Did a Smart

Chapter 84

Monday, May 26, 2014

11:10 pm

(Ivan's POV)

I yawn as I rub my eyes. I traced my finger under the bags under my eyes. Even though I don't need to sleep I can still feel the bags forming under my eyes. I look over to the door in the middle of the forest. I bring my knees up to my chest, the blades of grass bent under my weight as I started to stretch my legs. I stand up with a groan and start to stretch.

I stared at the rows of trees as the sun beat down on my face. I stared at the shadows of the trees as I look at list of my Umbrakinesis skills. I stomp as I saw that most of the Umbrakinesis skills have reverted back to level five or lower than level five. I close the box and loudly sigh.

I don't even use the shadows that much, I would get it if she said to work on my Cyrokinesis skills since I actually use those skills alot. I only use Shadow Picking but even then that skills is back at level 3. Even the skill Shadow Swimming was reverted back to level zero. I smack my lips and walk towards the shadow of a tree.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I imagined myself falling into the tree's shadow. A warm wet feeling encase my body. I open my eyes and found myself in the middle of a dark void. I looked up, I saw the bright blue sky swirling above me, I notice a few of the tree's branches swaying in the wind. I cross my legs and let myself float in the void. This is so stupid. I already got this skill past level zero, I can't believe I have to level up this skill again. I shouldn't have accepted that quest to kill Anenoid again. At least I didn't lose much though. Even though it would've been nice if I completed the quest. I stare at my Mp bar as it slowly diminished.

I still have a while until my Mp bar runs out. Each second I use this skill is fifty Mp, but since I have around six hundred thirty Mp I should have around twelve seconds. I frown at the realization. I improved so much and yet I can only use this skill for twelve seconds? I thought I would've improved more.

With just a thought I started to float to the surface. I stick my hand out of the shadow and pull myself out of the shadow. I stared at my Mp bar as I got a notification telling me Shadow Swimming leveled up.

Thanks to the use of Shadow Swimming, the skill leveled up 4 times!

Lvl 4(57%) Shadow Swimming- You can travel through shadows. You just have to be touching a shadow to use it. Mp per second- 47 mp

I quickly close the box. I take a deep breath and focus on regenerating my magic. My Stamina bar quickly filled with gray as most of my Mp bar filled up.

I slowed my breath and slowly breathed in and out. My breaths were steady as I prepared myself mentally to go back into the shadow. I took one last deep breath before sinking back into the shadow.

I let my body float in the void as I waited for my thirteen seconds to run out. I stare up at the leaves at the trees, I curl up into a ball and spin around.

There has to be a better way to level up all these skills faster. Or at least Shadow Swim faster, I can only use this skill for thirteen seconds, yeah sure it's going to be faster to improve the skill when I the Mp cost is lower, but I don't think I have time to create two new shadow skills and level them up. But how Am'I supposed to upgrade Shadow Picking? It can only be used when I'm trying to lock pick something. Should I try use the skill on other people's houses? There is a chance I could be caught. I step out of the shadow and start to refill my Mp bar. I think that's what I might have to do to level up that skill.

Thanks to the use of Shadow Swimming, the skill leveled up 2 times!

Lvl 6(25%) Shadow Swimming- You can travel through shadows. You just have to be touching a shadow to use it. Mp per second- 46 mp

I groan as my muscles tightened, the air in my lungs rushed out of my breath as I struggled to catch my breath refilling my Mp bar. A bit of saliva ran down my chin as my Mp bar turned blue. I felt a churning feeling my stomach. I held my hand over my mouth as my body grew weak.

A bead of sweat ran down my cheek as I pull up my stats. I have to improve something about this. Every time I even try to fill up my Mp and Stamina bars without potions I feel like throwing up. I know Goldie says that I'm forcing my body but I literally just started training. I look over my stats as the sickening feeling in my stomach faded.


