Dad I've decided to marry her." Chris implied as he sat on one of the cushions in his parents sitting room. He was only doing this for his mom but that doesn't mean he has given his full consent. He just want his mom to be happy, she is the only one who understood him, was there for him. And never questioned his personality.

"Who?." His dad asked, absentmindedly.

"Jane." He breathed.

His father looked at him, his attention was now fully on him as he took in what he said. He can't believe his ears, how did he agree so easily but anyways he was happy with his decision. Making Jane his daughter in law was what he wanted.

"Good son." His dad smiled. "I'm happy you finally agreed, she will make a great wife for you."

He rolled his eyes at his dad outcome and exchanged eye to eye language with his mom who sat on the cushion opposite them, listening to their conversation.

"I'm happy for you son, I know you won't regret our decision. In fact you will be thanking us some day in the future." His mom said smiling.

"Okay okay." He surrendered.

"We will meet her family today now you have agreed." His dad prompted.

"Today?." He asked, staring at both of his parents kind of shocked.

"Yes, any problem?." His dad asked.

"Dad, today might not be good and maybe they might not be at home." He reasoned, trying to discourage his dad from going to Jane's house. It seemed sudden.

What's today?." Mr Bruce asked not expected a reply. "Yes Sunday, today is Sunday and it's just the perfect day to meet her parents."

"Dad don't you think it's a bit early?." He asked.

"No son, you've agreed and she has agreed so not point in waiting for the right time." Mr Bruce said, his voice full with enthusiasm.

"But who will stay with Rose?." Chris asked.

"She will come with us."


"I'm gonna be fine, you left

me alone, can I heal the wounds myself , so what can I do?

And why did you come?

To make my heart beat for you..."

Jane was in the kitchen preparing lunch for the whole family singing to her heart content. Her mom had informed her husband of what Chris's father told their daughter. You need to see the reaction of Fortune when they told her.

She was like what? How? When?! Like Omg!. She danced and leaped and giggled like a small baby. She was so thrilled she was going be the sister in law to a Rock star.

Omg! I'm gonna be a Rock star's sister in law. I think I need to have my own driver and two security guards that will escort me to school everyday." She giggled. Jane just shook her head at her sister's silliness smiling.

She knew her sister would love the idea including her dad. Her dad was so happy that she will finally get married, not to any ordinary man but to a Rock star he likes. And she was so happy her mom finally agreed although half agreed, and it's all because of her dad, he convinced his wife.

She has forgotten to inform Hailey and Ethan, besides Ethan was out of the country. Shooting movie with his crews and exploring other countries but how will he feel if he finds out?.

He will get over it. She often assured herself. And Hailey, how will she react?. She just pray that Hailey will be happy for her cause she knew Hailey doesn't like Chris.

And Mr Bruce called her telling they were coming to see her parents which her heart gladden to. She will be seeing Chris again, she can't get tired of seeing him even though sometimes she tends to ignore him, or pretend he means nothing to show him she could live without him.

Finally I'm getting married to man of dreams, to the man my heart beats for. And she was happy Chris agreed to meet her parents for the second time. Maybe he does have a little feelings for me, that's why he agreed to marry me. She giggled at that thought.

She was busy preparing lunch ( fried rice ) when the sitting door bell was rang. She knew it was them and called out for Fortune to go and open it.

"Fortune know who is at the door."

"Okay Sis." Fortune rushed to the door to know who it was and was amazed to see the four figures standing at the door post.

She stood stiff on the ground as she stared intensively at the four figures before her, she recognized Chris, Rose and his mom but not his dad. She wondered why they were here.

Maybe they were here for the marriage proposal. She thought.

Omg." Fortune giggled. "The famous musician in my house again." She hugged him so tightly that he was finding it difficult to breathe, ignoring the three figures with him. Finally she let go of him.

Chris's parents looked at her as if she was a maniac but Chris was amused. Seriously this girl was the opposite of Jane.

"And you are....?." Mr Bruce asked, looking at her as if she was mad.

"Jane's younger sister." She said, curtly. "And please do come in." She gestured them inside the sitting room.

Stepping inside the sitting room, Chris stared at the wonderful art flowery work Jane did on the wall of the sitting room. Nothing has changed, everything seemed the same and in the same position expect the cushions were changed to fit in the decorations of the wall.

Everything were in their right place and how much he loved the sweet fragrance of the sitting room. It has been long he came here, this was the second time he's coming here. The sitting room was well furnished and designed including the dining area which stood opposite the sitting room.

Just then, Jane walked in the sitting room when Fortune informed her who was here. She was wearing a three quarter short and a red polo.

"Hello, good day to you all." She smiled nervously, cause Chris glued his eyes on her and she couldn't muster up the courage to look him in the eyes.

"How are you?." Mr Bruce asked returning her smile.

"I'm fine and I'm glad you made it." She said as she clasped her hands together, nervously. "Anyways welcome to my humble home."

Rose rushed and hugged her, Jane swung her off her feet and carried her on one of her arm, facing Chris and his parents.

"Aunt I didn't know we are coming here." Rose implied. "They didn't tell me. She pointed at Chris and his parents. "They only said it was a surprise, I would have brought a gift for you."

