Jane was in her painting studio painting but she couldn't concentrate. Her mind kept flashing back at the conversation she had with Chris's mother at the orphanage.

( Flashback )

"Oh she's ma son's daughter." She heard Chris's mother said. The thought of Chris being married still troubled her mind.

"My grand daughter told me how you rescued her from being ran over by a car. I'm so thankful, you don't know what you have done for my family." Mrs Gwen thanked her. "How can I repay you back?."

"No need Ma, it was my responsibility to do so moreover She's such a cute girl. Anyone else in my shoe will do also."

Mrs Gwen smiled. She looked closely at Jane, she tried to figure out where and when she had met her. Then it popped in her head that she was the same woman who quarreled with his son for cheating on his wife. Jane was surprise by the look she gave her.

"You are the same woman who had a fight with my son. The woman on the news months ago." Mrs Gwen implied.

Jane's heart skipped a bit at that outcome. The wrong way to impress Chris's mom. But of course he was married that's why she had a fight with him.

"I'm sorry ma'am, it was a misunderstanding. I didn't do it intentionally moreover he's married."

Mrs Gwen smiled. For the first time ever since her son became a celebrity, he had problems with women but this was the first time a woman had a fight with him for something reasonable. How could she think he was married?. Moreover it will on the news if he was married. Jane wondered why she's smiling.

"My son is not married." Mrs Gwen said. Jane widened her eyes in shock at what Chris's mom said, she processed what she said. Does that mean he wasn't married at all and all this while she thought he was married. Her heart gladden at what she heard but her joy diminishes when she laid her eyes on Rose.

"But She calls him daddy." Jane said, pointing at Rose.

Chris's mom laughed. "Of course Chris became her daddy since my eldest son died in a car accident." Jane heard a tint of pain in her voice.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to bring up the past. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. Chris had an older brother and a younger brother, my eldest son is dead but his younger brother is still alive. His elder brother is Rose's father but he and his wife died in a car accident years ago.

"So you mean Chris wasn't married at all but took care of Rose since his brother died?."

"So that's why Rose calls him daddy all the time. Chris went through a lot of pain since his brother died, his brother was like a god to him. He worshipped and adored him but when death snatched his brother away from him him. He was traumatized for years and I almost lost him because he was in a miserable state." Mrs Gwen said as she used her finger to wipe out a single tear that rolled down her eye.

"I'm sorry." Jane apologized. "You and him must have gone through a lot loosing someone close to your heart."

"I don't know why I'm telling you this. It's not your business." Mrs Gwen said shortly.

"I'm not complaining moreover we all need to pour out our heart to someone to ease the pain. I understand whatever you went through."

"But why talk about the past?. Its gone and forgotten. Let's talk about the present." Mrs Gwen prompted. "What do you do for a living?."

"I'm just an ordinary painter."

"How did you know my son?."

"We've been friends for a very long time."

"Wow and he never mentioned you to me. You must love kids so much?."

"Of course she does." The Rev sister chipped in. "She has made it a routine to come here every Saturday and the kids love her."

"You're such a nice woman, it hard to find ladies like you on earth." Chris's Mom complimented. "At first I didn't like you for fighting with mu son, I thought you were one of those women who seek attention from him but my husband reasoned with me that you were the only lady to have the nerve to talk to him that way."

"That's what friends do, tell each other when they are at fault. But anyways I thought he's was married then." Jane smiled.

"One day come and pay me a visit I'm sure my husband will love to see you too."

"Em..... Ma'am. I don't think I have the chance to do so and I don't even know you that well and where you live." She said nervously.

"Oh don't worry dear. You don't have to be afraid, anyone that is friends with my son is also my friend." Chris's Mom smiled. "And here is my phone number. She wrote her number in a pieces of paper. Call me when you want to come."

"OK Ma."

( End of flashback )

Jane kept wondering why Chris's mom wants her to come, it's not like she didn't trust his mom but she finds it silly to go visit her. But she also want to see Rose. Her heart kept jumping in joy that Chris wasn't married but he had made it clear to her he doesn't believe in love and moreover he has a lot of female fans, when he's ready for marriage, he will pick one of them and marry. It will definitely not be her.

Chris's mom is a nice woman and she bets his father will also be nice like his wife. But why is Chris so grumpy?, She often asks herself. She had forgotten to go deliver the portrait of Mr Bruce to his house, she has not forgotten but afraid. Why would that old man tell her to deliver it at his home but she has to cause he is her elder.

Two consumers came into her studio. One came to collect the work he gave to her and paid her, while the other came to discuss business with her. Immediately Fortune rushed in which made Jane and the consumer turn abruptly.

"Fortune what wrong with you?." She asked shocked at her sister's outburst.

"I'm so sorry." Fortune apologized to Jane and her consumer." The consumer nodded and left after concluding business with Jane.

"What was that for?." Jane asked annoyed. "You know this is my workplace not home."

"I'm so sorry sis." Fortune apologized again. "I'm just so happy." She said smiling.

"What the happy face for?".

"Guess what?." Fortune asked in the verge to squeal.

"You know I'm not good in guessing." Jane replied as a smile lights up on her lips.

