most expensive phone you can find."

"Oh, uh okay?" I look over at the kitchen. The people at camp probably don't have anything to eat. I should probably get something for them too.

"Also, find a place where you buy animals."

"Like dogs?" Zacharias excitedly shouted into my ear.

"Farm animals." I heard Zacharias smack his lips.

"I'll try to look," Zacharias said disappointingly. I walk back to my room as I said goodbye to Zacharias and hung up.

I sit down on my bed and lay down on it. I look to the corner where Goldie would usually sleep. I sigh as I sit up.

I'm sure she's going to come back.

6:45 am

I look up at my new school as people in vests, skirts, and dress shoes walk by. I gripped the straps of my worn-out backpack tightly. I look down at my khaki pants and vest. I looked down at my dress shoes, I kicked at the ground, and walked towards the entrance of the school with my umbrella held over my head. I closed my umbrella as I approached the entrance. I felt my face grow red as people stared at me with my umbrella. I should've used Illusion to hide my umbrella.

I nervously made my way towards the front office. Why would Anita send me to a private school? I know she would've just sent me to a regular school, so why here? I'm guessing it's because of Nuxiel, but why would he send me here? Don't you have to pay for private schools anyway? I mean, it would be something he would do. But did he have to send me to one with a uniform? I approach the front office and sit on the chairs outside.

I look around, everything was surprisingly clean. No trash coming out of the trash cans, no puddles of water on the ground. There weren't any of those nauseous bright led lights blinding my eyes, instead, a nice soothing light filled the halls. I leaned back in the chair and unzipped my backpack. I put my umbrella into my backpack and fumble around with my necklace.

My legs shook with fear at the thought of being in a new school. Even though I didn't lose anything moving to a new school it still feels weird going to a new school. I stare up at the ceiling with boredom. I didn't talk to anyone at my old school, but at least I somewhat knew them. I look down and stare at the other students walking by. I hug my backpack tightly to my chest.

It shouldn't be that bad though. The school is in a good area, I'm sure the people are nice. I got up as someone entered the front office.

I wonder where my locker is going to be.

1:03 pm

I read my book peacefully as I shifted around in the bean bag chair. I looked around the library, as my teacher looked down at her phone. The mutters of my classmates filled the library. I close my book and look at my schedule. I frown as I looked out the window.

P.E is my next class. I can handle my Honors and AP classes but I don't think I can handle gym. I know I can handle it with everything I've been through, but I'm worried that it's going to be outside. If it's inside then there's nothing to worry about. But if it's outside then I'm going to have a problem. I smack my lips and stare up at the ceiling.

I could make up some excuse about my skin, but I know there's going to be some people who are going to try to take my umbrella. I stare at my right index finger. I felt a drop of sweat run down my cheek as I looked up at my Mp bar. I bit my lip as I watched my Mp bar slowly start to run out. I stuff my right hand into my pockets and stop the Illusion.

I could use Illusion but I don't have enough Mp to last a whole class, especially since I'm going to have to hold an umbrella during the class. A finger is easy to hide, but hiding a whole umbrella while exercising? If I make one mistake and let my skin touch the sun, then I might burn up.

I glance over to my side as someone dropped a beanbag next to me. I look up and see the girl I saw yesterday standing over me. She glared down at me as she plopped her body down onto the beanbag. She turned her body towards me, she propped her head up with her hand as she glared at me.

"So what did your mom say," The girl asked with confidence. I stare at her and set my book down on my lap. This has to be some weird coincidence, this random girl that wants to get into my mom's house goes to the same school as me? She seems pretty confident with how she approached me. Did she know I went here, or is she naturally confident? I put on a fake, sorry expression and answer.

"Soorrry, but my mom said no," I said in a raspy unsure voice. The girl's expression didn't change.

"You could've told me that, I waited for a while."

I'm-uh... really sorry about that. I kind of forgot." I said in a squeaky voice. The girl sighed loudly and adjusted her body in her chair.

"Do you think I can come today?" I stare at her with a blank look.

