Mr Bruce is seen in his room with his wife, discussing with her.

"I have seen a bride for him." He said to his wife

"Who?." Gwen asked.

"Our son of course, who else?".

"I thought we talked about this before?." Gwen asked.

"Yes but he's taking too much time, is it when we die that's when he will get married?."

"Give him more time, he will get married." Gwen inserted.

"Time? Time you said, when will that time be?. You know what whether he goes berserk or not, he's getting married to the girl I chose for him."

"Oh you have already chosen a wife for him?." Gwen asked doubtful.

"Yes and that's period." He climbed down from their bed and went to the sitting room.

Gwen sat there thinking about what her husband told her. What if her husband makes the wrong choice for their son and bring in a bitch as a wife. She won't allow him.


It was over a week now after the incident that happened at the restaurant occurred. After bringing Jane home that day though he didn't talk to her through out their drive home.

And he refused to talk to her, Jane called as many times but he rejected her calls and this kept her in so much dilemma. She didn't know what else to do to make him talk to her.

Her parents has left for work, Fortune had left for school, she was the only one at home. She tided everywhere, washed the plates and other chores. Just after she finished and starting painting the contract Mr Ifediegwu gave to her which she decided to do at home.

The sitting room door bell rang, she wondered who was that at the door, she prayed silently that it should be Ethan. She rushed immediately and opened the door, to her disappointment it was Hailey her friend.

She turned back into the house, Hailey noticed the change in her facial expression. She came into the sitting room and sat down. Jane sat opposite her and rested her head and arms on the head rest and on the arms of the couch looking helplessly at the ceiling, Hailey noticed this and asked her what was the problem. Jane looked down and up to her and heaved a sigh.

"Ethan is no more talking to me."

"Why?." Hailey asked surprised

Jane let out a frustrated sigh.

"Remember that couple's date I went with Ethan, Chris and Cass?." She asked.

Hailey nodded.

"Well when we were busy discussing, I excused my self and went in the restroom not knowing it was for male. When I was still in there, Chris came in and I wanted to send him out thinking it was females before he told me it was males."

Hailey nodded her head as a sign to go on.

I don't know how he noticed I was crying and ask me what was wrong...."

Hailey cuts in. "But why were you crying?".

Jane kept mute.

"Don't tell me it was because of Chris and Cass?." Hailey asked staring at her suspiciously.

She kept mute.

Hailey rolled her eyes in an upset manner. "How many times have I told you to forget that Rock star, why are you acting like a child? You are a NOBODY to him." She said emphasizing the nobody.

"Let go of him, let him be. He rejected you and you still going after him, this is unlike you Jane. What kind of stupid love is that?." She asked.

Jane kept quiet again.

Jane for Christ's sake let Chris be, kill whatever feelings you have for him and I guess Ethan isn't talking to you ' cause he saw both of you in the restroom right?".

She nodded. "I have tried calling him so many times but he's not picking my calls." Jane complained.

"What do you expect?." Hailey asked rhetorically.

"He saw you with Chris in the restroom and he got mad, any guy in his position will do so too" She added.

"So what do I do?." Jane questioned impatiently.

"Meet him at his house, ask him out on a date and explain to him that what he saw was not true, that he misunderstood the whole situation and don't you ever bring up Chris's name whenever you are with him. Talk more about you and him, he will value it." Hailey concluded.

"Do you think it will work?." Jane asked skeptically.

"Yes sweetheart, trust me your friend." Hailey winked at her earning a smile from Jane.


Jane jogged to the fitting centre with the name ( Jentro fitting centre ) scribbled in old Roman letter in pink colours. She entered the interior of the building which was well furnished with workout equipments like treadmill, cable bicep bar, rowing machine and so on. The inside was painted mint blue and white,

She entered and smiled as she took in the sweet fragrance of the fitting centre, she wore pink tank top with yoga pants coupled with trainers boots on her feet, she tied her hair in a tight ponytail and didn't apply any make up on her face yet she still looked pretty.

She walked in and greeted everyone like she used to with a smile on her face. She went straight to the rowing machine sat on it and started doing workouts with it. She was working out and humming a song named "Because of you" along.

She did it for some minutes and when she got tired, she climbed off the Rowing machine and walked to the bottled water stand to get a bottled water. After getting it, she removed the cap of the bottle water. She raised the water to her mouth and started gulping it down while walking suddenly she collided with a hard body, the water jumped out of her hand and spilled on the tiled floor while some of it splashed on the person she collided with.

She gasped and started begging not looking at him.

"Sorry I didn't mean to spill water on you, please forgive me." She pleaded.

Chris stood there looking at her, it reminded him of how she begged him at his concert months ago. She looked so adorable wearing those gym outfits. Jane looked up to see who she clashed into and to her dismay, it was that grumpy Rock star.

The man she least want to set eyes on, she stared at his brown eyes as they continued staring back into her. He tied a white handkerchief round his dreadlocks hair, wore a X- vent t-shirt and pace breaker swift shorts coupled with epic react sneakers.

Sweats soaked his shirt showing his biceps and abs, sweats were dripping down from his head to his body and he raised his hand to wipe off the sweat.

He looked so muscularly sculpted and the sweats helped by bringing out every parts of his body.

She stood there staring at his body and checking out his curves and wondered what it felt like to touch his chest, she loved his physique. He coughed jerking her out of her wild thoughts.

What's wrong with you Jane? How can you be staring at him like that with those wild thoughts on your head, did he find me checking him out.

She closed her eyes in embarrassment. She turned away from him to walk out and didn't notice the water on the floor, immediately she step foot on it, she slipped and fell but luckily for her Chris's arm snaked around her waist which jolted her inside at how his touch affected her so much.

The other arm held her hand to prevent her from falling. She thanked the stars that she didn't fall or else she would have left here in embarrassment.

He stared into her dark shiny eyes as she stared back into his, he was so close to her that she can hear her heart racing fast at their proximity.

She has never felt this close to him before, the proximity between them was so demanding. Chris stared at her as if she was the only creature on earth, he loved her perfume, bathing soap mixed with sweat. He felt like bringing her more closer to him which quickened the sensitive part of his body. He didn't know when he let go off her and she fell with a loud thud.

She winced with pain as Chris stood there smirking at her mischievously.

"What was that for?." She asked, furiously as she stood up from the floor.

"Oh that?. That's for splashing water on me." He smirked.

"But I already apologize for that." Jane prompted with annoyance flickering in her eyes

"Oh you did?." He asked nonchalantly. "I didn't hear it." He pointed to the ear buds in his ears.

She boiled the more with anger, this guy is such a jerk.

"Of course you won't hear 'cause you stuffed your ears with this." She reached out and removed the ear bud from his ears and shoving it to his face for him to see.

"Oh...." He behaved as if was not a big deal. She clenched her hands which are turned into fists.

"Next time, watch were you're going." He said smirking again at her.

"And next time don't try to bump into someone." She said with annoyance.

"Feisty , I like that." He winked at her.

That sent fire all over her body. Why is it that every thing he does affect her so much, she liked him. But she has accepted the reality that Chris will never love her, he was just playing around with her. He will never like her and never will.

"So grumpy." She said under her breath making sure that Chris didn't hear her.

"Did you say something?." He questioned as he watch her pick up the bottled can water from the floor.

"No." She stood up and left.

He watched as she picked up her things and  left.