Str: 282

Dex: 313

Vit: 312

Wis: 310

Int: 266

Luc: 299

Poitns: 266

I have a lot of points, and I feel like my stats have been lacking during my fights. I never realized it but I don't really have anything I'm good at, I'm not the strongest, I'm not the fastest or most agile, but the one thing I have noticed that I use my magic to harm and kill the most. Upgrading my stamina would probably be good too since almost everything takes up stamina. I know I should spend most of my points on Wis, Int, and Vit. But should I spend points on Dex? Dex would let me move faster but is it that important? Dex has definitely helped with my stamina, and it does feel nice to be able to move quickly.

I let out a deep breath of air. Sadly I don't really need to spend points on this, my wants shouldn't come before my needs. I frown as I started to spend my points.


Str: 282

Dex: 313

Vit: 312 + 75 = 387

Wis: 310 + 80 = 390

Int: 266 + 90 = 356

Luc: 299

Points: 21

I made a sour expression as I looked at my new stats. I'm really, really hoping I made a good choice. Dex I could improve by just exercising, I can even improve Str by lifting weights. I know I can improve Luc by gambling but I've never done that before. I stare at Luc and put in ten points. I might as well spend a few points on Luc, being lucky can never hurt.


Str: 282

Dex: 313

Vit: 387

Wis: 390

Int: 356

Luc: 299 + 10 = 309

Points: 11

Even thought my Mp and Stamina won't improve right now It's going to do a lot when I level up. I smile as I close my Stats tab. I turned my head to look at the two new boxes that just appeared.

Thanks to Int going past 300, you gain a new perk!

[Perk] Quick reader - Reading speed is increased by 95%

Oh. I can already read pretty fast... I don't want to sound ungrateful but I think I could've gotten something a bit better. But this could be a good way to increase Wis and Int. I just have to read, reading isn't that hard. I nod as I look at the other box.

Thanks to Luc going past 300, you can choose a new perk!

[Perk] Easy come, easy go - When winning a gambling match, you gain a 10% increase to money. When losing a match, you lose 10% of the money you gambled.

[Perk] Exciting adventures - You gain better loot when in a dungeon.

I stare at my options. I don't gamble but I also don't go in dungeons that much. I pick Exciting Adventures and close the box. I go inside dungeons more than I gamble, I have to go in one soon to get some Insta-heals anyway. I'm going to get loot anyway, it might as well be good.

I take in a deep breath as I begin to slip into the shadow. I really wish I could get those Mp and Stamina benefits now though.

May, Monday 27, 2014

12:24 am

I gasped for air as I stretched the shadow out towards me. My Mp rapidly started to decrease as I focused on the lower half staying deep within the shadow. I stretched out my arm as the shadow crawled underneath my arm. I slammed my hand into the shadow. My hand sunk into the shadow. My mp bar turned gray, my body shook with a painful, burning sensation running through my body. My stomach turned and ached as I held my right hand in a shadow and my lower half in another shadow. I slowly began to crawl out of the shadow, I roll onto the grass as I wiped my sweat off with my shirt.

I looked over at the boxes as I gasped for air.

Thanks to the use of several skills at the same time, 2 skills leveled up!

Lvl 16(04%) Shadow Swimming- You can travel through shadows. You just have to be touching a shadow to use it. Mp per second- 35 mp

Lvl 11(58%) Control Shadow(s)- You can move a stretch a shadow and do whatever you want with it. On its own this ability is useless. Mp per second- 17 Mp

I close the box as I stared up at sky. I don't think I'll be able to make two more shadow skills and then leveling them up before the night ends. I'm already struggling with these two skills, but at least I'm done with Shadow Swimming. The other skill should be pretty easy considering how cheap it is. Shadow Picking is going to be difficult to level up though. I think I'm just going to skip the other quest I got and finish the one my mom gave me.

