"I was hoping i could get lost in your paradise"



"Jeonn~" He didn't mind me..


"Jeon Jungkook" i whispered between his kisses

This time i pushed him with all my might.. both of us are panting heavily

"There's someone outside" clearly visible in his face he's annoyed

He open the door..while i try to hide not to be seen by the person knocking outside

"Jungkook..Principal is looking for you" Jeon looked at me for a second before answering

"Ok I'll be there in a minute" He signalled the person to go first

When im sure the person is not there

"You should go first,if we go together it would be suspicious" He just nodded and went out closing the door... I let out a breathe of relief that i didn't knew i was holding

This is just so unexpected..


"Ok so for now we will be touring you guys around and after we will be guiding you to your classes"

We were divided again with the group earlier.Me,lorraine and Hobi are with 1st year again.. and guess what? Jeon Jungkook and their Student Body Historian,Yugyeom is our tour guide

We are roaming around the campus while Yugyeom and sometimes Jungkook talks.. I decided to stay at the back away from Jeon, Kimmy keep looking at me giving me a teasing look making Hyunjin look at us confused

"Ok I'm done with this..Noonaaa~ What's happening?" He whined as he is still clueless

"What?!" I gave him an innocent look

"Come on noona tell meeee~ Kimmyyy~" We both ignored him snickering at each other

"Ayeeee... I'll find a threat so you guys will tell me" He squinted his eyes on us and went to walk first

"Ok so here is the dance club room... I'm sure a lot of you guys are great at dancing here"He specially glanced at Hobi like encouraging him..

"You guys can approach me or The Student Vice president,Park Jimin"

We were roaming around the room It's bigger than ours and it really looks so luxurious

When  "Youth" by Troye Sivan started playing and everyone was howling.. Hobi teached this one to them and by just a second they started dancing even lorraine they're at the front with hobi while the others are dancing at the back

I look at Jungkook seeing him with an amused look is so cute... When our eyes met.. He signalled me to dance but i just shook my head refusing since I'm not that confident.. I know how to dance i'm not that bad at it since its my hobby when i was young but it soon stop after the accident

When chorus started Hobi went up to me bringing me at the front the others are cheering for me.. I froze not knowing what to do

"Come on dance..Jungkook's watching" Lorraine gave me a teasing look, i took a quick glance at him from the mirror giving me a nod

I didn't what got into me but i suddenly started dancing.. I could feel Lorraine and Hobi smile before they also start dancing again

It feels so good to dance again


"You guys should sit with us"Jimin said excitedly we're on a tour break since it's already Recess or break time and we are still not finished with the tour we still haven't seen our dorms

"Hmmmm...Sureeee~" i don't have a choice since the three already agreed

We went to the canteen talking happily.. and went to seat on a table near a window

"We should have a bonding time guyses like every Saturday we should go out" Jimin started planning making the girls with Jae i mean she's a girl..by heart so yeahh.They started squealing excitedly

"Heyy that's also what we do in Daegu..but Nahee only comes with us sometimes because that's really not her thing..but I'm sure she will come this time"Jae winked at me making me roll my eyes

"For your infromation,I'm always busy specially Saturdays"

"Yeahh busy sleeping"I hit Zara on her arms but nahhh what she said is really true... i'm on my bed all day every saturday

"Just like his brother"I just shrugged off and continue eating..

"But this is not the first time you guys came here to seoul together" Tae added

"Yeahhh it is not, we celebrated Jae's birthday here in Seoul"

"Specifically at a club"

I look at Jungkook wide eyes.. I signalled him to shut up..Ughh

"Yeahhh..How did you know?!" Zara,Jimin and Jae look at him confused..I look at him seeing him so calm is so fucking annoying while I'm dying here because of heart attack

"No wonder you guyss are so familiar I was there.. the day you guys celebrated"

"Ohh really?? Why i didn't get laid that time?Wow!I'm too blind i didn't saw you theree!" Jae whined hitting Jk on his chest playfully

"Ohhhh Now I know why you didn't sleep at the house and returned with hickeys the other day you got laid that time right?" I choked on my water because of what Tae just said making them look at me

"Are you okay Vic?" Jimin looked at me worriedly from the corner of my eyes Jungkook was grinning and Lorraine was chuckling

"Yeahh.. I'm fine..but... can you not talk about things like that..in front of me?" I asked hoping they would change the topic

"Ohhhh uri innocent baby just heard things inappropriate so let's stop talking about this.." I thank Zara for saving me

"Innocent?!" I look at Jungkook giving him a warning look as he look at me from up till down but then shrugged and just nodded

I internally sigh in relief.. I glare at Jungkook..he keeps on teasing me

"Riri!Riri!Riri!!" I look behind Hobi,Daniel and Seongwu came up to me..

"Neh?neh?neh?" I glared at Seongwu as he ruffled my hair while Daniel is squishing my cheeks

"Yah!yah! Stop it" good thing Hobi is there to save me

"What do you guys need?" I ask while fixing my hair and rubbing the part where Dan squished

"We need the room key where all bags were placed.."

"The others were already hungry because the room is locked and their wallet is there... it's your faulttt"

"Yeah yeahhhh"

"What?!" I exclaimed standing up from my seat  "it's my faulttttt.. oh my ghoddddd...I'm so sorryyyyy" I look for the keys in my bag..

"Hahahaha just jokingggg,it's not your fault the others are already here eating" Hobi chuckled taking the keys from my hand waving at us

Our talk soon got interrupted again

"Kyahhhh Unnieeeee~~" i look behind seeing Kimmy running to me with annoyed Hyunjin following behind

Kimmy hugged me hiding from Hyunjin...Hmmphhhh this two really..so energetic

"Noonaaaaa~tell me what she said is just a jokeeeee!!!" I look at Kim brow raising, confused

"Hehe unnieeee~~" she just snuggled closer hiding her face

"Kimmmm what did you tell this time?" I pulled hyunjin letting him sit beside me and pulled out kimmy from her hold..signaling her to tell me

"She said that you were with some- -qhdwucjdadsjsiddu" Kimmy quickly covered his mouth not letting him continue

"Yah yah you twoo! You keep on getting close to nahee..are you guys trying to steal her from us?" Jae jokingly said pointing with his fork he just used

"Hmphh..Noona will choose us not you" hyunjin stucked her tongue out to Jae then clinged to my arms..Now the both of them are clinging at me

"You look like a mother of the two"

"And i know who the father is" I quickly glared Kimmy,signalling her to shut up

I took a quick glance at jungkook seeing him grinning widely watching the situation

"Hehehehe so youuu twoo let's gooo!" I stood up to avoid the situation lifting the two up from their seat

"Hep hep hep! No ones goin out without telling us something"Jae wiggled his brows looking at me teasingly ..all of them are looking at me teasingly

"Nahhh I think that would be hobi hyung!" Hyunjin spoke while getting food from our table

"Noonaaa tell me! You're dating hobi hyung right?" He cupped my cheeks making me groan in response

"Nah ah!, noona would be nice if she's with him" I remove Hyunjin's hands from my cheek and look at Jannah who suddenly spoke from behind while pointing at Jimin

"Nooo!Nahee unnie and Jungkook oppa would make a great couple" I quickly look away as Kimmy spoke jumping up and down

"Nahhh she would look good if she's with me" Jae spoke smiling proudly making me roll my eyes

"Now that's enough, i think.. i prefer to be a nun" I walk out smiling proudly, leaving them surprised with my sudden reply




-Zyphris Mimi-