
Feng watched Ling, June and Shen chat away by the camp fire. He couldn't hear what they were saying but from the look of the smiles and the sound of their laughs he assumed they were having a good time.

"They grow up so fast," said Zoraya as she joined him by the tree.

"Yes, that's true." His life with June ran through his mind. How he felt when he saw her for the first time and how she nearly brought him to tears when she called him papa for the first time. He looked a Zoraya and asked, "do you still wonder if it was worth it?"

"No. Not anymore. That night, when we helped Kiki escape from her uncle, I was acting on impulse. But years later, watching these kids grow and being a part of it has made me really happy, especially when they call me mother."

Feng was surprised. He had never seen this side of her. "Why didn't you try to start a family of your own?"

She stared at the tea cup in her hands. "I did. It all went south."

"Before or after you met Mawi?"



"Can you actually believe I used to love him."

"What? Seriously?"

"Ssshh. You're too loud." They looked around to see if anyone had heard them. The kids were too engaged in their conversation and Taru was snoring on a log near his tent. He had a habit of sleeping in weird places the night before a hunt begun.

When they were sure that no one heard them, Zoraya gave him a strong jab on his arm. "Ouch, that's my good arm." She ignored him and continued.

"He came to me when I was literally on the brink of death; offered me job and when I proved myself he kept me around. Then I got to see the kind of person he really was and I distanced myself from him. The rest you already know."

"Was that why he tried to kill all those years ago?"

She laughed. "No. He didn't have any feelings for me, at least I don't think he did. His love was money. The more he got the better."

"I wonder if he would have done what Taru did."

"What do you mean."

"You know that he is the son of wealthy merchant right?"

"Oh yeah. Sometimes I tend to forget that he is the only person I know who left riches for this kind of life. You and I were pretty much thrown into it."

"Yes and we made the most of it. Sometimes I wonder if Mawi was the same us."

"If he was, he let the gold get to his head."

"So is there any man in your life?"

She looked away from him. "Maybe."

"Well whoever it is I hope he makes you happy and realizes how lucky he is."

"I disagree. I think am the lucky one."

"Oh! So there IS someone?"

The moonlight revealed her blushing cheeks. "I think its time I went to bed."

"Goodnight. I hope you dream of him."

"Get lost Feng."

He watched Zoraya approach the children. Their expressions told him the whole story. June tried to negotiate but was shot down. Ling said something that must have come out the wrong way because Zoraya pulled her by the ears and none of her friends dared to stop her. Ling didn't seem like a disrespectful child but sometimes, children can say things without thinking. After a few words from their master, the students put the fire out and went to their tents.


A figure in the trees saw the fire light go out. It shuffled in the branches until it found a comfortable position before falling asleep.