"You never believed in love?."

Chris wondered if it was a question or a statement.

"Yeah i don't." He replied icily not looking at her.

"But why?, why don't you believe in it?." She asked peering into his eyes knowing fully well that he won't speak up.

"Personal reason." He replied coldly.

She wondered what happened in his past life that has made him shut his heart to love but how come he's married and has a beautiful daughter, does that mean he was married for marrying sake.

"So that means you don't even love your wife." She stated.

Chris was astonished at that statement, did she think he was married because Rose called him daddy?.

"I have no wife." He said turning his gaze to her. This woman is totally something different.

What do you mean you're not married, why did Rose then called you daddy?." She asked with curiosity.

"Cause she's used to calling me daddy." His eyes filled with amusement.

She wondered what was so funny in what she asked but she can't believe or trust him cause men are so cunny and impossible to understand.

She hated men who are married but chose to cheat on their wives knowing fully well that they are married, if they knew they can't keep a home why then get married? She often ask herself. And Chris might be one of them, she felt like a demon trying to snatch someone's husband in the name of love, she felt like a piece of cabbage.

"You don't expect me to believe that." She began. "I mean these past years we haven't met each other in reality, don't tell me no girl has got your attention. As a Rock star girls hover around you so i guess one has got your attention."

"No one." He smirked

"You know what i don't believe you, men are fond of being married yet cheating on their wives." she inserted. "If she's not your daughter, then who is she?."

"She's my brother's daughter." He replied innocently.

"I know you're lying, you're married." She insisted.

"I said i'm not married, don't you get it?." This time his voice was a bit raised.

"You might be saying this just to play around with me knowing fully well of my feelings for you".


" Why?, yeah quite alright I might be one of those girls who confessed their feelings to you but you rejected me and I accept but that doesn't give you the right to toy with their feelings." She inserted.

She knew she was talking gibberish but he has to learn the simple truth.

"I said enough!." He said angrily. Even if he was married, it would have been all over the net.

She knew he was losing his patient but she wanted to tell him the bitter truth.

"Yeah." She made a sound under her breath. People are already gathering on Jane's door post when they heard her and the Rock Star screaming at each other.

"That girl really had the guts to argue with our rock star, who do she think she is?." Some muttered.

"You're rich and a Rock star for that matter, you got a lot of fans and they love you. What else do you need in this world, you've got all the money, fame and love. But let me tell you, there are a lot of girls who will love you for who you are if you give them the chance but you chose to toy with their feelings simple because you are a popstar."

"I said enough!" He Thundered. "You don't know anything about me or how I live my life."

"Why?." She asked not minding the anger flickering in his eyes. "You don't want to hear the truth but let me advice you better accept and love your wife you have no idea what she goes through in the hands of other women so next time don't try to act Innocent. I know you men." She concluded.

"I said that's enough and i'm not married!." He thundered, trying to control himself. "Are you done with your long sermon, even if I was married. It's none of your business and this is my life and i will live it the way i want, you have no right over me." He prompted.

She was taken aback by his words but she couldn't take it no more. "Yea It's your life, do whatever you want with it. I don't care." She said aggressively and sat down to continue with her painting but her hand was shaking and tears stuck in her eyes.

"Jane stop you will destroy your work." He said as he reached out his hand to stop her but she jerked his hand away.

"As if you actually care as if I destroy it or not. She snapped, burning with rage. "Just leave me alone, let me be."

"Fine.!" He said in an upset manner. "Do whatever you want." He stormed out of her studio.

People took photos of them and even videoed them.




  "What does he think of himself?." Jane mumbled to herself, absently.


"Who? " Fortune asked with curiosity.


"Does he think he's some sort of god?." She scoffed.


"Sis, who are you talking about?." Fortune asked in an emphatic tone driving her out of her  thoughts.


"Who?,me?." She asked pointing to herself.


"Yes, you, who are you referring as some sort of god?." Her sister reiterated.


