"V, thank God you are here. She knocked me down and refused to apologize." Cara said.

"Such a liar." Fortune mumbled.

"What?!." The twins exclaimed.

Vincent smirked.

"I saw what you did." He began. "She knocked you down and she did apologize but you try to pick on her by telling her to do your dishes, clean your rooms and your laundries." He pointed at Cara.

"What? What are you saying?." Cara tried to play innocent.

"Oh don't try to act smart with me." Vincent inserted with a sarcastic voice.

"She was the one that pushed me down and refuse to apologize and for that she must do what we ask of her." Cara pointed at Ada.

Fortune and the twins were all dumbfounded at the scene before them, Ada was surprise to see the Prince of the campus defend her in front of the three girls. Why would he defend a girl like her?. A low status like her but defending her like that made her feel on top of the world.

This may sound odd but let me bring out a little of my dear Ada's secret, she once had a crush on Vincent but as it seems he never noticed her and she backed off because of his bossy and arrogant behaviour. But now, what if he has noticed her and that's why he was defending her from those bitches.

And she is forever grateful and indebted to him. Ekene on the other hand was surprise to see this other side of him, since their first year in school he had been a jerk to him, making other student inferior to him. Making everyone less important in front of him but here was he defending his sister, he smiled at his gesture.

Fortune only stared at him in awe, maybe he was doing this to get all the credit. To look like the good guy, she can't trust him, he's a jerk that terrifies other students and that's all she knew about him.

"And for your information no one has the right to bully any student expect me." He pointed his finger to his chest. He smirked and turned to leave but turns around to them again.

"And before I forget let me make this clear to you or moreover warn you, don't you dare lay a finger on her ever again." He concluded and left.

Ada was still rooted on the ground and in awe at the last part he said.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her ever again." She giggled at that words.

The three girls was shocked on what they heard, instead of Vincent to side with them he went and sided with these low class people. In anger they left.

"That serves them right." Fortune finally spoke up.

"Fort, why didn't you say something when they were still here?." Ekene asked.

"Why would I?, I mean what should I have said. Ada and Vincent said it all and I'm really proud of my friend. She stood up for herself and challenged them and Vincent helped by spicing them all up." Fort patted her friend's back.

"Speaking of Vincent, I'm so glad he helped me and I'm still wondering why

he did that." She gave a questioning look to fort and Ekene.

"Don't know." Fortune said.

"Only one way to find out." Ada said and ran after him when he was about to start his scooter.

"Hey." Ada called, panting like someone who ran a 1000 meter race.

Vincent stopped as he was about to put his legs on the pedals of his scooter.

"I just want to tell you how grateful and thankful I am for defending me out there."

"Oh that its nothing." He said smiling.

"But why did you do that? Why did you save me?." She asked.

"I did it for my own benefit."

"What?." She asked surprise.

"Yes I did it for own my benefit." He repeated. "I know you don't understand what I meant, like I said before no one has the right to bull any student expect me so from now on you are my SERVANT. whenever I want you, you report to me, whenever I call you you answer and whenever I give you any task, you do it without questioning me, okay." He concluded.

Ada stood there mopping at him, totally confused on what he said.

"You mean you bought me over to bully by defending me?." She asked.

"Yes you are too fragile to bully." He smiled, showing off his teeth.

"And I'm not with your number so give it to me." He gives his phone to her but Ada debated whether to give her number to him or not and later pressed her numbers on his phone.

She gave him back his phone.

"Wait for my call." He winked and drove off.


Jane was busy doing a dance in her music studio, dancing to a song titled KIDIGODO BY DIAMOND PLATINUM.

Suddenly she heard clapping behind her when she was done dancing. She turned and saw Hailey her friend and a Man behind her, she came closer and was surprise to see that man who knocked her down days ago. What was he doing here in her studio?, it seems this man was stalking her, to know where she works. What does he want from her?. She wondered.

"Good afternoon sir." she greeted him once she neared them.

"Good afternoon." He responded.

When he responded that was when Hailey knew he was behind her.

"I thought I told you to wait in her painting studio not come here?." She asked.

"Sorry the music was so tempting and I decided to check out who was playing and it turns out to be her. He pointed at Jane. "And that's a great dance you did." He winked and thumb up at her.

"Okay that's enough, now go back to where I told you to stay." Mr Ifediegwu left them.

"How did you know him?." Jane asked bewildered.

