"You aren't going anywhere." The fan prompt.

"Until you do what we want you to do,right guys?." The fan turned to her fellow fans in questioning voice.

"Yes". They echoed back in unison, what do they want from her and she hoped it will not be daring.

"What is it?." She asked.

"You've to kiss his foot to show that you're really sorry." The fan prompted.


"You heard me right, kiss his foot." The fan demanded.

"I beg your pardon?." Jane's eyes widened in shock. "Listen I said I'm sorry, it was a mistake, I didn't mean to knock him down." She defended herself.

"Just do it!." Before she could say another word some of the fans had already held their hands up, shouting.

"Do it, do it, do it".

Chris was still in shock not believing this was actually Jane standing in front of him and was at the mercy of his fans.

"Hey, didn't you hear her, she said it was an accident. It wasn't her fault." fortune interfered.

"Just stay out of this!." The fan barked and turned her focus back to Jane again, insisting she should do as they said.

Fortune couldn't take more of the insults they gave her sister, she wasn't like her sister that people look down on her including her so called friend, she was not any girl that any one would mess around with.

She was a non nonsense girl, she knew her place and where she stood unlike her sister who's always quiet at what people do to her, she was so timid and she really wanted her to get out of that shell and face the world.

She made her way to where Chris stood although people tried to stop her but she forced her way to him, standing in front of him. She stared at him with burning eyes.

"Are you just gonna stand there like a statue and watch them make mockery of your friend,Christian?." She asked angrily.

So this was the girl that called his full name back there in the hall when he was performing. He stared at girl in front of him, she had the eyes of Jane. Those deep dark shiny eyes he doesn't like looking into 'cause he was so afraid of being hypnotize by it.

She partially look like Jane, was she her friend or sister that she knew about him?. He shoved the questions out of his mind and stared blankly at her.

Jane bent down to do what the fan club demanded, she reached down, her eyes burning with hot invisible tears. Some fans laughed, some giggled loving the drama and others hating the view and feeling sorry for her.

Jane was about to lay her lips on his shoes when a hand grabbed her arm, halting her abruptly. She looked up and saw Chris holding her arm and looking at her.

Bringing her up to rise to her feet, fans gasped at this while some are not happy especially the one that told her to do it.

"Let's go, Jane." He said, grabbing her arm and leading her through the astonished crowd.

Something like joy leaped inside fortune's heart and she stuck out her tongue making mockery faces to the fans. Fortune followed behind them humming in a triumphant tone.

He led them to his car, he helped Jane into the left passenger seat. When his manager and his crew rushed up to him.

His manager dragged him out in a corner from the ear shot of Jane and her sister and the fans.

"What are you doing?." He asked him. "Do you know her?."0

"Yes, she's my friend whom I have told you about and wanted to meet badly." He replied.

"Ok, I understand but where are you taking her and what will your fans think of you?." His manager asked. "Defending a common fan?."

Chris flared up at what he thought of Jane. "She's not common, she's my friend." He defended. "She believed in me when some didn't and I'm taking her away from here. I can't stand and watch her be humiliated by my fans."

He made his way to the driver's seat, ignoring the calling of his name from his manager and crew.

Jane was feeling so dizzy about what happened back there, she didn't know when she agreed and entered his car.

She just want to get out of here immediately and thank God he came to her aid. Fortune chipped into the back passenger's seat while Chris slide into the driver's seat and turned on the ignition, placed his hands on the sterling wheel and started the acceleration.

He made a u turn and drove out of the compound into the lane. There was an awkward silence and it enveloped them, Jane was feeling shy and uncomfortable sitting beside him, she was aware of the constant side looks he gave her.

He noticed that she was feeling uneasy and decided to bring up a topic to relieve her. Fortune pulled down the window of where she sat, giving her the nice view of the night and she was unaware of what the two were going through.

She closed her eyes and let the gentle breeze of the night to caress and cool her face.

" So what have you been up to all these while?." He asked expecting an answer but Jane kept silent, he asked the second time-- still no respond. He turned his head over his shoulder only to see her eyes shut as if meditating or sleeping.

"Jane!." He called in a low emphatic voice, jerking her out of her thoughts.

She immediately opened her eyes at the call of her name and looked at him, their eyes met and that sent hot blood through her veins. She didn't like it when he stares at her that way 'cause it causes harm to her body.

"What were you thinking that you didn't hear me?." He asked.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" She asked.

"I asked what you've been up to all these while?." He repeated his question.

"Oh nothing much, just taking care of one satisfying painting studio." She stated.

