"Chris, what's wrong with you?." His manager asked, staring deep at him. "You seem to loose focus, what's bothering you?."

"I'm fine." Chris gave him a weak smile, sitting on a chair in the studio. Staring at nothing but in the recording room. "I'm just stressed out."

"Tell me it's something the matter." His manager went on to pressure him. "You seem lost and you're also loosing focus in this song, you know the music gala is in four days. And you don't seem to be prepared for it."

*You're not rehearsing like you do for every song you sing." His manager prompted. "This one is different, you're not giving it your all. I don't want to our efforts to go to waste, I want this song to come first in all the billboards and charts. I went out of my way to buy this song from a ghost writer who was willing to sell his song for the gala and you are taking it lightly?."

"I'm fine, let's go back to rehearsing." Chris said, not ready to open to him. Even if he does open to him, he will be shocked and won't understand him either. So it's better to keep his problems to himself.

He went back into the recording room, wearing the headphones over his head. DJ Miko went into work, creating the right beats for the song as Chris continued singing.

"Salt on your skin

and stars in your eyes

You're close in darkness

and I'm out of lies

Taken my heart and made it your own

You're everything I have ever known

I tried to resist you

I tried to keep my distance

I tried to play it cool

I'm no match for your persistence

And oh, you lift me up

When the fog rolls in, you lift me

When the cold sets in, you give me

The strength to take on anything

On anything….. I see by the light

You bring, you lift me up, you lift me up

I see by the light you bring, you lift me

Up, you lift me up..."

He sang that song for complete three hours, trying to get the verses right and Miko also trying to get the right beats. His manager was right, he lost focus, his thoughts always drift back to the day he tried to talk to her in his gym center. It clearly showed in her eyes that she isn't interested in marrying him. Her words and eyes said much and he has given up. He even used his mother so she could agree but she blatantly refused. He didn't know what else to do to convince her, he will not go after her again, if she doesn't want to marry him so does he. He will not go after her ever again.

He will have to tell his Mom and Dad to forget about making Jane their daughter in law that she doesn't want to marry him. He will convince his parents to accept Cass as their daughter in-law cause he will propose to her since Jane does not want to marry him.

I mean who would refuse getting married to a Rock star, a famous one for that matter?. Every girl is dreaming of getting married to him and all she wants is for him to fall in love with her. The thing is that he can't love, he has shut his heart to love so loving someone is not in his dictionary. And number two, he's a musician. He has other things to do than falling in love with someone, he only wants to marry her for the sake of his mother. To make his parents happy but it clearly shows that she doesn't want to marry him anymore.

He can't see himself falling in love and if he's the type to fall in love with someone, he would have fallen in love with other girls who have been in love with him and would have married one out of them but he's just not the type to love someone. He doesn't believe in that.

He will try and convince his parents to accept Cassandra as his wife besides Cass is willing to marry him. She isn't like Jane who is giving him attitude, Cass didn't care if he loves her not. She just want to be married to him...

"Chris, Chris, Chris." His manager screamed his name three times before he was bought back to reality. "Chris what's going on in your mind?. I have been calling your name for the past 2 minutes but you seem lost, what's happening to you?."

"Yes dude, what's happening to you?."

Miko asked, looking at him through the transparent recording room. Chris removed the headphones on his head and wore it around his neck. "You don't seem to be here, what's bothering you?."

He walked out of the recording room to where they're. He heaved a deep breath before settling down on the sofa. "I'm sorry, if I seem lost but it's a family matter and I don't want to bug you with it." He said.

"As far as I know, you aren't married." Miko inserted, his eyes not leaving him. "So which family are you talking about?."

"Nothing, just forget what I said." He smiled at him. "Just forget what I said here, I'm fine. Just that I'm stressed out, I need some time alone to gather my thoughts."

"Okay if you say so but if you feel like sharing your problem with us, feel free." Miko stated. "We're a family now."

"Before I forget." His manager began. "I wanted to ask, who will be your date for the music gala?."

"I haven't thought about that?." Chris exhaled.

"What do you mean by that?." His manager asked, surprise at his response. "What about your fianceé?. Can't she be your date that day?."

"Ummm...." Chris hesitated, trying to find the right words to say.

"I think it's the right time to introduce her to the medias as your bride to be." His manager continued, not minding the expression on his face. "I mean if you had told me she's your fianceé on time, I would have made you introduce her that time….."