I painfully sit back up and take a deep breath. I closed my eyes and concentrated on regenerating my magic. I breathed in deeply as I felt the magic travel throughout my body. A cold, soothing feeling came over my body as my Mp bar filled up with blue. My body shook with pain falling down my body. Before my Mp could fully regenerate I stopped. I shakily rose to my feet and grabbed my stomach. The tips of my fingers go numb as throw up climbed up my throat. I place my hand over my mouth as a bit of throw up flew out of my mouth.

I take out a paper towel. I made a sour expression as I cleaned the throw up off my hands. I put the paper towel into my Inventory as I walk away from the shadows. A pounding headache filled my head with each step I took.

A sleepy feeling came over my body. It became a struggle to stand up straight. I gently set myself down on the ground. I wheezed as I stretched out the tree's shadow towards me. I grunted and groaned as I kept the shadow stretched out towards me. My desperate breaths turned into a wheeze. I laid down on my back, my breathing slowed down as the shadow started to shrink. Sweat ran down my face as I struggled to keep the shadow from shrinking.

My eye lids started to close, I quickly catch myself from dozing off. I gasped for air as my Mp bar steadily became gray. I let go of the shadow, my wobblily legs slowly lifted my body off the ground. Drool dropped down my chin. I quickly wipe it off with disgust. I look to the side as a box appeared.

Thanks to overworking yourself, you gained +10 Mp!

Mp: 636 + 10 = 646

I close the box and sigh loudly. It's good that my Mp increased but was it worth it just to go up by ten? I clutch my stomach and start to walk towards the door.

Just a few minute break, it shouldn't distract me that much. I don't think I could do much right now anyway.

But what should I do during a break?

12:51 am

I look up at the sky as I held my left hand up to the moon light. I raise my bottle of coffee up to my lips as I stared at my hand. I don't get how I don't burn up in moonlight, but I don't get how I burn up in the sunlight. I know the Vampirism perk said that I burn up from UV rays but I'm immune to it in the moonlight. I just don't get how it works, the moon reflects the sun's light, which also means that it reflects UV rays. I set my coffee down and put my hand in my pocket.

Vampires in general are confusing. They should burn up in the moonlight too, maybe it because I got the Vampirism perk from my mom who uses Soul? Soul does make things a bit complicated.

I drink the rest of my coffee and stand back up. Everything started to swirl as my head felt like it was being squeezed. The feeling faded away in a few seconds, I wobbled over to the trash can standing next to the gas station door. I put my hands up to the sides of my head as the headache came back. I struggled walking straight as I made my way back towards my neighborhood.

I walked past a few stores with their lights off. A cold, dreadful feeling came over me as a low rumbling noise filled the air. I instinctively pulled out Retribution and look around. My arms burned with pain as I lifted the swords up to my chest. The loud sound of footsteps came up behind me. I turned around, I was met with a leopard's head close up to my face. The leopard's eyes were staring right through me. I look down to see a piece of paper in its mouth. I slowly take the paper from its mouth and read it.

Control her


I raise an eyebrow as I put the letter into my Inventory. The leopard backed away and started to growl. My eyes widened as I got a better sight of the leopard's body. It's neck was stretched out to five feet long, the leopard's neck slithered through the air like a snake.

In the back of my mind I recognized the creature as a Serpopard. I don't why or how I knew that it was a Serpopard, but all I knew it was an Egyptian creature with a head and body of a leopard, but has the neck of the snake. My hands put the hilts of my sword together to make a spear without me thinking about it. I widened my stance and held Retribution up with one hand. I used my other hand and grabbed for something that wasn't there. I raised an eyebrow as an image of a door shaped shield appeared in my mind.

I waited for the Serpopard to charge. A weird wave of calmness washed over my body as the Serpopard's tail waved in the air. My bones rattled as the Serpopard let out a loud roar. The Serpopard leaped with no effort, ten feet towards me. I step to the side and swing my spear at the Serpopards side. A shallow cut was left in its side. The Serpopard's neck quickly turned, its razor sharp teeth lurched at my arm.

