Jane was rushing to buy new paints for her painting works when she accidentally ran into a car, luckily the car didn't hit her but she fell down out of shock.

She smashed her elbow creating an injury on it. The owner of the car came out reveling a man in his late 60s, tall and looking brawny. He wore plain black slacks and cream coloured t- shirt designed with stripes that showed his silhouette, he has chocolate skin not really dark eyes but a little shade brown. Jane stood up and was dusting herself as the man neared her.

"Miss are you okay?." He asked, worried.

"Yeah I'm fine,I'm good."

"Why don't you get into the car so I can take you to the hospital maybe you sustained an injury." He said with concern in his tone.

"I'm fine sir, no injuries sustained." But unlucky for Jane he saw the cut on her elbow.

"See you're injured." He came closer to her to examine her elbow closing the space between them. Jane stepped back a little, the man noticed what she did but ignored it and focused on her elbow.

"We need to dress this up to avoid being infected."

"But I'm fine sir."

"I insist."

Jane had no other option but to succumb to his quest, she entered his car and the man drove to a near by clinic. After dressing her wound up, he insisted on dropping her to her destination but Jane rejected profusely.

You all might be wondering who this man is. Sorry I forgot to mention his name earlier. He's Chris's father( Mr ifediegwu).

She bade him bye and took a cab, he watched as the cab vanished out of sight. I must get this girl to marry my son, she's the right person to teach him the morals of life. He smirked.

Jane reached her painting studio and saw Ethan impatiently waiting for her, she has forgotten she left someone in her studio.

"What took you so long?." He asked glaring at her. She flinched as she saw the annoyance in his eyes.

"Emm... I am late because I went to the clinic." She explained.

"Why the clinic?, did something happen?." His angry eyes now turning dark shades of concern. Jane saw the concern in his eyes and her heart melted at it, this was the kind of man she wants. A man who understands her, a man who takes her as his first priority.

"No I almost ran into a car but luckily I....."

"You what?." He rushed to where she stood and examined her body. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?." He asked getting worried.

"I'm fine, just a little cut on my elbow." She showed him her injured elbow. "The man who almost knocked me insisted I get it dress up and I refused but he insisted that I get it cleaned to avoid being infected."

"Fool why don't want to get it cleaned?." He asked staring deep into her eyes which made her heart to accelerate, his eyes looked so capturing.

"Is just a small cut, it's not a big deal. The major fact is that I didn't die." She said smiling.

Ethan stared at her with intense eyes, her smile was brilliant that can make the hardest heart to melt. She is so such a beautiful person, let me put it this way, she's a woman of substance. He was glad he fell in love with her.

Jane was aware of the stare he gave her and wondered why?.

"What?." She chuckled, nervously.

He pulled her into a tight hug, taking her by surprise.

"Don't leave me, I don't want to lose you in any form OK?."

She nodded, smiling and was moved by this man's love.

"I won't."


"I promise."


A month has passed by, Jane and Chris never set eyes on each other. Although they saw each other on different social medias but never spoke to one another. Now Chris had gone to the united state to perform a concert there.

Jane and Ethan started been close to one another and she was at the verge of accepting him as her boyfriend. She was just not sure of her feelings for him, he makes her happy but never gives her goosebumps like Chris does. She did watch his concerts on TV and her heart always well up each time she sees him, she wondered when she will be his.

She woke up one certain morning, brushed her teeth and had a quick shower and rush downstairs for breakfast.

"Mom, dad, good morning." She greeted.

"Good morning my angel." Mrs Esther answered, setting the table. The table smelled with fried chicken and sauce, boiled rice and salad. Jane inhaled the aroma to her heart content.

"Mom you cooked my favourite, today is gonna be wonderful day." She smiled.

"I know sweetheart. And you like it?"

"I don't like it... I love it."

Mrs Esther chuckled.


"How is your business going?." Mr Alfred asked.



"I hope no one is giving you headache on what happened between you and the Chris?."


