A Young Zoraya

June's arrival was accompanied by shock. There were two other tents in the campsite. Before she could ask, Aunty Zoraya called to her. Beside her was a tall young man with short black hair and a well trimmed beard. He wore a pair of grey trousers, a dark blue short sleeved shirt and black boots. He had a medium build from what June could tell and his expressionless blue eyes and body posture came off as someone who would speak only when spoken to. The other person was a young lady. She was about June's age and height but had a slightly bigger build than June. Her sleeveless top revealed her strong arms and her pants gave the impression that her legs were longer than they really were. Her gentle dark brown eyes and light smile made June feel welcome, even though she was the one who was supposed to be welcoming her.

"This is Shen," Zoraya said, placing a hand on the shoulder of the young man.

"Hi, its nice to meet you." He bowed and June did the same. "You too, my name is June."

"And this is his twin sister, Ling." Ling took a bow and June responded in kind.

"Wait! Twins?" asked June as she straightened up.

"Yes I know," said Ling. "We don't look alike, but its true. At least that is what our parents tell us."

They all laughed but June's demeanor quickly changed when Ling gestured to Zoraya and said, "my mother tells me that you are quite the student."

What! Did she just call Aunty Zoraya, mother?

The shock on June's face was evident and Ling quickly said, "I only call her that because she brought us up like a mother would."

June looked at her aunty and then back at Ling. No one seemed to be uncomfortable with this revelation, but for some reason she couldn't see Aunty Zoraya raising children 'like a mother would'. She figured she would ask about it when her aunty was not nearby.

"Uhm, thanks. But all credit should go to her; she's a great teacher."

"Care to show me how good you are?"

Is she seriously challenging me?

June wasn't in the mood but she didn't want to turn her down; not in front of their master. She looked at her aunty, and she responded with a nod. "Just make sure you don't kill each other."

June was surprised. She never thought there was a smaller version of Aunty Zoraya out there, nor did she think she would meet one so soon. So straight forward and not afraid of a good fight.

Shen seemed interested as did her dad and her uncle. They stood near Zoraya who had taken the responsibility of being the referee.

When they were all set, Zoraya shouted "Begin!"

Ling wasted no time and charged right at June and only begun to attack when she was very close. June successfully blocked and parried her first few attacks which consisted of knee and elbow strikes, something that June was not accustomed to but she quickly noticed some of the weak points.

Now I just need to react faster than her.

Ling swung her right elbow towards June's face. She ducked, went around her opponent and stepped back about an arm's length away. Ling tried to hit her with the back of her right hand.

She took the bait.

June caught her arm with her left hand and quickly side stepped, dodged a jumping knee strike before catching Ling's fist in her other hand, while maintaining her hold on Ling's arm. She then gave her a sharp knee strike in the stomach causing Ling to drop on one knee. She proceeded to put Ling's left arm into a wrist lock. If this was a real fight she would have broken or severely injured Ling's arm. Ling tapped and June released her.

"Not bad," Zoraya said. "OK, round two. Begin!"

This time June charged at Ling. She tested her with punches and kicks from a safe distance and was amazed at Ling's techniques of blocking, parrying and dodging.

Ling stepped but June wouldn't let her rest, she pressed on and was caught by surprise when Ling tried to kick her chest. June greatly underestimated Ling's leg reach, who at this point, had only used her knees to attack. She reacted quickly by crossing her arms in front of her but still felt the force of the attack. she staggered back. before she could recover Ling kicked her feet from under her and before June's body could hit the ground, she gave her a back kick to her mid section, knocking the air right out of her lungs. June lay on the floor coughing for a few seconds.


Zoraya waited to see whether June would get up and notice Ling standing right on top of her. When it was clear that she needed sometime to recover Zoraya said,

"I guess round two goes to Ling. You want to leave it at a draw ladies?"

The two combatants looked at each other and smiled. Ling moved away and took her stance. June took a few deep breaths before getting back up and taking hers. No student of Zoraya's would ever be content with a draw.

"Very well then," said the proud master. "Round three.......Begin!"