Without thinking, I ducked under its neck and tried stabbing its neck. Its neck twisted around my spear, I yelped as its teeth sunk into my left shoulder. I drop my spear on the ground and rested my right hand on top of the Serpopard's head. I yelled as I used Wind's Cannon on top of the creature's head. Its head slammed onto the ground. I groaned as I use the wind to pick up my spear. My body burned as I used the wind to thrust my spear into the Serpopard's head.

It's body twitched before it finally stopped moving. I gasped for air as I grab my spear and put it backed into my Inventory. I looked down at the Serpopard. I've never even fought this type of monster, and yet it felt more natural fighting it compared to the Shinto monsters. I look up as loud breathing suddenly filled the air.

My face soured as I saw the girl who kept asking me about my mom stand with her eyes wide. In her hands was a bag filled with snacks, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. She dropped her bag and widened her stance like she was preparing to fight.

I clutched my chest as a painful pulse circled my body. I shivered with an exhaustion took over my body. She walked towards me with caution. She looked at the Serpopard's body. She inspected the body carefully before looking at me.

"It's weird how you're so experienced with magic, and yet I've never seen you with at school." She cautiously took a step back and gripped her piece of paper tightly.

I stared at her with confusion. We go to the same school, but she's clearly talking about another school. I glanced at the Serpopard and look back at her. That Egyptian monster, that piece of paper, and a school that I've never been to. Is she an Egyptian demigod? She can see the monster with no issue, and if I was her then I would of some boy killing something like this with magic I would be suspicious to.

"Wh-what school?" I say through gasps of air. She raised an eyebrow.

"For people like us." I shake my head. I covered my mouth with my left hand, and hold up my right hand. The back of my throat burned, my lurched forward and uncover my mouth. The girl took a step back in disgust, my legs shook with exhaustion. Throw up fell onto the ground, the girl quickly picked up her bag of snacked and held it close to her chest. I wiped the drips of throw up off my mouth. My head pounded with pain as I responded.

"Don't know what you're talking about."

"Then how did you use that wind spell, or that storage spell? You can't accidently use those without learning it from someone." I took a step away from my throw up and gasped for air.

"I don't know it just came to me." She nodded approvingly and grabbed a water bottle from her bag. She put the piece of paper into her pocket and tossed me a bottle of water. I caught it and put it into my Inventory.

"How much do you know about Egyptian mythology?" She asked as she took out a Hersey's bar.

"I think I know a lot." She opened her chocolate bar and bit into it.

"You know Toth?" My mind instantly flashed to the thought of a man with a baboon's head.

"God of Writing and Wisdom?"

"Yeah," She said with a surprised tone. She stared into my shoulder and reached into her pocket. She pulled out a piece of tissue and a pen. I blink as I remember about the bite. All feeling left my body as she walked over and wrote something on the piece of tissue. She put the piece of paper on the bite. My body warmed up a bit as a green glow fell over my shoulder. She tossed the wrapper on the floor and took a step back.

She knows I have a mom and dad, its weird how she hasn't started to question me about knowing magic. She doesn't know I'm a Shinto demigod. But she should think I'm a normal human who knows magic.

"What did you mean by people like us?" I asked as I grabbed the tissue. Most of the bite was healed, all that remained was a paper cut size wound. She finished her chocolate bar and responded.

"People who can use magic," she responded blankly. I slowly nod and blink. There was a moment of silence between us.

"Do I, uh, have to... should I go the school?" Her eyes widened, she quickly shook her head with panic.

"No, no, no, no. There are so many things wrong right now."

"Oh," I meekly respond.

"People are fighting each other, no food, no water, monsters everywhere. It's just not a good place right now."

Does that mean Nuxiel already found the Egyptian place? That's kind of what's going on at the Shinto camp. But people aren't fighting each other. There is no food or water though, a bunch of monsters around to.

"It got so bad that people ran away," she added on with a tiny bit of shame in her voice. I bet she ran away. She didn't tell me but I can tell that she ran away. I don't blame her though, it would suck to have a place that's supposed to be safe suddenly have your family and friends fighting each other.

