It was such a sunny morning and Jane don't feel like going to her studio, she wanted to stay at home and rest. She was still laying on her bed when her sister rushed in, pulled the curtain that enveloped the window, the light shining from the window shone directly to Jane's face, making her to pull up the blanket and cover her face.


"Time to rise up sleeping beauty, time to shine." Fortune joked trying to drag her out of the bed.


"Go away, I don't want to be disturbed." Jane said with a sleepy tone.


"Let's go for shopping." Fortune inserted trying to make her get up.


"Go away".


"Chris is here, he's sitting in the sitting room. He wants to see you." She whispered in her.


"What!, Chris is here? What's he doing here?. "I mean there's no point coming to my house this early morning. He could have called me if he wants to see me not coming to my house." She jumped out of the bed, pacing up and down. Confused on what to do.


Fortune was loving the view, she enjoyed seeing her sister this way especially for that Rock star.


"I need to brush my teeth, my teeth are smelly. Jane breathed into her palm and squeezed her face at the smell that came out of her mouth. I need to take ma bathe." She rushed into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and took her bathe.


After some time in the shower she changed into a pair of jean and sleeveless blouse designed with flowers and a pair of slippers on her feet. She did a light makeup on her face, she doesn't like heavy makeup just mild makeup, tied her hair in a ponytail. She rushed downstairs searching with eyes to see Chris. Her parents were surprised at this,


"Jane are you okay?." Her mother asked.


"Where is he?." She asked, trying to get a glimpse of Chris.


  "Who?." Her dad asked, surprise.


  "Chris." She answered.


Mr and Mrs Ezeugo looked at each other and back to their daughter.


"No one came here talk more of Chris." Her Mom replied, looking confusedly at her.


Meanwhile, Fortune has been watching them from where she stood on the stairs. She laughed out loud from where she stood making everyone to turn their attention to her, she stepped down.


  "Mom where is he?, has he left?." She asked in a teasing manner.


"Fortune?." Her mother glared at her in a warning manner.


"He was here before and he was demanding to see you, maybe he left cause you were taking too much time." She said in between laughs.

Jane was burning with fury in her, she fell for her sister's trick that Chris was here. She rushed to where Fortune stood but Fortune ran away before she reached, she chased her around the sitting room.



"Sis, he was here, I'm not kidding. Don't mind dad and mom they are lying." She teased her more.

"Fortune!." Jane screamed her lungs out.



  Their parents watched them as they ran, they are pleased with the kind of relationship they had. They know how to piss each other off and how to make each other happy.


"I wish they will remain happy for the rest of their lives, nothing shall come between them." Their Mom prayed.


 " They will. I know my daughters." Their father assured.


" But Sis you love this Rock star this much to rush---------." Jane ran to her sister immediately and covered her mouth with her palm to prevent the remaining words from spilling out.


"What do you mean love him so much?." Her mother asked, searching her eyes for answers.


"Nothing mom, she's just kidding". Jane chuckled. "You know Fortune, she says what ever comes in her mouth."




Jane glared at her sister. Fortune shuts her mouth up immediately, She went back to their room and undress herself into a something more comfortable, A short and a loose top. She searched for something to remove her mind from what her sister did to her, she didn't want to think about him.

How his concert was going in the united states, she had moved on so she doesn't care if he comes back or not. She brought out her music book and started writing down new lyrics.


" Best friends they come and go

   Depending on your highs and your lows.

    My best friend decided not to be there when I needed her the most.

     You said you will be there for me

    Then why did you lie to me

    Using to get what you want.

    No I couldn't believe it happened, no I couldn't understand.

        True love walked out the door, couldn't take it no more

        True love it broke ma heart and made it sore.

      He said he will be ma baby

     Then he betrayed me, temptation got to his head.

Then I left him, yeah.

    And this is what I say.

   It feels like it's gonna be okay ( it's gonna be okay ) its feels like it just feel this way ( it just feel this way ) it feels like its gonna be a better day cause I believe that in the end good things are coming ma way..."


Fortune walked into the room but Jane paid not attention to her.  "Sis, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset that much." Fortune apologized but she ignored her.


 " Sis, please find it in your heart to forgive me." She came closer to her, hugging her back and resting her face on her shoulder.


"Sis please?." Fortune begged. Jane tried to shake her off but she held on still.


"Please put a smile on your face, please?." Jane turned her face to look at her sister and fortune made puppy eyes to her. She didn't know when she lets a laugh slip out of her mouth, Fortune smiled too.


"That's my sister, I want to see your face like this everyday." She said.


"But why did you do that?." She asked.


"To get you out of the bed but I'm sorry OK." She placed her palms together in a pleading form.


"OK, apology accepted." Jane smiled.


"OK let go to mall, please?." She made puppy eyes to Jane, making her to laugh again.





They took a quick bathe and went out for the shopping.


On their way they met Ethan and he drove them to the mall, they entered and started selecting clothes. Fortune will pick clothes for her sister and Jane would go into the changing room to change. They selected clothes for more than an hour and Jane was already sick of it. Finally Fortune brought out a pink dress and told her to change into it but sge refused.


"I'm not wearing that." Jane said.


"Pls, this last time." Fortune begged.


"I'm tired of this, we have been changing clothes for an hour now." She complained.


"Pls, this last time." Fortune repeated.



Jane snatched the dress from her and went into the changing room while Fortune chose a sky blue plain dress and entered the next dressing room to dress up.

