The best way to conquer your fears is to face them.

"Jane." He called. "What are you doing here?". He asked as he sat beside her.

Jane was still fiddling with her dress.

"Em... Ah.... I...." She stuttered while looking down on her dress not wanting to meet his eyes.

Ethan noticed this and stopped her from fiddling with her dress by laying his palms on hers and gently turned her to face him. He gazed into her dark eyes and saw fear, he wondered where it came from.

"Jane what is it? Talk to me."

"Ethan it's about the other time we went to that couples date with Cass and Chris, what you saw in that restroom was all wrong, a misunderstanding. Nothing was going on between us in there."

He shushed her by placing his index finger on her lips when he noticed a tint of fear in her voice.

He wondered why she was afraid

Was she afraid he won't believe her?.

"Jane, I was never angry with you. I'm only mad at myself." He said as he broke his gaze from her and fixed it on anything in the reception's room.

"Why?." She asked surprised.

"For not accepting you will never love me the way I do to you. Your heart belongs to him not me. I don't blame you, I blame myself for not seeing that. Jane you harboured your feelings for him for over 4 years or more but he in question was too blind to see that."

She heard the pain and hurt in his voice and felt sorry for him.

Why can't she love him?

Like the way she does for that grumpy man.

She turned his face to face her and looked deep into his eyes.

Ethan you will always have that special place in my heart, you're more than a friend to me. You're like a brother to me, a brother I never had."

He kept quiet listening to her even though her words shot daggers into his heart but he will learn to let go one day.

All I wanted is for you to be happy. Your happiness isn't with me,it's somewhere else. You never can tell. You deserve more and better, you deserve a girl who loves you for you. You are a good man any woman would want to be with, its not just me." She said gently.

She knew how Ethan feel now, she felt the same way too. Liking someone who will never like you in return but she had to tell him the truth, she had to tell him everything even though this wasn't what she and Hailey agreed on but she has to let him know their relationship was only based on friendship nothing more than that.

"It's alright, I understand, you don't have to explain it to me."

"But we can still be best friends." She chirped in smiling. "Who knows love can bloom from there."

Ethan smiled. He loved her smile, she has the best smile he had ever seen and he love to see her this happy. He hoped what she said will come true, he wants to spend the rest of his life with her.

"Are you busy?." She asked.


"I'm taking you out on a date." She smiled. He furrowed his right brow in a questionable manner.

"Friends date." She added immediately.

"Give me 10 minutes to take permission from my boss and to prepare for this amazing date."

"Okay." She smiled.


Chris was in his studio room playing with his guitar. His music studio, a room beside his bed room, the interior was designed with musical instruments such as guitar, a grand piano, bands, double bass bands. The room looked so big and spacious and was designed with shiny marbles on the walls and the floor was designed with polished transparent wood. A huge chandelier with different light bulbs hung from the ceiling giving it a nice view.

He sat on a stool there with his guitar working on a new song titled " DYNAMITE ". He worked so tirelessly trying to get the notes in order, he worked for sometime until he was exhausted. He walked out from his studio to his mightily white designed living room.

Let me elaborate on how his sitting room is.

He stood there on the stairs staring at the empty sitting room. The interior has this Indian accent, the way the sitting room was decorated in white. A tree stood at one end of the wall, two seater sofas and three seater sofas lay opposite each other.

Adjacent to each sofas stood a partially looking rocking chairs. In the middle of each rocking chairs lay a stool and beside the tree stood a table lamp, in the middle of the sofas lay a transparent table on in was a transparent flower vase and other stuffs on it.

Everything was in white expect the arm chairs which has black on each of its hands. The sitting room was classify into 5 chambers. The first chamber is used for cooking, the kitchen and the interior was well decorated in white.

The second chamber is used for book library where he stores his musical books and other valuable books or things in, the third chamber is used for visitor's room and beside it another chamber which is used for seat out, three sofas stood opposite each other and a chaise lounge lay at one end of the wall.

A huge white bulb hung from the ceiling of the seat out. Adjacent to the seat out was the dinning which is covered in its white glowing glory, well decorated with French taste, opposite the dinning, a door was built which connects to the main door of the house.

The house felt so empty without Rose in it, she has been the one making it lively every single day with her childish behaviours but now she has gone to live with his parents cause it was close to her school. He really wished she was here with him and suddenly his thoughts flashed towards Jane.