"Yes Chris, I would love to see your fianceé again." Miko interrupted. "I want to meet her again, I never knew your fianceé is also one of my fans and I also love her sense of humor."

"But I haven't seen her in the TV as one of the influential personalities in the society. She's neither a model, an actress, a fashion designer or any other titles. What does she do?."

"She's a painter." Chris manged to reply, getting tired of their endless questions and rants.

"Wow, that's nice." Miko prompted. "She has a very nice career, I bet she makes the most beautiful paintings in this world."

"Yes, you can say that." Chris answered, wondering why they are now interested in Jane. They never showed this interest in her when she came to his concert with her sister. Why are they showing interest in her all of a sudden?.

Because you introduced her as your fianceé to them, dummy.

"Bring her as your date at the music festival." His manager prompted. "I want to get to know her more, she seems nice. But I'm surprise that out of the girls in the world, you choose her as your bride, really I'm speechless."

"Me too, I thought you had a thing with Cassandra." Miko chipped in. "I thought both of you are dating, judging by the way she appears in all most of your music videos."

"Cassandra is just a friend to me." He answered. "There's nothing going on between us, we have been friends from childhood that's why we are very close."

"Hmmmm." Miko made a sound under his breath. "And you think she doesn't have any thing for you because the way she touches you in some of your videos she appeared in. It clearly states that she feels something for you, the way she stares at you. There's more to it."

Chris brushed off his words, he knew fully well that Cass feels something for him but he feels nothing for her. He will only have to get married to her to fulfill the promise he made to his father. He will only marry her for the sake of his parents since they want him to settle down. It doesn't matter who he marries, so far he gets to settle down.

"That's what you think." He said, not ready to prolong the conversation and he was already tired of their endless questions. He stood up, making his way to the exit door.

"Where are you going?." His manager asked, watching him leave.

"I need to get some rest and since there's no more rehearsals." Chris answered, not turning to look at them.

"You want to rest?." His manager asked. "We didn't even practice for long and you want to rest?."

"I told you two earlier that I want to get some time alone." He said, after them. "I want to gather my thoughts, if you want us to do more rehearsals. Call me, for now I'm going home."

They watched him disappear out of sight. "Something is definitely bothering him." Miko said.

"Yes, I wonder what is it." His manager said, lost in thought on what might be eating Chris up.

"Maybe he had a fight with his fianceé." Miko suggested.

"I don't know, let's not just jump into conclusions." His manager said. "Let's give him some time to sort out things with himself. We have stressed him enough. Maybe one day he will open up to us."

"Yes, you're right." Miko nodded his head. "Let's give him some space."


Chris drove himself in his car, he wanted to drive home but on a second thought changed his mind. He drove to a ring mall. He will buy a ring and propose to Cass. He won't beg Jane to marry him for the sake of his Mom. If she doesn't want to marry him, she can go to hell for all he cares. He drove his way to the ring mall down the road. He puts on his sunglasses and a cap over to his head to avoid being the center of attention. He didn't want any bizarre fan or fans coming up to him to request a selfie or an autograph from him.

This black sunshades and the cap will do the trick. The camouflage is great, after wearing the sunglasses and the cap. He stepped down of his car and marched his way inside the mall.

He reached the counter and asked the female attendant the kinds of engagement rings they have. "Can I see your rings?." He said.

"Yes sure." The female attendant smiled at him. She brought out the rings from the glass showcase which they are displayed in. She brought about five of different rings back to the counter, showing it to him.

"What brand is this?." He asked the female attendant, picking up a gold ring that caught his attention.

"That is prong." The female attendant replied. "18 karat yellow gold."

"And this?." He pointed at another ring.

"That one is pavé." She responded. "24 karat gold. Stone material- cubic zirconia. Center stone..."

"I don't need the specs." He said, cutting her off. "Just wrap it up for me." He pointed to the pavé ring.

The female attendant looked at him, trying to figure out where she has seen his face. Chris was startled at the way she was looking at him, which made him ask her why she was looking at him that way.

"What?." He asked, raising one of his eyebrows inquisitively. "Why are you giving me that look?."

"You look like Chris or are you…..?." She gasped, covering her hands over her mouth. Are you him?. I'm one of your biggest fan, I love your music."

Guessed the sunglasses and the cap didn't do much of the trick. He smiled at her before answering. "Yes, I am but please don't make it obvious I'm the one. I don't want anyone running up to me for selfies or autographs."