"You don't think it will get better?" I ask with curiosity in my voice. She frowned with hate in her eyes.

"It would get better if the gods stepped in." She said with spite in her voice. She raised her hand up to her mouth and bit her nail. I nod in agreement. There are so many gods that just ignore the problems their children have. So many demigods at the camp struggling right now and they haven't lifted a finger to help.

"It does sound like something the gods should be able to fix easily. You would think that they would at least take care of their children." I raise an eyebrow at my own statement. "Wait never mind Egyptian gods can't have children." I think about what I just said. "How did we get magic?" I got my magic because I'm a demigod, but how do Egyptian, demigods? I can't call them demigods since they weren't born from gods. Before the girl could respond I answer my own question. "Dumb question, gods need mortals to stay over on this side. I guess they could be testing us to see if they can use our bodies." I look over at the girl for confirmation. She shrugged with a confused look.

"I dunno," I sighed and look down at my watch. "Hey can I ask a question?" I shake my head and fake a yawn.

"No, I have to go back home." The girl smiled at my response.

"I was going to ask you if I can visit your place." I suck in air through my teeth.

"My mom will be mad." Her eyes narrowed as she furrowed her eyebrows in anger.

"I'm pretty sure your mom is already mad at you staying out late. Would me coming over really matter at this point." She took a step towards me with her hands trembling.

"Well, I don't want to make her more angry." I took a step back and mentally braced my self for another fight. A heavy feeling came over me as I clenched my fist.

"I'm tired of having to ask you so many times." I stared directly into her eyes and lifted myself up into the air so that we were on eye level. My body shook at the amount of effort. I could feel my stomach turn as she grabbed my shirt.

"If this is about your missing friend then why don't you let the cops handle it. All you're doing by snooping around is making things more complicated for them." She glared at me as she stomped her foot.

"I would've been happy to do that, but you know what's weird?"


"One day, people were talking about her. The next day no one could remember who she was." She paused and took a deep breath to calm her self down. "Everyone forgot her except me," she calmly said as she let go of my shirt and took a step back. I let myself drop to the ground and thought of what to say to her.

I know my mom obviously had something to do with everyone forgetting. The girl rubbed her eyes as I feigned a look of concern. I can't take her to my mom's house. If she saw a first story house from the outside then walked in to see the layout of a mansion with two stories then of course she is going to get suspicious. I look at my Mp bar, I bite my lip with a feeling of regret. I could take her to my house and use Illusion, I already feel sick from overworking myself but I'm going to have to force myself to work even more.

"You know fine, I will take you to my mom's house. But please try not to wake her up." I said. She stared at me with a blank look. She slowly nodded as she turned around to pick up her snacks.

I grit my teeth as she walked back towards me. I really hope I can pull this off.

I turn around and start to lead her towards my house. I gasped for air struggling to walk in a straight line. I take out a bottle of water and chug the whole thing down in a matter of seconds. I put the bottle back into my Inventory. I stop for a bit to catch my breath. The girl tapped her foot as she impatiently waited for me to catch my breath.

"Even though we've been talking for a while and we're in some of the same classes I still don't know your name." She said with uninterest.

"Ivan," I quickly respond as I tried my best to catch my breath. The girl stared at me like she was expecting something. I glanced at her and thought back to Nuxiel's note. I might as well be nice if he needs her to do something. "What's your name?"

"Charlotte." She responded.

"That's a pretty name," I said trying to be as nice as possible. Her face showed a bit of disgust. She shook her head with disappointment. "Are you ready to go yet?" I roll my eyes and nod. I took one last deep breath and resumed making my way towards my house.

Silence filled the air. I felt a drip of sweat fall down my cheek as I thought of something to talk about. I sigh as we walked up to the front porch. Charlotte waited for me to open the door. I reach towards the door knob and prepare to create an illusion. My eyes widened as a sorry sight of a old, worn down house filled my eyes. The usual crimson red carpet and walls was replaced by a rotting gray wallpaper that was peeling off the walls. I look around the house expecting my mom or something to come out. I push the feeling to the back of my mind and turn towards Charlotte.