"Why do you want to come so badly?" I asked. The girl bit her lip nervously.

"I don't know how to explain it." She stated.

"Try," I commanded. The girl glared at me. She quickly looked away and stared at the ceiling.

"I think, your mom might know where my friend is." She fumbled with her hands. Her hands shook as she shifted her body in her beanbag. "I'm not sure, but I wanna look around." I feign a look of concern.

"What's her name, I'll ask her my mom."

"Ashely," the girl quickly responded. I nervously stare at the girl as her focus remained on the ceiling. Didn't I see that name when I used Inspect on the glass of blood yesterday? I didn't expect I would meet a friend of my mom's victim. I pick up my book and open it.

I feel sorry for her, but I don't need her prying into my life or trying to get into my mom's house. She's just going to end up like her friend.

"I'll ask her later," I say as I begin reading my book. The girl smiled and sat back in her chair.

"Can I ask you a quick question?" I reluctantly put down my book and turn to her.


"Why do you carry around an umbrella?"

"My skin is sensitive," I respond with a sigh. I look down at my schedule and look at my next class. "Do you uh, know if the gym is inside?" The girl got up and looked down at me.

"Inside." The girl said before quickly leaving.

I smile and look down at my book.

At least that's one less thing to worry about.

3:45 pm

I walk up to my mom's front door and put my umbrella into my Inventory. I take out my phone as I walk into my mom's house. My heartbeat loudly as I looked around for any sign of my mom. I called Zacharias as I carefully went through the house trying to avoid my mom.

"Yeah?" I heard Zacharias say.

"Did you buy a phone?" I said as I walked up the stairs.

"Oh yeah, I left it on your bed. Also, I found a place in Texas that can sell you some of those animals you want." I smirk as I approach my bedroom door. I've down to Texas, I even left a poster in Michael's room. I lean on the door and respond.

"Thanks," I said. Before I could hang up I heard Michael speak through the phone.

"Can I come with you to Texas?" I raise an eyebrow.


"I just... wanna explore around. Isn't Texas like a forest or something? I wanna try to find something." Zacharias said with hesitation in his voice.

"What are you trying to find?" I say with confusion.

"A car."

"Uh-huh," I pause for a moment. Is he trying to buy a car from someone? It's weird for him to want to buy a car from someone in Texas though. Maybe he's going to a car dealer? I don't think that's the case since he isn't eighteen yet, and he can't find someone selling a car in that desert-like place beneath the place with the horse race. Everyone was using horses. Either way, it doesn't affect me. "I'll call you when I go." I heard Zacharias breathe a sigh of relief.

"Alright man, I'll you later." He said with happiness in his voice. Zacharias quickly hung up. I sigh loudly as I take out my poster and place it on the ground. I step onto the poster and snap my fingers. I found myself back in my room with my vision slightly blurred. I rubbed my eyes as I walked over to my bed. My vision quickly came back as I picked up the phone box.

I looked at the box and nod in approval. I notice a stack of cash laying on my bed. I reach over to it and grab it. I happily put the money back into my Inventory.

I heard water start to run from the kitchen. Soft humming bounced off the walls. I quickly rush out of my room and look towards the sink. I smiled as I saw a familiar sight of nine tails lingering over the sink. Goldie turned around with a confused expression. Goldie stared at me for a few seconds with shock.

"I thought you were supposed to be in Pennsylvania?" Goldie said with concern. I stared at Goldie. Unlike my mom, Goldie didn't have a scratch on her. It was nice seeing someone that I actually liked instead of someone that I had to be forced to listen to if I didn't want to get beat. It was nice not having to worry about saying one wrong thing.

"I used that one hieroglyph you thought me," I said with a smile. Goldie turned off the water. I sat on one of the stalls and put the box on the counter. My smile dropped as I saw Goldie limp towards the counter. A tight feeling squeezed my chest as she struggled standing up. I quickly got up and brought my chair to her. Goldie took a seat with a heavy breath of air. I use the wind and push her towards the counter. I lean at Goldie and stare at her.