The female attendant nodded her head in agreement. "But can I get an autograph of you?." She asked, hoping he does sign it for her.

"Sure." He smiled. "Where do you want me to sign it for you?." He asked with mischief in his eyes and voice. But with the sunglasses over his eyes, it wasn't obvious and the female attendant was too happy to even notice the words he said.

"Here." She said, showing him the front side of her right hand. She gave him a pen and Chris signed on her hand.

"Any other place you want me to sign?." This time she heard the mischief in his voice and shook her head, laughing nervously.

"No, I'm good." She laughed. "This one is enough for me. But who are you buying a ring for?." She asked with curiosity. "Who's the lucky girl?."

"You." He answered. "I'm buying this ring to propose to you." The female attendant stared at him with eyes wide open and mouth ajar, she knew he was only joking. "Did you see any girl with me here?. Just you and me."

"Stop joking, I know you're not serious." The female attendant said. But anyways whoever the girl is, she's very lucky, I really wish I will be one."

"Didn't you hear me well?." He asked, rhetorically. "I said you're....."

Just then, a man and a woman walked up to the counter, their arms entwined with each other. They seem like a couple but he didn't care.

"Just wrap that pavé ring for me." He said to the female attendant.

"Can I see your rings." The man who came in with the woman said. "And one which will fit this beautiful lady beside me perfectly."

"We have rings that will fit her perfectly." The female attendant smiled at them. "But give me a sec, let me wrap this up for him." She said, referring that Chris

Chris's stomach twisted in disgust at the word the man said. Why should he state it obvious that he's going to propose to the woman beside him?. Can't they not do the lovey dovey things in public?. It always make him want to cringe.

"What brands do you have?." The woman asked.

Wait a minute, he recongized that voice. He turned to take a very close look at the couple beside him and they are not other than Jane and Ethan. What are they doing here?. Did he come to buy a ring he will use to propose to her?.

Jane called off the marriage between him and her just to get Ethan marry her?. The more he thought about it, the more it upset him. She left him because of Ethan, he left him for him. If she loved him as she claimed and cares for him. She would have agreed to marry him because of his mother but he guessed she never liked him at all.

It's always Ethan. She has always been in love with Ethan.

Why are you misunderstanding every thing, Chris?. You made a fool outta yourself that's why she left you.

"Here's the brands we have here." The female attendant said, showing the rings to Jane and Ethan. "This is Neil lane emerald cut ring, this one is 1950 retro-era ring. This is..." She was caught off guard with Chris's sudden action. He took Jane by the arm and led her out of the ring mall.

Ethan was speechless at what just happened. Who's that dude and why would he take the woman he came in with?. He ran after them. Even the female attendant was surprise.

"Hey Mr, who are you and why would you drag me out like that?." Jane asked as Chris dragged her out. "Didn't you see me with someone in there?. This attitude of yours is so uncalled for."

Chris removed his sunglasses and his cap, making her gasp. What is he doing here in a ring mall?. Did he come here to buy a ring to propose to her officially?. Well it's too late now because Ethan is here to do that.

"What are you doing here?." She asked, giving him a skeptical look.

"I should be asking you that question." He retorted. "What are you doing here with him?."

"What kind of stupid question is that?." She asked, looking at him with disgust in her eyes. "Are you blind, can't you see?. We came here to buy our engagement rings."

"Engagement rings?." He asked, pretending to look surprise. "You're getting married to him?."

"Isn't it obvious?." She asked with a rhetoric tone. I'm going to get married to the man who loves me."

"You left me for him?." He asked, surprise. "You called off our engagement cause of him?."

"Hey, how dare you take the woman I came with?." Ethan asked as he marched his way to them. "Being a Rock star doesn't give you the right to do so. Where are your manners?."

"Stay away from this okay?." Chris warned him. "This is between me and her. Don't poke your nose in our business."

"We don't have any business with each other." Jane said, folding her arms against her chest. "We have settled what's between us, so please let me be."

"You snatched the woman I came in with and you are telling me it's none of my business?." Ethan barked. This time onlookers are watching, those who came to the ring mall to do one business or the other were now interested in the scene before them and since Chris is a rockstar- that made people to be more interested in the scene. Some have even started taking pictures and some recording videos of them.

"This girl again." One fan girl prompted. "What's her problem?. Why does she like creating problems with our rockstar?."

