It was a sunny afternoon, the sun shone so mercilessly on people. Jane was the only one at home, her parents went out for a work for a neighbour while Fortune hasn't return back from school. Jane was getting ready for the couple date between she, Ethan, Chris and Cass. They were having it at Hard Rock Cafe at Water corporation road near landmark center, oniru estate.

Jane was busy dressing up, she wore a black vintage high waist skirt with big bow coupled with turtle white long sleeve blouse. She wore a pair of white pump pointed heels, made her hair in chignon. She applied a little make up on her face and carried her black purse. She was about opening the door of her room when she heard the sitting room's door bell rang. She went downstairs and opened the door and saw Ethan at her doorpost, he smiled at her as he took in.

"Good day beautiful." He greeted.

"Good day to you too handsome." She greeted back.

"You look so gorgeous."

"You too look so great in your tuxedo."

"Thanks beauty."

"You are welcome."


"Always." She smiled.

She entwined her arm in his and entered his car. He drove off to the destination, there they saw Chris and Cassandra already there, they were the only people in the restaurant. It seems the restaurant was reserved. They walked up to them, their arms still linked together.

Cassandra wore a yellow off the shoulder high neckline mermaid gown, wore a pair of wedge on her feet. Chris also wore a cream tuxedo and a pair of chukka shoes on his feet, Cass saw them and wave them to their direction. They go up and sat opposite them.

Chris stared at Jane as if she is a kinda of goddess, he can't find words to describe her beauty, she's so beautiful. He watched as she gracefully take a seat opposite them and smiled as Ethan act as a gentleman by pulling the chair for her. She had a beautiful smile, he thought.

They exchanged looks and Jane manage to put a weak smile on her face, they stared at each other for a long time, lost in each other's eyes. Cassandra and Ethan notice this and Cass cleared her throat interrupting them.

"Jane so nice to see you, I'm so happy you honoured my invitation." Cass chipped in.

Jane smiled.

"You look so beautiful in your dress." She complimented.

"You too." Cass replied, smiling.

So what do you want?." Cass asked. Jane picked up the menu and ran her eyes on the list.

"I want garnished rice, vegetables and wine."

"What about you?." She asked Ethan.

"Same with her." He replied.

Cassandra picked tomato sauce with Noddles coupled with whiskey drink, Chris went for red wine ( pure heaven ) and spaghetti.

The waiter brought their orders and placed it on their table, which they started eating and discussing.

"Jane I don't know much about you, can you please tell me more about yourself?." Cass questioned.

"Emm.... There's nothing much to say, I'm just a normal girl taking care of a satisfying paint studio." She replied.

"Wow so nice you're a painter?."


"Not only is she a painter but also a graphics artist." Ethan chipped in as he gulped down the wine on his tumbler.

"Cool that's great." Cass complimented.

"So how did you two meet?." Cass asked pointing at Ethan and Jane. That one question caught Jane off guard. She wanted to reply but Ethan replied instead.

"I met her when I travelled to my hometown to celebrate Christmas with my parents and loved ones. She was coming out from a shop she bought something from, the moment I laid eyes on her. I was attracted to her." Ethan confessed.

Jane just kept quiet minding her food while it seems Chris was really interested in the story.

"Wow, so it was love at first sight?." Cass questioned.

"Yes, you can say that. I was drawn by her beauty although I saw her at night, she was wearing a leopard skin jumpsuit and made her hair in a curly form"

"Wow that's nice." Cass said.

Meanwhile Chris and Jane didn't utter a word at each other, they just kept quiet listening at the other two talk. She glanced up at Chris only to find out he was already staring at her, she immediately looked away.

"Well Chris and I have been childhood friends even up till now, he had been that one true friend I always wanted. I couldn't help but fall head over heels for him." Cass said as she entwined her arm around Chris's own.

Jane didn't know what to feel when she saw that. She didn't even know if she should feel pain or jealousy.

Back then when we are in school I mean middle school, I used to get bullied by other students but he used to defend me like an elder brother would do for his sister." She smiled remembering those memories.

Cass blabbed on and on and Chris was already getting tired of it but he controlled himself meanwhile Jane and Ethan listened attentively.

"Chris did you remember the first time you taught me how to ride a bicycle but I was being dumb then and I really upset you but anyways its all in past now." She was still in between words when Jane stood up and excused her from them.

"Sorry to interrupt you, I want to use the rest room." She left. Chris watched as she disappeared into the room, restroom.

Cassandra kept on talking of the events she went with Chris to Ethan and Ethan also told her about how he and Jane has been there for each other. The two were lost in their conversation that they didn't know when Chris stood up and left for the restroom also.


Jane was inside the restroom, she stood in front of the wall mirror and stared at her reflection.

Who exactly is she? Why is she doing this to herself? Cassandra had so many memories with Chris that she can boast of but she... She had none to boast of. She only chatted with him on social medias so she was insignificant in his eyes and he made it clear that he doesn't want anything to do with her.

Why can't she listen to her head and move on, why must she always listened to her heart and hurt herself this way.

