"Too shy to say

But I hope you stay"


Now we have gathered again at the school hall but different this time it is by year level so that we could be distributed to our respective classes

I'm so excited... know whyyyy?

Me and the 3 have the same classsssss!!!!!

"Ok Let's gooooo!" Jae said excitedly running to the 3rd floor where our classroom is...I shook my head looking at them running

Room 148 - Class A, Let's make some memories

We waited for the other fourth year in this class... I could see students from SPA getting excited

We are 9 in this class, Once we are Jae knocked on the door and was greeted by women maybe around the late '20s or early '30s. I was the last one who got in

"Okay class so this 9 students will be your new classmates, Please introduced yourself"

I roamed my eyes around as the others introduced, my eyes widen as i could see a familiar face smiling brightly towards me

Jeon Jungkook

I could also see Taehyung and Jimin here..

Someone nudged me making me come back to reality

It was my turn to introduce

"Ahh yeahh..Annyeonghaseyo jeoneun Min Nahee-imnida" I smiled slightly feeling a little nervous because of Jeon's gaze

"Ok sooo...within those empty seats it's your choice where do you want to sit"

I look around the empty seats beside the three boys are empty

"Ok guys come here" Jae called us three

"Let's play rock paper scissors the winner should choose between the three where she wants to" we all agreed

We started to play the first winner was Lorraine and him choosing the seat beside Tae. The second winner was Jae and he chose beside Jimin.

I look at him sulking I want to sit beside him, So the winner for the last game will sit beside Jungkook. I look at where he was seated it was in the middle back part. I could see him grinning widely

Well lucky meeee... I won (note the sarcasm)

"Shut up!" I stopped him before he could even talk

I sat beside him looking away from him

"Yahhh you should be thankful to be seated beside a handsome man" I just rolled my eyes and focused in front

What are we gonna do this time anyway.. its history time well kinda boring

I want science

"Hey.." I hear jungkook whispering but I chose to ignore him and get a notebook instead and start drawing

"Yahhh talk to me..." I glared at him as he poked my side

"Can you not ughhh" I faced the other side and moved a little away from him

And draw again

"Baby look at this"


"Babe you will really regret it if you won't look at it"


"What?!" I look at him annoyed

"Look" He showed me his phone that made me really really shocked

It was a picture of me after the night our first meet. I was still sleeping good thing a few strands of my hair are hiding my face

"Now isn't it a wonderful picture" He smirked as he already knew he won.

He moved the picture... now im really speechless

I mean both picture if you really stare at it you could clearly tell that's me..He was back hugging me while I was still asleep

Oh shitttt and worseeee if he will show and spread it in this campus im really really doomeddddd.. and more worse if it will reach my grandfatherrrr...huhuhuhu

"Jungkook-ahh" I look at him trying to be nice while he's grinning widely typing something on his phone

"Jungkook~" I poke him by his side as he enjoyed ignoring me

"Babee~" He looked at me a little surprised didn't expect my suddenly seductive voice

"Yahh don't you dare use that voice if I won't be able to control I would really bend you over this table and fuck you right in front of everyone" He gave me his devilish smirk while I could feel the blood rushing to my face wahh I'm sure so red right now

"Delete the picture for me please~" I whispered batting my eyelashes trying to act cute even though I knew I would look disgusting

"Hmmm...." He acted like thinking while im still here trying my best "how bout a no?"

"Aishhh you piece of " i mumbled

"What? What? What did you say?" Oops.. I think he heard it

"Nothing nothing" I fake a smile

"Wahhh this picture looks really nice" I look at him trying to restrain my anger..aishh so annoying

"Kook what am i gonna do for you to delete that?"

"How bout sharing what you're talking about min and jeon?" I quickly cleared my throat looking at the teacher

"It's nothing Ms.Han" he answered instead but still ms. han observed me I bet she know my grandfather is our principal

I just look down and took a deep breath for me to focus..

I moved my seat a little to be away from Jeon and faced the front so I won't be distracted


Finally dismissal timeee!

We were the only left ones here since we decided to stay for a minute

I packed my things seeing them already waiting for me by the door

"Let's go.."

Someone nudged me at my side... I glared at him.. the two of us are at the last and the others were also busy talking and the hallway seems empty maybe students are at their own dorms

He showed me his phone..making me really speechless...again

The picture earlier he made it his home screen

I hit him while trying to steal his phone..

"Ah...Ah- aishhh!!"

"Yahhh what's wrong with you two?" I pouted as we got separated and jungkook grinning widely

"Chimmm~ He keeps on bullying me" i pointed at jungkook while pouting. I know right now i look so gross kekeke

"Yahhhh!!! Wae?"

"Admit it hyung...it's fun teasing her" I was about to lunge onto him but jimin stopped me halfway

"Yahhh let go of me!! Imma kill himm!!"




"Fine then" Jimin let go of me so i quickly went to jeon who was laughing maybe enjoying that i am nothing compared to his strength

I was trying to get his phone while he's hiding it at his back

I didn't notice that he was stepping forward while i'm stepping backwards until my back hit the cold wall making me flinch in suprise

I look at him, he was smirking while trying to get close.. I could feel his hands snake around my waist..our face is just like 1 inch away that i could feel his hot breath

Omgggg my heartueeee!!

I gulped as his nose brush my cheek sending shivers down my spine...shittt i could feel butterflies in my stomach..and my heart is racing so fast

What are you doing to me jeon??

I pursed my lips as his lips brush my ear

"We're the only ones here.." my eyes diverted around the hallway

Damnn the guys left us... huhuhuhu

Try to calm down nahee

"Can you give me your phone now? Pleasee~" i whispered back as he look back at me giving me his killer smile

He brushed his hair back before pointing his pouting lips.. clearly he wants a kiss first before i get what i want

I gave him a pinch on his stomach making him groan and step back

"So unfair~" i cross my arms looking away at him making him laugh

"So cutee~ by the way what's your room num?" I tilt my head squinting my eyes at him

"And what are you gonna do hmm? Besides you're not allowed to get in the girl's dorm only if needed"

"There's a thing called sneaking in" i hit him at his arms

"What a bad president!" He held my hands to stop me

"You're so fiesty" i look at him brow raised as he took a step forward again closing the gap between us

"Here" he snaked his arms around my waist.. his face getting closer to mine

"And in bed..." His lips met mine for seconds giving it a bite before walking away first leaving me mouth hanging open.. and frozen

"Yahhh Come on let's go!!"




-Zyphris Mimi-