"Go the left side of the house, I'll let you in through a window." She nodded and scurried to the side of the house. I step inside of the house expecting the house to change back to its usual layout. I let my head hang low as the smell of smoke filled my nose. I retch at the smell, I wander through the house with a dreadful feeling looming over me. All the house had was dirty, rotting furniture.

My body tensed as I saw cockroaches and rats walk in and out of the couch in the living around. My lips quivered as I walked past the rodents walking across the floor. I walk into a kitchen with dust covering everything. I look around for a window, I notice a window right above the sink. I walk over to the window and look for Charlotte. I turn around and walk into back into the living room. I walk around and walk into a random room.

I stared down at the mattress laying down in the corner. I groan at the few stains littering the mattress. I notice Charlotte peeking in through a window. Before I could make my way towards the window I heard loud quick footsteps make its way towards the room I was in. I signal to Charlotte to hide as the door burst wide open.

I jumped at the sound of glass shattering beneath my feet. I wince at the tiny shards of glass that somehow made its way into my legs. I turn around only to be meet with a slap to the side of my face. A ringing noise filled the room, I held my hand up to my ears as an intense sense of pressure built up in my ears. I look up at my mom with fear.

I took a step back as she grabbed my shoulder and tossed me into the wall. I groaned as my mom glared at me with a drunken look. Her weight shifted from one foot to another as she struggled to stand up straight. The strong smell of alcohol filled the room.

"Did I tell yof if ya could ga out lat?" I quickly shake my head and respond.

"I just thought that it would be easier to train if I went outside. With it being night out the sh-"

A sharp stinging pain suddenly cut me off, I felt my teeth dig into my tongue as her nails cut across my cheek. I raise my hand up to my cheek, a bit of blood fell down my cheek. I wiped off the blood and glare up at her.

"I was just doing what you wanted me to do," I said through gritted teeth. Before I could react, her fist dug straight into my nose. I flew across the room and slammed the top of my head into the window. My vision swirled around, a rod of pain went down my head and spine. A quiet whistling noise filled the air as I took a breath of air through my nose. I shakily make my way up to my feet, I felt myself lose my balance. I forced myself up my mom's nails suddenly grew. I hunched over and squeezed my eyes shut, I groaned as something sharp dig into my stomach. I open my eyes and look down. She dug her nails deep into my stomach, I collapsed onto my knees and fell on my side. I whimpered as she leaned over me. I gasped for air as my shirt soaked up the blood oozing out of my stomach.

"Dan't yuf tak back," she drunkenly stared at me before stumbling out of the room. I take out a potion and chug the whole thing down. The corners of my vision turned black. My eye lids grew heavy as I struggled to keep my consciousness.

I force myself up to my feet. I stumble over to the window. I stared down at Charlotte, she stared up at me with wide eyes. I slowly open the window and collapse to the ground. I groaned as I fought the tempting relief of sleep. Charlotte swiftly climbed through the window with an orange soda bottle in her hand.

She stared down at me with pity. She crouched and helped me lay my body against the wall. No matter how hard I tried, it was a struggle to moving anything except my fingers. She left the soda by my side and stood up. She rubbed her arm with fear in her eyes.

"I'm sorry." She whispered under her breath. I look up at her. I shake my head and avoid looking at her.

"Not your fault, she was going to do this anyway." I whispered.

"Oh," She quietly responded.

"Just go look for what ever you want, just wake me up when you leave."

1:14 am

I stare at Charlotte as she walked away. I blink as the window was suddenly covered up by the usual crimson red wallpaper this house was used to. I groan as a splitting headache filled my head. I can't believe that one simple punch from my mom was enough to fracture my skull. I slowly stumbled to the door and made my way towards the front door. I grab the door knob and hesitate.