Why does she have that faith that one day he will learn to love her.

She was lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice little tears dropping from her eyes and she didn't notice when someone entered the rest room.

"Jane?." He called in a soft voice. She turned and saw Chris standing before her and she was unaware of the tears in her eyes.

"What are you doing in here?." She questioned. "Didn't you see this is the female rest room?." She asked in between sobs.

"I think you are the one who didn't see it. This is the men restroom."

What?." She exclaimed. "Tell me you are joking." Chris shook his head. She went outside and looked on top of the door and it was written "MEN".

She shut her eyes in embarrassment, shaking her head at her own stupidity, was she totally lost in her thoughts that she didn't know when she entered men's restroom.

She came inside, she turned to him and apologized. "I'm sorry I didn't....." That's when he noticed the tears in her eyes

"You're crying? What happened Jane?." He asked with concern in his voice.

"Emm..... Nothing, I'm fine." She went and picked up her purse where she dropped it on the restroom sink, she turned to leave when her body collided with his hard muscular body making her drop her purse.

"She bent to pick her and he did the same also. His fingers touched her while trying to pick her purse and that sent cold chills through her body. She looked up to him only to find out he's already staring at her, they locked their eyes into each other for what seems like an hour. So many questions was going on on his mind.

Like why was she crying and what was making her cry?. He stared at her for a brief moment and he would have to admit, she's such a beautiful lady.

"You look gorgeous." He said those words, absentmindedly.

"Thanks." She manage to smile a little. His face drew closer to hers, her instincts told her not to allow him do what he wants do. Instead he raised one of his fingers, using it to clean the tears in her eyes. That sent cold chills down her spine

"I don't know what is making you cry but whatever, you shouldn't be crying like this.

Get up and face whatever that is making you cry, face your fears and ...crying doesn't suit you, always put a smile on that face."

"Jane gave him a weak smile. They stared at each other for a brief moment when he drew her closer to him and rested her head on his chest.

She was surprise at this gesture, like he was acting weird today. Why was he acting so gentlemanly and she love his cologne, that made her nestle more closer to him while he pats her head. They were in that position for a long time when suddenly someone opens the restroom's door, revealing Ethan who was shocked at what he saw.

Jane looked up and saw Ethan staring at them, she jerked out from the embrace and picked up her purse. With rage Ethan left and She ran after him out to where their table was.

"Ethan, Ethan?." She called as she ran after him. "Is not what you think." She tried to explain but he gave deaf ears to her. Cass who was surprise at their behaviour, what happened in there that made Ethan upset with her?.

She has the habit of making people mad at her, first was Chris now Ethan. They were still in the middle of their talk when Chris walked out.

"What took you so long in there?." Cass asked but Chris ignored her and was about to sit down when Ethan rushed to him and grabbed his collar.

"Who do you think you are?." He asked. Jane went to him and pleaded for him to leave Chris's collar.

"Ethan stop." She tired to remove his hand from Chris's collar but he pushed her away.

"Who do you think you are to do what ever you want?." He repeated with anger flickering in his eyes.

"Can someone tell me what's going on here and what's up with this whole drama?." Cass asked but everyone ignored her. Chris kept quiet not saying anything

"Ethan please stop, you are creating a scene." Jane pleaded profusely. Ethan let go of his fist on Chris's collar, took Jane by the hand and led her out of the restroom.


Fortune, Ada and Ekene are seen in the school cafeteria buying food, after that. They went to a reserved table there and sat down. They started eating, engaging themselves in a conversation when Ada's phone rang. She picked up the call.

"Hello, who is this?."

"Is that how to talk to your master? Report now to my office." Vincent said sarcastically.

"What?." She replied in an emphatic tone drawing the attention of her brother and Fortune. "Master? Office? Seriously I don't know who....." That's when it rung on her head she was talking to Vincent.

Oh you?, Sorry I didn't know you were the one".

"Yea me." V replied nonchalantly. "Report now to my office.".


"You will see a tall yellow building with a brown roof, the first floor you see on your left. The third dark shiny brown door you see, go in through. Do I make myself clear?." He warned as if he was talking to his pupil. "And before I count to 5, I want to see you right here standing before me."

"But....." Before she could say another word. He hung up the call on her.

"Sorry guys I have to leave now, something urgent came up, I will meet you in class." She said and she stood up to leave.

"Who was that?." Her twin brother asked

"Ma room mate, she wants my help with something. I will be right back, I won't take long." She lied.

"OK but remember our next class starts in the next hour." Fortune said.

"OK." She left and ran as if she was missing an important appointment. She ran down to the building, she turn to her left on the first floor, as she neared the third door. She hesitated for a moment before opening the door and going in. She saw Vincent's friends ( Jeff and Jeremy ) playing a tennis ball game. The inside looks like a self con, 2 white embroidered sofas. placed opposite each other, there in the middle was a gray floor mat with a glass table on it. 4inch plasma TV mounted on the wall. The wall was painted yellow and white giving it a nice view.