He could picture her smiling face, he'd swore she has the best smile he had ever seen. He remembered the other day at the gym center when he held her close to him.

That was the first time he held her so close to him, it felt like he was holding the most priceless jewel in the world. He want to have her close to him, to feel her close to him,to take in her perfume and rest his head on her neck.

Chris what exactly do you feel for her?. Ugh.....

He promised himself not to fall for another woman not after what he experienced in the past. And he only told himself that girls were after money nothing else matter to them. Rock stars don't fall for girls, literally girls fall for them.

He wanted to have Rose here to make the house more lively so he's gonna drive to his parents house and take her home with him, he walked back to his bedroom and dressed up before leaving.

He drove into his parents compound, parked his car in beside the building and headed for the living room. Immediately Rose sighted him as he walked in, she rushed to him and hugged him so tight, I mean hugging his thighs. Chris bends low so he was on same level with her and returned her hug.

"I miss you baby." He held her so tight as if she was gonna be taken away from him any moment.

I miss you too daddy." She smiled as they broke from each other embrace. Chris stared into her eyes and loved her cute smiles. She was the only possession his brother left for him after his death, yes Chris had an elder brother ( chekwube ) who died with his wife in a car accident. He closed his eyes in pain as the memories flashed back, Rose noticed this and asked.

"Dad are you okay?."

He opened his eyes and nodded. "Yes I'm fine."

He loved and adored his brother, he was just like a god he worshipped, he was so close to his brother that nothing could separate them until that fateful day death snatched his brother away from him.

He regretted and cursed that day and after that incident he took Rose under his custody and took care of her that's why Rose was so used to calling him daddy.

"Where is grandpa and grandma?." He asked.

"They are in their room. Let me call them."

"Okay." Chris smiled at her. Rose rushed in and called her grandparents.

"Finally he came to visit." Mr Bruce implied as he walks to the sitting room with his wife.

" You're here." His mother inserted.

"Yes mom, good day mom and dad."

"Good day my dear son." Mrs Gwen smiled. They all sat down.

"Son how is your music life?." Mr Bruce asked.

"Good dad, working on a song."


"Dad I want to take Rose back to my house at least to make it lively again. I feel so lonely there, I need company." He stated the reason why he came.

Mr Bruce processed what he just said and may be ths was the right time to bring up the topic. He told himself.

"You want Rose to go with you?." His father asked.

Chris nodded.

"Well I will let Rose go with you on one condition." Chris and his mom raise their eyes in surprise.

"Condition? What condition?." He asked.

Mr Bruce coughed. "You've to promise me you're going to get married in the next two weeks."

Chris widened his eyes in shock trying to process what his father just said. Gwen turned to her husband filled with shock.


"Yes son, you're are due for marriage." His father reasoned.

"But I don't want to get married." He went berserk at the mention of that word marriage.

"What do you mean you don't want to get married? Do you want to remain single for the rest of your life?." His dad asked, almost upset.

"That's my decision to make." He mumbled, his voice sounding more like a whisper. He bent his head in deep thought, why is it that his dad was so adamant on him getting married?.

He had given up on women, he didn't want to settle down in fact he was okay being single so far he got the love of his parents and his fans. He'd like it to be like that. Bringing another woman into his life after what he passed through in the past is like calling another world war into his life.

"Dad I've everything I ever wanted, I have your love and support. I have Rose, all the wealth and fame including my fans. I've worked through thick and thin to get where I am today. What else do I need?."

"A woman. You need a woman in your life, without a woman in your life you are incomplete."

"Where were the women when I had nothing, when I was still struggling with my future?." He cried. "Remember what happened to me in the past."

"Forget the past, focus on the present." His dad implied.

"I'm not getting married, I'm happy the way I am." Chris said infuriated by his father's words and stood up started pacing up and down restlessly.

"By next week if you don't show me the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with, you're going to get married to the one I've chosen for you and that's final."

"You have chosen a bride for me already?." He asked, widening his eyes the more in shock.

"Not yet but almost." With those last words Mr Bruce stood up and left for his room.

