"Do you realize what you've done?." Mr Bruce asked his son as Chris rubbed the left part of his cheek his dad slapped.

Mr Bruce couldn't believe what his son did even after introducing him to Jane's family, he still had the nerve to propose to Cassandra. What did he even see in that actress?.


   "Dad, I didn't propose to Cass." Chris defended himself. "Besides the media have a way of turning a lie into a truth. I didn't propose to her."


"Then what is this?." His dad showed him the photos and videos of him kneeling before Cass.


"Dad, fans are fond of misunderstanding everything." Chris said calmly knowing for the fact that, that wasn't true.


His mother walked up to them, her face expressionless, he couldn't read her expression but he knew his mom was mad at him.


"You disappoint me." His mom began. "I even begged you to marry Jane for my sake but yet you went to propose to that girl, even after we went to Jane's house with a marriage proposal. How could you?."


He saw the anger in his mom's eyes, he seen he hurt her but that's not the truth, he didn't propose to Cass instead he begged for her forgiveness.


  "Dad, Mom." He called. "I know you both are upset with me but I'm being sincere. I didn't propose to Cassandra, I only apologized to her."


"To the extent of kneeling before her?." His dad cuts in. "In the public?. Do you ever think of what people will say or post concerning that?."

Chris kept quiet and wished he would have listened to Cass when she told him not to kneel.


"Mom, dad, I promise you I will marry Jane. I will not back out from my promise, I will do it." He assured his parents.


"That's if she's willing to marry you after seeing this." His dad said, doubtfully.


"She will, I'm sure of it." He said with confidence.

Hmph..... His father scoffed.



She sat with Fortune on their bed, Fortune was lying on her stomach, clutching her phone between her fingers. Typing frantically to who ever she was talking to.


Jane was going through her phone when she saw the photo of Chris kneeling in front of Cass as if proposing to her. A knot formed in the pit of her stomach. A rush of anger surge through her at the sight. Fortune was unaware of what was happening.

If he knew he was still going to propose to Cass, why did he come with his parents to her house with a marriage proposal?.


He should have gone ahead and say he was not interested in this marriage than just giving his parents and hers false hopes. The anger was too much for her and it was trying to rip her off. Her face has turned fifty shades of red and she threw her phone hard on the bed.


Fortune who was typing on her phone saw this and wondered what was wrong, she looked at her sister, surprised by her behaviour.


"Sis, what's wrong?".


Jane ignored her. Her mind was else where. She didn't want to get angry by seeing their pics but this, this was out of boundaries.  Days ago he came to her house to seek for her hand in marriage but now he's also proposing to Cassandra. Now that she thought her dreams were coming true, he went again and crushed it and to be sincere, she had always be jealous of Cass.


Each time, each day she sees him with Caas, it hurts her heart, cause havocs in her brain. She tried hard to suppress the pain and jealousy but couldn't, she guessed this marriage won't work. She will walk up to Mr Bruce's house and tell him she can't marry his son and everything will fall back to place.


He is free to choose who ever he wants to marry. She can't be use as a puppet for him.


"Sis, I'm talking to you?!." Fortune almost screamed, jerking her out her thoughts.


She turned to Fortune, her expression unreadable but yet she ignored her sister again and stared at the direction her phone was. Fortune followed her gaze and wondered what she saw on her phone that made her upset, Fortune reached out, picking her phone and seeing the content on the phone.


Her eyes went wide with shock at what she saw, she was dumbstruck at this.


   "Sis, what's this?." She asked after finding her voice back.


Jane kept quiet.


"Sis, answer me?." Fortune almost barked. "What is he doing with that lady?."


Fortune still couldn't believe her eyes.



  "Obviously proposing to her." Jane finally spoke up.



"What is he doing?. I thought he came here with the proposal of marrying you?." Fortune asked rhetorically.


"If you ask me, who will I ask?."


"You know what, am going to his parents house to call off this marriage." Jane clenched and unclenched her jaw.


"Sis! What!." Fortune screamed.



"Yes. That's the best thing to do, I know he was against this marriage of a thing from the start and I knew he agreed to this marriage because of his parents."


"But sis, don't you...think you are overreacting." Fortune reasoned. "What if he's not proposing to her and I saw the way he stares at you when he's around you. He's in love with you but he is too dumb to notice it."


Jane's heart skipped at the word "Love". Chris...in love with....tch... that's impossible. He can never love her and he had made it clear he wasn't in love with her.


  "Don't be frivolous." Jane chuckled nervously. "He will never be in love with me. He even said that himself."


"Why are you so naive?." Fortune asked, looking disheartened. "You can't tell when a guy is in love with you?".


"All I know is that he isn't in love with me".


