It has been 3weeks since Jane met Chris, she'd know he was a busy type and wouldn't make out time for them to meet again. She went to see her friend Hailey at her place, she entered her house and knocked on the door when Hailey's younger brother opened it and ushered her in.

She went inside and Kelly(Hailey's brother) went in to call Hailey. She came out wearing one short plain dress,made her hair in ponytail and wore no makeup

"Jane how are you?." She asked as she made her way to the sitting room.

"I'm fine." Jane replied beaming with a smile. Hailey looked at her friend suspiciously, something wasn't right. Her friend's face was tilted with a smile but she didn't know what it was, she never seen her friend this happy.

"So what's the smile for?." She asked peering into her eyes.

Jane felt a tint of blush lights up on her cheek. "I saw Chris last 3weeks at his concert venue." She answered shyly.

"What!? Tell me you're kidding?." Hailey asked unable to move from where she was standing.

"Calm down." Jane began. "I saw him and he even gave me and my sister a lift back home."

"You went to his concert?" She asked skeptical.

"Mmhmm." Jane nodded. "Although it was my sister's idea to go there, it wasn't my idea to go." She raised her hands in the air in gesture.

Hailey face gave her a wry smile. She thought her friend has given up on that guy, what was the point of him performing at her place and what was the point of her going to his concert.

She looked so fragile and vulnerable, was Chris happy to meet her as she was with him?. She didn't like her being fragile and she won't hesitate to smack his face if he tried to hurt her again.

Jane noticed the uneasiness on her face and asks anxiously. "What's wrong?." Her question brought her back to her senses and she forced a smile on her face.

"Nothing. I'm so happy for you." She walked up to where she sat and gave her a hug. Finally your dream has been fulfilled." She inserted.

"Yea, I'm happy." Jane stated. "You know I never thought a day like this will come, I always believed I will meet him someday in the future."

"That's the spirit." Hailey commented.


Jane walked down the street that led to her painting studio, she was about crossing the road to her painting studio when she saw a girl of about 5/6 years trying to cross the road and was almost knocked over by a car but she rushed over and saved her.

"Sweetheart, why are you the only one crossing the road, isn't there anyone with you?." She asked in a soft tone.

"Yes I'm here with my dad." The little girl whose name is Rose answered. "But I saw a cute puppy and I chased after it." She said in a little girl's voice.

Jane stared at the little girl, she's so cute, radiant brown eyes like Chris.

She didn't understand why she always seeing Chris in everyone she meets, she can't seem to remove his face from her mind after going to his concert.

The little girl's hair was deep dark curls and falls on her back like streams of water and tied a flowery hair band over it, and also wore a hooded gown.

"But it's dangerous for you to cross alone, come let me help you." Jane took her tiny hand in hers and led her across the road.

"Thanks miss," Rose thanked.

"You're welcome." Jane smiled at her.

Chris came out from the supermarket he'd gone to buy food items, he couldn't find Rose at where he kept her. He searched the whole corner of his car but couldn't find her, he was becoming restless.

He went back to the supermarket and asked the woman in charge if she saw any small girl but the woman said she didn't, he came out and lean against the door of his car and was lost in thoughts. Where could she be, where on earth could Rose be? He asked himself and felt a lump of bitterness in his stomach.

He never felt this kind of fear in his whole life apart from his brother's and wife accident, he loved his brother so dearly and always look up to him but when his brother and his wife got themselves into an accident.

He hadn't been himself so the thought of losing Rose too hit him like a bullet in his bones. Rose was the kid who always made him smile with her childish smiles and behaviour. He always prayed to have a baby like her.

Where will i---------. He muttered to himself when he felt warm hand touch his shoulder jerking him out of his thoughts. He turned and saw a beautiful woman standing before him with radiant eyes and smiling lips, she made her hair in chignon, wore a pink blouse designed with stripes and a short that exposed her laps. She wore a pair of trainers on her feet.

"Wow Chris, is this really you?." She asked in a rhetorical tone. "Wow you've become more handsome, how have you been?." She asked, smiling.

"Fine." he answered feeling irritated, he guessed he's popular everywhere and why is it that only girls knew him that much?.

"You don't remember me?. I'm Cassandra, your childhood friend. we grew up together in the same neighborhood." She implied, hoping he would remember.

"We even went to the same schools together." Cass went on.

Sometimes fans are fun of telling him, he was their class mate or he was their friend back then in his childhood or they will say he grew up with them together. And sincerely speaking, he was fed up with those stuffs.

Cassandra saw the questions in his eyes and she knew he didn't recognize her but she will have to do anything to make him remember.

"Think, think." She encouraged him. "We went to the same high school and we really grew up together in the same environment." She explained, hoping he remembers.

"Ohh..." He finally recongized her but he wasn't in the mood to exchange pleasantries with her. His mind was only on how and where to look for Rose and find her.

"Where are you going?." Cass asked noticing the change in his countenance.

"Nowhere just looking for my niece." He replied.

"Where could she be?" She asked again.

"She was here while I was inside buying things, when I came out, I can't find her anywhere." He answered feeling worried.

"What!?." Cassandra exclaimed. "Where could she be?." she asked not expecting an answer.

"What if she has been kidnapped?." she suggested.

He glared at her. "Someone can't be kidnapped on a broad daylight when everyone is watching."

"Yea, you're correct." She agreed. "What if she ran into a car and had an accident.?." She suggested again.

That was the one word Chris didn't want to hear.

Why is she so negative?. He wondered. He just pray, nothing happens to Rose.