My mom just got angry at me for leaving the house, but there's no other way for me to train Shadow Picking without going outside. I turn the door knob and force myself outside. I cautiously walk away from my mom's house.

Hopefully she's asleep when I come back.

2:14 am

I adjust my scarf as I crouched down to get a better look at the lock. I closed my eyes and let the shadows enter the keyhole. The shadow's felt around the lock. I opened my eyes as I heard a click come from the hole. I took a quick gasp of air, I stuff my hands into my pockets in an attempt to warm up.

I shivered as I stumbled down the porch and made my way to another house. I yawned as I approach a front door. I jumped at the sound of loud bark coming from the other side of the door. I quickly take off running, my legs felt weak as I was barely able to run down three houses. I slow down my base to a slow jog as I turn the corner. I run down a couple of houses and stop to catch my breath.

I clutch my chest as I struggled to breathe. My desperate breaths turned wheezing as I stumbled up to another door. I felt my eyes roll back in my head as I used Shadow Picking. I collapsed to my knees as a click came from the door. I felt my lips form a wide smile as a box appeared.

Thanks to you use Shadow Picking a lot, the skill leveled up 1 time!

Lvl 15(23%) Shadow Picking- You can use the shadows to lockpick. You just need a little bit of practice. Mp per use- 5 mp. Chance of success- 14%

I pick myself up and get back on to my feet. Finally! I got all my shadow skills to level fifteen. I wipe the sweat forming on my forehead and start to make my way back towards my house. I felt my already huge smile suddenly become wider as a quest notification appeared.

Quest completed!

Get all Umbrakinesis skills to Lvl 15 before the night ends!


New perk!

New title!

300 xp


10 points

I happily close the box and think about my other quest. Since this quest is already completed, does this mean I can just create two new skills and skip getting them to level fifteen? The quest is already completed, but I don't want the quest to suddenly revert back and lose all my rewards. I look towards the shadows and then look up at the night sky. I hesitate and think back to all the stuff Anenoid did when we fought again.

I could easily complete the other quest right now. I shake my head and take a look at my new perk and title. If the rewards aren't good enough to keep then I might take the risk.

Since you completed a quest, you gained a new title and perk!

[Title] Sandman - When your body is covered in the shadows, you will gain +10 levels to all Umbrakinesis skills and +250 Mp

[Perk] The Apprentice of shadows- Leveling up Umbrakinesis will be faster by 10%

I grit my teeth and close the box. They're okay, not bad but not good either. I think I might try the other quest. I quickly change my title to Sandman, I felt a sense of energy fall over my body as I felt the title activate. I stare towards the area between two houses.

I close my eyes and think back to what Anenoid do. I open my eyes and form a tiny fist that stretched out towards one of the street lights. I gasped for air and quickly dispel the fist. The wave of energy faded as I think back to more stuff Anenoid did.

He had armor made from the shadows, but I don't know how he kept up that armor when we were in sunlight. He also teleported between shadow's but that's too difficult. I could try to copy the armor, or I could copy that one move where he blinded me. But I don't know how hard that skill is. The armor should be the easiest if I'm already in a shadow. I imagine a think layer of shadows covering my body. I felt my body grow a bit heavier. I open my eyes and look down at myself. I had to squint to be able to see myself. I undo the skill as a box appeared in front of me.

Thanks to specific actions, you gained 2 skills!

Lvl1(56%) Shadow Armor - Shadows will come to your side as armor. Damage is decreased by 5%. Mp cost per second- 80 Mp

Lvl1(43%) Sucker Punch - A punch that will come from a shadow. Damage - 10 Hp. Mp cost per use- 50 Mp

I close the box and look at another box that appeared.

You completed a quest!

Create two new Umbrakinesis skills before the night ends!


+5 to all Umbrakinesis skills


100 xp

5 points

I smile as I close the box and wait for a box that would tell me I failed a quest. My smile grew wider as nothing appeared.

I can finally rest for tonight.