"I'm going to tour my dream fashion company ( Jentro fashion company)." Fortune squealed, leaping up and down.

"Wow that's good. I'm happy for you. Jane said smiling. "But I think the place I do my workout also have the same name."

"Maybe the same man owns the place." Fortune replied feeling excited. "The man must be filthy rich."

"So who's taking you on the tour?".

"Our fashion teacher, she loves my drawings and my styles and she also said that Jentro fashion company will love it too."

"I'm so happy for you."

"But there's one problem." Fortune said as her smile suddenly fades. Jane wondered what's the problem and why she was suddenly moody.

"What is it?." Jane asked, concerned.

"I'm not the only one going, that arrogant guy that calls himself Vincent is also going along with other students. Some I don't even know their names."

"Is that why you're sad?." Jane smiled. And who is that arrogant guy?."

"One guy in my class that calls himself Vincent. He parades himself as if he's the VC ( Vice Chancellor ), and the annoying part was that he doesn't come to lectures sometimes but still come out with good grades each semester." Fortune explained, looking upset as she remembered her last meeting with Vincent.

"What if he studies at home and makes out time to meet up the lectures he missed." Jane reasoned.

Fortune scoffed. " he only knows if he does that. But what annoyed me most was that he had the nerve to tell me that he's Chris's brother."

"What!?." Jane's eyes widened with surprise. Her mind flashed back to her conversation with Chris's mother telling her that Chris has a younger brother.

"What if actually he is his brother?." Jane asked seeking for her sister's opinion.

"Oh please... He's a totally opposite of Chris. Chris is quiet, he's not. Chris doesn't brag, he does. Chris respects women, he doesn't." Fortune said listing the qualities Chris has that Vincent didn't have. "See he's totally the opposite, he can't be Chris brother."

"What if he is?".

"He's not." Fortune argued.

"Do you know you're also the opposite of me?." Jane asked, smiling.


"You talk a lot, I don't. You jump up whenever you are in a happy mood, i don't. You say whatever comes to your mouth, I don't."

"OK, I agree." Fortune said, feeling defeated. "But we still have something in common." She winked at her sister.

"Which is?." Jane asked smiling.

"Our good heart."

"You're impossible." Jane said shaking her head.

"Just forget he's there and have fun. She added. "And make me, dad and mom proud. OK?."

"Okay sis".


"Cass all I'm begging you for is to pretend to be ma fiancée for the week." Chris pleaded.

He, Cass and Adam were seated in their normal hanging out zone, at the bar. Chris have been persuading Cass to act as his fake fiancée for a week but Cass was not budging in to any of his pleas.

She loves Chris and wants to make a home with him but she acting as his fake fiancee was totally unacceptable to her.

"My answer still remains No." she replied.

"Come on, Cass." Adam chirped in. "What we are asking you is not a big deal, just act as his fake fiancée. Nothing else."

"Of course it's a big deal to me. I can't do it, I seriously can't. Chris you know well of my feelings for you. I really love you, why don't you take me to your parents and present me as your fiancée." Cass batted her fake eyelashes at him.

Chris rolled his eyes in an upset manner. "You know I can't and moreover I don't believe in love talk more of marriage. I'm not marriage oriented."

"Please Cass help me, I don't want to be tie down to a woman especially the one my dad brings for me. I love my life the way it is," Chris pleaded. "You are my childhood friend, you know me more than any woman."

Cass kept quiet, she didn't want to do it but the thought of another woman coming into his life as his wife. She won't allow it. She wants Chris by her side always, he had been there for her even when they were far from each other. Distance was never a barrier for them. Even though Chris didn't believe in marriage, she has to make him believe. She has to make him all hers.

"Cass please?." Adam begged.

"OK I will." She said, finally giving in.

"Thank you. What will I do without you even though sometimes you're annoying." Chris joked.

She hits his upper arm playful. "But on one condition," she said raising her index finger in the air. Adam and Chris exchanged looks and wonder what the condition was.

"Which is?." Chris asked, urging her to speak up.

"If I get to act as your fake fiancée, you got to put me in your next music video." She replied smiling.

"But you almost get filmed in most of my videos. Its becoming unbearable, what if my fans become suspicious of you. They will think I'm dating you which I'm not."

"Let them assume whatever they want moreover we are friends and very soon I'm going to be your fiancée". She tugged her hand around his upper arm.

"Fake fiancée." Chris corrected. "No Cass I'm not doing it."

"Then forget about me being your fake fiancée, go ahead and marry the woman he brings for you." Cass said in a bit of rage.

"No no, he will." Adam said curtly. "He will do it." Chris glared at him and he made faces at Chris to agree to her terms. "I personally will make sure of that."

"Of course I will." Chris said in between his teeth, faking a smile.

"Good. Call me when you are ready." Cass stood up and left.

"Dude what was that?." Chris asked Adam as soon as Cass left the bar.

"You should be thanking me. I'm helping you to save you from your father's doom and here you are, asking me what I'm doing?."

"Is just that, that lady bugs and irritates me sometimes."

"Get used to it and very soon she's gonna be your wife."

"Fake fiancée." Chris corrected again.

"Ha!." Adam laughed.