Chris stood stiff on the ground not moving a muscle, his eyes still widened in shock as he contemplates what his dad said. How was he going to find a wife next week, yes he has million female fans but they want his fame and money. He had got so many female secret admirers but they never interest him even Cass who was his childhood friend and an actress, he couldn't imagine himself living with her even though he was aware of her feelings for him.

He's just not the type of Rock star that's into women. He was still deep in thought when a hand touched his shoulders causing him to turn abruptly.

"Son, I understand how you feel of not getting married." His mom began. "And I don't like to see the way you and your father fight all the time, it really hurts my heart."

"Then tell him to stop meddling in my life, tell him to stop sticking his nose in my business. First my school life, my music life and now marriage." What actually is his problem?." He asked sarcastically.

"I'm your mom and I want what's best for you. Get married for my sake." Mrs Gwen said.

"Mom?." He asked, trying to get what his mom said. His mom nodded her head in agreement.

"Yes son please get married for me and you see I'm getting old day by day and I want to see my grand children before I leave the world."

"But you already have Rose, she's more than enough for you." He looked deep into his mom's eyes searching for answers.

"Of course I have Rose but I want more and you better get a bride and present to your dad by next week cause I trust your dad if he puts his mind to something he's going to get it done, I think he has gotten someone for you. He just waiting for the right time to bring it out in the open."

"He has gotten someone for me already?".

"I'm not sure but I think he has. So do not let him have his way this time, I'm afraid he will make the wrong choice for you and bring in a devil to ruin you."

"But how can I get a bride in a week?." He asked, skeptically.

"You're a Rock star and you have so many female fans, just use your flair on them and pick one." His mom winked at him.

"But you know they all want my money and my fame not me." He complained. "What if I make the wrong choice and bring in a bitch for myself?".

"You are my son and I believe you will bring in the right woman into your life. I will use my prayers to back it up for you."

Chris smiled earning a smile from his mom too. Where would he have been without his mom, she's always there to support him all the time and her love and care had kept him going. With his mom he still have faith that there's still good women out in the world. With that he bade Rose and his mom goodbye before leaving.


"Don't look at me like that? I haven't done anything wrong." Ada defended herself from the questioning eyes of her twin brother and Fortune.

"But it clearly all over the school that you are dating that arrogant guy that calls himself Vincent." Fortune said.

"I'm not dating him, I don't know where you guys got that information from." She defended herself again.

"Those three notorious girls in school said so cause they'd say that they saw you sneaking in and out of his apartment." Ekene pried into her eyes to find clues.

Ada shrugged her shoulders as if what they heard were all lies. "Bro you know that those girls can frame anyone up just to get attention, I'm telling you the truth I'm not dating Vincent". "I'm just working as his maid!." She didn't know when those last words spilled out her mouth.

"What? What did you just say?." Ekene and Fortune questioned at the same time.

"Nothing." She averted her gaze from them.

"Care to explain what you meant by you are working as his maid?". Ekene demanded. "I heard it very clearly so don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about."

"Of course I don't know what you are talking about?." Ada still feigned innocent.

"Are you going to tell us or should I walk up to him and ask him myself." Ekene made a move to stand up when she held him back.

"OK I will tell you."

"The truth." Fortune emphasized.

Ada nodded her head and narrated everything to them on how she ended up becoming his servant. Meanwhile Ekene and Fortune were already infuriated by her story. Ekene clenched his right palm into a fist ready to punch that Vincent of a guy if he was given the opportunity to.

"And you accepted to be his servant, what wrong with you?." Fortune questioned, with an upset tone.

"I had no other option than to obey him but he's a nice guy if you come to know him."

"Stop defending him, just because he saved you from those three spoilt brats doesn't give him the audacity to make my sister, my own sister his personal maid." Her twin brother said, his eyes flickering with anger.

"Or have you fallen head over heels for him just like most girls?." Fortune asked, suspiciously.

" Hell no." She defended herself. "I am not in love with him, I'm just there as his servant."

"But why didn't you tell us, it's over a month and you didn't bother to tell us?." Fortune asked.

"I didn't want you guys to worry about me if I tell you and I know you won't allow me to go that's why I came up with excuses about my room mate."

"So all that room mate of a thing were fake?." Her twin bro asked.


"You are quitting that job today. How dare him, did he think he's some sort of king?." Ekene asked, rhetorically.


"No but, you are quitting that job today and that's final." Fortune cuts in.