"I don't know him, I was coming into this building when he saw me and asked me if I know you and I said yes and brought him here. And he's cute even though he's old." She winked at Jane.

"Stop that." Jane hits her shoulder.

"Uuuh.... And if he ask for your hand in marriage, accept his proposal. This maybe a dream come true." She teased her.

"Just shut up and come with me." Jane dragged her into her painting studio. They came out and sat across Mr ifediegwu.

"Sir what can I do for you?." Jane asked uncomfortable.

"Nothing actually." He smiled. "Nice paintings here. "You really got some talent."

"Of course she has." Hailey chipped in. He smiled.

"Thank Sir."

Actually why don't you do a portrait of me." He beamed with smile.

"Really?." Hailey asked with an excited tone.

"Yes and I will pay you very well." He concluded.

"OK I will but not because you said you'd pay me very well but because its my duty to attend to my customers whenever they need me." She replied, still feeling uncomfortable.

Mr ifediegwu smiled at her respond.

"OK here is my complimentary card and you'll see where I live in the card. When you are through, deliver it to my house okay?."

"Your house?." She asked, terrified. He saw the terror in her eyes and calmed her down.

"Hey calm down, I'm not a kidnapper so chill."

"OK sir."

"Now we are good." He stood up to leave. "I'm waiting for the delivery." He said

He left while Jane and Hailey escort him to his car and he drove off.

"Uuuuh this man must be really rich." Hailey teased.

"You are so lucky my friend, your charm is so powerful. It affects anyone you come across including me." She added and winked at her.

"Silly but why does he want me to deliver it where he lives?." She asked not expecting an answer. "Who is he and what does he want?."

"Stop stressing yourself like he said earlier he's not a kidnapper or have you met him before?." Hailey stared into her friend's eyes.

"Yes, he almost knocked me down days ago and since then he's been stalking me."

"Maybe he likes you or he's feeling sorry about what he did." Hailey joked.

"Don't be silly." Jane inserted.

"Yes why else would a man stalk a woman if not that he likes her." Hailey reasoned.

"But he's old, he should have a wife." Jane said with an unease tone.

"Yes, maybe that's why he wants to make you one and he's rich." This time Hailey's voice is serious.

"Whatever." Jane mumbled and rolled her eyes. "He should know I'm not interested in any one."

"Because of Chris?." Hailey asked with an annoyed tone.

"No he is a past tense now, I'm not in love with him but with Ethan and he loves me back." She smiled.

"Are you sure?." Hailey asked staring into her eyes. "It seems to me you are lying to me."

"Why would I lie?. He makes me happy and wanted unlike that grumpy Rock star." She defended herself.

"Wow someone is blushing." Hailey teased again. "See I told you to give him a chance and you will like him too."

"Seriously, you are a life saver and I'm forever grateful to you."

"My pleasure." Hailey smiled.


THAT NIGHT. Jane was lying on the bedroom, scrolling through her phone. Fortune was lying beside her engulfed in her sleep. Jane was busy going through her Instagram looking at people's pictures, if any one needed liking or commenting, she will do it until she came across Chris's own. She saw so many selfies of Chris and Cassandra and felt a tint of jealousy but tried to control herself. She read the comments there like

"So cute."


"Best couple of the year."

"Actress Cass and Rock star Chris will make a fine couple."

"I wish I was her." One female commented.

"You are so handsome my dear Chris."


And so on.

"Nice and cool pics you have there." She commented although her hands were shaking while typing it.

She dropped her phone beside her and stared at the ceiling, like the fans said they will make a great couple. Seriously who is she? She's a nobody to him. Cass is an actress the same status with him but she, she's an ordinary painter.

And one commenter said Cass and Chris has been friends from childhood so Cass will mean more to him than her. she will always be the insignificant Jane to him. She closed her eyes to ease the pain in her heart as little tears starts to form in her eyes.

Meanwhile on the other side, Chris was also scrolling through his phone. Looking at the photos he took with Cass. He laughed at some fans comment like

" Lovedovey."

" Best couple of the year."

Seriously did he say he was going to marry Cass, some fans are crazy. They like to assume things. Until he came across Jane's comment.

"Nice and cool pics you have there."

He smiled. Even though she saw those pics, she still commented, he smiled at her simplicity, so plain.

"Thanks." He replied.

He messaged her privately. "Remember tomorrow is our couples date. Cass said I should remind you and tell Ethan."

After some minutes he received a reply from her.


"Goodnight." He said.

"You too."