"Just stop this!." He yelled. "If you're not going to help me look for her than just making useless comments then I don't have time for it, OK?."

"Okay." She replied. "I will help you look for her."


Chris and Cassandra went about asking anyone they meet on the street if they have seen a young girl showing them her picture on the screen of his phone.

"It's Chris." Someone screamed and others rushed to him demanding him to sign his autograph.

"Listen guys, I'm not in the mood to do so. I have important things to take care of." He prompted.

He took Cassandra's hand in his and led her out from the crowd. Cassandra felt her heart skip a beat in this gesture, she felt happy at this and wished he will never let go of her hand.

They made it across the other side of road where Jane and Rose stood miles away, Rose seeing her uncle called and ran to him. "Daddy!" she ran to him.

Chris swung her off her feet into his arms. Jane stood stiff on the ground speechless and shocked. Does that mean that Chris was married and Rose is his daughter?. She thought.

Her eyes narrowed to the beautiful woman standing beside him smiling. Maybe she was his wife, she thought again but why did she feel like she has been stabbed.

"Baby where have you been?." He asked. You don't know how worried and sad I was when I couldn't find you where I told you to stay."

"Sorry dad I didn't mean to upset you like this, I saw a cute puppy wandering the road and I followed it but this woman helped me crossed the road when I was almost knocked by a car." Rose stated pointing at Jane who stood opposite them.

"I'm so sorry that I have you worrying, please forgive me." She apologized showing her dimples making the angry Chris to calm down. "



"Just don't try it again." He warned.


"OK dad." Rose smiled. He raised his face and stared at Jane, she smiled at him. He smiled back.

"We bumped into each other again." She inserted feeling uneasy.

"I guess so." He chuckled.

Cassandra was wondering who was this woman and what did she mean by we bumped into each other again?. Has she known Chris for a long time? she guessed she was one of his fans that always bug him.

She was still in her thoughts when Chris jerked her out of her thoughts by introducing her to Jane.

"Cassandra, this is Jane my friend and Jane she's ma-------------."

"Girlfriend," Cassandra cuts in. Chris turned and look at her inquisitively.

"Girlfriend?." He asked.

"Yes, tell her I'm your girlfriend. I know you don't like our relationship to be known publicly but you should at least tell your friend."

Chris was startled at this, why would Cassandra say that to her but he wasn't in the mood to clear the impression. All that mattered to him was that Rose was fine.

He thought he saw something like hurt in Jane's dark shiny eyes but he shrugged it off.

"Hi, I'm Cassandra, Chris's girlfriend but you can call me Cassidy or Cass." She stretched out her hand to Jane and she shook hands with her.

"Nice to meet you." Jane said and forced a smile on her face.

"You're welcome." Cassandra replied and smiled.

"I should be going now you've found your dad, bye Rose." She said and left.

Chris stared as she was out of sight. He saw sadness in her eyes even if she tried hard to cover it up. Why would Cass say that?.

Jane was deep in thoughts, Rose called him dad and Cass said she was his girlfriend. Does that mean he has a wife and mistress? She asked herself, but why would he do that?.

That's why she hated Rock stars because they never stick to one woman, their lifestyle was just like politicians. I should forget about him and stop dreaming of making a home with him when he already has one. Rose is such a cute baby she ever met, her big rounded brown eyes and cute cheeks and she's just like Chris.


Jane strolled down to her painting studio, entered her studio. The storey building was opposite the Art materials grocery shop, she'd rented an apartment to be used to paint and for her music practice.

The apartment was so huge and wide that she divided it into two, one for painting works and the other for her music stuff. All her life she wanted to be a great singer known worldwide. Singing brings her hope, nourishes her soul and she wanted to inspire people with her songs but after she graduated from school it seemed luck was not on her side.

She had written some many songs, sang at some many places even went for an audition at project FM in Lagos but all was abortive so she decided to focus on painting. But the spirit of singing hasn't died inside her 'cause she believed that it erases the pains and sorrows in heart and made her forget her worries.

The one for music was so big that it looks like a hall, the floor is made of a transparent polished wood----a huge mirror was hung at the centre of the wall before the hall, from one end of the wall to the other. She stood in front of the mirror opposite her.

What's wrong with her?. She asked herself. Why has she fallen so hard for that rock star, why can't she stop thinking about him?. Jane he's now a married man---stop dreaming about him, he has belonged to someone else.

The thought of this broke her heart the more. She felt a big burden has been place on her shoulder and can never be lifted. She started singing.

"Forgive me

Don't know where to start

I guess we've come to

The serious path

I need to find out

If there's a chance for us

Don't give me that same old look

You won't win me--------------"

She broke down in tears as she sang. "Why are you sitting down there crying?." A voice asked behind her.

She turned and saw Hailey standing before her. She wore a long designer gown with sleeves.

"Nothing." she answered quickly wiping her eyes with the back of her palm.

"Don't lie to me, why are you crying?." Hailey demanded as she stared at her friend who looked pathetic.

"I said nothing," She replied again.

"Jane you are my friend, you can share your problems with me. I can relieve you off your pains." Hailey stated. "Please tell me why you are crying like a child?."

"You really want to hear?."

Hailey nodded.

"Today." She began. "I helped a small girl cross the road."

"And how did that make you cry?." Hailey asked peering into her eyes as though looking to find answers there.

"But it turns out that the little girl was Chris's daughter and there was a woman with him-------."

"His wife?." Hailey cuts in. "I told you to forget about that so called Chris or whatever he's name is and move on with life, there are so many handsome men out there who are willing to love you the way you deserve."

"I wonder what you saw in him that made you fell this hard for him?." She muttered to herself knowing quite well Jane heard her.

Hailey hated that Chris of a guy right from the day Jane discussed him to her. He was rude and doesn't care about anyone's feelings for him, toying with women hearts was his priority.

"Stop killing yourself over a guy who will never like you." Hailey inserted.

"But the woman wasn't his wife but girlfriend." Jane prompt.

"Aha I knew it!." Hailey said in an emphatic voice. "You can't trust that guy, he's so flirtatious. You'll be the only one to get hurt at last." She concluded.

Jane kept silent.

"Sweetheart wake up, Chris will never love you and moreover he's a musician. Musicians don't stick to one woman, he would only see you as a friend. Take a look at Ethan the guy who would do anything for you. That guy really likes you, just give him a chance to love you and I know you will love him back." She stated.

"You think so?." Jane asked skeptical.

"I know so darling." Hailey smiled. Just give the poor guy a chance and stop hurting him like Chris is doing to you now."

"But why don't I feel the same for him?." Jane asked, worry written over her face.

"You'll soon, sweetheart." Hailey replied and gave her a smirk smile.