"What happened after I left?" I asked with concern. Goldie shook her head with a smile.

"We just talked," she said with a fake chuckle. I tried to push her even further.

"Everything was messed up when I came back. My mom was bleeding from her stomach and now you're limping. Please, just tell me what happened."

"We disagreed over a few things," Goldie disappointingly stared down at the counter. She looked back up at me. "She didn't do anything to you after I left right?" She asked trying to avoid the question. I touch my side and rub it.

"Not really," I said in a quiet voice. "I mean from now she's better than before, but she uh just whipped me on my side." Goldie's eyes immediately focused on me. "It's nothing new but it's still better than before," I said while avoiding Goldie's gaze. Goldie rested her arms on the table. I could sense her hesitation in trying to question me. There was a moment of silence between us. "I got you something by the way," I said trying to break the silence.

I show her the box and smile. Goldie raised an eyebrow as she picked up the box. I take out my phone and show her. "I got you a phone," I say shyly.

"Uh-huh," Goldie said with confusion in her voice. She opened the box and picked up a lime green phone. She curiously pushed the button on her phone. I reach over the counter and push the button on for her. The screen lit up brightly, Goldie put her phone down and awkwardly smiled. "Thank you." She happily said. She awkwardly tapped on the phone not really understanding what to do. I get up and make my way around the counter.

I stand up on my tippy toes and look over her shoulder. She slowly read the setup instructions and struggled through the steps. Goldie blinked as the home page came up.

"What do I do with this?" Goldie asked. I shrug at her question.

"Well I just use it to talk people and search stuff up but I know people play games and watch videos. " Goldie smiled and swiped randomly on her phone.

"How do I call people?" Goldie asked. I grab her phone and quickly put in my phone number.

I walk over to my seat and sit down. Goldie set down her phone and searched through the box.

"How much was this?" Goldie asked. I remember back to the couple of hundred of dollars I left Zacharias.

"It was pretty cheap," I say with a fake smile.

"Hmm." Goldie clicked on my name and clicked on the phone thing. Goldie watched the screen as my phone started to ring. She gripped the phone tightly at the sudden loud ringing of the phone. I quickly hang up as she nodded with some sort of understanding. "It doesn't seem that hard to understand." She said with boredom in her voice. She turned off the phone and put her phone on the table. She frowned as she stared up at me. "How is being with your mother so far." I sunk back into my chair and responded.

"It's alright," I say quietly. Goldie solemnly nodded. She nervously stared into my eyes.

"Did your mother always have her abilities?"

"I think, she never really did anything that I thought was weird." Goldie leaned forward in her chair.

"How about anything around you? Did you see any Yokai around you maybe? It's a common thing for demigods to encounter something from their mythology when they're growing up." I think back to when I first turned ten.

"On my tenth birthday I had an Oni chase after me but that's it. I never had something like ever again." Goldie nodded. Her gaze focused in on me while she got lost in her thoughts.

"Your mother also had an ability that you have," Goldie stated. "Did she mention anything about that?"

I felt my mood sour as Goldie asked me questions about my childhood. Why is she asking all these questions? I was hoping to just see her again, it was nice being around someone where I didn't have to fake being around. But for some reason, I want to hide what happened with my mom. I know it wouldn't hurt to tell her, I know it would help. But it's just an itch I have for some reason. But I can't lie to Goldie, it just wouldn't feel right.

I bite my tongue as I thought about what my mom said this morning. "My mom, she said that she borrowed a power from my actual mom." Goldie raised her eyebrow. "I don't know if what she said is true but I can see how it makes sense. We look nothing alike, we don't have the same skin tones, our hair is different, our eye color is different. But I don't understand how she can borrow a power. Or how I can inherit a Soul ability. I'm a demigod, I shouldn't be able to inherit power from someone with Soul. I'm not sure if I can actually trust her when she said that she's not my mom."