"I think there's more between them." One fan boy replied, referring to Jane and Chris. "I mean I have never seen Chris more interested in a female fan the way he's interested in her."

"I'm wondering what kind of spell she casted on him to have his full attention." Another female fan said. "But I thought he and Cass are dating, what's he doing with this low life girl?."

"I don't think he's dating her, that's what we fans assumed." Another guy said. "We shipped her with him."

"I don't like this girl for one bit." One lady said. "She always want to be the center of attention."

Chris looked around and every one's attention was on them. He took her by the arm and led her to his car.

"What are you doing?." Jane asked, surprise at his behavior. "I came here with someone, let go off me." All her yells were abortive cause he made her enter his car. He wore his sunglasses and cap back and made his way to the driver's seat.

Ethan was speechless at the sight before him. What just happened?. He was short of words. When he regained himself, he rushed to the side windshield of Chris's car and started knocking on it.

"Are you insane?." He asked him. "How dare you take my woman away?. If you don't want me to break down your windshields, you should give me back my lady."

But all his threats were abortive cause Chris started the ignition, made a turn and drove out of the ring mall. Ethan entered his own car and speeds off, after them.


"Chris, stop this car." Jane yelled with all her strength but he wasn't listening to her.

"I will not stop this car until you give me a listening ear." He said, his attention focused on the road.

"I said stop this car." She tried to hold the sterling wheel to halt the car but he brushed her hands off. "What exactly do you want?."

"To listen to me." He replied, giving her a quick look before returning it to the road, he looks at the side mirror and saw Ethan's car speeding up to them. He diverts to the left lane of the road, making Jane hit her shoulder against the metal body of the front passenger's door she sat in.

"Are you okay?." He asked, reaching out to touch her when she winced in pain. "Did you get hurt?.

"Don't touch me." She yelled. "Why does it matter to you if I'm hurt or not, there's no pain measured to the one you caused already."

"You are my fianceé so I should care for you." He said, taking her by surprise.

"How many times will I tell you that I'm not your fianceé?." She asked, not expecting an answer from him. "I don't want to marry you, there are many girls in this world who wants to be your wife. Why me, why should it be me?."

"Ethan asked me to marry him, we came to that ring mall to buy our wedding rings and if I had known you were in that mall. I won't have showed my face there." She added.

"I want to ask you." He said. "Do you love him the way you love me or are you trying to use him to push me away?."

She became completely silent at his questions. Who gave him the right to ask her that question?. He doesn't even believe in love so why is he asking her that question?.

"Don't ask me that silly question." She prompted. "It's none of your business if I love him or not, at least he's better than you, you're a dork."

He drove to his house and throughout the remaining of their ride. She didn't talk again, maybe his question took her off guard or she gave up fighting him. And besides Ethan's car wasn't following them anymore, guessed he missed them.

I can picture how Ethan's face will be now.

He brought her to his house, Jane looked at the mighty house before her, in as much as the anger was still in her. She couldn't help taking her eyes off the building, the house is so luxurious and taken care of and this is the first time she's ever been to his house. He's the only one living in this huge house?.

Doesn't he get bored sometimes being the only one in the house?. Well she isn't surprised since he's a rockstar.

He got down from the car, she too did, although she did it reluctantly. "Why did you bring me here?."

"Let's go in first." He said calmly.

"I'm not going in there until you tell me why you brought me to your house?." She inquired with all the rage burning in her. "Do you realize what you just did at the mall?. You created a scene."

"I don't care." He said nonchalantly, as if what he did was nothing.

"You should care." She inserted. "I'm tired of being intertwined with you, the next thing I will see my face all over the net and tabloids or your fans making life miserable for me. Can't you just leave me, I'm sick and tired of you. Stay away from me..."

His next action took her by surprise as he lays his lips against hers, shutting her up. Her eyes widened with shock, she tried to push him away. Fighting her away out of his kiss and hold but that only made it worse cause he kept kissing her.

She kept fighting him to free herself but it only made her grew weak, all the energy in her gone as she finally give in to what he was doing to her. She let him kiss her as she finally closed her eyes, taking in the way he kissed her. His lips feels so soft and warm against her and this is actually the first time he kissed her.

She felt the butterflies in the pit of her stomach leaping in joy. He kissed her, he actually kissed her. She felt herself wrapping her arms around his back, bringing him close to her as he wanders his way in her mouth.