She looked around but found Vincent not, Jeff and Jeremy were so engross in their game that they didn't notice her presence until she spoke up.

"Emm... emm..emm.. Hello?." She called. They turned and saw her, they raised their eyebrows on her to kinda of explain who she was.

"Yes who are you?." Jeremy asked nonchalantly.

"I'm Ada and I'm here to see Vincent." She smiled politely.

"What for?." Jeff asked.

"He sent for me." She answered politely again

"Sent for you?." Jeff asked, skeptically. They looked at each other and burst out in laughter. Ada wondered what was funny.

"Yes, he sent for me." This time she raised her voice a bit, these guys are testing her patience.

"Why would V sent for a girl like you?." Jeremy asked. "You're not even pretty, you aren't his type of girl."

Those words sank down in her heart and she was already burning with fury inside. What do they think?. That she wants to date him, that's the last thing she will ever do.

"Look we have met girls like you, desperate girls like you. When the guy has the money you'll do anything in your power to gain the guy's attention." Jeremy continues blabbing.

"Mind your choice of words." She said calmly.

Jeff came closer to her, stared at her from head to toe. He circles her. "No ass, not even big boobs. Your clothes are even shabby, when last did you change your wardrobe and when last did you do your hair?." He asked as he touched her hair.

"I'm warning you, mind your language." She said as she snatched her hair from him.

"Tsh.... Jeremy made a sound under his breath. "This girl do you know who you are talking to?." He asked with an upset tone.

"Of course I do and I'm not afraid of you two, you spoiled brats. She prompted boldly. "Like I said earlier I'm here for Vincent."

"How dare you?." Jeremy raised his to hit her when he was held by Vincent. Jeremy and Jeff were surprised at this.

"What do you think you are doing? Don't you have some respect for a girl, I don't know to be like this?." He asked in a rhetorical manner. "I maybe rude and arrogant but never raised my hand on a girl."

"But she was the one who disrespected us first. Jeff complained. "She spoke to us in a rude manner."

"I know, I saw everything, I saw the whole drama and I'm the one who sent for her."

"But she isn't your type of girl." Jeremy inserted.

"I know she isn't but instead she's my servant." He replied.

"Servant?." Jeff and Jeremy ask at the same time.

"Yes." He smiled. "She will report to us anytime we need her, go errand for us and any other servant's jobs." He concluded.

"You should have told us beforehand, we thought she was one of those girls who they push themselves at you." Jeremy inserted and chuckled.

"Of course she isn't. You know my type of girl."

"Yea." Jeremy and Jeff laughed.

"Now, my most welcomed servant. This is my lodge and these are Jeff and Jeremy, my room mates. This is where you will report to work every school days on break periods." Vincent stated.

"What?." Ada asked shocked. What kind of servant slavery is this? She thought.

"Yes and you start by cleaning this place, do our dishes and laundry and after that you cook lunch for us ( Jollof rice )."

"But I have class in half an hour." She complained.

"No but... That's why I said you should report here on breaks and if you ever complain I will shift it to your class times. Do you understand?."

"But seriously, please reconsider." She pleaded.

"If I were you, which I'm not. I will start doing it immediately than wasting my precious time arguing with my master, now get to work!." He commanded.

Ada did as she was instructed. She tied her hair in a bun to avoid distracting her as she worked. She cleaned the whole place, washed their clothes, do their dishes and cooked for them. When she was through, she checked the time. It was an hour and 30 minutes, she was late for her class and she knew her brother and Fortune would be wondering why she was taking so long.

She dusted every dirt on her clothes, loose her hair and came out to the sitting room where those spoiled brats were. They were all there playing video games. Vincent looked up and saw her standing there.

"Oh my servant, are you through?." He asked

She nodded.

"Here take this 5k for your job today, you will be getting paid every time you work." He handed her the notes.

"Thanks I don't need it." She responded and left immediately. That behaviour of hers baffled the three guys.

"Wow such a rare." Jeff praised. "This is the first time a girl rejected our money."

"Tsh... I don't believe that's her true colour. Let her work for 2weeks and see she demands for her allowance." Vincent implied.

"You think so?." Jeremy asked, doubting.



Ada rushed into the classroom which took the students by surprise, she greeted the teacher.

"Why are you late for my class?." He asked.

"I went home to help my room mate do something. I'm sorry I came late." She apologized.

"OK next time, don't come to my class late next time."

"OK sir".

She rushed to her seat in the middle of Fortune and Ekene seats. Immediately she sat down Fortune and Ekene threw questions at her.

"What took you so long?." Ekene asked.

"My roommate caused it, she was so careless that she forgot where she kept her biometric identification card and she wants to take an exam with it tomorrow." She lied again.

"But why is your hair such a mess?." Fortune asked.

"Oh we searched every corner of our lodge that's why I look so tired and such a mess."

"Are you sure?" Ekene asked doubting every word that came from her mouth.

"Yes." She lied again. She didn't want to make them worry because of that arrogant brat.

"Shush...." The teacher warned them to stop murmuring.

"Sorry sir." They apologized