Fortune was walking to school, she hummed one of Chris's song while walking, she wondered what happened between her sister and Chris. They haven't seen or talked to each other for a week now. She was walking when a sport car stopped in front of her, she looked left and right to see who the car stopped for but saw no one.

She tried to move fast ignoring who ever it was, the car horned signaling she should stop. The car side mirror pulled down reveling the driver and to her outmost surprise the driver was Chris, she wanted to squeal but Chris shushed her.

"Where are you going?." He asked smiling.

"To school."

"Jump in let me drop you."

"Really?." She asked beaming with joy


She hopped into the front passenger's seat. Chris started the ignition and drove off. She felt so honoured being in the world famous Rock star's car, Chris side looked her and saw how she was beaming with a smile. Seriously this two sisters are totally different, Fortune is the bold and fearless one.

Fortune debated whether to ask Chris what happened between him and her sister, will he open up to her?. She turned to him.

"What happened between you and my sister?." She asked looking at the road through the windshield.

"Eh?." He replied and looked side way to her.

"Why did you and my sis fight?." She ask again.

"Um------ nothing , nothing serious." He replied, focusing his attention on the road.

Fortune don't know how to make him open up to her.

"But your fans are out there to trouble my sis and I don't want anything bad to happen to my sister, so please tell me what happen?." She begged.

"Don't worry my fans won't lay a finger on your sister." He assured but Fortune doesn't seem convinced.

"Is it true you are married?." She asked curiously, looking at him. Chris was got off guard by that question.

He shook his head.

Fortune nodded her head and smiled in satisfaction. He drove her to the university she was schooling at. He wanted to drop her in front of the school gate but she begged him to drive her inside the school and which he did.

"Thanks for today." She thanked.

"You are welcome." He smiled at her. Indeed she has the eyes of Jane, he thought.

"See you next time." She wanted to open the car door but instead Chris got down and went to her side and opened it for her, Fortune blushed at his gesture. Indeed he sure knows how to respect a woman. Fortune looked up to him and smirked.

"Thanks but you should do this for my sis she will love it more than I do."

Onlookers and students saw the him and wonder what he was doing in their school. They saw him talking to a girl and wonder who was the girl because he was facing her. Fortune stepped down reveling herself to the audience, she gaze up and saw all eyes on her, she smirked loving the attention placed on her. Her classmates who saw her gasped.

Out of no where one crazy female fan ran towards Chris squealing, calling his name. She hugged him so tightly that when she separated from him, Chris was finding it difficult to catch his breath. The fan begged for his autograph which he'd sign, she took several pics with him while Fortune watched them. She wanted to peck him on cheek to take a shot of it too when Fortune stopped her.

"What do you want to do?." She asked, giving her a dirty look.

"Kiss him of course." The girl replied nonchalantly.

"Who gave you the permission to do so?." Fortune asked again. "I don't remember giving you that permission."

"Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me what to do and not to do?." The girl question angrily.

"FORTUNE EZEUGO." Fortune smirked.

"He isn't even your boyfriend so you have no right over him." The girl said, getting impatient.

"Really?." Fortune asked, rhetorically.

"Watch this." Fortune went close to Chris facing him, she winked at him, signaling him to follow her acting.

"Darling, you should come drop me after school is over." She said folding his collar of the shirt he wore.

"Of course I will." He smirked.

"And don't let her come anywhere close to you if you come."

"Anything for you baby." They smiled at each other at their acting. Students laughed at this while some took pictures of them.

"Bye then." Fortune waved at him, he waved back and entered his car and drove out of the school. The fan stood with her eyes wide opened and her mouth slightly open. Fortune came closer to her jerking her out of her shock by clapping her hands together.

"Close your mouth before something enters it." Fortune shook her head and heads for her department, the fan couldn't withstand the embarrassment so she quickly ran to her department.


Fortune walked into her department, eyes were on her as she walked in, the notorious girls in the campus stopped her on her way.

"Ah... Excuse me, you are on my way." Fortune implied.

"What are you doing with our Rock Star??." One of the three girls named Cara questioned.

"As you'd seen he brought me to school."

"Are you in any way dating him?." Another girl named Clara asked.

"That's none of your business." Fortune replied rudely.

"It might, it might not but let us warn you, he's ours so stay off him. We don't want you near him, if not you know what's awaiting for you." Amanda inserted.

Fortune stared at them as if they were some sort of crazy clowns and started chuckling hysterically.

" Was that a threat?." Fortune chuckled.