"No one." She lied. "Just some guy I met on my way to mt studio, he was so rude and arrogant. What does he think of himself?." She asked in a rhetorical manner.


"Sis just forget it. If you keep on thinking about it, you will only get you angry the more. That's how men are, just let it slide." Fortune inserted.


Jane gaze turned to her sister who was so busy with her phone.


"So what are you doing?." She asked.

"I'm just strolling the internet." Fortune replied, suddenly she exclaimed at what she saw on the net. She turned to Jane. "Sis did you have a fight with your friend?."


Jane wondered where that question come from. "What do you mean?"


"I mean do you have issues with the him?." She asked again


"No, why?." Jane asked.


  "Then what's this?." Fortune turned her phone and showed her what was written on the screen. Jane read it and she swallowed the bitterness rising up in her throat. The headline read 'THE WELL KNOWN CHRISSY THE POPSTAR FOUGHT WITH A WOMAN OVER HIS WIFE."

Jane turned to her sister and saw the questions in her eyes. "It's just a misunderstanding. Nothing serious happened." She chuckled.


"Sis tell me the truth, did something happen between you two?."


"I said nothing happened."


  "Jane, come over to the sitting room. I and your dad want to discuss something with you," Jane's mother shouted from the sitting room.


Fortune looked at her and gave her a look of you already know why they are calling you. Jane and fortune headed for the sitting room.


"Mom, dad, you called me?." Jane asked.

"Yes child, we called you here because we heard on the news that you fought with the popstar your friend." Mr Alfred inserted.


"Is it true?." Her mother asked searching her daughter's eyes. Jane didn't know what to do or say, she stood still speechless.


"Yes." She finally answered looking down on the floor as if to find answers there. "But dad, mom, it wasn't a big deal. It was a misunderstanding but I bet people misunderstood us and posted it on net."


Alfred and Esther look at each other and finally to their daughter with the doubts in their eyes.


"Are you telling us the truth?." Her father asked worried. "If there's anything going on, you have to let it known to your parents"



"Ehe,Dad,mom." Fortune called and chuckled. "She's saying the truth, nothing serious happened. I know my sister- she can never fight with anyone."

Fortune defended and wrapped her arm around Jane's shoulder from behind and faced her parents smiling.


"You know people are fond of posting what really did not happen." Fortune concluded.


"Alright, if you say so." Her mother said, the doubt still in her.


Jane and fortune went back to their room.



Chris's parents sat in their luxurious sitting room watching the news that's being display on the wall tv which hung on the wall opposite them.


"Every time this boy have problems with women he comes across." Mr ifediegwu scoffed.



His wife Gwen looked at him in an inquisitive manner, Mr Bruce turned and saw his wife staring at him.


"Oh, don't give me that glare. You and I know the kind of son we have, he's so flirtatious." Mr Bruce scoffed again.


"Please don't call my son flirtatious." Gwen inserted. "What if those girls are the ones after him?, don't you know our son is so handsome and gifted."


Mr Bruce chuckled.



" Yes so my son isn't after those women but they are." Gwen defended. "You should be proud of our son - he's now a celebrity celebrated all over the world."


  "Yeah I'm proud of him but that doesn't mean he should go on flirting with all the women in this world." Mr Bruce reasoned. "For God's sake he should settle down, he had come of age. I will get a bride for him."


"Don't!." Gwen snapped.  



  "Because the last time you tried that, he totally went berserk." Gwen replied, agitated.


"Alright, alright." Mr ifediegwu surrendered.


"Thanks honey, you are the best." She complimented and kissed him on the cheek. "Let me get you something to eat." She stood up and left for the kitchen.


Mr Ifediegwu stared at the tv as the reporter reported how Jane fought with Chris for cheating on his wife and how Chris defended himself saying he wasn't married.


This woman will make a wonderful wife for my son, she might bring back sense in his head. They will make a fine couple, I have to go and look for this particular woman. Mr Ifediegwu smirked.