The Final Round

For a moment neither of her students dashed at the other. Zoraya could feel the tension growing in the air. She glanced at the others who were clearly eager to see who would strike first. Taru's upper body seemed to be leaning forward as if wanting to get nearer even though the girls were only about ten paces away. She turned her attention back to Ling and June who hadn't still moved.

She begun to countdown under her breath. Five… Four… Three… Two…

And right on queue the young ladies charged at each other and when they were still quite far from striking distance, Ling jumped and threw a kick. It looked like she was aiming for June's head. June dodged it by sliding under her. She caught Ling's other leg, but her momentum carried her off too quickly, not giving her a chance to get a firm hold. Ling landed on the ground with her legs straight and far apart; one in front of her and the other behind, but she didn't show any signs of discomfort and as if reading June's mind, she bent her upper body forwards and by doing so, dodged June's kick which was aimed for her head.

June followed her failed attack by swinging her foot upwards and bringing it down but was unable to connect with any part of Ling's body, which had rolled away just in time.

Zoraya was surprised when June didn't continue, seeing as she had the offensive hand. Instead she took a few steps back and prepared for Ling's assault.

"Is she playing a counter-offensive game?" asked Shen.

"Either that or she is trying to fool all of us," she replied.

Ling's assualt was similar to that of the first round where she mostly used her knees and elbows.

"She really likes to get in people's faces, doesn't she?" said Taru with a cheerful smile on his face.

"So it seems," Zoraya said, while keeping her eyes fixed on fight. "It's only natural for someone to keep using their most comfortable fighting style."

"But the more she shows it to her opponent, the more they adjust to it."

"I know. But my student has a plan which we will see soon enough."

"So you saying she will win?"


"How about we make a bet?"

"Not interested. If you wanna bet on a fight, go to the taverns."

Just then June spun around and feigned a back heel kick causing Ling to protect her head. June then tried to sweep her legs but Ling jumped back.

"How did she…." Taru begun to ask but was cut off by Zoraya. "She guarded her head but left some space to watch her opponent. Now be quite, the match is about to end."

Taru, Feng and Shen looked at her clearly wondering how she knew that but only Taru was brave enough to ask.

"How do you know?"

She responded with a smile.


June felt like they had been fighting for hours and she hadn't hit Ling yet. On the other hand Ling hadn't hit her either so that cheered her up a little.

This is turning into a war of attrition. But maybe if I hold out a bit longer I can finish this with one hit.

Ling dashed towards her. She braced herself for the attack. June dodged a left hook, then a right front kick. She retaliated but without success.

For a moment they kept going back and forth until June counter attacked with a side kick right into Ling's ribs. The first hit of the third round. Ling staggered backwards and before she could compose herself June hit her with a jumping knee strike. Even though Ling blocked it, the force of the attack knocked her off balance and she fell onto her back.

June quickly got on top of her but before she could get a single hit in, she saw something move past her face and cut off her air supply. Next thing she knew, the back of her head hit the ground. Suddenly Ling was on top of her and no matter what she did, she could not get free.

She could hear her own heart beat and her vision was getting blurry. With a heavy heart June tapped out and Ling released her. She took a few deep breathes and took Ling's hand which she offered to her and got on her feet. Everyone who was watching gave them a hand as she bowed to Ling then to Aunty Zoraya.

"I look forward to our rematch. We are gonna have one, right?" asked Ling.

"Just tell me the time and place."

"A few days after our first real hunt."

"That might be months from now."

Ling looked surprised. "What are talking about? Aren't we leaving after tomorrow?"

"We haven't told her yet," said her father.

"Told me what?"

"How would you like to join us on bounty hunt?"

June could not believe it. "Yesss!"

Finally. I get to go on a real hunt.