"You can inherit Soul from someone, but you can't inherit their power." Goldie leaned back with concern. "But if what you- she said is true, then who is your mother? And did she take that power away from your mother, or did your mother give her that power? I don't think that woman has a power that can take away people's powers, I don't know about the abilities of your mother but giving someone a power is possible. Inheriting a power is a different story though."

I take out the journal I found in my mom's room.

"I found something about the both of them though," I pointed to the journal and passed her the notebook. "They actually used this to communicate but I don't think they met physically. I only read a few pages but I think my mom possessed or did something similar to my birth mom. But for some reason, my birth mom was able to resist her but let her possess her." Goldie opened the notebook and read a few random pages."

Her eyes scanned the pages with fascination. Her eyes suddenly widened.

"That woman gave you a fake last name," she said as she looked up at me.

"What?" Goldie started to read a quote from the notebook.

"I don't care that you don't like his name. I like the name Ivan so I'm keeping it. You could change his last name to whatever you want. I don't think he would mind."

I raised an eyebrow. I nod slowly. I wonder what my original last name was then? It isn't important either way. I don't mind her changing my name when I was young. That doesn't harm me at all.

"Anything else important?" I ask Goldie. She closed the book and shook her head.

"I think you should read this yourself, it doesn't feel right reading something so personal." I sigh and take the notebook. I put it back into my Inventory and look down at my watch. I look over at Goldie with a grateful gaze.

"I'll read more." I smile as she got up. "Thank you, for helping me even when you didn't have to." Goldie had a surprised look, a proud look quickly filled her eyes. I felt my cheeks turn pink. I turn away and quickly walk into my room. I calmed myself down and look around my room.

I walk onto my poster and take out my backpack. I don't think I have too much homework today, I probably have enough time to go to read something before I sleep.

10: 45 pm

I close my textbook as I lay on the floor. I stare at my bedroom door as I set my textbook down on the floor. I pull out a pillow and a blanket. I groan at the sore feeling pressing around my right hand.

I kind of regret taking those advanced courses at the school. I was in advanced courses at my old school but they never gave out this much work. I shook my head and turn onto my side. I wrap the blanket tightly around my body, a warm feeling fell over my body as I began to close my eyes.

My eyes quickly flung open as the side of my stomach tingled. Instinctively, I use the Wind's Cannon to launch myself to the side. My back slammed into the wall as I quickly unwrapped the blanket around myself. I glare up at my mom as she smiled sinisterly.

"What kind of vampire sleeps in the night." My mom said with a delighted tone.

"I'm a demigod."

"Not no more," she said with a mocking tone.

"Well, what do you want me to do then," I responded.

"You don't have to sleep, you don't have to eat, and you don't have to drink. And yet you still don't know what to do in the night?"

"Sometimes I just wanna have a break from everything." My mom chuckled at my response.

"Middle is nothing, even for a normal person middle school is nothing. It would probably be a break for them." She said with spite in each of her words. "Sleeping takes too much of your time, you could be so productive." I stood my ground as my mom started to walk towards me. "Nuxiel sent you to me so that you could be more productive. So that you could have some sort of use to him." She walked up behind me and grabbed my shoulders. "What I noticed about you is that you use the same tactics in every fight. It's always you using a gun, using the wind, or using those rocks. There are some good tactics you used though, using gasoline to burn that one guy on that bridge was smart. But I would want to see more of that from you." Her grip on my shoulders tightened. "I hate you so much, but I love the potential you have. Even if you're small, useless, weak. You still have potential." She let go of my shoulders and smacked the back of my head. I glare at her as she leaned on my door. "We'll start off small for now. All I want you to do is improve your skill with Um- shadows."

She walked away as I was left with my own thoughts. I look to the side as two boxes appeared.

You got two new quests!

Create two new Umbrakinesis skills before midnight!


+5 to all Umbrakinesis skills


100 xp

5 points






Get all Umbrakinesis skills to Lvl 15!


New perk!

New title!

300 xp


10 points


Mom will not be happy




I press accept to both and put my blanket and pillow into my Inventory.

I hope she won't try to keep me up every day.