Jane smiled. "Don't worry next time when we meet, you will get a gift for me right?."

Rose nodded smiling.


  Just then Jane's parents walked out.


"Wow the famous Rock star in my house?." Mr Alfred said imitating Fortune.



"Yes good day to you too." Chris greeted.


Jane's mom faked a smile as a respond to his greetings. She was only doing this for her husband, if not, she won't allow this guy any where near her daughter. Jane noticed the dead glare her mom gave to Chris.


  Mr Bruce kept staring at Jane's father and wondering where he has seen his face before. He can't quite pinpoint where he met him before.


"Did you schooled at St Patrick's high school?." Mr Bruce asked Jane's father still trying to recall when he'd seen him.


"Yes, why did you ask?." Mr Alfred asked as he sat down on one of his sofas, his wife sitting beside him.


"You don't remember me?." Mr Bruce asked again as he remembered they were childhood friends who schooled the same schools, from middle schools to higher institute.


"No..... Jane's father answered reluctantly.


"We are good friends, Bruce your bro." Mr Bruce implied making Jane's father to remember.


"Oh my God." Mr Alfred exclaimed, not believing his eyes. Meeting his childhood friend again after a very long time, is really a small world. Jane, Chris, Fortune, Mrs Esther and Mrs Gwen including Rose mouths stood agape as they watched the drama in front of them.

As the two men stood from their sitting area and hugging each other as if their lives depend on it.


"Wow it's really a small world." Jane's father commented. "I never knew we will meet each other again."


"Me either." Mr Bruce said.


  "Well can someone tell me what's going on here?." Jane's mom asked, eyes going to and fro from Mr Bruce to her husband.


  "I'm sorry dear." Mr Bruce apologized. "Your husband and I were good friends back then in school. I never knew he was Jane's father."


  "What?." Fortune exclaimed. "You and dad were good friends, Jane and Chris good friends too. This is what I call coincidence." She inserted eyes bugling out of her pupils.


"Yes we were very good friends and I'm even surprised he remembered me cause I know I have a very short memory." Jane's father inserted.


They all laughed.


"Just like Fortune said, what a conicidence." Mr Bruce implied. My son will be getting married to your daughter and our friendship will be more stronger."


Mr Alfred smiled.


Jane smiled at that outcome while Chris rolled his eyes, her father and his father are good friends didn't change a thing, he's still doing this for his mom.

And Cass isn't talking to him, he had to make up to Cass before getting married to Jane after all Cass is the only female friend that understood him.


He would be more happier if he was getting married to her instead of Jane not because he likes her but they understood each other but Jane.... He didn't know how she works and that they are good friends doesn't mean he know a thing about her, in fact he know nothing.


"And that's why we are here." Mr Bruce gestured to himself and his family. "We came for the marriage proposal."


"I'm aware of it." Jane's father prompted. "Jane told me that you want her to marry your son."


"She did?."


Mr Alfred nodded.


"I'm happy she did, you see ever since I laid eyes on her. I knew she will make a good wife for my son."


"Really?." Fortune giggled.


"Yes she will make a good wife for our son and I will love to make her my daughter in law cause if I let him choose his own wife, he will make the wrong choice." Chris's Mom said, eyeing her son.


  "Mom?." Chris glared at his Mom.


"I'm only kidding, son."

Jane's mom smiled at them. Since Chris's parents love her daughter, she has no problem with it. They will be good in laws to her. And that might make him to start liking her daughter.


"Aunt Jane is going to be my mom very soon. I'm so happy." Rose giggled happily.


"Mom?." Fortune asked.


"Yes since I call him dad." Rose inserted, pointing at Chris. "If they get married,  I will start calling aunt Jane mom." She clapped her hand happily.


"Awww such a sweet and cute child." Fortune complimented reaching out to pinch her cheeks.


They all laughed.



"Cass please listen to me." Chris pleaded as he followed Cass every where she went. They were at the center where she was shooting a movie with her crews. Chris has been begging her to give an ear to what he had to say.


She ignored him, walking up to their movie van. Attempting to climb inside when he stopped her by holding her arm.


"Cass I know you are angry with me but give me a listening ear." He pleaded.


"What else do you want to explain?." She aaked. "Go, go and marry Jane since your parents chose her for you."


"I'm sorry. I know you felt insulted by my parents but I never knew they had arranged her for me. I didn't know."


She saw sincerity in his eyes and words. Maybe he didn't know but the thought of him getting married to another girl still wrecked her heart.


"I'm sorry Cass." He apologized, kneeling on one knee as if proposing to her. "I'm really sorry, no matter what, nothing will ever come in our way of friendship. You will always be that best female friend I have ever had."


"Chris what are you doing?." She asked looking around as she saw the eyes of her director and other crews on them. "Please stand up, people are staring." She implied nervously.


"Let them stare and I won't get up until you forgive me." He insisted.


"Oh alright. I have forgiven you. She said quickly. "Now get up."


Chris stood up smiling and hugged her. Fans and other people stood there taking pictures and videos of them posting on various social medias.