Ada's cellphone rang on their table, she wanted to pick it up when Fortune snatched it from her knowing fully well who it was and ended it.

Ada was astonished at what Fortune has done. Vincent will think she was the one that rejected his call, even though she had a crush on him once but has terminated what ever feelings she has for him cause she knew it will lead her no where. She was always scared of him, cause Vincent, you won't know when he's in the mood to play and when he's mean. He's just unpredictable.

"Please let me go." Ada pleaded. "I will tell myself I'm not interested in being his maid anymore."

"You will do no such thing." Her twin bro barked.

"Let him come to you himself." Fortune imply.

"How dare you reject my calls?." Vincent barked as he storms his way to their table accompanied by Jeff and Jeremy.

"I'm sorry..."

"I was the one that ended your calls not her." Fortune interrupted, cutting Ada off her pleas.

"You are not scared, are you?." V asked.

"Of course not and why would I be scared of you?." She questioned remembering what he did to her the other day.

"Ada I'm freeing you today, you will no longer be my maid." V said.

"What!?" Jeremy asked. "You can't be serious."

"Of course I'm serious." V smiled mischievously. "Cause I've found a new servant."

"Who?." Jeff asked.

"She." V said pointing at Fortune. Fortune, Ada and Ekene eyes widened in surprise.

"No way, you can't be serious." Jeremy inserted.

"She?." Jeff asked. "I don't even like her, I prefer Ada to her. She will just cause chaos for us."

"And I don't even like you either, you will be a pain to my neck." Fortune retorted

"Good I believe we are done here." V said, still smiling mischievously. He turned to leave when h was held back by Ekene, he turned to face him.

"I want to ask you. Are you not tired of bullying students? Do you derive joy by humiliating and hurting others?."

"Vincent was taken aback by the question. "But get one thing straight in your head, I won't let my sister and friend be your slaves." Ekene said, pointing his index finger at him.

"Wow, I must say I'm impressed by your question and speech. But let me get one thing straight too. Who I bully or who I hurt is none of your business and as for your sister. I'm done with her, she's no longer my maid but your friend, I'm starting with her."

"You..." Ekene grabbed his collar earning the attention of some students in the cafeteria. Vincent kept on smiling which pissed him m off the more.

"Bro please don't create a scene, people are watching." Ada pleaded. While Jeremy and Jeff removed his hands from V's collar. Vincent adjusted his collar in it's right position.

"What is your problem? Do you like her?. Only a jealous lover will do what you did right now."

Fortune glared at him for his remark, she needs to teach this guy a lesson. That's why she never associates herself with all these rich spoilt brats, she too came from a rich home but not spoilt like the others.

"It's none of your business if I like her or not." Ekene said, annoyed.

"Of course its none of my business. I don't want to waste my precious time on you and your businesses."

Vincent returned his gaze to Fortune who was glaring him to death, Vincent was never moved by her stare. "I need your number and I hope Ada explained everything you have to do as my maid."

Fortune didn't say a word but kept on staring at him with fury in her eyes. Vincent didn't have time for her stare and just picked her phone which was beside her plate of abacha ( African salad ) he typed his digits on her phone and returned it back on the table.

"You have to report to us on break periods understand and you start tomorrow." V implied.

"Yes your majesty." Fortune answered as she bow down in a sarcastic manner. Suddenly she starts smiling, Vincent was taken aback by her smile, he admitted she had the cute smile.

"What the smile for?." V asked

"Nothing." She said, still smiling. "I heard you, I will report to you tomorrow."

"Good that's more like it. I bet you make a wonderful maid." V smirked at her earning a smirk from her too.

With that Vincent and his friends left but Jeremy kept turning back looking at Ada and Ada was aware of his continuous looks on her until they were out of sight.

"Are you out of your mind? How can you accept to be his maid?." Ekene demanded.

"Don't worry it's time to teach that brat a lesson and he will regret ever knowing me and making me his maid." Fortune laughed in an evil tone.

"What are you going to do to him?." Ada and Ekene asked curiously.

"It's up to me." Fortune prompted as a devious plan pop into her head.

"I'm sorry you have to go through all these because of me." Ada said feeling guilty.

Oh don't feel bad." Fortune began. "I was the one that accepted the offer and I will do anything to protect my friends." Ada hugged her while Ekene smiled.