"Nice, so you're now a qualified painter of Nigeria." He joked.

"Was I an unqualified artist before?." She asked in a joking and amusing tone.

"Nah, I'm not saying that, of course I know you are a qualified painter. I trust you my friend." He said, she smiled.

"And you?." She asked.

"A popstar just like you wanted me to, I'm now on TV." He inserted.

Fortune laughed at this and was loving the drama she was watching. Jane was finally feeling relaxed and she appreciated It.

She told him the direction of their house and he drove to it, he drove into her compound and parked beside the house.

They got down and fortune led the way into the sitting room. Jane offered him a seat, Chris was impressed with the sitting room.

The colour of the wall rymthed with the colours of the sofas, pink and white, on the centre of the sitting room stood a transparent table under it lay a grey coloured table mat and huge chandelier hung on the ceiling, the sitting room was so nice. He loved the fragrance emitting from it.

"I must confess you have a wonderful home," he complimented.

"Thank you." She smiled.

Just then her mom and dad came out, seeing them Chris stood and greeted them.

"Mom,dad." Dhe began. "This is Chris my friend and Chris they're my parents." She introduced.

"Nice to meet you." Her parents chorused. "Have a seat." Mr Alfred Ezeugo her father said.

"Thank you." He sat down.

Mrs Esther Ezeugo and fortune sat opposite while Mr Alfred sat on what looked like on a sofa before him.

Jane left them and went inside the kitchen to prepare dinner for the family.

"So how, when and where did you meet my daughter?." Mr Alfred asked piercing into his eyes.

"Dad, too much question at the same time, slow down in asking, you are not missing an appointment today," Fortune teased.

"Don't worry I'm good at answering questions." He joked and they laughed.

"I met your daughter on Facebook." He replied.

Jane's parents looked at each other in surprise. "Go on,"Esther urged.

"Yes on Facebook." He continued. "Although she was the one that spoke to me first by asking some silly questions like if this was my hair or artificial and if I was a musician or upcoming one."

He chuckled and continued. "Although I haven't had fame that time. I was still struggling with NYSC." He concluded.

"That's too long and she never told us you are her friend even though we listen to your songs." Mr Alfred inserted. Chris smiled,

"I know Jane, she isn't a boastful type. She likes keeping everything to herself."

"Really?." Fortune asked, loving the way he praised her sister.

He nodded. "I like the kind of personality she has, her simplicity and smile."

"Wow!." Fortune exclaimed. Chris smiled.

Meanwhile Jane was standing beside the kitchen door, listening to their conversations and she was glad that her parents felt relaxed with Chris and they liked him.She watched with interest as Chris and her family were chatting and laughing as though they have known each other for a long time or because he was a well known musician.

She always desire to mean so much to him than just a friend, she had wished in her heart to be his wife and the mother of his kids someday in future she really wanted to make a home with him by her side and holding her hand, never letting go. Chris was the guy she wants to spend the rest of her life with even though he's a musician.

She loved him more than she could explain, but he only sees her as a friend and if eventually he falls in love though he doesn't believe in that' cause he believed that girls are after him because of his good looks and money, it will definitely not be her.

Each time she tried to forget him either her friends talk about him to her or Chris come talk to her himself and that really hurts her heart. She endured the snubs and his hurtful words. She kept on liking him for who he is, he was himself, no duplicate.

But she had to let go of her feelings for him, if he only wants friends with her then she has no problem with it.

"She's herself." Chris commented. She smiled from where she was standing.

"That nice of you to say that." Fortune smiled.

"I'm good to go." Chris said and stood up.

"So soon?." Mrs Esther asks, worried.

"Yes its already late." He replied.

"Alright." Mr Alfred said.

Jane pretended to be coming out. "Sis your friend said he wants to go." Fortune informed.

"Why? So soon?." She asked as if she cared whether if he leaves or not. He should better leave so she can concentrate well.

"Yes." He replied. "I have some songs to compose."

"You won't eat dinner with us?." She asked knowing he will reject the offer.

"No, maybe next time." He replied.

"Okay let me see you off then." She offered.

He bade them goodbye and she accompanied him outside to his car, he lean against the door of his car while Jane stood before him

"You have a very nice place and nice family I must say." He complimented again.

"Thank you." She said not looking at him but busy looking at the direction of the trees that wave happily.

"Jane." He called and used his second finger to turn her face back to him. "Is anything the matter?." He asked with concern in his voice.

"Nothing," she replied and looked away.

"If you say so, he inserted. "And goodbye." He waved at her and entered his car.

"Goodbye." She waved back and watch him drive off.