Chris was in the sitting room pondering over what happened between him, Jane and Cassandra. His sitting room was so big and beautifully made, there was a portrait of him on the walls and the one Jane drew him, and there was a glaze statue of him done by skillful sculptor that's beside the dining room.

Why would Cassandra do such a thing? He kept on debating on his mind, he knew that Cassandra knows they weren't dating. But why could she lie about it to Jane?. Jane was a simple type even though she was hurting inside she won't show it, he did know that he had hurt her with his words and actions but she endured it and kept on liking him.

He has to do something but wait that doesn't mean he's in love with her---he had to clear any misunderstanding she must have had on her mind about him, he picked up his phone to call her but it rung on his head that he wasn't the type that calls people if there wasn't any emergency.

He never pick his phone up to call Jane ever since they became friends or was it because his ego won't allow him?. But this one call for emergency, he ignored his ego and dialed her number.


Jane's phone rang in the middle of the night and that woke her up from sleep, she wondered who might be calling her in the middle of the night, she thought it was one of her secret admirers 'cause they are fond of calling her at night.

She checked the caller and found out it wasn't one of her admirers but was Chris, first she couldn't believe it. She wiped the sleep off her eyes to make sure her eyes weren't deceiving her.

She looked again and knew she wasn't dreaming, but she wondered why he was calling her late this night. Could it be something serious?. She never dreamt one day Chris will call her.

"Hello." She answered.

"Hello." He replied. I--------." He stuttered at the other end of the line, why was he stuttering, he's a celebrity, people stutter for him. He wasn't the type who cared about people's welfare.

"I just called to know how you are doing?." He asked.

"I'm doing great and you?." She asked too.

"Fine." He replied. "I called to know if you will be free tomorrow."

"Yes, why?." She asked anxiously.

"Nothing I want us to meet, I want to discuss something with you."


"Okay then. Goodnight." He said.

"You too." She was about hanging the call when he said, "wait."

"Yes?." She answered inquisitively.

"Where can we meet?." He asked.

"I will text you the directions".

"Okay, bye." He hung up. Jane texted him the directions and wondered why he wants to meet her.


The road was so muddy and slippery because of the rain last night, it rained so heavily and angrily last night that this morning some houses made with zinc were wrecked leaving the owners homeless, cries of children were heard. Some playing and others giggling at jokes each other cracked. Men and women rushing to their different workplaces, the birds sang joyfully and melodiously as if tomorrow won't come.

Chris drove his car to the direction she gave him, he pulled his car at the front of a three storey apartment building. He climbed down his car and stared at the building, the building although look new but the colors were already fading away, there were rented shops opposite it and some kiosks. He made his way to the second floor on the right where Jane painting lab stood.

People in the building were all surprised to see the rock star in their building. "What will he be doing here?." Some asked. Some took pictures with him while some took his autographs. He asked where Jane studio was----they showed him and he made his way to her studio, her door swung open letting anyone to see whatever she was doing, he smiled at her innocence.

He walked in and saw her painting a landscape sketch on her canvas and a palette in her hand. He was satisfied with the room, it was nice and was well furnished with art materials and painted works hung on walls including graphics works.

He stared at her back view, she let her hair loose and it fell on her back. She wore a jersey blouse coupled with chinos trouser and pair of sandals on her feet, she also wore an apron and gloves on her hands to avoid colours spilling on her clothes.

Indeed she is a beautiful creature created by her creator. He called her and she turned leaving her work unfinished, she turned and her heart skipped a beat at his beauty, he wore a long sleeve sky blue shirt designed with stripes.

He tucked his shirt in his black chinos trousers and wore a pair of sandals on his feet. He let his neat dreadlocks fall like spring water on his shoulders. Wasn't it a coincidence they both let their hair fall against their backs and also wore black chinos trouser on their waist including the black sandals on their feet?.

Actually aren't they destined to be together? Lol, just kidding.

She stared at his silhouette as he broadened his grin. Oh----what a beauty, isn't he breathtakingly handsome. Wait I can't be staring at him that way, he might get the wrong expression I'm falling for him all over again. She was exaggerating, lol.

She shifted her gaze slightly from his. "Hey,." she called. "You came so early, it's still morning and before I forget forgive my ill manners. Good morning."

"Good morning." He replied. "And don't worry I don't have plans for today and its boring sitting at home doing nothing."

"Oh, alright." She smiled.

She offered him a seat beside her and she felt totally uneasy with him beside her and his eyes were on her. She went back to her work, he stared at the painting she was doing.

"So what are you painting?." He asked starting a conversation.

"I'm trying to mix nature and landscape together." She answered, trying to focuse on her work.

There was brief silence. He watched her paint. She was feeling uncomfortable and awkward beside him, she wondered why he was staring at her that way. He should bring up some topic to remove this tense between them, as if he read her mind.

"Jane for the other day you helped Rose-----."

"Don't worry about that." She cuts him short. "It was my duty to do so."

"I mean Cassandra isn't.....

He went on but she cuts him short again.

"You don't have to tell me." She prompted, nervously. "What's my business if she's your girlfriend. I have no right over you and moreover you're a Rock star, there are so many girls in your life------."

Chris was getting tired of her talks and shush her by laying one of his fingers on her lips.

She shivered at the touch of his finger on her lips, it was so warm and it made her blood turn ice in her system.

"Jane let me finish." He snapped as he removed his finger from her lips.

"Okay." She answered, still feeling the warmth of his finger on her lips.

"Cassandra isn't my girlfriend, she never was, she's just my childhood friend. I wonder why she said that to you," He stated.

"Maybe she likes you." She teased. "After all you're a Rock star, girls go insane for you." She gave him a smirk smile.

Chris saw something shine in her eyes and he felt like holding her tight, he shifts more closer to her covering the space between them with his body.

Jane's heart thundered against her chest. What is he doing?,oh lord he shouldn't try anything stupid. She prayed silently in her heart.

"What will you do if I try this with a girl in front of you?, don't you go insane for me too?." He teased, knowing fully well of her feelings for him. He lifted her chin with his finger and caress her cheek.

"What?." she asked, breathless. Her whole body quivered at his touch on her face.

He brought his face more closer to hers in attempt to kiss her when she jammed her hand on his chest indicating he should stop.

"Ah-----em---- this is a work place and people might be watching." She inserted. He pulled away from her.

"And for that question, I won't feel anything." She replied gently.

"You won't feel jealous?."

"No." she shook her head. That's your life and moreover you're a musician, you can try that with every girl. And again I won't fight with my fellow woman over a guy, if she wants him. She should have him

Chris stared at her, this woman was totally driving him insane. With her sweet smile and cute looks, he told himself he won't fall for her charms, he's a Rock star. He shouldn't fall for an ordinary girl, instead girls fall for him.

"So you let the man you love go because another woman wants him?" He asked, staring deep into her eyes.

That question struck her like a bullet. Love, love love, he never believed in love or has his wife made him believe in it. The thought of him being married still troubled her mind and he had say Cassandra wasn't his girlfriend which means he still had a wife.

"You never believed in love? Or do you do now?"She asked surprised.