After the morning lectures are over. Ada lied to Fortune and Ekene telling them she had to do something at her lodge

"I have to do something at home." she lied.

"What is it?." Ekene asked skeptically.

"Its my turn to cook for my roommate and I and I didn't cook it in the morning cause of these morning lectures and I don't want her to come back and find nothing in the house." She lied again.

"You sure?." Ekene asked again looking deep in her eyes.

"Yes." She replied. She didn't want them worrying that she was actually working for those rich spoilt brats.

"Then run along before afternoon lecture starts." Fortune said smiling, she smiled back. She packed her things from her desk, shoving them inside her bag and left.

She rushed to Vincent's house and knocked on the waiting for someone to open it. She knocked the second time before Jeremy opened the door.

"And you make it early today, that's impressive."

He remarked showing off his teeth as he smirked at her. Ada scoffed and went to do the works assigned to her. She went in and brought out all their dirty clothes and started washing them .

The environment was so quiet, seems Vincent and Jeff were not around only Jeremy was at home. He sat on the couch working on his phone. After washing and hanging them on the twine to dry, she came in and asked Jeremy to vacate the sitting room she wants to clean it.

"And why would I do that?." He asked.

"And I want to clean it." She retorted back.

"Clean it, I'm not disturb you or does my presence affect you?." He smirked showing his teeth again. That sight made her heart skipped, he looked so handsome.

She scoffed and starts dusting the sofas including the one he was sitting on Irrespective he was there.

"Are you blind? Can't you see I'm here." He screamed.

"And can't you see I'm trying to dust the sofas".

"Apologize now or you will see the worst of me."

"Never?!." She went back to dusting the sofas. She dusted the room divider, the standing speakers and was about picking up the broom to sweep the floor when Jeremy held her arm with his hand. He stared at her with annoyance flickering in his eyes. Ada flinched at his hold on her arm, his grip was tight.

"Apologize now." He said again calmly. She saw the annoyance in his eyes but paid no attention to it, she told her self she was not afraid of him.

"I will not cause I told you on time."

She stuck her tongue out and mock him, instead of getting angry the more. He found what she did amusing, she wondered what's funny but shrugged it off. He twisted her arm which made her flinch the more, she tried jerking his hand off her but ended up falling on the floor with him falling on top of her.

Both of them were shocked to see themselves in that position. His face was 2 inches from her, he stared at her eyes down to her lips and up to her eyes again as if searching for something inside them. She stared back into his, those dark cute eyes and down to his lips and the pace of her heart quickened and chills ran down her spine at their closeness.

Jeremy can hear the racing of her heart and smiled mischievously, he gulped up and down as if he was afraid. He had seen and dated different girls with different colours but none has affected him the way this one was affecting him now.

"Em..... Won't you get off me, I need to work." Ada said, trying to breathe.

"What if I refuse?".

"Pervert, get off me." She kicked him hard on his thing making him wince with pain. Getting off her immediately and holding his thing behind the short he wore, he winced with pain more and more and Ada wondered if she'd kick him that hard, she scoot closer to him and stared at his closed eyes and the way he clutched his thing in pain. She felt sorry for him.

"Are you okay?." She asked with concern. "Does it hurt that much?."

"Of course it does." He cried the more. "What was that for?."

"I told you to get off me, you refused so I did that for you to get off me."

He opened his eyes and pushed her down to the floor with him over her again. He pinned her hands on the floor with his and she struggled to get him off her but to no avail, he was way too strong than her.

"What are you doing? Get off me!". She screamed.

"I won't."

She struggled and struggled to free herself from him but all was abortive so she decided to become the prey to him by not struggling again. She prepared herself for the worst and whatever he will do to her.

He brought his face closer and more closer to her that it was an inch away. Ada feared what he was going to do to her, she shut her eyes and tightened them. Jeremy brought his face closer to hers until she could hear his breath fall on her neck.

She waited for the worst to happen but nothing was happening. Why was nothing happening? She wondered.

She opened her eyes slightly when she noticed his grip on her hands loosened and sighted Jeremy who was already off her and was smirking at her. She covered her eyes with her palms in embarrassment. What was she thinking, that he was gonna kiss her.

She opened her eyes and jolted up still sitting on the floor.

