It was a beautiful Saturday, everywhere was bright. It was 9:30am in the morning. Jane was preparing to go to the motherless home when her sister insisted on following her, she always go there to help the orphan kids. She always wonder how those children felt having no one to call their own, so she always go there every Saturday to take care of the kids. She and her sister took their bathe, dressed up and head for the orphanage. They bade their parents goodbye and left.

Getting there ( Little angels orphanage home ) they greeted the Rev. Sister., The sister welcomed them warmly and called out the kids to come and welcome Jane and her sister. Immediately the kids sighted Jane and her sister they rushed and hugged her.

"How are you kids?." Jane asked, enthusiastic.

"We are fine aunt." The kids answered happily.

"The kids couldn't wait this Saturday to see you, everyday they ask me when you're going to come, I always tell them you will still come. The kids love you so much." The Rev. Sister smiled.

"Kids we got things for you here." Fortune said lifting her hands full of shopping bags.

"Yeah!." Some kids clapped their hands while others leaped up and down.

"And you're?." The Rev. sister asked Fortune.

"Her sister." She replied, smiling.

Jane and her sister helped bathe the kids, the younger, the older and the toddlers. Fed them and clothed them. She gave them what she bought for them and the kids were so happy with her gifts. She helped putting some kids to bed by singing them to sleep.

"You've such a nice voice." A kid about 7 years old compliments as he watched her lay a toddler on her bed.

"Thanks." She smiled.

Can you sing for us, Please don't say no?." The boy pleaded, blinking his eyes at her in a cute manner. She wanted to object but she saw the persistence in his eyes.

"OK." She said earning a smile from the boy. She came out of the bedroom to the sitting room where others children were, Fortune is seen playing with a child and her toys as other kids swung around her and watched her with enthusiasm.

"Aunt Jane is going to sing for us." The boy called out earning the attention of other kids. The kids clapped happily including her sister and the Rev. Sister. Her sister urged her to sing by mouthing the four letter word "sing."

"Emm..... I don't think I have that kind of a nice voice but I'm gonna sing anyways." She coughed and started singing in a soothing tone, as she sang. She demonstrated with her hands.

"A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep. In dream you will loose your heart aches, whatever you wish for you choose.

Have faith in your dreams that someday your rainbow will shining through.

No matter how your heart is grieving if you keep on believing that dream that you wish will come through....."

"Wow, such a nice voice." A woman's voice said from behind. She turned and saw a woman in her late fifties smiling at her, she has black curly hair that hung over her shoulders, chocolate skin and thick eyebrows. She wore sunglasses over her eyes and long leopard designed gown on her body that covered her legs and feet. She looked at her side and saw a girl of 6 years old smiling at her carrying some wrapped gifts on her tiny hands.

Wait... Jane stared at the girl for a long time and wondered where she had seen her before, finally she remembered she's Chris daughter. How could she forget so easily he has a wife and daughter and this woman must be his mother and Rose's grandmother.

"Thank you Ma." Jane smiled.

"Granny, she's the woman that saved me the other day I went out with papa." Rose said pointing at Jane.

"Mrs Ifediegwu, you're here?." The Rev. Sis asked, greeting her.

"Yes I said to myself I want to pay these children a visit today that I'm free." She said smiling.

"You did well." The sister prompted.

"And she is?." She asked, pointing at Rose.

"Oh she's my son's daughter."


"How can my dad ask me to get a bride in just on week?." Chris thundered. He sat on one of the rocking chairs in his sitting room while Adam sat opposite him on the three seater sofa.

"You mean your father told you to get married in a week?." He asked, skeptically.

"Yes, I mean where will I start looking for a wife, I've told him countless time. I don't want to get married, I'm okay the way I am. I'm not ready for all this marriage problems."

"Chris I know you're mad at your dad but calm down, you are a Rock star and some girls are willing to marry you."

"I'm not in interested in any woman, Adam you know my past. You're my childhood friend, you knew me since we are kids till now. You know what I passed through in the hands of that girl." He cried.

"Of course I do but that shouldn't make you shut your heart to girls. You're hurting yourself as well as hurting them. Get married not for your father but its an obligation that needs to be fulfilled. Remember what the bible said, He that finds a wife finds a good thing and obtain favour from the lord." Adam reasoned.

"I know pastor Adam." He said nonchalantly. "But the same God didn't say one can find a wife in one week. God knows that I'm not ready to commit to any woman. I know he will send the right woman when I'm ready to commit."

"You know what." Adam began. "You're not afraid of commitment, you're afraid they only want your fame and money. So let go of that fear."

"You too. Aren't you due for marriage? Why can't you get married and leave my life alone." He said, clenching his teeth.

"Of course when I see my miss right. I won't hesitate getting married to her." Adam smiled.

"Well I haven't found my miss right and when I do. I will get married."

"You know your dad said one week?." Chris nodded. "Why don't you present Cassandra as your wife?." Adam suggested.

"No way! Have you lost it? How can you say that, you know I don't like Cass that much and moreover she's my childhood friend."

"You didn't let me finish. I mean present her as your fake fiancée. And I thought you don't believe in love?." Adam asked.

"Of course I don't." He said, sharply. But do you think Cass will be willing to act as my fake fiancée?."

"Of course she will, considering the feelings she has for you, she will. Just use her to escape from your father getting a bride for you, I didn't say you should marry her. Just use her."