"Whether you believe me or not, whether you believe what you saw or not. All I'm saying is that you are marrying him and I don't believe whatever the social media says, he will forever be my favourite pop star".


"And don't dare call off the marriage. 'cause if you do, I will forever hunt you with my spirit." Fortune warned.



Jane was taken aback by her sister's comment, instead of helping her. She is pushing her to marry Chris by all cost. Does she want to become an in law to the celebrity family by all means?.


Just then their Mom walked up into their room leaning her back on the door frame. Jane and Fortune look up to her and they saw the look on her face. Mrs Esther folded her arms against her chest staring back at them not talking, her face unreadable.


"I told you this was a bad idea, didn't I?." She asked, staring at Jane.


"What do you mean by that Mom?." Jane asked, feeling nervous.


"So that's the kind of man you want to marry, right?." She asked, peering deep into her eyes.


Jane looked away from her mom not knowing how to reply.


  "A man who gets the attention of all the women in the world, who gets the attention of the whole world, is that the kind of man you want to spend the rest of your life with?." Her Mom asked, scanning her face.

Jane kept quiet, no moving a muscle. She wasn't even looking at her Mom and her words muted her. She lost her voice in this. One thing was certain, her Mom saw the news of Chris proposing to Cass.

"Mom, you're right." She finally spoke up, looking up to their Mom. "I guess I'm just blinded by my love for him, I should've listened to you when you said he wasn't the one for me. We're worlds apart."

"Don't guess, You're." Their Mom inserted, walking up to them and sitting in the middle between her and Fortune. "Daughter?." Mrs Esther began, holding her hands. "You deserve more, you deserve a better man and Chris isn't that better man, you will only be and always be an option to him."

"I saw the look in his eyes when he came here with his parents with the marriage proposal." Their Mom continued. "He looked like he was being forced into this marriage, he wasn't happy at all. Is that the kind of man you want for yourself?. A man who will see you as the greatest mistake of his life."

"But Mom." Fortune interrupted them. She couldn't bear listening to her mom, Chris isn't like that. She has seen Chris give her sister looks, looks a man who was in love would gave. "Chris is in love with Sis, he won't treat her like an option."

"Shushh..." Their Mom silenced her. "You don't know what love is all about and Chris is not in love with your sister, he only sees her as a friend. There's a huge difference between love and friendship."

"But Mom..." Mrs Esther raised her hand, cutting her off.

"Don't Mommy me." Mrs Esther said. "We're talking about your sister's future here not some blind love you two have for him." She said, turning her attention back to Jane.

"You need a good man I'm your life, a man who will take you as his first priority. A man who respects you, understands and adores you not some arrogant man simply because he's a celebrity."

Her mind flashed back to Ethan, a man who would do anything for her, who wants the best for her and remembering the memories she shared with him brought smiles on her face. Ethan was the perfect description of the kind of man her Mom was talking about. And he also makes her happy.

"Mom, I have heard you." She smiled at her Mom. "And I will tell Mr Bruce I'm not longer interested in marrying his son. He has hurt me enough and you're right I deserve better."

"That's my daughter." Mrs Esther said, smiling back. "Don't worry I and your father will tell them we're no longer interested in the marriage proposal."

Fortune sat there in deep thought, she couldn't understand why their Mom hated Chris. Why did she despise Chris so much?. And she has seen the love for her sister in his eyes, he's just too dumb to realize it.


"Dude, are you even listening to yourself?." Adam barked, staring at his friend. Disappointment written over his face. "Why would you do that after going to Jane's house with a marriage proposal?."

"I was only trying to get Cass to forgive me after been insulted by my parents by choosing Jane as my wife to be." Chris tried to defend himself.

"And since when did you start apologizing to ladies?." Adam asked with a rhetoric tone. He was mad at what his friend did, he won't support him on this. He accepted to marry Jane and he went to beg for Cass's forgiveness by kneeling before her. 'To the extent of going down on your knees?."

"She wasn't listening to me and I did that to gain her attention and moreover she was insulted by my parents."

"And did your parents ever told you, they insulted her?. I only told you to use her not get married to her." Adam almost screamed at him. "Sincerely speaking, I'm disappointed at what you did."

"You're a celebrity and whatever you do will be posted on social medias even if they were true or not." He added.

"So what I do?." Chris asked, hopeless and helpless. "My parents are really mad at me, especially my Mom."

"They should be but you should be more concerned about Jane, that girl loves you for you but you kept hurting her feelings." Adam prompted. "I'm not siding with Jane, I'm just saying you should consider her feelings. How she would feel with that post."

Chris slumped on his lounge seat, everyone was against him. Even the heavens and earth seem to be against him too. He was only trying to make Cass feel better. And she's also his childhood friend.