"No dad, I'm fine." She replied, smiling.


"And that reminds me, where is he?." Her father asked.


"He went for a concert in US."


"Hmm. That's nice."


"Make him to come visit us if he comes back, it has been long I'd seen him." Her father was inserted.


Meanwhile Jane has been enjoying her food when she choked at her father's last statement.



She screamed not getting what her father just said.


Fortune almost jumped where she sat eating at Jane's outburst. Jane was still lost in shock, how will she make him come visit them. He's a rock star and rock star don't visit ordinary people, people who don't have any say in the society, and who is she to order a rock star around. She would have to tell her dad she can't do it.


"Dad I can't do it." She began. "I can't make him come, I mean what will people say if they see him around our house. I don't want to raise suspicious eyes, I don't want gossips." She concluded.

Mr Ezeugo saw sense in what she was saying and nodded his head.


"Dad I agree with sis." Fortune inserted. "I don't want any fans insulting or looking down on my sis, so forget about him coming to visit us cause he will never."


"Darling why bringing up this topic now, disturbing our beautiful breakfast?." Mrs Ezeugo asked, rhetorically. "I don't want that musician of a guy anywhere near my daughter, I thought he was different from other musicians but now I know he's not." Her Mom scoffed.


"Alright alright, my bad." Mr Alfred surrendered. "I'm sorry for disturbing this beautiful breakfast so put on a smile on that face, dear." He said to Jane. Jane's face crooked in a sweet smile


"That's better." He smiled including her mom and Fortune.


"Now let's enjoy our breakfast."





Fortune came into the school library, she looked around and no seat was vacant expect for one near the window and a guy was sleeping on its desk.

She already know who it was but had no other option but to sit opposite him, she dropped her books quietly on the desk to avoid waking him. She took this opportunity to examine him, his hair was slightly brownish in colour and slightly long.

His eyebrows were dark and thick, and his eyebrows were slightly pulled together in a frown. She wondered what dream he was having that made his face like that. His pointed nose looked sculpted as if an artist moulded it and his pink lips look sweet. His face looked so smooth and flawless no wonder  girls are after him. He was way too handsome, will she say he's beautiful.


She was lost in his face that she didn't notice when a girl walked up to their table and started waking him up.


Oh sorry I forget to give him a name. Yes Chris's younger brother ( Vincent ). The one that warned Fortune to keep off his brother.



The girl's name was Ifeoma. She wore a pink dress, plaited her hair and wore a pair of wedge on her feet. She has lightly dark skin, big eyes, pointed nose and red lips. She shook him several times until he groaned waking up from his sleep.

He stretched himself but his eyes first landed on Fortune who was still staring at him, their eyes met and Fortune quickly looked down to her book, pretending she was so focused on her book. He smiled and turned to know who had waken him and his eyes met Ifeoma.


"Oh Ify, you are the one." He said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.


"Yes I'm the one." Ify replied with a sarcastic tone. "Why didn't you attend my birthday?." She demanded with an angry voice.


"Oh that, I was so busy I couldn't come." He said irritated by her presence. He always told her he has no interest in her but she won't listen. She has been following him everywhere like a bug, trying to know his every move like a stalker would and he was already tired of it.



"Busy with what?." She asked, nonchalantly.


"Don't you get it? I said I was busy. Must you know every detail?" He asked, paranoid.


"Now let me make this crystal clear to you, I don't like you and I will never will. You are not my type of girl. You are way too ugly for my liking." He said, annoyed.


That last statement shocked Fortune but it annoyed the girl more. She raised her hand and slapped him. The slap was loud that everyone turned including Fortune, she raised her head and almost gasped at the sound.


"You bastard!." The girl screamed angrily and left.

Vincent was still rubbing his cheek where the girl slapped him, he stared at Fortune for a moment but she wasn't looking at him. She buried her face in her book, pretending she didn't see anything happen. He didn't say a word to her and left the library.