"It's not a threat, it's a warning". Cara inserted.

"Look I don't have your time so move out of my way than just day dreaming." Fortune said.

"Who's daydreaming?." Amanda asked.

"You." Fortune pointed at the three of them. "Fighting with me over a guy whose doesn't know you all exist."

"Unlike you, you are just a piece of trash to him, he will only use you and dump you, that's all and you will lose." Cara inserted.

"I and you who look like a trash to him?." Fortune asked in an amusing tone.

"How dare you say that..." Clara raised her hand to slap her when fortune stopped her by holding her hand.

"Don't you dare." Fortune glared at her and with that she left the three of them.

"How dare you walk out on us?." Amanda yelled after her. Fortune waved her hand backwards in a dismissal way.

Amanda and the other two girls grit their teeth with fury.

"She will hear from us very soon." Cara inserted and they left.

Fortune walked into her department, all eyes were on her. She wondered if those eyes were eyes of anger or praise, she ignored all of them and walked up to her seat where her two friends ( Ada and Ekene ) the twins, a boy and a girl who look so identical but what differentiated them was their hair and body figures. They stared at her with suspicious and accusing eyes, Fortune noticed it and grew uncomfortable with it.

"What?. Why are you both staring at me that way?." Ada and Ekene kept quiet, continued to stare gloomily at her.


"Do you know that you are the talk of school today?." Ekene asked not expecting her to reply.

"And how is that my business?." Fortune asked, nonchalantly.

"It should be." Ada responded. "Do you know everyone is glaring and making you the topic of the day simply because they saw you in Chris's car."

Hmmmm." Fortune made a sigh under her breath.

"Tell us what were you doing in his car?, Don't tell me you're dating him?." Ekene gave her a skeptical look.

"No!." Fortune replied quickly.

"Then tell us what you were doing in his car?." Ada asked. "We need the truth."

"OK, I was waiting for a bus to take me to school when he stopped in front of me and told me to jump in so he could drop me off. I accepted and he did, I didn't insist on him to do so."

"Why didn't you decline?." Ada said. Fortune couldn't understand if it was a question or a statement.

"What girl won't accept an offer from a famous Rock star?." Fortune questioned rhetorically as Ada and Ekene saw something glint in her eyes.

"And you also told him to open the car door for you?." Ekene asked with distaste in his tone.

Fortune shook her head in disapproval. "He opened the door by himself, but nothing serious is going on between us." She defended herself.

"What about your sister, I saw her on the net arguing with the him?." Ekene asked again, staring deep in to her eyes.

"Nothing serious to fight about and she's a friend to him, that's how I came to----------" She cuts off when she realized that her two friends were staring at some thing behind her and their eyes were filled with shock and terror. She turned back and saw the handsome bad boy prince of the campus, he is so breathing takingly handsome that every girl in the campus wants to have him as a boyfriend. Fortune scoffed at the sight of him.

What does he want now?. She wondered.

"What were you doing with my brother in his car?." He asked rudely.

Fortune scoffed.


"If he's your brother, then I'm his sister." She replied nonchalantly.

"I asked what were you doing in my brother's car?."

Fortune ignored him and tried to move away when he pulled her back by the arm. He ran his eyes on her to admire her features, she was chocolate in complexion, has pointed nose and pinky lips. She wore a white T-shirt and three quarter blue jeans including the boots on her feet. She wasn't that skinny, she was moderate. He admired her curves. He wondered why he never come across this beauty.

He has been in this school for 3 years now, he was in his finals maybe he was too ignorant to notice her. He smirked, meanwhile Fortune was growing uncomfortable at the way he was staring and smiling at her so she tried to force herself out of his hold but he tightened his grip on her.

"Let go off me, you are hurting me." Fortune cried.

"I don't know what you're doing in my brother's car but let this be the first and last time I will ever see you with him, if not you are dead, do you get me?." He asked in a rhetorical tone. He released his grip on her and walked away with his two friends.

Ada and Ekene came closer to her, Ekene said to her while she was massaging the area he held her which was now reddish in colour.

"Please try and stay out of his way, if Chris is his brother stay away from him as well to avoid trouble." Ekene reasoned.

"Who the hell does he think he is?. In fact I want to see how he react if he sees me with Chris again if truly he's his brother."

"Fort, he such a bully. He will make your life a living hell in this school if you don't do as he'd instructed." Ada lamented.

"The same goes to him if he doesn't stay out of my way." Fortune challenged.