"What's was that for?." She questioned breathless and tried to show his closeness didn't affect her.

"Nothing." He replied, still smirking. "Do you think I was gonna kiss you?. Nah, you are not my type of girl."

He got up from the floor and sat on the sofa picking up his phone and started working on it again as if nothing happened. Ada's face was already reddened with anger but chose to ignore it as she got off the floor too, she looked at the wall clock and it remains an hour to go before the afternoon lectures.

She picked up the broom and started sweeping the house ignoring he was there and how much his presence affected her. After she was done sweeping and cleaning the house, she prepared a simple dish for them which was spaghetti with fried eggs.

She cleaned herself and was satisfied she looked okay unlike the other time she looked like a mad woman. She left without saying a word to him, she even rejected the money he gave her.


"What kind of a guy is he?." Ada yelled absentmindedly as she dropped her bag on the cafeteria table of which Fortune and Ekene sat with a loud thud.

Ekene and Fortune looked up at her and saw her burning with rage.

"Who?." Fortune asks, disturbed.

"Who? Me?." She asked as she came back to reality and realized she said that out loud.

"No one." She replied, immediately.

"But you said he now." Ekene implied.

"Oh, one stupid guy who bumped into me and expected me to apologize to him." She lied.

"It's that why you are angry?." Fortune asked. "Just let it go okay."


"So are you through cooking for your roommate?." Ekene asked.

"Hmmmm? Yes." She replied immediately remembering that was what she told them before leaving.


Fortune was rushing to buy food groceries from a near supermarket near their house. She was about crossing the road when she ran into a dog, a cute black and white dog to be precise. And she loved pets so much when she saw that dog, she was thrilled and bent down so her face was on the same level with the dog's. The dog kept popping out its tongue as she stroke the furs on its head and body, she looked in its dark crystal eyes and could see herself through it.

"What a lovely creature you are. So adorable, isn't there anyone with you?. How can you be running along a busy road like the this, what if a car ran you over. Who is with you?."

She asked as she brought her to the safe side of the road, yeah it's a female dog. A chain was tied around the dog, and a choker necklace hung round its neck with a name (sparkle) scribbled on it with italics lettering.

"Sparkle, what a lovely name for a lovely dog like you." She stroke its furs more and the dog felt relaxed in her touch.

"She belongs to me." A deep manly voice spoke from behind her. She turned and saw Vincent standing before her, she couldn't believe her eyes. He wore a Jersey shirt and short and a pair of Nike slippers on his feet, it looks like he was strolling.

"Oh sorry. She bumped into me that's why I asked."

"You are not afraid?." V asked, staring deep into her eyes.

Fortune wondered where that question came from.

"Of what?".

"Of a dog, of it biting you."

"Nah I'm not. I'm common with dogs." She replied smiling. The next statement of his really caught her off guard.

"No wonder you're one." He said.

"Come on sparkle, let's go." He took his dog by its chain and left, Fortune watched as he leaves. Anger was sipping through her, she gritted her teeth in annoyance.

"Its not over yet." She said through gritted teeth and left too.


Jane stood at the 3 storey building before her which was painted cool ash colour. It was a movie company, That was the company where Ethan works as a photographer and cinematographer. The company was all about the celebrities, their lives and careers. The exterior of the building was so beautifully and wonderfully made.

She exhaled as she did her dress very well, she was wearing a yellow round neck dress with embroidered flowers all over it, she applied a little make up on her face, let her hair loose and wore black moccasins on her feet. She clutched her black purse nervously. She hesitated to enter in there but mustered up the courage to face her fears.

She walked in and greeted the receptionist and told her who she was looking for. The receptionist made a phone call with the desk telephone and told her to sit on the couch and wait for the person she's looking for.

She smiled and sat down on the couch and fiddled with her dress impatiently. Her eyes were glued on the wall TV there but her mind wasn't there. She wondered if Ethan would be happy to see her cause she didn't call to inform him she was coming. She wanted to surprise him, what if he hates her surprise visit.

Immediately the door adjacent to the receptionist desk opened revealing Ethan who wore white polo and jean shorts coupled with pecker slippers on his feet.

"Jane." He called gently as he was shocked to see her. Jane looked up and saw him forcing a smile on his face, she smiled back.