Chris rolled his eyes in a upset manner.

"Whatever." He said nonchalantly.


When it was break period. She didn't wait for Vincent to call her and Ada told her where he lived. So she rushed to his apartment and knocked on the door, Jeremy opened it.

"Oh you." He said and rolled his eyes.

"Yes me." Fortune said as she walked in. "So where is your boss?".

Just then a shirtless Vincent came out to the sitting room, looks like he just finished bathing and he wrapped a towel round his waist. Little water was dripping down his head to his body making it glint in the light. Fortune gulped down at the sight, Jeremy didn't bother saying anything and left the two and went inside the bedroom.

She averted her gaze from him to anything in the sitting room. Vincent noticed how uncomfortable she was and decided to take advantage of it. He started taking slow step to her while Fortune moved back slowly, eyes on her and she returned his gaze as she processed what was going on.

"What are you doing?." She asked nervous. Please God he shouldn't try anything stupid. He kept on coming close to her and there was this annoying smirk plastered on his face. He kept on coming closer to her and Fortune kept on moving back until her back hit the hard wall.

Vincent moved closer to her until he was an inch from her. She tried to escape from him but Vincent placed his left hand on the wall trapping her. She turned to his right to escape, he also placed his right hand on the wall trapping her completely.

She felt trapped in his gaze, she could feel his hot breath on her face. For the very first time she saw how handsome he is, his brown eyes peering into hers. His pointed nose was so wonderfully made and his lips were so cute. She stared at his face and wondered what it feels like to touch it with her palm 'cause it looked so smooth.

V also felt trapped in her gaze. He was always the one to break off a stare but he felt hypnotized by her stare, he raised his fingers and caressed her face. She quivered under his touch as she closed her eyes, he smirked immediately he saw his touch was having an affect on her.

"I know you'll never resist me like other girls." He whispered in her right ear.

She opened her eyes on his remark, her face turning shades of red. She folded her hand into a fist, she moved her mouth in an upset manner which amused him. He moved away from her smiling as he walked into the room to get dressed.

Fortune what is wrong with you, Why did you allow him to take advantage of you?. What did you allow him to touch you,The guy you despise so much to touch you?.

She went inside the kitchen and washed all the dishes, washed their clothes and cleaned the house in spite they were in the rooms. She cooked egusi soup coupled with garri, she served the two dishes on the dining area. One for Vincent and the other for Jeremy. She called out for them to come and eat.

"Wow my servant, I'm quite sure your food will taste delicious just like the aroma." V complimented while sitting down. She smiled mischievously. Jeremy sat adjacent to him burying his face on his food, he never liked Fortune that much and it annoyed him the more that Vincent made her his servant. She's just such an annoying brat.

Vincent ate the first bite and squeezed his face, trying to swallow the food. Fortune sat at the sitting room smirking at him. He ate the second bite and tried to endure it but couldn't, the pepper was too much for him but he wondered why Jeremy ate his food peacefully without experiencing what he was going through now.

"Water, water, I need water." He said breathless as he fans his mouth with his palm.

"What is it?." Jeremy asked with concern.

"Water." He said again. Jeremy lifted the glass cup beside him ( Vincent ) and gave it to him. Vincent started gulping down the water without wasting time and suddenly he spatted the water all out on the dining table, Jeremy was shocked at the sudden behaviour of his. Vincent stood up abruptly dragging his chair backwards.

"What is this?." He shouted at Jeremy. "What kind of water is that?."

"What's wrong with the water?." Jeremy asked, surprise.

"The water is very salty!." He cried, furious.

"What!?." Jeremy asked as he widened his eyes in shock.

"And the food. The food is too peppering." V said, pointing at the food in front of him. Fortune was still there smiling at them but couldn't control it anymore and burst out laughing at them,their attention turned to her..

"Tskkk...." She did a few sound under her breath as she walked up to them. "My dear prince what's wrong?." She asked nonchalantly as she placed her palm on his chest and caressed it with her fingers. "Didn't you like my food?."

Vincent was already burning with fury inside of him as he folded his left hand into a fist. Jeremy stood up, watching the drama.

"What was that for? Do you want to kill me?" V questioned as he took her hand off his chest.

"Killing is another different thing." She said. "I just want to teach you a very good lesson you won't forget. What did you tell me- I can't resist you like other girls, let me make one thing clear. I'm FORTUNE, I'm not other girls and I accepted to be your servant not because I wanted to but to make you regret ever making me one. You can do whatever you want with others but you can't with me cause I'm intolerable."

With that statement, she smirked once again at him and Jeremy, carried her bag and left. Immediately she was out of sight. Vincent jammed his hand which was already a fist on the table jerking Jeremy out the trance he was. He dipped one of his in V's soup and licked it, his eyes widened in horror.

"Mehn this is way too peppering. Did she want to kill you?." He asked, rhetorically. "I warned you not to make that girl your servant, she will hurt you. I never liked her, she will just be a throng on our flesh."

"She has crossed the battle line." He jammed his fist on his right palm. "She called for war and I will give it to her."

"V, don't do any rash thing to her, just let her go. Free her and find yourself another maid." Jeremy pleaded.

"Jeremy, you are my good friend. Don't worry about me, I'm the ladies' man right?."

Jeremy nodded.

" Then don't worry about me." He smirked.