In the dressing room, Jane stared at her reflection in the mirror. The dress fitted her perfectly, it brought out her shape and curves. She smiled at how sexy she looked on the dress.


She stepped out of the dressing room to where Ethan sat, waiting for them. Fortune followed behind her, she too looked stunning in her sky blue dress.


"Wow you look so beautiful." Ethan complimented.

"Thanks." Jane replied, blushing.


"You look so stunning." Ethan continued, he couldn't take his eyes off her, she's so beautiful including her sister.


"Is she so stunning that you couldn't take your eyes off her?." Fortune scoffed. Jane and Ethan laughed.


"What about me?, Am I not more stunning than her?. I'm more sexier than her?." She pouted.


"Of you are, I can't exclude you". Ethan inserted.

Fortune was aware of Ethan's feelings for her sister but she advised her sister to go for the one her heart desires. Ethan was a good and nice guy but she wished Chris will like her sister like Ethan does.


Meanwhile Cassandra was in the mall with Chris checking out clothes too. Chris never wanted to come but Cass persuaded him to and he couldn't turn his childhood friend down.

Cass sighted them from afar while Chris was paying the dues. She drag Chris to where they were just to show off. Jane, Ethan and Fortune were about to leave when Cass called out for her.

She turned and saw Cass smiling at her and her heart skipped at the person she was with. She watched as Cassandra entwined her arm with his.


"Hi Jane, we meet again." She said and stretched her hand and Jane shook it. "What are you doing here?." She asked smiling.


"Emm---- I came here to buy clothes. Sorry for my ill manners, here is my sister Fortune. She pointed to Fortune and he's ------."


  "Boyfriend." Fortune interrupted.


"Boyfriend?." Jane and Ethan turned to Fortune, surprise.


"Yeah, her boyfriend." Fortune was aware of what Cassandra was doing and she said that to make Chris jealous. At the mention of boyfriend Chris turned his face to them. He wasn't looking at them before, his attention wasn't there.

Jane looked at him and saw how he furrowed his eyebrows and she saw questions in his eyes. So she decided to follow her sister acting to make him jealous.


"My boyfriend Ethan." Ethan extends his hand to Cass and she shook it.


"Nice to meet you all".


"Me too." Ethan replied. Ethan was shocked when Jane said he was her boyfriend but he choose to play along afterwards he would ask her why she said that.


"He's so cute. Both of you look good together." Cass complimented.



"You too." Ethan said referring to her and Chris.


"Of course they do." Fortune chipped in.


Chris ignored them and didn't say a word to them.



"We should get going now." Jane said trying to get away from there immediately.


"Why don't we go on couples date." Cassandra inserted.


"What?". Chris asked. That was the time he first spoke.


"Yes it will be nice. Me and you." she and Ethan. "It will be so romantic, Cass said dreamily.


"Of course it will." Fortune replied. "It will be nice."


"So its on?."




"What about next tomorrow?." Cass asked.


"Its okay."


  "Till then bye". She bade them bye and they left.


In the campus, boys and girls are seen chit chatting with each other. Some reading and some doing their assignment, the hallway of the class rooms were so busy like a market scene.

Fortune, Ada and Ekene ( the twins ), they were chatting with each other. Ada was back walking, talking to Fortune and Ekene. Unfortunately for her, she bumped into someone making the person fall down. She turned to know who she has bumped into and to her utmost surprise the person was Cara, one of the notorious girls in campus and she was with the other two, Clara and Amanda.

Fortune and Ekene gasped, cause they already know what outcome will be, Ada stretched out her hand trying to help her get up but Cara slapped her hand away and stood up.

"Are you blind?, Can't you watch where you're going?." She thundered.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to knock you down." Ada apologized.

"I don't know why you bumped into me with that your filthy body." Cara said with sarcasm in her voice.

I'm sorry." She apologized again.

"Sorry? She asked, nonchalantly. what, that sorry will ease the pain you put on her?." Clara chipped in.

Ada kept quiet, not knowing what to say again to ease the tension between all of them, all her years in this school. She tried her best not to come across these three, girls who like to make other students miserable all in the name of wealth and fame.

"Sorry won't heal the pain on my arm." Cara implied. "You have to clean our rooms for me to accept your sorry." She concluded in a sarcastic tone.

"What? Are you that blind that you didn't see, she did it unintentionally?." Ekene asked with a cold voice.

"You're not the one that knocked her down, are you?. So stay out of it." Amanda prompted.

This is my sister you're talking about, she isn't doing anything. Just because you are famous doesn't mean you should intimidate other students, talk more of my sister." He inserted, annoyed.

"For what you said, you are joining her in doing the work, understand?." Clara barked.

"You lie." Ada replied. "I'm not doing anything including my brother, that you are famous in the school doesn't mean you treat us as trash. Get that into your damn fucking head."

Fortune smirked.

She was proud of her friend, she never thought she will defend herself like this. She's always fragile and never speak if some one intimidate her and here she was defending herself and her brother not to any student but to the notorious girls and not only did she spoke back at them but also cautioned them.

Ada wanted to leave with her brother and Fortune when Amanda pulled her back.

"How dare you walk out on us?." Cara barked.

"And who do you think you are, we shouldn't walk out on?." Ada retorted.

"How dare you?." Amanda raised her hand to slap her when a hand stopped her by holding her arm. She looked up to see who dare stop her from doing what she wanted to do and to her surprise it was Vincent and the way he glared at her seems like he was upset. She decided to act innocent.